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Chapter 2

Both Emma and Aaron were looking at the other. With no idea about what to say. How can they confess their love? Well, a simple “I love you.” Should be enough to deliver the message, right? But things are not so simple.

Not one of them wanted to ruin such a sweet friendship. Emma even invited Aaron for the holidays on last year, and she thought that would be her chance to speak up, but it wasn´t.

Not even when her aunt made the joke, saying: “Is he your boyfriend? He´s quite handsome, dear.” That literally ruined it to her.

Aaron doesn´t have it any easier. As the man, he feels as if he should give the first step, right? Men are the ones who actually proposed, right? Or wasn´t it like that anymore? He can´t help but to feel his knees tremble when he thinks on saying it. When he thinks on speaking about his feelings, his real feelings.

It´s most likely that these two will end up looking at the other all night, with a lot in mind, but no words actually making it out. Still, they got lucky, because they were receiving a little push.

Suddenly, a thundering sound filled the air. A thunder? But there were no clouds a minute ago.

They had no idea where it came from, but before they turned up to the sky, they were on each other´s hands.

Both blushed as they realized. When did she jump into his arms? When did he caught her? The only thing for sure is, they are holding each other.

“It´s ok, don´t be scared, I got you…” He giggled as he held her in his arms.

Emma laughed a bit, she appreciated the nice gesture, but she wonders, why is it that the man always holds the woman? Why can´t he be in her arms? Is it because he´s taller? Projecting more… shelter?

This doesn´t bother her, it´s just a silly question she has. How come women aren´t on the lead? Not on a manipulative, dominating lead, but, it would be nice if she was the one who holds him, that´s it.

“Hehe, thanks…” Suddenly, something came over them. They were so close, the stars were shinning so bright. His eyes, shinning under the moonlight, her eyes too.

She was lost in him, with his arms around her, and he was lost in her eyes, as he nervously, but firmly, held her body. This is the closest they´ve been, why not taking this as a chance to check if, well, if there´s some spark between them…

Soon, they kissed. They closed their eyes, Aaron bent to meet Emma, and their lips touched in the warmest and sweetest of kisses. No lightning, nor thunder could set them apart. Right now, it´s time to leave it all aside and just confess.

It doesn´t matter who called who, it doesn´t matter who´s supposed to speak first. The only thing that matters now is, that the other one doesn´t break the kiss. At least not soon.

If he stays, she knows he likes it. And if she stays, he knows she doesn´t mind. Love is in their hearts, but for some reason, it feels like the wors is way too strong to tell. What if the other freaks out?

If only they knew…

They have no idea what came over them, but soon, they felt hot for the other. The kiss, that was sweet at first, rapidly intensified. His arms were wrapped around her waist, pulling her tightly. And so was she, with her arms hugging his upper back, massaging it.

Soon, both of them were caressing the other´s body, with warm, tender, but lusty touches. The kiss became stronger, more passionate, the sound of passion escaped their lips.

They knew they were supposed to explain what was happening, but they didn´t care for it. Why is there any need to confirm they like it when it´s clear they do? If she didn´t want him to kiss her, she would´ve already pushed him away, same thing goes for him.

This power, a power they ignore, it was working it´s way through them. Allowing them to fulfill that desire they had. Now, they are kissing, in a place no one will bother them. But this isn´t private enough. They need a room…

“Mmm, Emma, I…”

“Shh… I know…” A look, all it took was a look to tell the other about their love.

As if the kissing projected all those feelings, all those thoughts that were haunting their minds just a couple minutes ago. They were far too nervous to speak, but not to act.

With a simple look, Emma told Aaron, I love you, and with that same look, Aaron said, me too. They smiled tenderly at the other. But now, they want something more.

Now that they´ve started the fire of love with a kiss, they need some more action to put it down. Else, they may get burned…

In what seemed like a minute, Aaron and Emma were at their dorm room. Aaron closed the door, locked it and then turned at Emma, who was already waiting for him in bed.

“Come on, lover, show me what you´ve got…” What she´s been wanting to see for so long!

But for real, was she so in the need to have sex with him? She wanted to confess, to share her feelings, but now, they are about to have sex? This escalated too fast for a pair who didn´t even had to say a word.

Aaron walked towards her, kicked off his shoes and crawled over the mattress of her bed. When he was on top, he kissed her, passionately, tenderly. Then, his hands made it´s way to her bosom. Aaron started massaging her tender breasts.

