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Chapter 19

After they were done at the clinic, both women were on their way back home. They both were happy.

Kelsey, without Pam´s knowledge, has some sweet information. Hopes that she´ll be soon to get ahead of the competition. Right now, she´s smiling, feeling victorious. She can see it, soon, Kelsey will grow more!

“So… uhm, everything cool at the clinic?” Trevor asked, trying to make small talk.

“Oh sure, everything was great!” Replied Kelsey, from the back seat of the car. Then, she turned at Pam, knowing well that soon she´ll be the big lady at the front seat. If she manages to fit, of course.

“Things went on as usual! You know, Dr. G complimented me for my growth. I don´t mean to brag, but I´m amongst the tallest patients out there… isn´t that nice…?” She told him, making her voice sound sexier at the end.

Pam´s got something in mind, and she can´t wait for Kelsey to get off the car to make Trevor a… proposal.

They dropped Kelsey first since her place was closer. She got off and just watched the car leaving. She knows Pam´s got some intentions with Trevor, she can almost smell her pervert ideas in the air. But she´ll hold it.

“Let her have him this week, after I´m done, he´ll be all over ME.” Kelsey thought, smiling a bit mischievously.

But she wasn´t the only one with some naughty plans…

“So… Trevor, I´ve been wanting to ask you, now that we´re both alone…” Started Pam, looking at him with desire, speaking slowly, and so sensuously.

“Yes?” he asked, looking at the road, but he can´t deny there´s some sexual tension growing in the air.

“Well, you´ve seen both of us grow and grow, and it´s been a while now. I know you haven´t made up your mind about who you wish to stay with, but, my question is… don´t you have a, I don´t know, favorite one by now?” He swallowed.

“Well, I… you know, it´s really hard to pick either of you. You´re so both so pretty, and you´re making your best to, you know, keep it up with the… expansion. I, I just, haven´t…” He was so nervous.

“Awww, well, that´s too bad. I was hoping that, since I´m the biggest, you would choose me.” She said, faking a little a sad voice.

He thought he let her down, that he should say something to apologize, but as soon as he took some breath in, he felt something, in his thigh.

“Mmmm, don´t get tense, dear.” Said Pam, putting her big hand right over his thigh, squeezing it a little, but unlike the first time, she did escalate a little. “I won´t hurt you, in fact…”

Her hand rose, ran through his thigh with a gentle touch, and then, she got near his crotch, closer and closer. Soon, her fingers found their way and were now all over his member. But she started with his testicles.

Trevor´s hands clenched hard on the steering wheel. A rush of everything ran through his spine. He was driving, so he couldn´t turn away from the road. However, that didn´t stop Pam.

“I would like you to come in. Once we´re at my place, why don´t you come in? Hmm? Wouldn´t you like to stay for a… while?” Her sensuous voice, the way she was playing with his balls, her touch, so gentle, so lusty. Of course he wanted!

Soon, Trevor was at Pam´s place. With a hard-on member. No one spotted them, thankfully. He rushed inside to hide his erection from the outside world. For some reason, after he said yes, Pam didn´t stop massaging his member.

He thought she was going to make him burst in the car, but she didn´t. She held herself. Waiting to get home for the actual fun.

“Do you like it?” She asked.

“Uhm… yeah, it´s… you did something with the place?” He asked as he looked around, trying to find something new.

“No, silly, not my apartment. Me. Do you like my new size?” She asked, standing before him.

Pam was a big woman now, five inches taller than him, over a hundredth pounds of sensuous flesh heavier than him. He stopped for a moment, before he answered, to have a look at her.

She´s so sensuous. She´s much fuller-looking, that´s for sure. Everything in her is thicker than before, but that doesn´t make her any fat. Curvy at best. However, it´s the size of her butt and boobs what triggers him.

Her boobs had grown so big, her butt had expanded so sensuously. She´s got this hourglass-figure, so thick, so sexy. Alluring to the eye, teasing to the mind. She´s a goddess. Her thick legs support her heavy weight. It can´t be easy to find clothes at that size, but that´s not the point, what she asked is something else.

