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Chapter 51

She held him for a while. Both sitting on the couch. Lillian taking up most of the space the piece of furniture offered. Lillian´s colossal 8-foot-frame was comforting him.

Colin was nervous, worried, concerned. And during all that time, and for as much more he needs, Lillian was holding him. Pulling him close to her soft, large frame. His whole body pinned to her soft flesh.

His head, resting on her enormous tit. She was there to support him, care for him, protect him. She knows he called her because he wants someone to tell her everything will be alright. And even if that´s not actually true, at least she can show affection.

“Lillian…” Colin said, for the first time in over thirty minutes.

“Yes, dear?” She replied.

“Do you think we should go see a doctor?” Her eyes shoot open. A doctor?

He can´t! What if they find out what´s shrinking him? What if they can actually get to know the cause? If they can trace it all down to her milk? It would be something strange, however, it can´t be impossible.

After all, when they find out his condition, a lot of people will be interested in it. Every doctor would want to get famous through him. Just imagine, the first one to find a shrinking-man. Well, he´s not the only man that has shrunk, and she´s unaware if Jonathan´s already seen someone. But the thing is, she can´t risk him seeing someone.

“I don´t know…” she said, looking for a way to persuade him out of it.

He didn´t seem so convinced anyways. His tone, his voice. Colin was unsure of it, unsure of a lot of things. Maybe he didn´t just called her to comfort him, perhaps, he may have called her for advice.

She´s more mature, she certainly has more experience in life. She should have some advice, right?

“You… you don´t think it´s a good idea?” He said, turning up at her, with her boob covering most of her. His eyes were barely seeing Lillian past her enormous tit. And she didn´t have it any easy seeing him. She knew he was there because she was holding him, but she could see nothing more than the top of his head, all the way down to his nose.

“I´m not. Tell me, have you ever heard of something like this?” He cares for what she says, as she expected, it´s time to convince him not to go see anyone. “This is not like a flu, or a headache, they don´t have a treatment.” She must make him afraid of seeing someone.

Which is bad. First, she wanted to support him, and now, she wants him to stay as far from a hospital, or clinic, or any health specialist that can track his shrinking down to her milk.

“I don´t think you´d like it to be the… test subject…” She said.

“T-test? Me?”

“Mhmm, you see, there´s no one else, as far as I know, that has… suffered from something like what´s happening to you. A young guy like you, shrinking? Don´t you think doctors will find it strange? Off? As soon as you enter the hospital, I´m sure they will put you through some tests… and then, oh, I´m sure they will keep you there.”

“Keep me? But… why?” She knew it was working.

“Because, we´re afraid of what we can´t understand. And, as soon as they realize your… condition is not written down anywhere, well, they will keep you there. First, to make sure you´re not contagious, and then, they will run endless tests on you. If you´re lucky, they will take you somewhere else. Somewhere distant, where you´ll be trapped until they find out what´s wrong with you.” She was mean, a big mean woman, and she knows it. But this is for his own good, for both.

Who knows, maybe she´s not so wrong on what she´s saying…

“I wouldn´t trust these… people. Maybe they would want to study you a bit… further…”

“What do you mean by further?”

“Well, just like a frog on biology class. They may want to open you to check if there an… odd piece inside you. You know, to see if a part of you is not working well…” She gave him a lot to think about.

He was so paranoid at the moment that he knew she may as well be telling the truth. Besides, why would she lie?

“So… what should I do?” He needs to know what to do. Anything!

“Well… if you want my advice, I´d tell you not to go with a doctor, or any scientist or such. You know, keep a low profile.”

“And, should I keep a record of my height? I mean, what if I´m shorter tomorrow?” That was a good idea, but not so convenient to her.

What if he realizes that, the days in which he shrinks, are the same ones, or the day after, he´s sucked from her tits? After he´s had some of her creamy, and dreadful, milk.

“Are you sure you want to know? I mean, wouldn´t that make you a bit more… concern? I´d say, measure yourself only when you feel different. Else, you may be checking on your height every second of the day. And that´s not healthy, dear.” So many lies, so many ways to hide what she´s done.

“Trust me, just do as I say and everything will be alright, ok?” Maybe it wouldn´t…

Colin followed what Lillian said. After all, she loved him, why would she say something that´s not good for him?

Over the next few weeks, he did what she said. But he felt so off. So odd. Alien to his reality.

Colin lost a considerable height. His difference in height was so that most people noticed. Most people were talking, gossiping. What was going on with him?

Whenever a friend of his asked him, he told him he was fine, drawing a lying smile on his face, but the thing is, he wasn´t.