For a second, he wondered if they could be bigger. Fuller, fleshier. Emma was a fine woman, curvaceous, hot, but he wouldn´t mind if she became a big hottie. With some larger dimensions.

But he doesn´t mean to think she´s not ok. She´s exactly what she needs to be, to him, she´s a ten out of ten. What´s more, an eleven! A twelve! A hundredth!

Size will come later, but if it doesn´t, he won´t complaint…

In no time, both took off their clothes. It was the first time, roommates or not, that Aaron´s able to see Emma´s naked body. Her soft curves, her perky breasts. Wow.

And now, this is the very first time she sees him naked. Sure, she spotted him in boxers once, but never before she was able to see his bare cock. “Nice…” she thought. Although, she wouldn´t mind if it was bigger…

Kissing, touching, moaning. They were so passionate in bed. They had an urge, this urge to confess, this urge to speak, to reveal their feelings. Now, both are laying in bed, sharing their feelings, but not through words.

They´ll let this act of passion to speak for itself. As he thrusts his hips, inserting his member deeper and deeper inside her pussy, they haven´t break the kiss. They are exchanging more than saliva with that kiss. Through their bodies, runs more than just sweat.

Their thoughts, their wishes, soon, the other will become what the other desired. Soon, they will change. Until then, they must prove they love the other.

Aaron will prove his love by going all the way, and so will Emma.

If they didn´t love the other, then they wouldn´t be in bed. Sex is also called the act of making love. Why would they make love if they didn´t love the other?

Through moans, sweat, lust and desire, both reached a climax. This was great, more than great, ambrosia filled the air they breathed. They could literally smell the sweet scent of truth, of a job well-done. Which is something weird to say about sex, but they did achieve something, they were true to the other.

“Emma…” Started Aaron, who was suddenly feeling tired.

“Yes…?” She said, turning at him as she had her head resting on his arm.

“I… I know it may be a little late to say it but,” it´s now or never, “I love you. I´ve loved you since the first time I saw you…” he confessed.

“Oh, Aaron. I love you too. I… I fell in love with you…” they felt so silly, but their words were true. Love, love is in the air, passion too, and fog… seriously, fog…

They were really close to midnight before they closed their eyes and fell completely asleep. On the same bed, hugging the other while naked.

A mysterious fog filled the air, it was clear, sort of white, but the smell, it had a sweet smell. Partially, it smelled like sulfur, but there was something else. Vanilla? Cinnamon? It smelled like a cake, but one with batteries.

Soon, the whole room was filled with this fog. Which wasn´t dense enough to turn on the fire alarm. It was practically invisible.

Both were breathing in the fog. Soon, as they were asleep, something happened. No, they didn´t cough, or suffered from lack of air. As they breathe the gentle air around them, their bodies started to change…

Something was happening to Aaron. Both of them were covered with the sheets, but, for some reason, his feet started to back up. To rise under the sheets. But that was not it. His head, his head started to move, as if he was moving into the center of the bed, but he wasn´t. He was completely asleep.

And something similar happened to Emma. Only that, her frame, her thin frame, it became longer. Her feet, unlike Aaron´s, were extending, taking over more and more space. And her head, it rose higher on Aaron´s shoulder. Soon, too high for him to wrap his arm around her.

They were asleep, so they couldn´t really see, or feel, the size-change that was going on…

The next morning, something happened, something… odd.

Aaron was the first one to wake up. His head hurt a little, he can´t deny that. And the air, there was something in the air, a certain smell… But it wasn´t a bad one, in fact, it was kind of sweet. A fragrance. A feminine fragrance.

His vision cleared in a minute, but the room was still too dark. Was it morning already? Oh, right, there´s some really thick curtains on the window. It may seem as if it was around 3:00 am, but it may as well be past 6:00, or maybe later.

He paid no attention to it, either way, he can get up and turn on the lights. However, now he´s feeling something. Something… soft.

The most logical answer, Emma´s pillows are softer. Which could make sense, she bought new pillows for her bed. Unlike him, who used the old dorm ones. But this pillow was different. It was warm, and… not spongy, sort of… firm? He couldn´t make up what it was.

It was too dark, and he was curious. He only rose his arm to palp the pillow, feel the fabric, because right now, he can´t really feel it with his head. He could swear it feels almost like… leather? No, softer than leather, but warm, what was it?

