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Chapter 14

Steph´s heart was broken. She walked out of the room. She just had the proof she needed.

Noah´s phone just proved it. Molly send him a text, she´ll meet him. And won´t meet him anywhere. No, he wasn´t having this affair where he meets his lover at a distant place. No, Molly was meeting Noah at his place, right at their apartment.

A place Steph thought of their own, personal home. A place she thought will be where they can make their love grow stronger. Where he´ll soon learn how to show his true love, and where she can finally be sweeter, lovelier. But it seems, that´s not the case.

Steph walked out of the room. She was overwhelmed. That lady, Molly, she was coming. When? No idea. But Noah had this sort of date with her.

Was Steph being too paranoid? Maybe she got things wrong? But what could´ve she misunderstood? Her message was clear.

“Sure! I´ll meet you at your place, just let me know the time.”

Why will she come? She wondered. What will they do? Besides, when will that time come?

She was too annoyed to think straight. She could hardly believe it. She just put a lot of effort to show her lovely nature, and now, reality hits her hard on the face. While they fool around in bed, there´s another woman who Noah will certainly love more.

A woman who´s skin he´d love to caress. Whose hair he´d love to touch, to smell. Her sweet scent. Her soft skin, touch her naked body.

Steph´s got a lot of ideas in her mind. She´s seen that nasty Molly, she knows she´s pretty. She´s tiny, but Noah will surely find someone more his height cuter than Steph.

“I was so dumb… why would he stay with me? I´m fucking huge…” she thought, stepping into the living room. She didn´t like how she felt.

For the first time in ages, she felt insecure.

Steph walked into the mirror, and then took a closer look at herself. She´s big, surely. She´s tall, but she´s always been tall. What could be wrong?

Then, she just scanned her whole body with her eyes. Looking at her reflection, up and down, and she could see the problem. Her weight. Steph´s been adding some extra mass to her body.

Extra flesh, making her body thicker, wider, heavier. Maybe Noah´s tired of that. Just seeing her grow, and grow. Her legs thickening, her butt getting bigger. Probably he´s tired of seeing her waist grow wider and wider.

“He must think I´m a whale!” She said, squishing the fat on her stomach. But no, this was not ok. She can´t blame it all on her.

Steph suddenly frowned, this wasn´t her fault. If he´s got a problem with her weight, he must say it, to ger face! Not just dump her and look for the next lady who falls for him. That´s not right.

She wanted to get back to the room, pick up the phone, wake him up and, in a bit of a rough way, get the truth out of his mouth.

But that won´t be something nice to do. In fact, that could be a clear reason why to drop her. She may be overreacting.

“Fuck! What can I do?” she thought, feeling sad. Weak, frail. She can´t be too sad, this isn´t her fault, but she can´t get too mad about it. What can she do?

Steph took a moment to think, but the place where she was, it was only bringing her down. Therefore, she needed to leave.

“Well, if he really loves me, then he´ll miss me…” she said, stepping out of her place. With no idea where, or how long she´ll be gone. Steph just grabbed her purse, her phone and walked out.

She needs to be alone for a while. At least until she clears her mind…

A while later, Noah woke up. He was so tired, having sex with Steph always drains all of his energy. Yes, she may be the one putting the most effort, but keeping it up with a woman her size, that´s like running a marathon. Or at least that´s how it feels to him.

Noah woke up, tired as he always does after an intense session of love-making with Steph. But, today, something was feeling off…

“Steph?” He turned to his side, only to find an empty spot next to him.

Maybe she´s at the bathroom. He thought. She may be at the kitchen preparing something, a snack. But no, that´s not it. He can´t hear it at the kitchen, or the bathroom. In fact, he´s not able to feel her at the house.

Yes, he may be laying in bed, barely awake, but he can tell when the house is empty. And today, that´s the case.

When he turned to look at the time, he realized it was a quarter to midnight. Where is she? Where would she be at this time of the night?

He walked out of the room, just to confirm things. And he was right, she´s not there. She´s not at the house. And when he called her, he went straight to voicemail.

It´s clear he shouldn´t worry if she´s fine. Out of the two, she´s most likely to survive on her own. His question is, where is she? And how long will it take for her to come back?

Usually, she´ll send him a text, simply telling him where she went. But, there´s no text, no note, nothing. And the worse part is, she´s not answering her phone.

As he went outside to check on her car, just to realize it´s gone, he called her, once more.

Five calls, that went straight to voicemail. What´s happening? He was concerned. Worried. Did something bad happened? Why would she leave? And just out of nowhere, so randomly.

“Steph… where are you? Please call me…” He was concerned. He needs to know where she is, if she´s fine. Why would she leave?

Steph could see all of his missed calls. And she heard his voicemail. But she won´t reply.

