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Part 4

Time flew by, and with time, more and more free samples came Melanie´s way.

Sour, sweet, spicy, different flavors from a wide variety of samples. Drinks, food, sweets, all things were offered to her in the same red tray each employee offered her. One by one, she couldn´t say no, little by little, all things add up to her figure.

Melanie was no longer the same woman she was when she first came in, she was bigger!

Standing now at an impressive 7´3”, with heavy curves that sway, huge breasts that bounce. Her figure, sexy, elegant, a large hourglass figure. How come she hasn´t noticed? Well, it´s simple…

All of the people there, they are as tall as her, some even taller. However, the people who works there doesn´t look so tall. But they make a change, different shifts. She´s been there for more than four hours now, the first people she met are gone, now, all of the employees are taller, but she can´t perceive it that way.

She was over a full head taller than the last guy she met, she thought he was so short, but he was actually 6´4”. Melanie´s unaware of her size. Completely ignorant on the fact that she has changed…

“My… how long have I been here?” she said, wondering how much more until she finds her way to the check-out.

Her clothes still fit fine, but that´s because of the spandex on them. All clothes at the store are designed to stretch, really stretch.

She ignores a couple things, like the fact that her jeans are too high above her ankles, or that her shirt rose a bit. Exposing some of the smooth skin on her flat stomach. But she doesn´t care.

As she looks at her reflection, she only finds herself prettier, hotter. A bombshell!

Why isn´t she concerned? Why isn´t she alarmed? Does it have something to do with the food? Have they messed up her mind? The answer´s… no. They haven´t.

It´s obvious, by now, that all the food there, it seems to expand the consumer, in this case all customers at the store. Turning to the right, free samples, turning to the left, more free samples.

And around the clerks offering them, there´s a line of customers waiting.

You can see the effect it has, looking at Melanie, well, she´s an amazon! Tall, pretty, imposing. With wider hips, a fuller chest, and an ass that could kill! She´s certainly bigger, heavier, stronger, and much hotter!

A beauty on an extra-large pack. Just like most of the food she has on her car. This is a whole-sale store, therefore, things come in quantity! Large packs, a lot of products, and all for ridiculous prices! She can´t deny it, she´s hooked!

Her car is already filled up. And she knows this is time for her to leave. But, will she make it to the door?

What will happen when she meets the outside world? What will happen when she sees all the people coming in? They are still regular sized, but her, she´s jumbo-size!

How will she fit on her car? On her old clothes? How come she hasn´t noticed? It seems that everything inside is meant to make it easier for her to ignore the size changes.

The overly high ceilings, the huge packs of food, the size, the length, everything at the store seems to be made to fit an amazon like her. The question is, will she make it out of the door as a 7´3” woman? Well…

“Ok, I´ve got a ton of stuff here, ironically, this will all come really cheap. And that lady, the coupon she gave me, 50% off on your first purchase? Wow!” It was true, it seems that, they like to keep their customers happy, maybe for them to come back…

Now, Melanie was on her way out. She could finally see the register at the end of the store. She met the end, and now, she was coming back to the front. But, there´s another thing that caught her attention.

Did she forget something? No. Has she missed one of the isles? To look for something she needed? Not quite.

She´s not forgetting a thing, in fact, she met something else. But not with her eyes, but with her nose. A smell, a fragrance… food!

A food court, just like someone told her a while back. All of their foods, the ones with the brand-name of the store on it, they can be found at their food court, but in larger sizes. Of course, most of the food she picked are fun-sized. But not over there, no bite-burgers, they got the WHOLE burger there.

No pizza-bites, but the whole pizza. Shakes, pasta, lasagna, hotdogs, everything she can find inside the store, but BIGGER!

“It smells good, but there´s no way…” she thought she wouldn´t be hungry, after all, she´s been eating a lot recently. How much samples has she had? Well, certainly, as much to feed herself at least three times, but that´s if we speak about her original self. The 5´7” lady who first came into the store.

