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Chapter 34

When Evangeline stood up, she soon realized this guy wasn´t much taller than her. Perhaps, he stood at 6´2”, compared with her recently increased height, 6´, he´s not so tall, at least not anymore.

Evangeline wanted to see what mortals like to do. Dating is one thing, finding a nice person with whom to share a night of passion, that´s something she´d like to experience.

Soon, she hoped into this guy´s car. He was thrilled. Evangeline had quite the looks, and she was tall. Not that it matters too much, but it certainly makes her shapely legs longer, her body much smoother. Elegant, graceful. This guy likes those kinds of ladies.

“Nice… car.” Evangeline said to the guy.

“This? Pfft, this one´s the old car…” He said, trying to impress her.

Of course she knew this wasn´t the “old” car, maybe this was even his only car. But she didn´t care for that. If he lied, then he did it in order to impress her. Just like Larry said, most men will try to impress the gal with the main goal of taking her to bed faster.

He could be sweet, lovely, tender. Or, he could try to take the role of a stud and just, work his way until she falls for him, for long enough to spend the night together. However, after sex, if she chose not to stay, well, in the end, he got what he wanted.

Evangeline didn´t like to think of herself as just a piece of meat. She knows she´s got a body that lures men, but she´s much more than that. Yet, she´s not looking for a couple, she´s only there to experience sex. Love or not, hot sex will always be hot, and sexy…

“Here we are…” He said as he opened the door for her.

Evangeline stepped in, the place was… small. But it was groomed. Clean, minimalistic. A nice place. A bachelor’s apartment. Which, thankfully, didn´t smell like pizza. It smelled clean, nice. He either didn´t spend too much time in there, or he had someone who cleans, if he´s not the one who cleans on his own.

“Wow, your place looks nice…” She complimented his place, to let him know she was interested.

“Thank you, now… shall I show you my harp…” Sure, the “harp”.

Turns out, he was actually a musician. And he did own a harp. However, things rapidly moved on to where she wanted them.

Soon, they were making out in the couch, her lips kissing his, his lips kissing hers. His hands caressing her body, sending quivers down her spine. She liked it, the feeling, the warmth, this was nice, and it wasn´t even the best part.

While Evangeline was fondling with this man, Larry was busy with his own life. Sitting on the car, while Nellie drives both back home. This was a regular day, boring for the most, but regular.

“So, how´s everything with the therapist? Is she helping you out with your stress?” Nellie asked as she drove off the parking lot from the office.

“Sure, she´s helping me out…” He wouldn´t admit that his “sessions” are actually to help Evangeline date men. Who´d thought so?

“I´m glad. Dr. Eva told me you´re doing good. But that there will be more sessions needed. But that´s ok, after all, there´s a minimum of three months before there´s any significant results.”

“THREE MONTHS?!” He was surprised by that. But what else could he do? He wasn´t even aware if Evangeline would leave any time soon. Therapy or not, who knows how long it would be before he´s away of her claws.

“Minimum. But Dr. Eva said you could need some more time. You see, the fact that stress has such a significant impact on your body, that´s not normal. Your condition…” And so, Nellie started talking, talking and talking.

All about things that were not true. Thing he made up, things Evangeline made up. Would it have been better if everyone was aware that Evangeline´s not a therapist, but the one who´s actually the cause for his shrinking?

Well, he´s sort of “the cause”, but that´s only because it´s his decisions the ones that, as a consequence, end up shrinking him. What he says, how he acts, overall, the mean ways he had to treat women. And now, it all came back to him.

Even right now, he´s not listening to Nellie, at least not fully.

He´s looking out the window, it doesn´t matter what she says, in the end, it´s all lies they told her. But who´d believe him if he said that he shrinks every time he disrespects a woman? That would be even stranger than shrinking out of stress.

Larry´s paying too little attention to Nellie´s words. He knows she´s saying something about the sessions, or something about fast progress. But he doesn´t really care. He knows very well that stress is not the problem, the problem is Evangeline.

As soon as she´s out of his life, things should go back to normal. She said she´ll return him to his original height, right? And she can´t lie, not to him, at least.

“So, you´re not so tense anymore, right? I mean, people at the office are not talking so much about you. Violet told me your workload´s fewer. Ha, you don´t even have to worry about the annoying traffic, I can take care of that.” Sure, because loosing the ability to drive his own car was an amusement.

“Yeah, I feel more… relaxed than last week.” He said, as if he actually didn´t feel the same.

“I´m glad… I´m really glad this is working. You know, at first, I had my doubts. I mean, the doctor came literally out of nowhere, but she was willing to help? I was amazed.” Shit, now Larry has to listen to a whole speech about things that are not true.