He put his hand, gently over the surface beneath his head. Touched it, but he couldn´t make up what it was, he touched harder, his fingers actually sinking on that soft surface.

“What´s this…?” He said, curiously. But then, when he sank his fingers hardly, he hears something, a voice.

“Mmmm, Aaron… it´s too early…” Came Emma´s voice, but why?

Too early? For what? He was just touching a pillow, right?

He had to find out what this was, so, following the most logical path, he sat on the bed, moved to his side and turned on the light. She had a tiny lamp next to her bed, he knows it very well. He just turned the bolt and waited for the light to make things clear. But he wasn´t prepared for what he saw.

“What´s that… thing?” He said, turning back to where he was sleeping, but he didn´t found no pillow. Or any sort of cushion. No, his face was laying in nothing else but a boob. A big, soft boob. And who´s boob was it? No other than Emma´s!

Aaron swallowed, that wasn´t Emma´s tit. How could it be? It was HUGE! Emma was a double-D, he believes. But that boob, it was far bigger than that. An L-cup? M-cup maybe? It was so round, so fleshy. He used it as a pillow, so…

But that was not it, his eyes went away from the tit for a moment, he turned at Emma, but he couldn´t believe his eyes. Surely, that boob was way too big for her 5´6” frame, but, right now, she doesn´t look that way. She looks… big!

“Fuck!” He said as he backed away from her, but soon, he stumbled and fell off the mattress. He pulled the sheets with him, taking them off of Emma´s larger body. And while landing, he did make some noise.

“Ouch…” He said as he heard Emma complaining a little.

“Aaron, don´t hog the covers…” she complaint. Finally opening her eyes, she felt tired too. Unlike him, she felt no light headache, but tired. Her eyes felt heavy, as if she needed an extra hour of sleep, or maybe two? “Aaron?” She said as she noticed he was gone.

He couldn´t have run away, the door was closed, and she heard no door. He must be there, but where?

“Aaron?” She asked as she sat, but when she did, she felt a little… different. For starters, her point of view had changed. She was already used to a certain height while sitting in bed, but now, she was higher than that, her sight, she had a different point of view of the room.

But that was not the only thing different. When she sat, she could feel a certain weight pulling her down, coming from no other place than her chest. “Wow…” she said as she noticed her augmented bosom.

Emma drove her hands to her tits, to feel their size. They were huge! She knows exactly how big they were, how heavy, and these… oh, these are big!

As she looked at her bosom with amazement, and concern, Aaron got up from the floor. He sat, at first, but he wasn´t able to look as high as he´d like over the edge of the mattress.

“Oh, there you are…” she said, still with her hands supporting her bigger bosom. However, she noticed the look on his face. “What´s the matter?” she asked.

She was a little worried about the look on his face. She was already concerned about the size of her own boobs, was there something else she was missing? He seemed concerned, scared even!

Finally, he stood on his knees, and she could see something different. Was he ducking? First, why was he on his knees? If he fell from the bed, why wasn´t he standing? He couldn´t be scared of her, right?

“Aaron, come on, stand up…” this was so silly of his. If this was a joke, he didn´t like it at all. But, if this is all because of her boobs, well, how come they grew in just one night? It is in fact concerning.

However, she wasn´t prepared for what happened next.

When he stood to his full height, well, she knew that wasn´t his full height. Wasn´t he like 6´1”? She should be craning her neck to look up at him, a lot more than she currently is. But that was not it.

He was still naked, and as she casually glared at his body, she noticed something… different. His cock, it was huge! It used to be, well, big, but now, it´s not hard and… it already seems to be about six, seven inches long.

She bit her lower lip for a second. She instantly pictured how big it would be once it was hard, but that was not the point. Aside his big dick, there´s something about him, is he… shorter?

Emma stood up, naked too. And, once she did, he could see all of her new dimensions. Her hips were thicker, her thighs fleshier. Her boobs were massive, and he could already tell that, however, he wasn´t prepared for what came next.

Both of them were standing, as straight as usual. However, their sizes, their heights… something was off!

Aaron´s supposed to be seven-inches taller than her. Aaron´s 6´1”, and Emma´s 5´6”. How come he´s looking straight at her nose!

“Aaron, I think something´s wrong!” She said. Was it?



More adorableness! These two seem perfect for one another :)