He couldn´t help meeting Lillian again, in fact, he met her every day. She was the only place where he could seek for comfort. The only person that could make things right.

So what if Lillian´s enormous body made him feel even smaller? So what if she was a giantess? And what if she was getting taller? Or so it seemed.

Over time, he felt needs. To be with her, for her to be with him. He needed someone to hug, to be there. And that often led to other things.

There were times, multiple times, when they both hade some… action. Times when an embrace turned into something else, something hotter…

Her body, soft, big, warm, it turned him on. How could he resist? Her bosom, so big, so soft, and so close. Her flesh, with her arms wrapped around him.

Colin was so close to Lillian´s intoxicating femineity that he could do nothing but to feel the most utter attraction towards her. Sexual attraction. A need to touch her more, squeeze her, sink his fingers on her flesh.

One thing always led to another, and soon, both of them were naked. He used this as a chance to forget about everything. His worries, his concerns, even his shrinking.

When Colin and Lillian were intimate, all he cared for was her. And he chose it to be that way. Focusing all of his thoughts, his full mind, all on her. Her fleshier body, her bigger boobs, her wider hips.

As time went by, he kept shrinking. It was impossible for him not to such from her tit. Her nipples were so perky. At times, he didn´t even want to drink from her milk, at least he wasn´t aiming for that, but milk always seems to come out of her tits when he´s there.

Sometimes it was just a zip, other times, he latched on her enormous tit for a while. Sometimes, nothing like that happened. But, as days flew by, so did his inches…

“Fuck… five-foot… three?! Is that real?” Over a month went by, and it seems he´s almost lost a whole foot in height.

“What´s the matter, honey?” Came Lillian from behind. He seemed concerned, and she knows the reason why.

He was not as scared, or paranoid as he was at first, still, he cared for what was happening. After all, it´s his body what´s changing. Day after day, inch after inch. He´s not sure if this will ever come to an end, but he´d like to keep a track of it.

Like Lillian said, he should restrain from checking on his height every moment of the day. But he knew he still had to. And it would be very suspicious if she insisted on the contrary. Therefore, he measured himself once a week. On Sundays.

Why Sundays? Well, that was his free day. Plus, he always spent Saturday night´s with Lillian. He only measured himself at her place, so that he´s not alone when he looks at his new measurements.

Lillian wasn´t dumb. She made sure not to have any sort of sex with him on Saturdays. That way, he can´t find out it´s her milk what´s causing his shrinking. However, if he goes back to analyze what is it that he´s been doing differently, well… he may find out. But he won´t, she´s certain.

Why would he blame the only person that´s been lovely? Supportive? Who´s been always there? That would be like loosing an unconditional friend, an ally. Or, in his particular case, a lover…

“I… I´m down to 5´3”, shit, it seems that, whatever´s going on with me, it hasn’t stopped…” He wasn´t right.

Whatever is going on with Lillian, that hasn´t stopped. There´s nothing wrong with him, but with her. But how could he find out? She´s still the same.

On the first day, to make sure he wasn´t contagious, Lillian drew a mark on the wall. Right at the top of her head. The mark was at exactly eight-feet-tall. And every time she check, she was just as tall.

At least he knows he´s not contagious. So Lillian, and anyone who has any interaction with him, is safe. The problem is, he´s the one that doesn´t feel so safe…

Lillian rapidly noticed he was feeling down, so she came in for a hug.

“Aww, don´t feel bad, dear, I´m sure this will stop.” Hopefully.

She´s the one to blame. Her tits are what´s causing his shrinking. The milk coming out of her enormous tits. She feels bad, she wants it to stop.

But when? When will her tits stop producing this shrinking milk? At first, it was right what she wanted, but if it goes on forever… then it´s not what she wanted.

Out of remorse, out of guilt, Lillian made sure to pamper Colin any way she could. She was making him unhappy, therefore, it´s her duty to amend that.

She went out and got new clothes for him. She made sure to be supportive, always happy, positive, to provide the comfort, all the good energies he needs.

She´ll be the beam of sunlight that washes away all of the darkness in his thoughts. The wind that blows away all of his stormy concerns. A friend, a sweet woman, and… a lover…

“Mmmm, ohh…” Making love was on the list of duties she has. What a better way to distract his mind than using her big, luscious body?

The size difference is really showing. Before, he knew she was tall, but now. His chin is at the same level as her hips. Lillian´s truly a colossus. And as time goes on, she only stands taller.

As they kiss, as they make out, she starts removing his clothes. Lillian´s large hands run through his body so carefully, so gracefully. Slowly stripping him down.