Nellie was talking, and talking, about how nice Evangeline was, how sweet, attentive. All those compliments to her, they made Larry sick. She was the one causing his shrinking, she deserves nothing, no credit, no nice thoughts, nothing.

He felt so bitter on the inside, he wanted Nellie to stop talking. To stop saying things as if Evangeline was good. She wasn´t good, she was punishing him. Larry was on a divine punishment now. He can´t say a word about it, but his actions have consequences.

What was the best solution for this? Jump off the car? Cover his ears? He didn´t care for what Nellie had to say about Evangeline. No one knows her the way he does.

He simply stopped paying attention. Looked up the front and stopped listening. Trying to think on something else while Nellie spoke. A song, a TV dialog, anything in order to keep her words, all those kind words about Evangeline, out of his ears.

If he doesn´t pay attention to her, then he won´t get mad. However, there´s something else going on…

Even if Nellie´s complimenting Evangeline, she´s also sharing her thoughts, her feelings. She´s happy for him, she´s actually very happy for him. But he´s not listening to that, in fact, he´s not listening to her at all. Which is also a reason for him to… shrink.

Not listening to a woman is literally a thing he already fell on once. And this would be the second time so… he´ll shrink down by two inches.

Larry felt it, the odd feeling, the strange quivers all over his body. He felt nauseous for a moment, but it was only two inches, so it went on fast.

He had to blink, take a deep breath. He knows it happened again. Evangeline will not spawn, or appear, yet, her voice, inside his head, said: “You should be listening, not listening to a woman will shrink you down… I hope being down to 3´3” helps you understand…” It will.

“You´ll see, soon they will find a cure for you, Larry, I´m sure.” Nellie said at the end. She was looking straight at the rode, so she didn´t notice Larry going down to 3´1”, however, he did.

Nellie can´t know it happened. After all, two inches is not that much of a difference, right? He can avoid suspicion, avoid unnecessary explanations. How else can he explain he lost two inches?

Things are supposed to be cool right now, easy, peaceful. If no one points it out, he won´t say a word…

Still, what happened with those two inches? Easy, Evangeline found them…

Evangeline´s an omnipotent being, therefore, she knows exactly what Larry did, and his mistake, well, it´s her gain.

As this guy takes her clothes off, Evangeline can feel those two inches kicking in. Slowly, warmly. Going from six-feet-tall to six-foot-two. Isn´t that this guy´s height? Well, he surely won´t notice. But she is.

The expansion, she can feel her boobs growing larger, her butt growing too. Her legs, thickening up a little, specially on her expanding thighs. Two inches isn’t much, but she´s certainly aware of her growth. She can sense it, she can feel it, her limbs growing larger, some flesh going straight to her curves.

Her hips, a bit wider, her boobs, heavier. She can feel her body expanding under the caresses of this man. He´s too hot to notice, but she can.

This may not be such a big spurt, still, this is still some change. Now, she´s as tall as this man. Overall, she´s grown seven inches taller. And her body has expanded in the most sensuous of ways. Fleshy, but slim, shapely, lean, sexy.

Evangeline´s unsure if men feel attracted towards taller women. After all, aren´t models tall? And all men seem to want a sexy, tall model for a girlfriend. Men should feel attracted towards taller women, right? And Evangeline´s certainly growing into one.

By now, she´s already tall, which should drag men´s attention, but she´s well aware that, in the future, she´ll reach new heights…

Sex was a new discovery for her. Same height as the guy or not, this feels nice.

His lips, kissing all of her. His warmth, she can feel his passion emanating from his body. This felt nice, both are dancing, but without a music. Sharing, but without giving. They are under a spell called lust, and now, they are moving as their lust tells them to.

Soon, his member found it´s way inside her pussy. His hardened member being inserted inside her. It felt hot, rough, yet gentle.

This was certainly something she´s been looking for. Something new, hot. So much touching, their hands caressing their bodies. The feeling of their naked flesh. Warm, hot, passionate.

It was something new for Evangeline, still, this was just the beginning…

Things were not easy to Larry. This whole thing of losing height, it sucks. Really sucks.

Life is not easy for a man who has to see his peers as large amazons. All women seem to have doubled in size, but, isn´t it the other way around?

Evangeline´s punishment works, certainly. Now, Larry stands, literally, half as tall as he was. The 28-year-old man stands at 3´1”, a little above half what his 6´1” frame used to be.

This isn´t fun. This isn´t good. Everyone towers above him; he can see straight at the butt of some, straight at hip-level. Or even lower.

How could this get any worse? Simple…

Right before his eyes, right in front of his office, there´s two ladies. One of them is Violet, who´s wearing her usual pencil skirt, and a white blouse, open enough to reveal some sensuous cleavage.

Violet stands tall, as tall as her usual 6´2” frame always stands. Looking much taller to him now. However, that was not it. Violet stands before another woman, with whom she´s talking. A woman just as tall as her, Evangeline.

