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Chapter 4

After a short, despite annoying wait for the appointment, both Jeannie and Troy were inside the doctor´s office. The office of Dr. Miriam Walton.

An immaculate room, with a huge drawer to store results and patient´s data. A computer over the desk, which was wood-crafted and with a glass top. The room was nice, however… the doctor was nervous.

The look of Jeannie, she had those looks when you can tell that, any slight bad news will spill the glass. And, unlucky for the doctor, she didn´t had such good news.

Both were sitting right before Dr. Walton´s desk. Troy, as many, many times, was there as… emotional support, at best. So he was not really focused or worried about things. He´s certain that the specialists at the clinic will surely resolve this issue.

However, Jeannie´s not so sure. She´s learned something with age, never trust anyone. Mostly people who charge a lot for the job they do. It´s not like they are bad, but age has made her just a little paranoid, plus, when paying some good money, you need some good results.

“So? What news do you have for me, doc?” Jeannie said. Dr. Walton must admit that, the sight of this now 6´3” amazon sternly asked. With a hint of annoyance on her tone. She was sure they didn´t have good news. Still, she needed to hear them from the doctor.

“Well, Mrs. Carlisle, we´re sorry to inform you that,” sorry to? Jeannie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms under her huge bosom as the doctor tried to explain the situation. Even Dr. Walton had a hard time finding the words to explain. “We´re not certain what´s triggering the… the growth.”

“What? So you DON´T know what you´ve DONE?!” Jeannie almost stood up from the chair.

Troy was a bit surprised by such reaction, he thought she liked to be bigger. Just last night she said how much better her breasts´ size was to smother his face with them.

“No, it´s not that way, Mrs. Carlisle.” Replied the doctor, trying to ease things a bit. “We have a theory. Since this treatment works in a cellular level, we believe that your cells have been slightly affected.”

“Slightly? I´m freakin´ 6´3”! That´s not “slightly”, I should be about… your size. This is VERY unprofessional.” She was upset.

“I know, and I… we apologize for that inconvenient. It seems our treatment has triggered your cells a bit. More specifically, on a certain hormonal level…” which means, she´s growing, and will keep growing. They are unsure how to stop it. Most likely, she´ll keep growing until her cells stabilize. Which is… not what she wanted to hear.

“WHAT! So I´ll keep growing until who knows when? Doctor, I came here for a solution, not for an explanation on how to walk the pain away. Is that really your best solution?!” Jeannie was mad.

“I´m afraid… this is the best we can do. If your… body enlargement gives you some pain, well, I can prescribe you some pain killers, and a few other things in order to… make your growth more… smooth?”

This was stupid. Jeannie didn´t start the treatment for it to make her a huge amazon! Yes, she was young, and Troy´s now all over her. Even the rest of the people looks up to her for her changes. Quite literally.

Jeannie was mad, she was upset. However, there was a bright side in this…

She´s been thinking this, over and over. She was certain they wouldn´t come up with a cure in just one week.

As they first explained, it took them nearly a decade to come up with the treatment. One week was not nearly enough time to resolve this. But this “side effect”, maybe she can work with it.

So far, becoming young again, that was worth the trouble. Plus, now that she´s 6´3”, and surely still growing, she knows this will dote her with something more than just a desirable body.

Respect, she´ll become an imposing woman. Not just by her position, or wealth. Most people don´t know who she really is. However, everyone will look up to the imposing 6´3” amazon when she walks their way. And not just that, as Dr. Walton explained, she´ll get bigger and bigger.

She knows one thing, this treatment´s experimental, and only a couple people have started it. Jeannie´s had an idea, on how to make business with it.

“Troy, dear, can you give us a moment, alone…” Jeannie asked.

He just followed her orders, for as kind as she sounded, they still felt like orders. He walked out of the room and went to the waiting room. Then, it was time for Jeannie to start talking business.

“So, Dr. Walton, I´m curious, have I been the only one who´s… side effect is this… growth?”

“Well, I… I´m not allowed to discuss the other patients results with you, ma´am. I´m afraid that´s confidential information.” Dr. Walton replied.

“I´m not asking you to show me their medical registers. What I´m asking is, does the growth come as a specific side-effect? Because, if it is, maybe we can do some business here…” Jeannie said, changing from her mad tone to a more business-like one.

“I´m not sure where this is going, Mrs. Carlisle.”

“What I mean is… do you think your clinic might be looking for an… investor?” Now they are talking business…

Jeannie had some business in mind for this treatment. Maybe she can get the best out of this side effect it has had on her.

Jeannie´s got a lot of plans for this clinic. And she´s certain they could use the money. A clinic that advertised themselves on an internet ad? And their place, it´s clean, however, it could use some improvements.

Now, if they were to receive some economical help from a certain someone. With the condition that they will make her a partner. Then, that might change…

It will take a while, but Jeannie´s sure she´s made the right decision on where she invests her money. Besides, growing is not so bad. She knows Troy´s more than excited for her most recent “development”.

