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Chapter 33

Larry would´ve loved to spend some time with Violet. Allow her to wash all of his worries away. To distract him from his true life with her, even if silly, hot role-playing.

He was still him, and she was still her, however, she had this sort of dynamic going on. The game was sort of the same, size changes, which is truly what´s happening to him, however, sometimes he wasn´t the one shrinking.

Violet liked to play it as if she was growing. Taller, thicker, sexier. As if she was the one who´s body was changing. She really looked taller, thicker, bigger. But it was due to his change of height that he perceived things in such way. Nonetheless, that also made it true to her.

She played the role of a growing woman, sometimes, so that he didn´t feel so bad about shrinking. But it seems that, their games will have to wait…

Now, Larry´s stuck at the office, no big deal, but he´s stuck there with a certain someone on the room. Evangeline, or as everyone sees her, Dr. Eva.

He´s tired, he´d rather fondle on Violet´s tits. He´s certain they must be HUGE now. As a man who´s been shrunk down to 3´3”, Violet´s frame certainly looks bigger.

She´s a 6´2” lady, tall, with a sexy hourglass body. Thick, long legs, and a big bust. But now, to him, she´s more like an 11-feet-tall amazon! A giantess even. With boobs much bigger than his head. And her legs, Larry´s not even as tall as her hips!

But instead of enjoying the size of his goddess-like assistant, he´s stuck in the office, answering Evangeline´s questions. And she´s quite a curious one.

“Tell me, how do men usually approach to a woman? I mean, I´ve seen them, and I know they have feelings of lust, but what´s in there, other than desire…?” Evangeline wanted to gather information.

Particularly speaking, she wanted to know how, or when, a man´s hinting on her. She knows people are not so obvious as to, literally, say: “I like you, wanna have sex?” That would make things easy, but there´s some signs she would like to know.

Of course, she´s an omnipotent being that has seen this same thing over and over again through centuries. However, she´s never truly been aware of the whole thing.

What´s behind all that? Surely, when someone focuses their attention on other person, it could mean many things, but when a man puts his eyes on a woman, depending on the location, it can mean something else.

She would like to know, without having to read the other´s mind, when they are hinting on her. It´s too easy when you play by your rules, but she´d like to play by normal rules. To experience what´s it like to be seduced.

“Haven´t I told you that already?” Larry complaint.

“No, I asked you how do men notice pretty women. And you told me that, when they look at them, your heart just, which is something dumb to say since you don´t really know, but you said that your heart beats faster, and then, for an unexplained reason, you just feel attracted to this person.” So she does remember.

“Plus, you told me there wasn´t a particular thing, specifically, that a man could like. Maybe it was her hair color, sometimes their lips, their curves. As far as I understand, the only thing that seems to matter about clothing, at least according to you, is that the lady shows some cleavage.” She added.

“Yeah, and I guess you understood that pretty well.” He said, looking forward to stop explaining her the, not-so-easy, world of seduction.

“I did, but I have a question, how will I know if the man likes me? I mean, I don´t really want to find a couple, mere sex would do. But how can I tell if his intentions are, as you said, only a one-night-stand?”

“Ugh, listen, if he talks to you, invites you a drink, or some shit, and then, while talking, leers all over you, then I guess this guy only wants a piece of you. And don´t call it one-night-stand. Just call it… casual sex.” He said.

“Ok, and how do I know if the guy´s only interested in casual sex?”

“Basically, he´ll look at you, your boobs, butt, face, and that´s it. If he doesn´t ask about your feelings, or shares his, then he doesn´t want anything to do with you other than have sex that same night. But, can´t you read their mind? Go through their thoughts or something?”

“I can, but I don´t want to make things too easy. It´s boring. I´d like to play the game as, just another player. Like you, who know from little to nothing about what the other person´s thinking.” That was… was she calling him dumb or something?

Larry hated these silly questions of hers. And they just never seemed to stop! At some point, he got tired.

“Enough!” He screamed. “I… why are you still here? I mean, can´t you just… why do we keep having these meetings, huh? Can´t you just pretend we “had” the meetings, and leave? I´d like to work here, you´re gonna mess up my schedule if you keep up with this “therapy sessions”.” Larry was tired. And worried, if she kept taking away his time, then he´ll get delayed, in all of his work.

“Relax, Violet´s handling most of your job either way. Your boss is aware of our sessions, she gave Violet about half of your job. Right now, I´m sure that your work load is half what it used to. Just check, you must be half-way done by now.” Evangeline replied.

Was that true? No one told him a thing about it.

Larry was a few minutes away from lunch time, and as he checked on his work schedule, he could really notice he was half-way done. As the angel said.