He´s kissing her, and in the meantime, his body is resting atop her enormous breasts. They are huge mounds of pleasure to him. So big, and so soft. She´s alluring.

Lillian´s no longer a tall woman, not even an amazon, now, from his reduced point of view, she´s a goddess. Taller, thicker, fleshier, sexier!

He can barely think on anything that´s not related to her enormity. To him, she seems like a ten-feet-tall goddess! With huge breasts, hips so wide they can eclipse the sun, and a butt so massive…

She´s clearly too much for him. But he doesn´t care.

All he cares for, is her joy. All he wants, is to see her smile. All he needs, it´s her. If she´s happy, then he´s happy. And if both are happy, well… it´s easy to get down to it…

Colin inserted his member in her giant pussy. Her massive thighs are on both sides of him. Much thicker than his chest. Lillian´s a colossus, thick, sexy, a threat!

She´s so much bigger, so much fleshier. Her size is not quite what attracts him, however, it´s hard not to get turned on by her voluminous assets. He´s never seen tits so big, a butt so round, thighs so plump.

She gives the term curvy a whole new meaning. She takes it to a whole different level.

As he caresses her soft thighs, he´s in the seventh-heaven. As he fucks with her, he´s intoxicated by her body. The feeling, her aroma in the air. He can´t help but to forget. Forget it all.

How he got there. How he met her. Why she´s with him. She´s truly one of a kind. If only he knew…

At the end of every “session”, Colin collapses over her body. She´s so big, he truly gets tired at the end. It´s not easy to satisfy a woman her size.

He rapidly closes his eyes and soon, drifts into a deep sleep. In order to recover himself.

Lillian uses this as a chance to get closer to him. She pulls him, places him over her stomach, with his head resting on her bosom, like two gigantic pillows. As he sleeps, she can´t help but to drip.

“Ugh, not now…” she always complaints. Why on such a sweet moment must her tits produce milk?

Lillian knows that the milk is certainly the cause of all her problems. At least the most recent ones. But what to do?

Pump her breasts is a solution. But it´s not so efficient. Every time he´s close, intimate with her, her tits start lactating. It´s hard to keep them empty. She can feel milk churning inside them most of the time.

This should stop, she wants it to stop. But when? There´s no count-down to it. No clock on the wall that marks the time in which this will stop.

What can she do? She has no idea how to stop it. And even if her lactation didn´t stop, why couldn´t the shrinking stop? Why can´t her milk be just… regular breast milk? Instead of being a shrinking serum.

Lillian´s doing her best to keep her tits away from him. To be freshly pump when he comes in. But it´s hard to control the ways of the body. Colin´s a great guy, she´s the problem.

It doesn´t matter how nice she is, how sweet she acts. In the end, it will all come to the same, she´s shrinking him. And not because she wants.

She´s in a dilemma she put herself into. This is like some sort of forbidden love. The best solution is to go away. Leave, without telling a soul. But that´s not good.

In fact, it´s not even a solution. She´d be leaving him heart-broken. Why would she leave without saying a thing? Maybe give themselves some time? Stop seeing each other until she´s… cured?

That wouldn´t work, how long would that be? She needs a solution, but what?

She can´t drink from her own milk in the hopes that she shrinks too. Apparently, it doesn´t work that way. Women tend to grown when they ingest that creamy milk of hers. Taller, thicker, curvier. She´d only go up, up and up.

Perhaps, she should contact that clinic she went to. See if there´s a way to expand him? To return him to his normal size? If milk can grow women and shrink men, why not reversing it? Could it be possible?

She had to try!

And she did… unsuccessfully. It´s been so long that she even forgot where she found out about the clinic. In fact, the phone number she had, it´s no longer available.

She tried to remember where she went. But, as she got there, she soon realized that the place was gone. As if it never existed.

Her only hopes seemed to be gone. Once more. She was back home with the same plan in mind, to wait. Wait and see what happens.

“Ugh, I guess I caused this to myself…” who´d say her so brilliant plan had it´s flaws? Who´d think that a time would come when she´ll find she no longer wants that power she thought was so good.

She laid on the couch, looking at the empty ceiling. Her only solution was to keep Colin away from her tits. But the man likes to fondle with them so much. What can she do?

It´s inevitable for men to feel attracted towards giant boobs, to fight the urge to touch them. Unless they are men attracted to big butts, which Lillian also has.

What can she do? Try to move his attention down? To her ass? Make him a butt-guy? That shouldn´t be hard. She´ll try, at least until her milk is “safe”…


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