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Chapter 6

Ray had no idea of the reason why, or how, but during this week, the whole seven days, things were… as he wanted.

Technically, Milly was the one who was as he wanted. Mainly physically. She went the whole seven days changing. Over and over. For some reason, getting taller and taller. But with clear differences on her body.

First, boobs, then butt, then legs, muscle, fat, and finally, height. She went from a 5´6” lady to a 7´6” amazon. That´s right, he made his cute girlfriend a goddess!

And what happened? What did he go for in the end? In the end, it was all of the above. In the end, Milly, the girl he once thought was too thin, to frail, too small. She became an impressive, even striking, amazon!

Her body, so smooth, her flesh so sexy. She´s got the body of a true goddess. And also the height. Now, he´s the one who´s short, small, and, maybe, weak looking?

But Ray wasn´t sure about this. Was this real? There´s pictures on his phone, on his social media, all proofs that this is real. That she´s always been this… big.

He went from having six-inches, and about eighty-pounds on her to be… well, the small one. Currently, Milly towers above him by a foot-and-a-half! And, speaking of weight, she´s over three-times heavier. That´s right, she´s 600-pounds of firm, sexy, fleshy amazon.

But, does he mind? He minded when she was thin, small, but, did he made her too big? Did he went too far? Each passing day, he got closer and closer to what he wanted. But, did he wanted her to be so… tall?

“I think… could this be over in the morning?” he wondered, right before he went to bed. To bed with his mighty girlfriend next to him. In a bed, larger than the one he once had, with a woman, much larger than the one he once dated.

Ray´s curious, tomorrow, he´ll be back to work, does that mean that, this is over? Does it mean she´ll go back to her normal self? Back to that small, cute, sweet girl?

Don´t get it wrong, she´s still as pretty as she was, however, he wouldn´t call her cute. She´s way too big to be called cute. In fact, standing next to her, he´s the cute one. No, Milly´s no longer just cute, now, she´s gorgeous! Delightful. Sexy.

And she´s just as sweet. As kind. She´s the same she´s always been. Lovely.

As days went by, he realized her personality was kind of… changing. Not drastically, but slightly. Maybe adapting to her new size, to her new lifestyle. But today, he knows she´s just the same. Maybe a bit more “supportive”.

She´s the bigger one. Therefore, she´s the stronger one, the taller one, the one in “control”. She knows about her size, everyone who saw them knows she´s huge. Amazonic. And, clearly, she knows she must be kind since he´s… small.

Standing at 6´ and being the small one. He´s unsure on how to take that. However, he did wish for Milly to be bigger. And he didn´t specify in which aspect. And, during all those times when he did, when he thought he was wishing for what he wanted, it seems it was just not enough. But when he added all up, well, now he´s got an amazon of a girlfriend.

But, will that last? Will she be the same in the morning?

Soon, his alarm was buzzing. He was dreaming about something, although he can´t quite recall what it was. Maybe the sea? A lake? There was water somewhere, that´s for sure. Or, was he floating in the blue sky? Dreams are weird. But now, he was awake.

Ray looked out the window, the bright sunshine, entering the window, entering his room, twinkling, annoying the man who had just gotten used to waking up later. It seems a week´s enough to make a man lose some habits.

But there was something he had to check on, well not something but someone. Milly.

Ray turned to his side, and found someone all covered in the sheets. Sheets that covered the entirety of this woman´s body. A body that couldn´t be larger than 5´6”, a body thin enough to fit with Milly´s original self.

After all this time, it seems things just went back to normal, now, she´s under the sheets, as small, more like average, as she once was. His petit girlfriend, back to her original size.

Ray smiled, he wouldn´t have minded staying with the amazon. She was certainly hot, sexy, arousing. But in the end, it´s Milly the one he cares for. Not to be with anyone else but her.

Ray bent over and approached, a hug? A kiss? He was just happy to see her, as she used to be. But kissing her from above the sheets was enough? No. That´s not romantic. He wanted a normal kiss. Even if he doesn´t want to wake her up. He grabbed the end of the covers and, as he slowly bent, he removed them.

“Good…?” He wanted to greet her, with a soft voice. Kiss her gently on her forehead. Not meaning to disturb her sleep, but, when he removed the sheets, she just… wasn´t there.

“What the?” It was a pillow. One he didn´t quite remembered. It was certainly big, and, to him, misleading. He could´ve sworn it was Milly, but she wasn´t there. In fact…

“Honey! Are you up? Breakfast´s ready!” Came a voice from outside. Ray turned at the open door, following the sound of this deeper, sensuous voice. It was… Milly?

Not her normal voice, but the voice of the amazon he met yesterday. The voice of amazon Milly.

He walked out the room, unsure of what he´ll see, but once he stepped into the kitchen, he confirmed his suspicion.

“Well, good morning, sleepyhead.” She chuckled. The amazon chuckled as she brought a plate with scrambled eggs to the table.

There she was, Milly, the amazon, in all her mighty glory.

She was wearing this tank top, that may as well be also a crop top. Her huge breasts, filling up the entirety of the top, her big nipples, poking through the fabric. Her flat, trimmed stomach, in full display.

Her shape, her long, sexy shape. Beneath, her impressive legs. With the tiniest shorts she could´ve found. Which technically, could be regular fit on him. Yet, they were so short in her, so tiny, barely covering her juicy. Peach-shaped butt. Those long, smooth, fleshy legs. So thick, so shapely. Sensuous.

