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Chapter 13

“Ok, darling. As you can see, the house has everything you can need. Kitchen, bedroom, guest´s room, and… well, you´ll see the rest as you live here. Any questions?” Mrs. Stalwart was so happy, she felt she was finally connecting with Harvey.

“Uhm… no, I don´t. Oh, just…” He made a pause, turned down as he pulled his wallet out of his pocket. “How… how much do I have to…?”

“No.” She said. Putting both hands on her hips, looking at him in a slightly intimidating, and upset way. “I told you already, you won´t pay rent. I won´t charge you in any monetary way. The fact that you occupy my old place is enough payment.”

“Ok, but…” Why does it feel as if this isn´t a fair exchange? He´s getting way too much, literally.

“Honey, if you make another question on how to pay me, I´ll get mad, ok?” Those words, coming from a woman four-feet taller than you, that´s beyond intimidating.

She could´ve said it as something half-true, however, her words carry more power than she intends. But that´s natural, due to her size, she´s intimidating, even if she´s not trying to be.

He got tense, and she noticed. And she thought, great! And they were making so much progress, she must do something to save it, before she goes back to the super-sized, intimidating boss.

“I hope you like the place, dear. And believe me when I say, I don´t do this for anyone…” she placed her huge hand on his head and winked. But that didn´t comfort him too much.

Sure, she´s not mad, at least not so threatening-looking, still, there must be a catch. Some way she´ll collect some payment. She can´t be doing this from the heart.

Vera Stalwart is a very powerful woman, and not only physically speaking. A woman who´s as wealthy as her, who´s got a position as high as hers, she´s not only helping her assistant just because.

As he looks around, seeing the size of things. Knowing that he´s surely going to need a booster step to reach for anything in this amazon-designed house.

He may be smiling as he looks up to his boss, however, deep down, he wonders. Is she trying to humiliate him?

Is Mrs. Stalwart the type of woman who´ll put him on an environment where he´s, not just short, but tiny? This place was made for a woman her size, that´s for sure, but what if she´s using it as a way to tell him, I´m above you.

What if this is a way for her to tease him showing him the size of things she uses. Put him in a place where he´ll struggle. Where everything´s out of reach, where he´s close to… nothing.

Could she be a person who gets pleasure by that? Does she enjoy it? As an experiment, what if people lived in a place designed for a woman her size? As if she was the ultimate-human. As if her size was the norm and he´s… the alien.

He´s looking forward to a big change. Lucky for him, this gets him way closer to the office. This way, he won´t have to be on his way two hours before schedule. This way, he´ll finally get some time to sleep.

“Do you need me to stay the night?” She asked. A completely unexpected question!

“W-what!?” He asked, looking at the amazon before him, barely capable of seeing her face behind her enormous bosom.

Of course, the panic in his reaction was not what she expected. But the words only escaped her mouth. What was she saying? She? Stay the night? Of course he´ll want to be alone and not with the stern boss. But he can´t quite deny it.

She´s certain that he´s trying to find the politest way to decline her offer. But this is her house, and she´s being helpful, it´s unlikely he can find the words to say no. But she doesn´t want to impose herself over him only because this is her house. If he asks for it, she´ll be more than happy to comply, but if he doesn´t… it would only make things awkward.

“I mean, in case you need someone… big enough. But if you don´t need me here… then I´ll get going. All your stuff is by the door, I… I´ll give you some time to get installed here. But remember, anything you need, anything at all, just give me a call, ok?” She felt stupid, that´s why she rushed her departure.

She turned, feeling so stupid. She wanted to bite her tongue, erase the words she said. However…

“Mrs… Vera.” He said, and she immediately turned.

Smiling, she was hoping he´ll ask her to stay. Why was she so excited? She doesn´t care, anything he needs, she´ll grant it!

“Yes, honey?” She said, looking down at him with a huge smile on her face.

“Do… uhm… maybe you´ll get mad…” he thought.

“No, of course I won´t, what is it, honey?”

“What about… utilities?” He was concerned about electricity, gas, water. If he won´t pay rent, will she charge him for the utilities?

Mrs. Stalwart´s smile tensed. She struggled not to frown. That was the question!

The answer´s quite simple, how much can a guy his size use? He´s alone, he doesn´t have a single pet. Water? Gas? Electricity? He can´t use more than a low percentage of what she uses. 30-percent? Maybe?

“I´ll cover those up, dear. No rent, no utilities. I´ll pay for everything, ok?” She was so upset! But she kept a smile on her face, projecting a sweet image.

And once on the car… she gave herself a chance to burst out a little…

“STUPID! You were doing so great! And then… you blow things up, you… giant dumbass!!!” She yelled at her reflection on the car´s mirror. Mrs. Stalwart was upset.

