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Chapter 12

Dean spent a whole week trying to work his thoughts to perfection. Making sure he´s focused on what he wants and not so much on other things. His mind constantly betrayed him as he wished for larger women.

Sometimes, he just messed up things. At times, he wasn´t very specific, and some other times he kept asking for more.

He must trace a plan and stick to it. Work things from scratch, and once he gives some form to it, take it to the end.

He made some improvements, but not exactly making it as he wished for. Now, his boss was sweet with him, but too sweet. And his neighbor was not so annoying anymore, but she was still moody.

Something he never thought of doing was to work his way with the landlady, but he ended up making her bigger while sex, so she kind of crushed him a little.

Every time, his mind just doesn´t seem to focus on the right things. Things come up as he wanted, but with some turn in the end. A twist, something unwanted. Things go over the limit he should´ve set.

He knew he had to work on it. Else, he´ll live in a world where all women are amazons, but none of them is interested in him. Or, if this works against him, he may end up living in a world where all women have an interest in him.

And, by the looks of how things have been, they may be of the obsessed type. He doesn´t want all women to hunt him down. He´d like it for things to work on a smooth way, not him running away from a horde of lusty amazons.

Although, a bunch of sexy, amazonic women running behind you, it wouldn´t be so bad. Still, he won´t take the risk.

He spent a full week working on his thoughts. The whole seven days, meditating. Trying to come up with ideas, and then, sticking up with those ideas.

He didn´t dare thinking on anyone he knew. He wouldn´t want to take the risk and end up walking out of his house only to meet his female acquaintances bigger, thicker, fleshier. He wants to work this in a smooth way, not going all the way in in one night.

He meditated, thought of no one in particular. Thought about the changes, the growth. Bigger boobs, thicker legs. Rounder butts. Legs that went for miles and miles.

Taller, bustier, bigger, sexier. He´s unsure if he has succeeded. He needs to put this into practice.

On Monday, he walked out of his place. He was thoughtful. Dean wanted to know if it had worked. He made some research online, on how to focus your mind. Often, it was mean to be more productive at work, but he´ll use it to be more productive on… growth.

“Ok, let´s see…” he thought, looking around.

He was on his way to the office, and he was on time, he didn´t want to be late today. If he can´t make silly thoughts work his way, then he won´t be able to get away with a delay on his arrival time.

He decided to go for something easy. Something simple, quick. He didn´t even needed to know the names of these people.

Dean walked past a random restaurant. One with some chairs outside, and with a couple customers. On a table in particular, there were three ladies. One with blonde hair, one with raven hair, and the other one with caramel-brown hair.

He could see their casual outfits. The blonde lady was wearing a tight tank top. The one with the caramel hairs was wearing a white t-shirt, and the last one was wearing a sleeveless shirt. All three seemed about his age.

They were pretty. So, he had an idea.

Something quick, something casual. They didn´t even had to know his name, and he didn´t have to know theirs. He just walked by, took a deep breath and said, with all his thoughts in mind…

“Ladies…” He wasn´t a Casanova, that´s for sure, but he had a certain… power.

He knows that, on a regular day, all three of them would´ve thought he was a creep. Why would an office guy like him greet them all? There was no need. It would be annoying. However, even if this was a regular day, he was no regular guy.

Soon, all three of them started growing. The tallest of them must´ve been 5´9” or so, but after he worked a bit on them, that changed.

Their clothes were tighter, but no seams were ripped. As if their regular fit was tight. Their heads rose higher, their legs grew longer. Their boobs swelled bigger, rounder, heavier.

As he past them by, he made them 6´5” amazons. It would be easier to make them equally tall. He just focused his mind on a height, on a big cup size, fleshier, sensuous bodies, and, of course, a friendly greet.

“Hi…” All three said, smiling, even waving at him. They seemed happy to see him, as if he was famous, a star, someone.

This was certainly to make a test. To see if this last week has been worth it. The absence of growth, and surely, it was!

They greeted him casually, as he wanted. All paid attention to him, as he wished. He felt welcomed, which boosted his self-esteem a bit.

He smiled at them, the brunette chuckled, and the other ones giggled, but without making a sound. He felt good.

“It worked!” He thought, walking without losing style.

Maybe the rest of the people at the place wonder, who´s that? Why did they all greeted him? Is he famous? Do they know him? And the answer is, no, nothing special about him, only that, this guy, he´s able to control his new power.

Dean walked down the streets proud. He felt powerful. He turned just to make another few trials. He made every woman he looked at taller, but not too much, three inches was enough.

Some, he made them bustier, others grew larger butts. Some grew thicker, some others got leaner. Every single one of them changed as he wished.

