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Chapter 31

Larry was having a hard time grasping what Evangeline just told him.

“So… you´ll be like… here for the whole day?” He asked, looking at the woman, who was looking directly at him.

“Well… isn´t that therapy? You spend a while with someone who´s checking you?”

“Yes, but not like that. You´re just… looking at me in a creepy way.” Maybe it was better when she was invisible. “You´re supposed to ask questions, not just stare at me.” He declared, annoyed.

“Ask? Why would I do so? I can read your mind, remember? And just so you know, this will work, believe me, Lawrence. I´m the one behind this plan, and there´s no single detail I haven´t ran through my mind at least a hundredth times.” Was he doubting? Surely.

Evangeline was just here, pretending to be “Dr. Eva”, his therapist. He didn´t need any, but Nellie insisted, not to say made him. So… here she is.

In the end, Larry had no other choice but to accept his faith. After all, Evangeline has always been there. Only that now, she was a bit more… annoying.

“Tell me, how´s it like?” She asked.

“What´s what like?” He had no idea what she was talking about.

“You know… intercourse.” Evangeline wanted to experience certain things, amongst them…

“You mean sex? Well…” How could he explain an ancient being what sex was like?

Evangeline was curious, about a lot of things. This was a chance for her to experience the human life. Now, she´s got a physical body, she´s a person. With powers, yet, a person.

During this time, she´ll make sure to experience a lot of the normal things people do. Larry will be his guide through all this.

What will be the outcome of this?

“Oh… spicy.” Evangeline said, as she tried food from the cafeteria.

“Yeah, that´s hot sauce.” He explained, sitting right in front of her, looking way up at the towering angel.

“Mmm, I like it. What else do we have?” She said. Eager to try everything at the cafeteria.

“Wow, chill there, you… don´t you think it´s a lot of food?” He said, looking at the ton of food she had before her.

“It´s not. Believe me, I´ll turn everything into energy. And, unlike you, I won´t store any fat. If that´s what you´re worried about.” Evangeline had a sensuous silhouette.

A nice pair of boobs, shapely legs, and a firm butt. A wasp-like figure. All in her 5´7” stature.

“Hi! How´s the therapy going?” Came Violet´s voice as she joined them in the table. And she was also impressed by all the food there. “Mind if I sit?”

“Please.” Said Larry, looking at how the “therapist” stuffed her face. She lacked some manners…

The conversation was… weird. To him. However, Evangeline had powers. Mighty powers.

She didn´t say much, however, the few things she said were enough to convince Violet that everything was going great. And, due to her mystical influence, she totally fell for it!

Only Larry was capable of telling this was no therapy. That she was no specialist and, that she was just there to sate a personal need.

Soon, Nellie joined them, and the same thing happened. For some reason, anything that came out of Evangeline´s voice, was enough, no more than enough to please these two women. Violet and Nellie where sure Evangeline was a professional, even if she wasn´t.

But Larry was worried. Will Evangeline stick with him ALL day? He had things to do. Besides, if shew as there, then there´s no chance he can have some “fun” with Violet.

The good thing is, she´s not sticking with him all day, or every day.

“Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Those three days, I´m “scheduled” to join you. From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.” Evangeline declared.

“That´s… that´s it? And, why on working hours? Doesn´t that like… interfere with my job?” He asked.

“Yes, that´s it. And no, it doesn´t, because, we both know, you don´t really do too much nowadays.” That was true.

“Fine. But, if we only meet while I´m working, how…?”

“How will you guide me through a normal human life? I can move on my own, don´t worry. You´ll be more like a consultant.”

“Huh… ok.” Evangeline had plans, big plans…

Larry was confused. He had no idea what Evangeline was getting out of this. He was thoughtful.

Whenever he was away from her, his mind only drifted into a deep place. He was concerned, what was she getting out of this? What? What will she win?

In the end, he had his guard down. And, while being at his neighbor´s house, the inevitable happened.

“Oh, I forgot the sauce. Shit! Larry, I´ll be right back.” Nellie said to him.

Larry was sitting at the kitchen´s table, thinking about Evangeline. However, he ignored the predicament in which he was about to enter. The real deal he was about to experience.

Nellie was gone. And without her at the house, who will stop her lusty aunt from making a move?

Grace was always in the mood to have a piece of him. And today, it was no exception.

Nellie was supposed to prepare dinner. Pasta. But she forgot the sauce. Now, she was on the way to the store, leaving Larry alone at her aunt´s place. However, that was soon to change…

“Wow, I must´ve ran like three miles, I´m exhausted!” Said Grace, the mature woman, stepping inside her house. Entering through the kitchen´s door.

Entering the exact room where Larry was. He was sitting at the table. Thinking on Evangeline.

But he ignored one thing, Grace. Still, she didn´t ignored him…

“Well, well, well, who do we have here… Larry, is that you, dear?” He swallowed. How come he didn´t hear her coming? Now, it was too late.

“Oh my, look at you. I can´t believe you used to be the 6´1” hunk next door. But don´t worry, dear, you´re still handsome…” Grace´s got some sort of obsession with him. Or so he thinks.

