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Part 2

Melanie had grown! But not so much. But how? How did she suddenly expand? She hasn´t really paid attention to it. Her clothes are a bit tighter, but not constraining.

She just kept wandering through the store. Curious as to where was all people? The parking lot was almost full, they should be here, right? Unless they are using the parking lot only to, well, to park their cars somewhere.

“There´s so many things here…” She thought as she wandered through another aisle. This time, she was surrounded by pillows. Of all sizes and brands. Brands she didn´t even knew existed. And, to her surprise, the store had it´s own brand. Only that, their pillows were a little… bigger.

“Wow, look at the size of this one, it´s so big! And, oh, so soft.” She wondered, does she need a new pillow? But she didn´t have too much time before something else caught her attention.

No, it wasn´t another one of the clerks with free samples, this time, it was a smell, more like, an aroma…

“It´s so cheap! I mean, the fabric looks so good, and the softness… and… the color… it… it´s… wow, what smells so good?” soon, she found herself walking towards that aroma.

Trying to track down the origin of that sweet, meaty, and saucy smell. Maybe it wasn´t the best idea to come here without having breakfast…

She had already been through, maybe, a quarter of the store. And that took her like thirty minutes, but now, she´s skipping some aisles to find out what that smell is. Where does it come from, and why it is so… delicious!

She skipped a couple aisles and was soon close to the frozen´ section. Before large fridges filled with boxes. There, she could actually see some people, at the distance, she wondered, why weren´t they all around this, this guy with a tiny oven.

“Welcome, ma´am, would you like to try our mini-pizzas?” He asked. Pulling a tray from the oven.

“I…” she was about to answer, to extend her arm and grab one, but they were hot. Still, that´s not what interfered with her, but someone else…

“Oh, there´s more! I need more!” Said this woman, a very big one, she seemed excited.

She was not as rude as to bump her out of the way, she just came from her right side and soon, grabbed a mini-pizza, ok, maybe two.

Melanie was amazed by two things, one, the guy was asking her, it was rude from this woman to come and interfere with it. And two, this lady was big.

Melanie patiently waited for the tall lady to get her share and leave. The woman was so tall, and thick. She had some big curves, and stood at no less than 6´8”, however, her size was not the main issue, but the way she… covered it?

Her clothes seemed a bit too small. In fact, her blouse did too little to cover her belly. She could see the tanned stomach of this woman. A bit bulky. But that was not the big deal, above that soft belly, there were a huge pair of tits. Enormous. Her crop top did way too little to cover them up.

And the worst part was, her shorts. They were tiny! Maybe they were big, probably too big for Melanie, but this lady, doesn´t she feel that the fabric is sinking in between that massive ass of hers? For a woman like Melanie, it´s a bit indecent.

But the big lady must like to let her flesh out. Some people may like to ogle her massive assets. She´s thick, sure, she´s big, yes, is she hot? Well, a bit too… curvy. But that´s not Melanie´s problem.

“Have you tried them, dear? OH, you´ll love them! This must be the tenth one I´ve had, haha. But like they say, you can have as many samples as you want, right? The clerk nodded.

Melanie didn´t care for what the woman said. She stepped between her and the tray, she´s not so nice. Besides, she doesn´t need her to come and tell her what to do, she was already on her way to grab one.

As soon as the big woman left, Melanie had her chance to try them.

“Careful, ma´am. They´re hot.” Said the guy as she took a mini-pizza. They were a little bigger than bite-size, the same size as the palm of her hand. She grabbed one, together with the white carboard placed to use it as a plate, you know, not to get burned.

Melanie took the first bite, and soon, she was amazed!

It tasted better than it smelled! The cheese, and the pepperoni. It´s like a thick, tiny pizza. With a crust that tastes, mmmm, so good. What´s it with this place and their food? Everything seems to taste amazing! Now she´s kind of regretting not taking one of those cookies they first offered.

“Want another one, ma´am?” The guy asked.

Without noticing, she had already eaten the whole thing. Wasn´t it hot? How come she finished the whole thing already?

She thought that maybe she shouldn´t. She already had one, plus two mini-burgers. Maybe this made it up for breakfast? Or maybe…

“Sure! I´d love another one.” Well, now this surely makes it up for breakfast. At least her light ones. But this food is certainly filled with much more calories than her bowl of cereal, or her yogurt. Still, it doesn´t matter. It´s only a couple extra calories. Right?

She ate the second piece and soon, she asked the guy where the boxes were. She needs to have some for herself.

As she walked to the fridge, on the same aisle where the guy was, she noticed something, her clothes, aren´t they… tight?

She wanted to blame it on that large lady, blame it on the fact that way her clothes fit, it was making her self-conscious, but it wasn´t just that. Her whole attire feels… tight?

She only ate a little, she can´t be bloated, right? It´s not like she was assaulting the free samples. But if she was bloated, then her jeans button would be the problem, the way they were wrapped around her waist. But it was not.