Half-way done? He has barely done a thing and he´s already half-way done? His life is seriously changing. Now, is he like some sort of consultant for this angel? Why does it seem that his life, aside torment, is centered, now, on helping Evangeline to get laid?

“Doesn´t matter. If you keep with your silly questions, half the work load or not, I might not finish on time.” He complaint.

“Don´t worry, we´re almost finished either way. Besides, do you think I don’t know what you want? If I wasn´t here, you´d be all over Violet by now. Isn´t that also a distraction? Hmm? And, aside of delaying YOUR job, you´ll also be delaying hers. I guess that´s even less productive, don´t you think?” Didn´t she just said she was not going to read people´s minds? Or was it only while she was looking for a guy to fuck?

Either way, he´s at her mercy.

Evangeline´s questions finally stopped. Thankfully.

Larry was tired, she´s ruining everything. Literally everything. Now, aside being constantly punished by her, he has to be her guide for her little game? He´s not a man she can just use. He didn´t even brought her to his life, she came out of nowhere. However, she was done.

“Ok, I think we´re done for today.” Evangeline said as he went through some files.

“Done? Like… done, done?” No more “therapy”?

“Yes,” she nodded. “Now I´ll head up and try to apply the information you shared with me.” How to date, well, what he told her is closer to “How to know if a man wants to take you to bed.” But either works.

“Ok… but, shouldn´t this be like… a full-shift session? Aren´t you supposed to be here all day? Can you just leave when you please?” Is it that simple?

“Sure, I´m the therapist, I can do what I want. And, as an angel, no one will question my decisions. Well, other than you, of course.” She giggled. But it doesn´t really matter.

She´s gone, and now that she´s gone…

He waited for Evangeline to leave, knowing very well that, somehow, someway, she´d still be present. Or at least aware of him, and what he does. Even what he thinks. But he´s fine, as long as he doesn´t have to see her, he´s cool.

And now, it´s time for him to, finally, have some freedom.

After he was done with all of his work. Which he did notice was far too little. He called Violet into his office.

He can´t help it, he´s got needs, besides, Violet´s the only woman that doesn´t want to take control of him, or his life. She cares, yes, but she´s not as possessive as Nellie seems to be. Not as insisting, or dominant as Grace is. And surely not as authoritative as Mrs. Davis is, she´s not mean or anything, but she´s the boss so… she´s got some power on her own.

Violet´s not like them. She´s normal, well, she´s the tallest, but her intentions are pure. Lusty, but kind. Gentle.

“Yes?” Violet said as she stepped into his office.

She was wearing a blouse, a skirt, both looking tight. Her legs, covered in brown stockings, she was hot, she was sexy, she was big!

Just as he thought, Violet looks like an 11-feet-tall giantess! Her head seems so close to the ceiling, her legs, so thick, so powerful. And her boobs, massive.

But he´s not afraid of her, she may be taller, surely stronger, but she´s gentle…

“So… I was wondering… would you like to… play a little?” He said, trying to put his most seductive voice.

Violet knew exactly what he meant. Her look turned into a sexier one and her lips pronounced the words: “Sure…” they were up for something…

Meanwhile, downtown, Evangeline was putting her new “lessons” to work.

She did cheat a little, looking for a place where there were more men. To augment her chances of having the fun she´s looking for. So that a man can come to her and try to seduce her. Hopefully someone will notice her.

But she had nothing to worry about. She was pretty, after all, she´s an angel. A beauty, an incandescent one. She´s got kissable lips, sensuous curves. Hairs that glow. Besides, now she´s standing as a 6´ woman. Tall, sexy, hot.

When she entered, it didn´t took long before some people noticed her. She was so pretty. She just walked to the bar, wondering if 4:00 pm was a good time to be at a bar.

But maybe at this time it´s most likely that drunk, lousy guys are not there. Or are there?

This was her very first time. She felt weird. As if she wasn´t in control. The first thing she wanted was to read everyone´s minds and know what´s their impression on her.

She came into the bar wearing a dress, a long one. One that showed off quite some cleavage. Allowing some inches of boob to be at display. Certainly, to attract more attention. At least that´s what Larry said could work.

She just walked into the bar. Allured the bartender with her looks. Then, she ordered something light. A cup of wine. Just waiting for any of the guys there to make a move.

She counted them, there were six in total. There weren´t much, but at least it was better than nothing.

Soon, she found a feeling on her, a strange feeling. Sure, she was an angel, but her body, right now, it´s human. Mortal. She still has her powers, but she´s attached to all of the rules a regular human body is. And now, at this moment, she feels something, something she´s never felt… she´s nervous.

She can´t quite understand it, but, based on her experiences, she knows what this feeling is. She feels something in her gut, while she has ideas, concerns, if any guy will come up to her, she has a strange feeling on her stomach.