At first, she thought he´d feel intimidated for having a girlfriend, not just older, but now much bigger. That somehow, he´ll feel a bit emasculated as she grows more and more. But that´s not the case.

She can tell he loves her growing body. Her expanding flesh, her enlarged assets. The way he now worships her larger form, he´s not just excited, he´s passionate. He craves for those nights when they share some intimacy.

Which, in a way, makes her a bit sad. Didn´t he love her before? He said he did, but the truth is, she can tell he likes her more like this.

But she can´t let him see this side of hers. She has to be the strong, confident woman he fell in love with. Because, that´s why he fell for her, right?

Because she was bold enough to step out, to go for him. She proved her that, just as him, she worked hard for what she wanted.

She refuses to believe he´s just with her because of the money. The passion, the way he loves her, that´s real. How he worships her body, that´s true love, and mostly lust. Still, he wasn´t feeling that was before the treatment…

Both were out of the clinic and on their way home within an hour.

Troy was concerned, what did they talked about while he was out? There´s no way Jeannie blamed him for what happened, right?

She´s said it before, this wasn´t his fault. He had the purest of intentions when he came up with the treatment. This was meant for them to be a more “regular” couple. Looking leveled in age. Even if she was technically still a 62-year-old woman. She didn´t look older than 30.

And, with her size, her body. There´s no chance anyone will be focused on her age. Besides, the treatment´s had these new effects on her. Her skin looks better and better. So smooth, so soft.

And she knows he loves that. He can´t keep his eyes off of her now. Which she loves. It makes her feel so nice, so loved, so powerful! And… desired. She knows he looks at her with lust in his mind. And that´s totally fine, after all, they are lovers…

“So, uhm… did they gave you any more news when I left?” He was trying to be a part of this, a more active part. He can´t risk losing her.

Before, he was sure it will be really hard for her to find a better man than him. He was basically a trophy. But now, with her beauty, and her… size. With that hot, and young-looking body of hers, that chance has grown!

Now, he needs to work hard in order for Jeannie not to break-up with him. And to think that he never thought that would be possible.

“Not much, honey. They just don´t have anything for me. Nothing more than advice. Oh, and the regular: “Please come back if you are feeling any pain…”, blah, blah, blah. But, there´s nothing to worry, I assure you I feel as good as ever!” In fact, she feels like a million-dollars… or several millions.

“Oh, well… that´s bad. But, as long as you feel good. I guess… I guess that´s great, right?” She could tell he was nervous, and the way his hands were clench on the steering wheel, he´s tense.

“Troy, are you ok?” Jeannie asked, putting her larger hand on his shoulder.

“What? Me? Pfft, of course I´m ok. It´s… it´s you the one who´s… got me worried.” He replied, looking at the road. And he was telling the truth. Her growth was fantastic. She was so sexy, but, how much more will she grow?

And, is there a chance she´ll change him for a bigger model? Will he still be able to please her when she gets… taller?

“Aww, how cute. But don´t be afraid, dear. I´ll be fine. I´m only going to get a little bigger… hopefully.” Well, not exactly…

Later, on Wednesday. Jeannie decided to take the day off.

“Troy! Troy, where are you?” She said, walking down the hall.

Her steps, her larger body made this stomping sounds on the floor as her wider hips swayed from one sensuous side to the other.

She´s still growing, as expected. And there´s a few things she´s noticed. Yes, all things are smaller-looking, but that´s because her body is constantly growing. And what comes with the growth?

Well, large hands, large feet, together with longer limbs. She´s got a sensuously proportional body. She hasn´t just enlarged, she really has expanded.

Her legs are longer, but they have also filled up with smooth, sensuous flesh. Doting her with large, feminine curves. She´s got a firm-looking body, yet, she´s so soft to the touch.

Wide, smooth hips, with long, shapely legs giving motion to her body. A trimmed waist that gives her a sexy hourglass figure. And, on top, she´s got this massive G-cups. That bounce with her every step.

In fact, now that she´s wearing a bikini, it´s three times harder for her boobs not to bounce teasingly in the air. And her butt, the fabric of her bottom´s sinking between her round, firm glutes as she walks.

However, Jeannie doesn´t feel uncomfortable, she feels sexy. Hot.

“Troy?” For some reason, she´s having a hard time finding him.

Soon, the main door was opened, and she went straight to see who this was. But this could be no other than Troy. Only he has another key.

“There you are! What happened, honey, did you forget our date at the pool?” Jeannie asked, from the top of the stairs.

“No, I was…” he replied, carrying a box with him as he walked in. But he was cut off by the sight of Jeannie. She was a muse! Taller, sexier, prettier!

He can hardly speak as he glares at Jeannie. She´s become such an amazon. Standing now at 6´5”, with the sexiest, and most alluring of shapes. Plus, her tiny bikini displays nearly all of her sensuous body.