But that doesn´t really matter, right now, he needs to escape. To run. The problem is, she´s too close.

“Oh! H-hi… Grace. I didn´t… hear you coming.” He said, jumping out of his chair, looking way, way up at the towering milf. To him, she seems as a ten-feet-tall amazon!

He can only see her enormous breasts, obstructing his view to her face. Hiding her grin.

“Look at you. This condition you have is terrible! Are you ok? Are you feeling well?” She asked.

“I… sure! I sure am.” He said, trying not to be cornered. But she was stepping closer, and closer. The amazonic milk coming his way. All sweaty.

Grace was covered in sweat. He could clearly see sweat all over the bottom of her sports bra. Right beneath her enormous rack. Sweat all over her flat stomach. Her skin, so sultry looking. And her legs, her plump, fleshy legs, that were more at his sight than ever.

She came from a long run, but, the question is, isn´t she tired? Or, is she looking for some extra cardio…?

“I´m glad. Honey. I am.” She said, bending over, her massive breasts so close to his face. AS she bend, she laid her hand, her enormous palm engulfing the entirety of his shoulder.

Larry was worried. He can´t risk it loosing more inches! That can´t be good!

Besides, if Grace ever gets her way with him, that will cost him more than the first time. He needs to escape!

But how? Grace´s huge! And, he can clearly see the lust in her eyes. What to do? What to do? She´s still a married woman. He can´t have sex with a married woman. But, the only thing he can perceive of her is that… she wants to!

He can feel the heat coming out of this woman. And not only because she just exercised. He can feel the heat, coming out of her crotch. He can almost smell the musky scent of her pussy, getting wet. Damp.

“You know, I bet you can still make me feel like a woman…” She said, now caressing his hair.

“I… I…” What to do? Nellie just left, surely. Maybe. He wasn´t paying attention.

He was too focused on his won thoughts. If he would´ve listened to what was going on around him, he would´ve joined Nellie. Or at least looked for a place to hide while Grace´s at the house. But now, it´s too late.

The only thing in his mind is: “Don´t fuck her. Don´t fuck her.” But this is not up to him.

Grace is too pushy towards that. A cougar, with nothing but lust in her mind and passion running through her veins. She wants him, and she wants him now…

“You know, there´s something in my room I´d like to show you…” she said, now pushing things somewhere else.

Larry was worried, he knows this can´t happen. But what can he do?

“You know… I´m kind of tired…” He said, looking up at the intimidating woman.

“Aww, but don´t worry. You can lay back. Relax and allow me to take care of everything…” she replied.

“B-but… I… I didn´t sleep so well last night. And… I think I´m a little sore…” He was looking for excuses. But Grace knows better.

“Don´t worry, I can give you a nice massage first. Trust me, I´m REALLY good at it.” She said, passion running through her mouth.

His mind was foggy, what can he do? What excuse can he say?

Larry was overwhelmed. He didn´t stand a chance. This was annoying! Why does she want to have a piece of him every time she sees him? Why?

He´s handsome, yes. But that´s no excuse. Grace should have some limits. She should know she can´t just seduce him every time she pleases. He´ll lose inches! Valuable inches.

He´s so tired of this. As she steps closer and closer, with her majestic, threatening body. With her larger, fleshier body, he knows, this isn´t his fault.

In the end, she´s the one seducing him. So why should he take the blame? Why him? Why not blaming her? Things are so unfair!

Evangeline made the rules and, apparently, even if Grace is the one pushing him towards sex, in the end, it´s his fault. And he´s the one getting the punishment. This isn´t fair.

“No…” He said, low, barely audible.

“Excuse me, dear?” Asked Grace, looming high above him.

“No. I said No! I don´t want to have sex!” There, he said it. He put the limit.

He has to set the limits. There´s no chance Grace will stop, unless he tries and stops her.

This has been enough. He´s tired of being scared of Grace. She won´t scare him. She can´t scare him. So what if she´s horny? Can´t she find a date? Why does it have to be him the one who takes it all?

This has been enough. Enough hiding. Enough trying to avoid her. Enough!

“Excuse me?” Grace said, she thought he may be in the mood, even if she had to push him a little, but it seems, he´s got some other thoughts.

“You hear me. I´m not in the mood. Ok? No to your massages, no to your proposal, no to everything! I don´t wanna have sex. PERIOD!” Grace blinked, taking in what Larry just said.

She thought she had him right where she want him, but it seems, he´s not in her spell.

“Are you sure?” She said, playing her last card.

“Yes! Totally!” He would´ve gone away with it, but… there´s a little detail, things got a bit out of hands. He just forgot when to stop talking.

He kept adding things until, those things stopped working and, they got her in the wrong kind of mood…

“Besides, why would I want to have sex with you? I mean, I´m way too young for you…” And there´s where things went a bit… out of hand.

“Excuse me?” Grace´s tone just changed. She went from teasing to… offended.