“Wow…” she thought. “so this is how it feels to be nervous?” she wanted to live the whole experience of being a human. To go through their normal lives. Of course, not in every way, but the ones she cares for the most. And now, right now, her main concern is, which of these guys will make a move?

While she stood there, as elegant as ever. Looking so graceful, so gentle. So alluring to the eye, someone else was having a bit of what she wanted…

Today, there was no particular role-playing between Larry and Violet. He was hot, she was hot since he made her feel bigger.

He was at her crotch-level. His eyes while standing, were leveled with her crotch. She liked the feeling of being big. She was tall already, but next to Larry, she was super tall! An amazon, more than that, a giantess!

The look on his face as he looked up at her. She felt enormous, she knows he thinks that way too. Only thinking on how big she must feel to him, how far away her face is, the fact that his boobs are in the way, oh, she melted.

Both ended up naked in no time. Larry couldn´t help it, he wanted her. He wanted her body. To feel her soft flesh. To touch her warm skin. To have sex with her.

Larry was on top, inserting his member on her enormous pussy. This might be the first time he ever fucks an 11´ woman. The first time he touches thighs so thick, legs so long. The first time he ever has sex with a woman whose boobs he can barely touch while having sex.

Violet´s hands behind him, caressing him, they were huge! Her boobs, bouncing, teasing him. He couldn´t touch them, her nipples were hard, perky, and he couldn´t even touch them.

The size gap with the giantess was colossal! But that didn´t stop him. If he couldn´t grab her tits, at least, he´ll touch her thighs. Rub the smooth skin on her plump thighs as he pushes his member in and out. Fast, hard, she´s such a threat!

While he was busy having sex with a giantess, Evangeline was just waiting for a chance to share this feeling with someone… but so far, she didn´t have the success she thought.

“Am I too… pretty?” She wasn´t sure on what a man was looking for on a woman, but looks count, right? At least when it comes to sex.

A man must be lured by the woman´s curves. And her clothes should work in a way that they are wrapped around her body in a sensuous way. In her case, they should tease him, attract him.

Feelings matter, a person´s true self counts when it comes to dating, or looking for a couple. But not in the game she wants to play. When sex is the only goal, she must use her looks, her charms, to get a “date”.

But she wasn´t sure, was she intimidating them? No guy, so far, came to her. Not to chat, to invite her a drink, nothing.

Evangeline was getting nervous. She? Nervous? Well, she was.

She has ZERO experience on dating. Or seducing a man. She could easily use her powers to drag someone to her. Be the voice in their heads saying: “Come, come to me…” and drag them to her. But she won´t.

She wants to make this fair and square. Therefore, the guy must come, on his own, without any sort of intervention from her. Her only worry, does it take too long?

“Maybe I should´ve asked about timing. If he´s not here within an hour, should I go to a different place?

Probably yes, probably not. It´s completely up to her. She could use that as experience. Still, there was no need.

“Hey…” Came a voice from behind. As Larry said, a voice that will be smooth, easy going, trying to sound seductive.

“Hi.” She said as she turned.

This guy was handsome, she liked it. A good-looking guy. Brown hair, somehow long, but not too much. He was also carrying a cup of wine, probably he´s got some taste for the good stuff.

And, as Larry said, when she turned, he peeked at her cleavage. Too fast, but she didn´t miss it.

He looked at her, she looked at him. She smiled, Larry said that, in order to show him she likes him, she must smile. That way he´ll know he´s welcomed.

“Mind if I sit?” He asked, trying to confirm that smile of hers.

“Sure…” she said, patting the stool next to hers. Was that a good idea? Was it ok to pat things? It shouldn´t matter.

Evangeline chatted with him for a moment. He ordered a bottle for both. They were drinking the same wine. Was it a coincidence or was it on purpose?

She was there for an hour before he came up. And he had surely been there since she first arrived. If he was drinking the same only to make conversation, then there was no problem. It would be kind if he did.

Even if she wanted to use her powers to know, she didn´t. She chose to play the game by the rules. Wait for him to make the first more.

A minute became two, and then five, and soon, an hour went by. And then another one. Time flies when you´re chatting.

She made sure to keep her cover, she was Dr. Eva. A therapist. A regular one, and she´s currently working with a patient whose name she can´t tell. Patient-doctor perks.

The guy said he was a musician, that he played in an orchestra. Playing the harp. She thought this was a bit suspicious, that he may be lying. But wouldn´t it be cute if he lied to impress her?

After a while, when the sun was setting, he finally said the words.

“Would you like to come over to my place? Maybe I can show you…” Of course, she won´t be listening to the way he plays the harp.

Like Larry said, if he wants to get you to bed, he may say something to impress you. Some guys will like to move things into their apartments, and once there, things get… hot.


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