As she walks down the stairs, he feels captivated by her beauty. Silent, paying attention to her majestic body as she walks down the stairs. With her massive rack bouncing, together with the thick flesh of her smooth thighs.

And her bikini, an old fashioned-style bikini that only makes her wide hips look wider.

He can´t really tell her he was out getting something for her. That´s right, he´s now the one bringing all the gifts for the other. Still, she´s the one who pays. He´s got this sort of salary she gives him every week. But that´s unimportant.

Right now, he´s carrying the biggest box of her favorite chocolate that he could find. Decorated with a nice bow.

Jeannie knows he´s got something for her, he´s been doing this for a while. Maybe as a way to apologize for making her grow? Whatever the reason is, it´s really sweet of his.

“Is that for me?” She asked, now standing in front of him, looming now four whole inches above him. He´s looking right to her lips now.

“I… yes! Uhm… here.” He said, feeling more than nervous as she handed her the box.

“Aww, how cute. You shouldn´t have…” But she´s glad he did. “Ok, I´ll forgive you for making me wait. But make this the last time, ok? I´d like to know whenever you´re out of the house. However… if it is to bring a surprise like this home…” she opened the box and grabbed one piece, a chocolate piece, with an almond center, “Mmmm, then I guess I can´t be mad.” She was so sweet.

But mostly, hot. She was a delight to his sight. It really was a pleasure to see her.

“Now, go get changed, I´ll be waiting for you at the pool,” Jeannie said as she drove another piece of chocolate to her mouth, “but I can´t promise this will be waiting for you too…” and so, she grabbed her third piece of chocolate.

Then, she caressed his cheek, and turned to walk away.

Her back, watching her leave, with her long legs and that big, firm, bouncy ass of hers. Wearing that tiny bikini, there wasn´t much left to the imagination. She was a goddess!

“W-will… I´ll be right there!” He said, finally able to speak a full sentence. Seriously, in what kind of spell does she have him?

Troy ran to his room and got changed. He walked out of the house and walked straight to the pool, where Jeannie was already waiting for him.

“Mmmm, you know, I think you look tastier than this box of chocolates was…” she said, literally pointing at the empty box. Where nearly 50-pieces of chocolate once stood.

Jeannie wasn´t lying, he was hot. His abs were perfect, his pecs were hot, and his shoulders were wide and manly. Yes, she may be taller, and probably bigger. And she doesn´t want to know, but she´s heavier too. Her massive boobs and butt also weight, you know…

However, Troy´s right what she likes. An athletic, muscular man. Maybe he´s shorter than her, but that doesn´t make him any less handsome.

“What are you waiting for, hon, come here while the water´s… warm…” and it could probably get hot…

He did, he jumped into the pool and went straight to where she was. On the deepest part of the pool.

While they were floating near the edge, she´s not that much taller. Maybe just an inch above him. Which gives her the perfect angle to come over and kiss him, tenderly, wet.

Passion, passion´s a more constant part of their day-to-day. They kiss in every chance, share more and more time together, even if she´s returned to the office on a nearly daily-basis. And, making love every night is what she loves the most.

“Well, look at this… the top just fell off…” Jeannie said, lifting her soaked bikini top with her right hand.

Troy swallowed, and sank a little on the pool as he watched her. Trying to see her naked breasts under the waves on the pool.

“Should I put it back on or… maybe the bottom should be gone too?” He loved this, the tease, the constant tease of hers.

So clever, so arousing, so HOT! She knows that, every time, she´s got him eight where she wants. He just can´t resist her big charms.

Even if she wasn´t trying, he´ll be fixed in nothing more than her naked flesh.

It became more common, how he ogles at her when she´s wearing light clothes, the way he looks up at her, how he glares at her when she leaves the room, how he gives her all of his attention when she comes in.

She loves it!

But, just now, as both are naked, kissing on the pool right before they enter the house and take things upstairs, Jeannie´s unsure. Is this really love? Or is she choosing to live in some sort of lie?

He´s so attentive, giving so much of his. But why now? Why just now that she´s getting bigger, sexier? Well, of course that´s the real deal. But she didn´t want things to be like this.

She wanted the treatment to reinforce their relationship. To make the love for each other become stronger, and just like her, to grow bigger and bigger.

So far, the only thing that´s increased, aside of her height, is his lust. Yes, he´s passionate, but it´s always in order to have sex. When he looks at her, she knows he gets hornier by the second.

The gifts are fine, but what do they mean? Are they like: “I´m so glad we´re together” gifts, or guilty gifts? Is Troy hiding something?

All the things everyone´s said, about him being interested on her money, well, she had some second thoughts, but she never wanted to say a thing. But now, she knows he´s not only there for the money. Still, is he with her for the right reasons? She needs to find out…



Troy, dude, if you don’t love this woman step aside you dope. We all want a chance!


Surely! LOL. But keep an eye on this story ;) I have some sweet plans...