“I… I do.” He replied, looking up at her

Pam smiled, took a step forward and placed both hands on his shoulders. “I´m glad.” She said, smiling. “At first, I wasn´t sure why you liked taller women? Old me wasn´t enough, Trevor?” She asked.

“No, I…”

“It´s ok, I´m not mad. To be honest, I like this size more.” She said, pulling him closer. “My boobs have certainly grown, and so has my butt. All for you, my dear. Come on, touch me.”

“T-touch you?” He was in a trance, preparing himself for the moment when she started stripping, he wanted to see her naked body so badly!

“Yes, touch me. Touch my hips, don´t be shy…” and so, he followed her orders.

Trevor guided his hands to her hips. Placed them on both sides and just touched her, he could feel his fingers sinking a little on her expanded flesh. She was so voluminous, so full of flesh.

“How is it?” She asked.

“Soft…” He replied.

“Good, I´m glad. And they are warm too, right?” He nodded. “I´m growing this big and soft for you, you know. I´ve been pilling pound after pound, so very happily, for you. Maybe I haven´t become your desired girlfriend yet, but trust me, I´m working on that.”

Trevor´s hands kept touching her expansive hips, then, they just kept going, until they found their way to her butt. It was HUGE! So big, so soft, and so firm. He sank his fingers gently on her massive boom.

“Hehe, you like it, don´t you.” She pulled him closer. Closer and closer. He couldn´t resist it, she was much stronger now. She easily pinned him into her. With his head, almost resting on her boobs, but not quite there yet.

“Just wait, Trevor.” She continued, “Soon, I´ll be able to smother your face between by boobs. Soon, I´ll be taller, much taller. And softer, oh, much softer. I´ll be the plump amazon you desire. Just give me a little time…” He was lost in her, he kept massaging her ass as she rubbed her massive tits against him.

Pam could feel his member twitching over her thighs. He was so hard now, right where she needed him.

Soon, she dragged him into her room. Then, she stripped down. Her body was just what he imagined, well more like what he could already see. Her clothes were already so tight.

Now, her naked curves were at full display. He could see her massive thighs, covered with soft flesh. Her waist, thin compared to the enormity of her hips, narrow compared with the abundant cleavage she carries. Pam´s got a sensuous hourglass figure.

She´s tall, she´s sexy, she´s tender, soft. She´s like a dream come true. A reality, his desire, of bigger, sensuous women, it all cam true. Pam was a living proof of it. Now, he´s laying naked in bed, waiting for the amazon to come over him.

“Ready?” She asked, standing naked before him, with her nipples, hard, and her hungry pussy looking at him.

“Come here…” He replied. And so, the amazon made her way to him.

Her body, she was so soft, so big, he could feel her all over him. Every inch of her body, soft, smooth. Her enormous breast resting on him as he fondled with them. They were just so big, he couldn´t handle them, not even a single one.

Within a moment, his member was already inside her. The thrust of her heavy hips, they didn´t feel heavy at all, she was so gentle, so careful. He was in paradise. A big, sexy paradise. With a sensuous amazon driving him through ecstasy. Making his deepest desire come true.

But things were not going to stop there, soon, Trevor knows that Pam will be bigger. That this woman will soon be small compared to her new size. He can feel his member twitching as she fucks him, his erection reaching a new hardness. At the moment, she´s all he wants, all he needs. And she knows it.

“Trevor,” she said while she was on top, “I´d like us to meet more often. I need you, my needs… they have grown too, you know. I´d like you to come over, tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after…” She wants to make this an every-day thing. And he doesn´t mind, not one bit.

“I´d love to…” He replied, under the soft touch of this woman. Feeling her sexuality all over him.

Now, he´s sating all her needs. And tomorrow, he´ll sate her needs too. And the day after, and after that. The bigger she gets, the more he needs him. Almost exactly what happens to him, the difference, she´ll get more and more lusty as she grows. Can he take that?


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