Now, we´re talking about a 7´3” amazon, who certainly has some room for more…

*grrrRROOOOOWWWWWLLLlllll” That was her stomach, the food, the smell, it made her hungry!

She shouldn´t. She normally wouldn´t. This was way too much, all the food she ate, all of the cheese, flour, fat, she must´ve had over five-thousand calories already! And not necessarily of healthy food. But there´s one thing, the aroma, it´s so… inviting.

Even if she doesn´t want to, even if she wants to resist, she knows that, no matter what, she´ll have to grab a bite.

But she was strong! Melanie wouldn´t allow herself to fall, at least not so quick.

“I´ll pay for all these, and if I´m still hungry, well… I´ll take something home.” A to-go order, simple, and she could eat it when it was lunch time, but… wasn’t it lunch time already? She hasn´t even checked on her clock.

“Ready to pay, ma´am?” She made her way to the register, but once she got there, the smell, it only intensified.

Her mouth turned into water, the smell of sauce, the bread, freshly made food, freshly baked meals. It was too much!

*GROOOOOWWWLLLL* That was her stomach again, but louder, much louder.

“Oh my, someone´s hungry, heh.” The cashier said while smiling.

Melanie´s whole face turned red, it was so embarrassing! After all she´s had a lot of food, and she´s not even full? What´s the matter?

It didn´t matter if the cashier was like 4´10”, which was completely wrong. But she ignores she´s no longer 7´3”. She was concerned about what this person could think. How could her stomach growl so loud?

“I assume you´ll make a quick stop at our food court, right ma´am?” The cashier said as Melanie inserted her credit card on the machine.

“Excuse me?” She said, still embarrassed.

“I mean, we´ve got pretty nice deals, besides, today, food´s at a 50-percent discount! Plus, we have a soda-machine where you can refill your glass as much as you like.” Well, that thing about the machine wasn´t so new, but a fifty-percent discount?

“I… I guess I could try it…” Poor Melanie, all things she´s ignored so far. Still, that purchase was a really great deal! She paid a percentage of what she normally pays for at least twice as much. It was the ultimate deal. And now… time to eat.

Why not? She thought, why not give it a try? She´s not on a strict diet, and if she already ate a ton of food inside, why not adding a bit more to the sum? After all, it was about lunch time.

As she stood on the line, she could see a lot of people, and all dressed in really tight clothes. What´s the matter? Can´t they tell they are far too small? If only she knew…

“Hi, what can I get you?” Said a “short” guy at the register.

“Uhm, I´ll have…” What? Wasn’t it enough time while she waited in line? She spend five minutes in line, which given the length of the line, wasn´t so much. “Pizza.” She said.

“A whole pizza?” Asked the guy.

She should´ve said that only a slice, two at the most. And a small drink. She should´ve explained that she was not hungry, but she needed to try it. She should´ve, but she didn´t…

“Sure, but make it cheese only.” Darn it.

“Cool, oh, and you get an extra-large drink with it. It´s part of the combo.” He explained as he tapped the buttons and got her order on the machine.

“Combo?” She asked, looming over a head taller than the guy. Melanie was enormous, but no one pointed that out, not even the guy at the register, who´s size hasn´t been affected.

“Sure, it´s listed above, but don´t worry, there´s no extra charge. And… here´s your ticket. Your order´s the number… 912, we´ll call you when it´s ready.” Almost a thousand orders by now? Wow, they certainly know how to keep their business.

Melanie thanked the guy and made her way to a table. There was a lot of people at the food court, however, they had a really big area for the tables. There should´ve been about fifty tables there. And she just found her way to one of them.

She sat her bigger ass on the enormous chair, and waited. They were already in order 867, however, by the time she took a sit, they were on the number 872. That´s fast!

They should have her order done within a couple minutes. How much can it take them to make a pizza? They must have huge, industrialized, ovens, and a ton of people at the kitchen.

But that´s not what should be worrying her, what she should be thinking, if she was aware of it, is: How big will a whole pizza get her?


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