This could´ve been a chance to meet him better, show her sweet attentive side. But she had to go and make the question…

“I bet he was all creeped out when I offered to stay the night, ugh, I´m sure he wouldn´t want to spend the night with me on the place. Who would? Maybe he thinks his giantess boss will cook him on a casserole and then eat him up…” She was a bit too hard on herself. She took a deep breath, turn on the engine and drove off.

Maybe she can pay a small visit later, once he´s settled down a little. It would be normal, she´ll just come and check on her place, nothing weird. Only to make sure he likes the place, or make up some excuse. And, of course, not offering to stay the night.

She thought she´ll have some more time to meet him, maybe cook something and share some dinner, make it a special, and possibly romantic, evening, however, his reaction was not what she expected.

Just what he didn´t expect to find as he unpacks…

“Ok, this is the room…” He said, pushing the huge wooden door and making his way inside.

Harvey was carrying a box, with all of his clothes. He didn´t have much, he could fit all of his clothes on a single box. And he also had a small bag with winter jackets and so on.

He walked into the main room, which she, for some reason, insisted he should use. He shouldn´t be afraid of using her room instead of the guest´s room. After all, there´s a bathroom there, plus, it´s got a TV, a huge one. Possibly average to her.

“Well, let´s unpack.” He said, putting the box next to the enormous bed. Seriously, the top of the mattress was almost leveled with his chest.

The house was HUGE. If it´s not clear by now, all things are close to twice the size they should be. His head is barely visible behind the kitchen´s counter tops. All doors are like ten-feet-tall. He can swim on the bathtub. Cabinets are surely out of reach, even a 7-foot-person would struggle to reach.

He´s got no doubt that this place is made for a woman the size of his boss. 9´6” Vera Stalwart. A giantess, a thick, mature woman who, for some reason out of his understanding, is giving him the chance to live at her old place.

As he puts all his clothes over the mattress, he wonders, is this something assistants normally do? Taking care of a place while the boss goes out of town, well, that´s one thing. To water the plants, feed the pets, pick up the mail. Those sorts of things are common, but living at her old place as a “favor”? What´s the deal?

He was a bit confused, but so far, there´s no problem. This was something good to him. Pretty convenient actually. He´s closer to the office, which means, no two-hour ride to the office. He can add that time to his sleep, which will boost his productivity. That´s great!

He´ll be fully rested, with 100-percent of his energy. Therefore, he´ll deliver the best results at the office! This was great! The only problem…

“Ugh! Come… come on…” He struggled as he tried to pull one of the drawers.

The TV was located on an antique, wooden-crafted, piece of furniture. An elegant drawer. With six drawers in total, three on each side. Above that, rested a huge, flat-screen television. Maybe this was a bit out-fashioned. Not so modern, but let´s keep in mind that this place hasn´t been used for a while.

Maybe it´s been over a decade, or two, since she last redecorated the place. Still, he´s certain all things were expensive. Furniture, made on a specific size and under specific orders, that´s not cheap.

Now, he´s struggling to pull one of the drawers, why? Well, it´s made up of wood, so it could be stuck due to the lack of use. And two, the size of the drawer, it must be at least three times the size of a normal one. And four-times heavier than the ones he´s used to. But that was not the big deal, in the end, he was able to open it. The actual problem is what came next.

“Almost… oh!” He pulled, and was finally capable of getting the drawer to open. When the thing pulled open, he fell back, let go of it and landed on his butt. The good thing is that there´s a soft carpet on the floor. However, when he go up…

“Ok, let´s put my… my… is that…” He freaked out.

The drawer he chose was one at the bottom, left side. A convenient place, since he could look at the insides from above. The middle one could´ve been an option too, but the ones at the top, well, those are a bit too high. But that´s not the main deal.

Harvey froze, the drawer was not exactly empty. It was kind of… filled with panties.

Huge panties, in dark colors, some red, some black, some of a deep pink. All belonging to a certain woman that could wear them. Mrs. Stalwart.

His heart pounded, was that her underwear? It surely was, he only had to look at the size. He was overwhelmed by it, he had a question, has she… used them?

He swallowed, and before he fell in temptation, he shut the drawer close. He pushed hard, and got it to close again. This wasn´t good.

Then, he pulled the drawer above that one, out of curiosity. And once he got it open, he looked inside. He almost broke in sweat as he witnessed what was inside. Bras. Huge brassieres. All belonging to the same person.

He only had to look at the size of it to match it with the size of her tits. What size could they be? ZZZ-squared?

Vera Stalwart certainly has the biggest bosom there is. Her full breasts are certainly in need for brassieres of special proportions. Right now, he´s meeting them for the first time. He could use the whole thing as a hammock if he wanted.

Harvey had no idea what to do. Should he pull one out? He was tempted. But he couldn´t! It was so disrespectful. He didn´t even dare pull them out to put his stuff inside.

He did the only thing he thought would be appropriate. Close the drawer, grab his stuff and move to the guest´s room. Surely, those drawers would be empty.

This will be a topic to discuss at the office. She will certainly ask him how things went, and then, he´ll explain her this small… issue.