Unlike those three girls, none of these other ladies noticed him, because he didn´t want to be noticed.

This is only a trial, before he got to the office and actually got some work done…

What would he do over there? Get a bonus? Talk with Mrs. Clark and get a bonus? A promotion? How about some vacations? He can chat with her, make it inevitable for her to give him what he wants. That wouldn´t be bad.

Now that he´s, apparently, able to make women grow and do as he wants, why not getting some more benefits?

He entered the building, with one thing in mind, find Mrs. Clark. But, as he was on his way there, he spotted someone else… someone busty…

Dixie, she was a coworker. They worked at the same floor, with a slight difference on shift-hours. She was a bit older than him, maybe she was already 30, it was hard to tell since she was so pretty.

Her hairs, red, her lips, burgundy. Her skin was a little pale, but he could change that…

She was minding her business, taking some copies on the machine, still… maybe they can have a bit of fun at the room…

“Dixie, hey! You look great! Have you done something with your hair?” He´s never really speak to her much, maybe a casual greeting every once in a while, but now, how about something else?

His mind´s focused on it. She was 5´6”, how about making her a whole foot taller? And her boobs, they are certainly E-cups, but how about K-cups? No! M-cups! Wider hips, a bigger butt, fleshier thighs, all to give her some balance.

And what does she want? Well, how about… Dixie was hot, and now that he´s there… why not having a nice time?

Before his eyes, Dixie grew taller, thicker, fleshier, sexier! Her bosom filled her top, then, a couple buttons popped from her blouse. Her hips widened, now, her skirt struggled to contain such an immense butt. She was so sexy, so big, so curvaceous.

“Well… hello there…” she said, with a sensuous voice, her cheeks crimsoned, and soon, she threw herself over him.

Maybe it was his fault not to be specific on how things would go. Maybe he should´ve thought on making her horny, but at a point where they can slowly make their way to some passion. Instead, she threw herself over him. Not as much as to tackle him, but she certainly wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a deep kiss.

He was on with it, this was a reminder that he needs to take everything in consideration before actually making it happen. But as her tongue finds its way inside his mouth, he doesn´t care.

He wasn´t sure if she was already so intense, or if he had something to do with it. He must keep that in mind too, however, he´s having a quite nice time.

Her enormous bosom smothers his face, her boobs are big, round, warm. And most of all, soft. He´s fondling with her enormous cleavage as her hands pull down his pants.

Before he could even tell, they were locked inside the room, naked, enjoying the moment.

They were having sex on the floor, her kisses, so passionate, so deep. Her moans, so soft. Her touch, it made him tremble. Who would´ve thought…

Dixie was passionate, tender, hot, hungry! He spent about half-an-hour in that room, together with the ravenous amazon. She was all over him, she didn´t allow him to make a move. The only thing he could do was to grab her butt, and squeeze her tits, for the rest, she took care.

When they walked out, adjusting their clothes, she smiled, bent over and kissed him, passionately, but quick.

“Mmmm, just what I needed…” she winked at him.

Then, she walked away, carrying the copies under her arm.

He took a look at her, seeing how her sensuous butt swayed, he made that happen. Bigger, rounder, sexier. Her butt even trembles a little as she walks away.

Dean knows this worked as he wanted. He´s certain things will change. It´s true, he didn´t consider all things, but he didn´t mess things up while having sex.

Now, he needs to wash all of her kisses off his face. And then, he´ll head up to his office. He entered the building about 35 minutes ago, and he hasn’t logged into his computer. He wasn´t late, but he hasn´t done a thing either. Which is just as good as fooling around.

“Hmmm… should I make an excuse?” He thought, wondering what Mrs. Clark would say, but there´s no need. He´ll just go over there and think on something. After all, now he´s got some more control on this…

He´s not sure what to do. Mrs. Clark already went from the stern boss to a sweet woman. And she also went from 5´6” to 6´8”. The boss is tall, standing at 7´ with her heels. However, if she´s the boss, shouldn´t she be taller? He´s already making most women about 6´5” or so.

Dean´s uncertain, should he make the boss taller? Bigger? A more boss-like size? How about making her 7-feet-tall on her bare feet? How about making her thicker, make her boobs go all the way down the alphabet?

He´s uncertain, but he´ll know once he gets there.

“Let´s see how she reacts over the fact that I´ve been late… hmmm, wouldn´t it be fun if she didn´t care? No, that could make her distant… how about if she gets worried? I could´ve been late for a reason…” he wasn´t sure how he was going to work things out.

Changing her mood would certainly change her reaction. Mostly if he changes the way she is around him. What could be nice?


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