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Chapter 20

This week was fantastic, at least for Trevor. He was spending more time with Pam. Finally!

Day after day, he met Pam at her place. And night after night, they made the most passionate, and hot sex ever! She was insatiable! But that was fine. He was in love with her curves.

Her thick thighs, her fleshy hips. Everything on her body was so soft! And he helped her get a little… bigger.

He came to her place with a dozen donuts, and while she was in bed, he fed her each and every single one of them. He must keep her queen well fed, only that way, she´ll keep growing.

But, he may be missing something… Kelsey.

He was in some sort of honey moon with Pam. As soon as he was out of work, he was off to her place. Where he spent the night, and then, at dawn, he was off to his place, took a shower, grabbed a bite and then back to work. That went of for the whole week, but, during that time, what was Kelsey doing?

He received a message, back on Monday. From Kelsey:

“Trevor, I´m sorry we won´t be meeting during this week. Not even for a small date. But don´t worry. The actual reason is that I´m going to need as much time as possible to work on my growth. You know, I can´t grow bigger if I don´t follow a routine.” That wasn´t so nice to read. At the end, he read: “But don´t worry, I´ll make it up to you next week, and trust me, you´ll see some results on Sunday.”

It seems he´s not going to meet Kelsey until Sunday, when he drives both amazons to the clinic. However, it will surely be worth it!

He knows Kelsey´s been growing, but not as soft as Pam has, or as fast. Kelsey´s been building up some consistent muscles on her. He can tell she looks more athletic, but she´s not close to where she wants to be.

However, this week certainly gave her some time to make some actual gains!

She was fit, and slowly building up mass, more and more muscle mass. Her results were striking! But she was far behind Pam. Way too far. About 80-pounds behind.

But not for too long.

What did she do? Well, she was already working on a diet to gain more volume. But due to her augmented metabolism, and her intense physical activity, she wasn´t growing as fast as she´d like.

Sure, she was taller, but if she keeps getting taller without adding mass to her frame, she´ll end up being a lanky woman. Fit, but thin. And that´s not what she wants.

“Ass, I need to grow some ass, and thighs, and boobs… ugh, why is it so hard!” That was her on Monday, but not for so long.

She knew what she had to do. Eat. How will she bulk up if she doesn´t stuff her face with food? And not only regular food. Mass gainers, protein, and thousands and thousands of calories. She won´t get fat, that´s for sure. But swole? Surely!

Starting on Tuesday, she only ate, went to work, where she ate more, then at the gym, and then she ate. More and more, she ate even after she was full.

She went online and searched for how many calories she needed. The calculator she found even told her how much extra calories she needed to gain muscle. And, using the logic that she´s not a normal human anymore, she tripled the amount of calories.

What´s more, by Tuesday, she was able to eat more. She even changed her work-out routine. She took away all exercises that burned a high amount of calories, her body itself can do that. What she needs is to get swollen. Bigger, muscular.

She noticed the changes, her arms were thicker, her thighs were immense. And her boobs, they were tremendous!

She went up to a 38H-Cup. And not just that, she was up to 6´4”, and weighting 220-pounds. And that was by Tuesday. She was amazed, 20-pounds in only four days?

But that was not it. She had to keep going.

Her shoulders got wider; her ass grew rounder. Her waist remained thin, but her abs were not as shredded as before. It seems that, whenever someone´s bulking, abs tend to disappear. That wasn´t her problem before, but it seems she´s expanding too fast now.

And what was she going to do now that she was on the right path? Just keep going.

Eat. Sleep. Work. GYM. Eat. Sleep. Work. GYM. Eat. Sleep. Work. GYM. Eat. Sleep. Work. GYM.

That´s all she´s been doing, well, it´s more like:

Eat. Sleep Eat. Eat. Work. Eat. Eat. GYM. Eat. Eat. Eat…

She´s filling up, growing bigger, stronger, massive! No one would recognize her. She doesn´t resemble that 5´7”, 110-pound woman she used to be. She´s more than that. Twice as big, or even bigger!

Her biceps are starting to swell noticeably. Her shoulders are puffing, she´s dense. Voluminous, overall, big.

Everyone at the gym had questions. How was that possible? Muscle growth´s one thing, but she´s actually getting taller! How?

Whenever someone asked her about her gains, she just said: “I´m really dedicated to it.”

And when someone asked her, because they noticed, she was taller, she said: “Oh, I think it´s one of those late growth spurts.” And giggled.

To many, she was a mystery, and for others, she was impressive.

No one was really curious enough to investigate. Some certainly blamed certain substances people use to grow bigger, faster. But they ignore that´s not the actual thing.

She´s powered by two things, the treatment, and her desire for Trevor, which of course has augmented. But she´s restraining.

Working out has shown her what dedication, intense dedication, is like. And she knows very well that, soon, there will be some time for it, not just yet. But soon.

“Wow! Ten pounds? Can you actually gain TEN pounds over night?” she said, looking down at the scale. It was Friday, and at this time, she was up to 230-pounds, but that was not her goal.

Her goal was to get to 280-pounds, like Pam. If she´s still there. Which certainly can´t be. But Kelsey´s got nothing to worry about. She´s growing just fine, maybe she´s not filling-up as fast as she wishes, but she´s certainly growing taller. Now, she has reached the 6´5” mark. Can she get taller by Sunday?

The actual question could be, will she be taller than Pam by Saturday?

With that in mind, she just kept going. Her clothes were tighter and tighter, to the point that she couldn´t wear them anymore. She was starting to see some actual changes. For starters, her abs were sort of… disappearing.

Most say it´s normal, that as soon as she starts cutting, they will come back. Even if she´s all swole now, she´s got an excellent anatomy. A slim waist, but massive thighs underneath. A strong, peach-shaped butt. And above, she´s sporting a massive pair of 38I-Cups.

She´s so big, her biceps are bulging, her muscles are swelling, she´s growing, and after all this hard work, she can finally start to see the results she wanted.

However, there´s some other things she´s achieved.

In order to get bigger, she must lift bigger. Now, she´s benching 180-pounds! Which is more than Trevor weights! And she´s not even sweating!

“I knew it… I knew that soon, I´d be strong enough to protect him…” she thought while doing her third set. She wasn´t struggling, she could even go for 200-pounds, plus the bar.

But she didn´t want to take the risk and get injured. It could wait for next week. Even if her body was already able to do it.

Dr. Glasshow said it, her body will adapt to her every need. Now, her need is to get stronger! She might not be faster, or more agile, but her body certainly resembles the one of a body builder. On a beginner level, but still, she´s on her way to look big, massive, and mean.

Or protective. She wants to grow a big, strong body Trevor can run to for safety, comfort. Isn´t that the reason why a man like him would want a muscular amazon for a girlfriend?

She was all his saved pictured. All were of tall women, but some were of strong women. Just like her, but bigger. Much bigger.

She wonders if he feels scared at times. If he has the need to be protected by a woman of such size. Certainly, he´ll be thrilled with her body.

“You won´t… be afraid when… I´m around…” she thought, finishing her third, 20-rep, set. She was half-way done with the bench, then, time for squats.

She can actually squat 250-pounds, easily. By next week, she´ll surely be able to go for the 300´s.

She looked at herself in the mirror, while she cleaned off the sweat on her forehead. And when she saw her reflection, she smiled. Certainly, she was getting close to it.

“I´m sure I look protective…” she smiled…


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