“I mean, I´m 27 and you´re like… fifty something. I don´t mean to call you old but… you´re WAY older than me.” Without knowing, Larry broke a rule. Again.

And it´s a rule he should know very well by now. The rule of not insulting women. Calling a woman old, older or even insinuating something about her being old, that counts. Mostly when the woman is offended by his words. And this is clearly the case.

Grace didn’t like being reminded of her age. She worked hard to have a nice physique. To be hot, sexy. And Larry just… he insulted her, basically.

Before he knew it, that creepy feeling came all over him. He knew this was bad. But he ignored how bad it truly was.

He made a deal with Evangeline. She said, clearly, that the next time he insulted a woman, there will be an extra consequence.

This was the fifth time this happens, therefore, he´ll lose FIVE-inches. That´s right, Larry will go from 3´8” to 3´3”, but that´s not the worse part.

Grace is looking at Larry, with close attention, as his body slowly shrinks. The guy before her eyes, shrinking.

This was mortifying to him. Before his eyes, it seemed as if Grace was the one growing. Bigger, and bigger. Taller, thicker, expanding!

Her boobs, higher and higher, the width of her hips, augmenting with each second as her hips come closer and closer to his gaze, and then, they became leveled with his eyes.

“Old?” She said, after the shrinking was done. Larry was now hip-level with the 5´6” woman. But that was not the only problem, the main thing was, she was mad.

The good thing is, she´s no longer thinking on sex, the bad thing, she´s mad.

But that´s not the main issue. Grace would´ve been mad on her own. Maybe nag at him a little. Making comments on how she´s not old. That she´s still young. That most men will beg her to have a chance with her. And other things that prove she´s still hot.

The main problem was, Evangeline made a small twist. She put a small condition on him. Something she thought would fit whenever he insulted a woman. A punishment, but not one too hard.

“I CAN´T believe it!” He was worried. He not only lost more inches than he would have if he had sex with Grace, now, she was mad. And not just mad, deep inside, he knows she´s about to do something he surely won´t like.

She turned at him, furious. All thanks to Evangeline, what will come next is the condition she put before. What she told him the other day, knowing very well, there will be a next time when he insults a woman. Maybe this way he´ll learn…

“Come here…” Grace said, guided by Evangeline´s will to do what she was about to do.

“H-hold on… wait!” He tried to escape, she was threatening, but he couldn´t succeed.

Grace seized him, grabbed him, and before he knew it, she pulled a chair and sat on it.

Next thing he knows, he´s face down over her lap. Her sweaty, fleshy lap.

“W-what are you…?” He had no idea what was about to happen. But soon, it will be clear enough.

“What am I doing? Teaching you some manners…” and so, Grace pulled his pants down and, without second thoughts, she spanked his ass.

She slapped his bare bottom, over and over. At first, it hurt, but soon, it was too painful! He kicked, he tried to scream, but it was useless. Grace was in a mission, one commanded by Evangeline.

Maybe this was all Evangeline´s fault, but he doesn´t know. What he´s thinking right now is, Grace has some weird ways to punish a man. A spanking? She was spanking him? A grown man?

The worse thing is that he´s powerless. Vulnerable. He´s clearly at the mercy of the giantess. She looks almost twice his size. Weights probably four times more and surely, is much stronger.

He´s over powered by Grace´s rath.

He feels weak, humiliated. And all thanks to Evangeline. Who used the hands of Grace to punish him. What is he thinking? Two things. Number one, this is unnecessary, and number two, this is humiliating.

“There, now you´ll know better to respect a woman.” Grace said, after ten, painful, spanks on his butt.

Once he was on the floor, he immediately pulled his pants up and looked up at her. She seemed mad. But soon, her expression softened a bit. She was no longer under the influence of Evangeline, yet, she was still mad.

“Now, apologize.” Grace said. “Apologize for calling me old.”

“Sorry.” Larry said, bearing through all this humiliation.

“Sorry for…?” She stood up, and looming so high above him, she placed both hands on her wide hips.

Larry had to swallow his pride. “I´m sorry for calling you old. I… I was wrong.” His ass hurts, putting the pants on was painful, but as a grown man, he´ll take it.

“Good. Now, you won´t tell Nellie a word. UNDERSTOOD?”

“Crystal clear.” Grace went from the lusty neighbor to a threatening woman. Wow, things were REALLY changing for him.

“I hope this helps you, Lawrence. And that you can finally understand the real consequences of being disrespectful towards women.” Echoed Evangeline´s voice inside his mind.

Larry got it, he got it right. But he was wondering, was he in store for this again? Will this be repeated if he ever falls on the same mistake?

The worse part is. Nellie will clearly see the 5-inch difference in him. How can he explain it to her? What can he say?

Make a sorry excuse? Or just say… nothing? How can he explain what just happened without telling her the actual truth? How?

This is supposed to be stressed-triggered. How can he explain her he got stressed. To the point where he lost FIVE-inches!



Ha between this and Amazon Land - two spankings in one week! We’re so lucky!


Thanks, I wasn´t going to go for it here, but sooner or later, this scene was going to take place so... sooner it was ;D