Instead, Melanie felt off, on the boob-area. As if her bra was… too small? It couldn´t be, she had already used it before, there´s no way it shrunk. Besides, when she got dressed, it fit totally fine. But that wasn´t the only problem, her butt, she feels as if her jeans were sinking a little on her ass as she walks.

She felt weird, strange. However, she still made her way to the fridge and soon grabbed a box of mini-pizzas. Two, just in case.

She was focused on herself, but she didn´t really noticed her reflection in the mirror. The truth is, she wouldn´t have noticed either way, the size of everything was bigger than normal. Those fridge´s doors must be about ten-feet-tall.

Who´ll need something that big? However, what she ignored, what she didn´t see, was the size of herself. If things would´ve been normal, a regular scale, then she would’ve noticed she was no longer her original size. The tightness is not only because her assets have expanded. She´s growing.

Melanie may not notice, but her jeans are a tat shorter. Which is natural, the 5´11” lady surely needs more leg-room than the 5´7” lady she was.

Melanie has grown, taller and thicker. To the point that, her clothes are starting to feel too tight.

She was curious, but then, she was distracted by some other people. Just as tall as the lady from before, 6´8”, or maybe 6´10”, these people were huge! Are all tall people here at the store? The shortest, well, more average-size people she´s seen are the clerks.

Besides, their clothes look tight too? Why? Is she out of fashion? Should she wear overly-tight clothes too? Well, the ones she´s wearing aren´t far from that.

Melanie wandered for a while more, wondering if she should leave, her clothes are killing her!

As she kept going, looking for her favorite yogurt brand before she left, another person popped up, a lady, shorter than her, maybe she was 5´3” or 5´2”, and she had a tray with tiny bottles, of milk?

“Would you like a sample, ma´am? They are free.” She said. With a big smile, a polite tone, as the rest of the clerks.

She didn´t really like to have, well, so many samples. Besides, she doesn´t really like, well, plain milk. She´d appreciate more something like, a coffee.

However, the clerk was really persuasive.

“This is our milk-brand. It comes in many sizes, this is the smallest one we have. Of course, in a twelve-pack. Oh, and it comes in many flavors! We´ve got whole-milk, Lactose-free, skim, and, now, coffee! It´s the new one, and I promise, it´s great!” She seemed so excited.

Melanie felt bad for wanting to reject her, so… she just said: “May I have the last one, I´d like the coffee-flavor.” She needs a drink to wash down all she ate, right? Besides, caffeine boosts your metabolism, right? This would… make up for the extra calories she ate, even if she ends up taking more in.

“Thank you.” Melanie said, and soon, she opened the bottle and drank from it. She must´ve been thirsty because she drank down the whole thing in one go.

“Wow, it´s good!” She said.

“It sure is, ma´am. Would you like another one? Or, how about a different flavor?”

“I don´t know…” She started, she did wanted, but she wasn´t sure if she should have some more.

“Don´t worry, they are free… oh! I have an idea!” The girl said, as if there were stars in her eyes, “why don´t you have one of each? That way you´ll be able to tell which flavor you like the most.” One of each? There were like six different types of milk!

There was whole, skim, lactose-free, strawberry, chocolate, and coffee. Six bottles? This lady wants to give her SIX bottles?

This is concerning, how can they keep up a business if they give away so many free samples? One per customer is normal, maybe two, but six? That´s not good business.

“I think I´ll pass…” She said, but the lady insisted, and in a not so regular way.

“Please, ma´am!!! You´re the first person that takes a sample from my tray! Please! Everyone says no…” Did her eyes went teary? Was she really begging her to have more samples? Why? This was so… awkward.

But she doesn´t really know how to deal with that, so… before she starts crying…

“Fine! Just give them to me…” she needs to know how to be assertive.

“Great! Thank you sooooo much!” And so, Melanie was loaded.

Six free sample bottles of milk on her cart. She got going as she opened another bottle, the strawberry one, and drank it up.

“Have a good day, ma´am!” Do they get paid by how many free sampled they give away or something?

Melanie had no idea, but this is the first time she´s ever seen someone at the verge of tears because she didn´t accepted a free sample, and not just here, but ever!

She just walked away, the taste of this milk was nice, it was sweet, creamy, delicious! However, the only problem was the tightness on her clothes. Seriously, and that´s not just it, as she walks, she has to bend a little, she feels like… her blouse is rising?

Melanie has no idea, but, after her second bottle, right when she opened the skim one, she stood taller. She was wearing sandals, but her feet have grown a bit too big for them. The overall feeling of tightness is distracting her from her actual changes.

Can clothes shrink while wearing them? No. The actual reason is that she´s grown so much that she´s now a 6´1” woman. Too big for her clothes. Even her calves are trying to rip down her pants to get some more space.

But she´s grown six-inches taller, and, gained about 30-pounds of flesh! How come she hasn’t noticed?


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