This proves he misses her. That he´s worried. She can hear it in his voice. The question is, is he sincere?

If he truly misses her, if he truly loves her, why did that girl Molly told her she´ll meet him? What will they do? She needs some time away. But maybe not too much.

Right now, she´s on her way to the only person she knows will give her a good enough advice. Someone who will understand.

At about 2:00 am, she arrived to her destination. She knocked on the door and waited. In the middle of the night.

A light went on inside the house, and then another. Steps coming down the stairs. And then, the front door was open. And when this person appeared.

“Steph, honey, what´s the matter?” She said, Bonnie, with tired eyes, but concern in her voice.

Steph was unsure on what to do. How to deal with this kind of things? How to deal with the fact that your boyfriend may be seeing someone behind your back?

“M-mommy…” she said, suddenly breaking in tears and throwing herself at her mother.

Steph was huge, even for a woman like Bonnie. Bonnie´s 6´4” frame was no match for Steph´s 7´3”. She nearly fell backwards when she fell over her.

“Oh, dear, what´s the matter. Shh, shh, it´s ok, it´s ok…” this wasn´t normal. “Come, come in…”

Steph needed answers, she needs to know what to do. But she also needs someone who will listen. And, on top of that, she needs someone that can calm her down. Someone that tells her everything will be alright.

This is the first time she feels this way. Unsure on what to do. Having the urge to beat him up, but feeling the need to avoid it. Wanting to hurt him for what he did, but having second thoughts, is she right? She´s never doubt before. What must she do?

This was a hard night. For both. Noah was worried, what if something had happened? Why had she left?

And Steph was having her own thoughts, as she laid in her old bed, right at her mother´s place. Looking at the empty ceiling, wondering, what has he done? What is he doing? Didn´t he promised to love her, and no one but her?

But, did he really make that promise? Steph thought he was one of those guys who, if they find a couple, they will stay with her forever. But, what if he´s not like that?

What if their time together is over? What if it´s time to move on?

Still, he should say something first, not just start dating someone behind her back and come with the news one day. Casually telling her things are done.

“No!” She said, smacking her fist against the wall.

“Steph!” Came her mother´s voice from the other room.

“Sorry, mom.” She´s not alone, she can´t really be too loud, and just smack things because she feels like it. “You better not be cheating on me, Noah. Because, I assure you, if you have…” She whispered, making it clear that, if he, the guy she loves, does something like that to her, well, let´s just say things won´t be so nice.

“I mean it mom, what if he´s cheating on me. That message was suspicious, don´t you think?” Steph said, the next morning. Sitting at the kitchen´s table, eating the last pancake on her plate.

“Oh, dear, don´t you think you´re overreacting? The message could mean anything. But, why are you checking on her phone? That´s not polite.” She nagged at her a little.

“Come on, mom. We live together, checking on my boyfriend´s phone is… nothing.” She won´t dare mention she´s been reading his diary. Which reminds her, is there something about the affair written there? She must check, later on.

“It´s not fine. But if he doesn´t mind… but, are you sure he would do something like that? I mean, he´s so shy, I can´t picture your cute boyfriend doing something like that to you. Or anyone, he´s just so sweet.” Bonnie said, right before she asked, “more pancakes, dear?” She was standing right in front of the stove, with three pancakes ready on the hot pan.

“Sure, yes please.” Steph said, stretching her arm while holding her plate, so that her mother could put the pancakes on it. “Thank you!” she said, oh, how she missed her mother´s cooking.

“No problem, honey. But make sure to watch your figure. Remember, a big breakfast´s fine, but try not to do it on every meal…” Bonnie said.

“I know! Gosh…” She didn´t like it when her mom nagged at her. Plus, she hates to talk about her weight.

When she was fit, there was no problem, but now that she´s added a few extra pounds to her frame… She´s feeling full, and now, she feels uncomfortably full. As if she felt full of fat.

“I´m just saying, dear. You´re gorgeous, trust me. But we wouldn´t want that pretty face of yours to get too round, right?”

“Stop it!” Steph said, taking another bite of her pancakes. “I´m fine, I can shape-up in no time…” could she?

This was another worry of hers. What if she´s getting too big? Still, that´s no excuse for him.

But maybe her mother´s right. What if she misunderstood it? What if she misunderstood the message? But, why hasn’t he said a thing? Why has he kept this as a secret.

Steph´s wondering, should she ask him? Risking the fact that she shouldn´t know about this. Or, maybe, she should check on his diary. Making sure he doesn´t know a thing about it.

“You can trust him, believe me. You have to build your relationship with trust. And then, you´ll see, your love will grow!” Bonnie was too sweet, to the point that it was not logical.

“Fine, I´ll talk to him.” Replied Steph, to what, Bonnie smiled. Still, she looked at her just a little more, checking on how, and how fast, she went over those pancakes.