Well, to Violet, she´s Dr. Eva. A woman who´s her same height?

Larry knows Evangeline´s growing as fast as he shrinks. Each of his lost inches all go to her. But this, now she´s as tall as Violet? Violet was the tallest woman there was, and now Evangeline´s also the tallest?

This was odd, off, strange. All of her recently gained inches, they all come from him. The only reason why she stands so tall, it´s him! Which makes him feel dumb, now, he´s not only shrinking, but his mistakes seem to grow her too? Wasn´t it enough before?

“I know, getting shoes is soooo annoying. The other day I found such a cute pair, but when I asked, they told me they don´t carry my size, isn´t it awful?” Violet was saying.

Now that Evangeline´s a tall girl, just like Violet, is she looking for advice?

If she´s an angel, can´t she just… summon clothes on her? Appear dressed as she thinks? With the mere power of her thought, shouldn´t she be able to spawn any kind of clothes she wants?

Yes. But she would like to have a more regular experience. Go shopping, besides, maybe she can find a nice man with whom to have some nice sex…

“It´s hard to be a tall lady, but we can´t complaint too much, can we? After all, look at us, so tall, and with legs so long, all guys must lurk at you too, right?” Evangeline said, trying to make some casual conversation, however…

“I… I don´t really like it when they… stare. I mean, I know I´m tall, but having a guy lurking? Do you like it?” Evangeline certainly doesn´t know how to make small talk.

But things are different for her. Violet´s always been tall, but Evangeline hasn´t. Besides, Evangeline´s on a mission, to have the most normal experiences. And sex is one of them.

To be stared at by men, to lure men, be a hottie, that´s what will help her with her seductive goals.

Evangeline wants to have sex. Find a man, and that the man comes her way and seduces her. To touch her, to kiss her. Last night was amazing, a new experience for her, and quite a pleasant one.

Still, she knows there´s no chance she´ll meet that guy again. He didn´t share his number, or ask her for hers. Besides, he seemed a bit curious when she kissed him goodbye. For starters, she kissed him with passion on her way out, and second, they were even.

Just as tall, which he could´ve found odd. Imagine, meeting a lady, and that the next morning, she´s as tall as you? That would be creepy.

Larry walked in while they were both still talking. Violet was too busy so she didn´t notice him, however, Evangeline was very aware of him.

“Good morning, Lawrence. How are you feeling today?” Said Evangeline, with her most polite tone.

“Oh, hi, Larry. How are you?” He was… fine?

He was certainly estranged. Both women are towering! He´s right at their crotch level. Looking up to it, actually. Being below hip-level with them, well, it makes them seem a bit more imposing.

As he stands there, he´s got one concern, that they don´t notice his size. In reality, he´s only concerned about Violet, Evangeline already knows.

Luckily, Nellie didn´t notice yesterday. But Violet´s more… attentive when it comes to size. As she looks down at him, his concern is that she suddenly says the words: “Are you shorter?” Maybe she can´t notice five inches from high above, but what if she does?

If she does, then she´s surely going to tell Nellie about it, and this could lead to a lot of unnecessary explanations.

But there´s something else to it. How can she notice if her boobs are right in the middle? From his point of view, he can barely see her face. Her enormous breasts make it impossible for him to see the entirety of her face. Unless she bents a little.

Same thing goes for Evangeline, yet, are her boobs bigger? Certainly, Violet´s boobs are still bigger, but not by much. Evangeline´s growing, noticeably!

Their hips seem equally wide, their waists just as narrow. All of their proportions are almost the same. Can Evangeline grow as she pleases? Can she grow certain aspects of hers in particular?

While he stood before them, feeling almost as if he was beneath them, he stopped to wonder, even if just for a second, can she?

Grow immense boobs, wider hips, a tremendous, round ass. Legs with thicker thighs, acquire a hourglass figure.

Both women look so imposing, and to him, they just keep getting bigger. Taller, thicker, fleshier. They may not be the ones growing, well, Evangeline is.

But even all those people who are… still the same, they seem to be growing. To him, it´s the world that has expanded, not the other way around. He needs to crane his neck too much, only to meet the underside of a woman´s breasts. Looking straight forward, he usually meets women´s crotch.

His perspective is all messed up, and using things hasn´t come easy. He literally needs to put books on his chair in order to reach.

How long, for how much more will Evangeline keep up with this? He´s already seeing things from an annoying point of view. Just how much smaller does he have to get before she revokes this punishment? Before she finally let´s him go?

“Follow me, Lawrence, we´ve got a lot to work on today.” Said Evangeline, while smiling. But her polite smile doesn´t trick him, she´s not an angel, to him, she´s devilish!