“Dear, how much do you weight?” Bonnie asked.


“Ok, ok, I was just asking.”

Later that day, Steph was back home. She calmed down, thought through all this. The answer, if she wants to put all the blame on him, if he is to blame, then she can´t risk and say a thing about it.

So, she just came home, opened the door and entered their place.

The mood was different. Everything was quiet, too quiet. She just closed the door behind her, and said: “Hello? I´m home…” Was Noah there?

The answer was yes, there´s someone there. As soon as she spoke, she could listen a pair of feet rushing. Was it to her?

She still had this paranoia. What if she comes home to find Noah, in bed with this other woman. Both naked, having sex on a bed where only Noah and Steph should have sex.

Soon, she realized she was wrong. Suddenly, Noah came to sight.

He appeared before her eyes, and soon, he rushed to her. He ran to her. Towards his amazonic girlfriend.

“Steph!” He said, running to her. Crashing with her much larger, and softer frame. “I was so worried…” he said.

With true words, she can tell he was really worried. He´s hugging her tightly, he truly missed her. He really needed her. Where has she been? He was so worried.

The first thing she thought was, how could she be suspicious this man was betraying her? Cheating on her? He can barely keep it together as she stands there. He missed her, to the point where he was so concerned, he may have thought something really bad could´ve happened to her.

“It´s ok, I´m here…” she patted his head with her large hand, and pulled him into her. Warmly, gently.

He was not out of the radar; she still needs to know why this woman Molly was coming. The message could´ve been wrong, right? Maybe it was meant for someone else.

Steph will give him the benefit of the doubt. But soon, she´ll find out.

Even if she doesn´t. Will she be capable of breaking down this man? A man she promised to love. To protect. He can´t be cheating on her. She refuses to believe that.

Soon, the truth will come. Soon, she´ll find out the real truth.

Steph was paranoid. She had the feeling some woman will come out of the closet before her eyes. But this was Noah the one she was doubting of. Was she really suspicious on him? The man that more than once, brought breakfast to bed?

“Maybe that was a faccade… Shit! Steph! Think straight!!!” She´s hating herself right now, and also Noah.

She can´t ask because, well, that will make her the jealous girlfriend. And she doesn´t want to be that way. Still, for how long will she go on with this?

Steph walked out of the bathroom, she needed a shower, and to clear her mind a little. And, as she makes her way to the kitchen, she heard Noah´s voice, speaking, but not to her.

She was curious, who was he talking to?

“She´s back… safe and sound, thankfully.” He was saying to the phone.

“Thankfully?” Steph thought, “Who´ll mess with a woman my size? Thankfully?” She kept paying attention to him. He hadn´t notice she was there, this was her chance.

“I´m not sure, I´ll have to ask her.” Steph was curious as to what they were talking about. But it´s clear, it´s about Steph. About her.

“Yeah, I´m fine… No, I was not too worried. Just the right amount of worry… Do I really have to ask? I mean… ugh, fine, I´ll ask her. But not because you´re telling me to.” Ask what?

Steph noticed he was turning, so she took a couple steps back to hide herself in the dark. And, right behind her, she could hear his last words.

“Thanks for calling. I really appreciate it… Yes, it´s this Sunday. At 3:00 pm… ok, I´ll be waiting for your call. Bye, Molly.” Molly.

“MOLLY!!!” Steph´s face turned red. She was furious.

This Molly was giving him advice on how to talk to her? Who is she and why does she have the need to give him advice?

Steph was mad, again. But she still had to pretend she had on idea what was going on.

Steph walked into the room where Noah was, but she was not going to stay there for long. She walked in, drawing a fake smile on her face. Trying not to clench her fists, not to take the phone away from him and call Molly herself.

“Hi, Steph.” Noah turned. “Uhm… may I talk to you?” He said, a bit nervous.

“Sure!” She said. “But not now, ok?” she didn´t want to talk to him.

“Oh, uhm, ok… later then?” Noah said as his 7´2” girlfriend just passed him by. Walking straight to the kitchen, not looking too much at him. Was she mad at him? He wondered, and the answer´s… yes!

Steph was sure, there´s something going on. Between Noah and Molly. They got something planned.

She was aware Molly was coming to their place, but she had no idea when. Now, she has the date. This Sunday, at 3:00 pm.

“Oh, just wait… Molly,” she said, pronouncing her name with disgust, “Once you´re at MY place, oh, you´ll REGRET seducing MY man…”

She couldn´t help a tear fell down her cheek. A tear, of sadness. Noah, he was cheating on her? How could he? After all she´s done?

Her only comfort, her only consolation was the fact that Molly will be there, and then, on Sunday, things will take a not-so-pleasant turn…


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