Milly´s just the same she was yesterday. Which has him thinking, for real?

She´s so sexy she arouses him at first sight. She´s so pretty, he feels like melting. She´s so big that, even if he knows she´s the same sweet woman, he can´t help but to feel intimidated. Intimidated by her beauty, her strong presence, her size…

“Sit down, you don´t want it to get cold, do you?” she gently said, pointing at his plate.

“S-sure…” He said. Smiling, delighted.

Things were certainly different, before, she wouldn´t just wake up to make him breakfast. At least not on Mondays. If she was to do so, then it would be on Thursdays, or Fridays. But not today.

And, when he asked if she was going to have any breakfast, she just smiled and said: “No, I´ll go back to bed. You know I always make breakfast for you, did you forget? Oh, and by the way, your lunch´s on that bag right there, in case you also forgot that…” she smiled, bent over, kissed him and then, she went back to bed.

Was this for real?

He was so confused with this new Milly. She was more considerate. Attentive. He got to work and spent his whole shift wondering, was this a dream? If it was, he didn´t want to wake up.

Ray was so happy, so thankful for this new Milly. She was bigger, sexier, and, somehow, she was more considerate. Lovely. Even lovelier.

When he was back home, he was received by his amazon girlfriend. Milly was now dressed in a sexy dress. With her sensuous breasts in display, he could see a deep, long, sexy line of cleavage. The dress was tight enough to accentuate her alluring shape, her tiny waist and her wide hips.

“Welcome home, my love…” she said as she hugged him.

Ray´s member just jolted in his pants. Her mere sight was enough, but now, her boobs are quite on his eye-level. And, as she hugs him, he can feel her heavy, soft flesh on his face.

And her aroma, it wasn´t just the perfume. There was something on her other than the sweet scent of her perfume. Her, her natural fragrance got him stimulated. As if it was calling for passion, for love, for lust.

“Dinner´s ready, follow me…” She was dressed for dinner? Wow.

Before, she would´ve just wore some baggy pants and a top, but now, she was wearing a dress? Amazing.

But there was still something more. When he asked her, why she was wearing a dress but not heels, she just said: “Aww, that would make me too tall, sweetheart. Believe me, it´s better like this.” She was barefoot.

Was she insulting him? Was she saying she was too tall for him? Heels would certainly compliment her outfit, but she didn´t wanted because, she was already too tall?

He didn´t pay much attention to it, he just went on.

Dinner was delicious. So tasty. Her cooking skills seem to have grown with her.

After the tasty dinner, there was something tastier. “Dessert” …

Sex. Once again, Milly was all over him. Her massive breasts, smothering his face. They were just enormous. Massive. All of her was bigger, softer, juicier.

He felt wrapped by her. Her long arms on his sides, her larger torso, even her head, as she bent to kiss him. She was so much bigger, so much larger. He could feel his feet, closed to her calves. Milly was just so much more woman than before.

And her sex, her pussy, it felt hotter. He didn´t feel man enough to please her, but judging for her moaning, he was.

Her enormity just made the whole bed tremble, it felt as if the whole room was quacking! She was literally rocking his world. And, the deeper he went, the tougher she got.

She started thrusting her hips faster, putting more pressure on his body, more strength on her movements. Electricity ran down his spine, all over his body. His hands just grabbed her, his fingers, sinking on the soft flesh of her hips as he was looking for something to hold while he climaxed.

Milly was a threat!

“I hope I wasn´t so intense, honey…” she said, as he was totally spent, covered in sweat, trying to catch his breath.

Milly didn´t finish, she didn´t climax as he did. But, she didn´t mind, she said: “Don´t worry, you can finish me up tomorrow…” Wow, just, wow…

Ray was so… lost! He was exhausted, spent, tired. And all because of this amazon of his girlfriend. She pleased him, and then, it was his turn to please her. Yet, he wonders, what will happen next?

She gave him a break, a break because she knows she´s bigger. That she´s got more stamina, more power in her. Still, she said something that caught his attention, tomorrow.

Ray can make things up, tomorrow. He wonders, will there be a tomorrow? Will this last?

To make things short… yes.

He woke up, same thing happened, a nice breakfast with his delightful girlfriend. A nice lunch, and an equally lovely dinner.

However, after dinner…

“Ok, dear, time to eat… me…” She wasn´t kidding.

The amazon laid back in bed, spread both of her fleshy legs and removed her dress. Showing off her wet, waiting pussy.

At first, Ray swallowed, she wants him to…? The answer was clear, she wanted oral. For him to eat her pussy, literally.

He crawled over the mattress, crawled between her long legs and started worshiping the goddess. Ray started pleasing his girlfriend´s pussy with his mouth.

He sucked on her clit as his hands took hold of her plump, mighty thighs. He wasn´t over with her size. She was massive!

Every single thing, every single part of hers is bigger, larger, longer, heavier. Even while she´s laying in bed, beneath him, he can´t help but to feel she´s the one that´s on top. All over.

Her knees, rising higher than his head, and while laying down, his perception changes. He feels as if her was leveled with her pussy. As if she was even bigger, taller.

Ray feels as if he was in the presence of a giantess. A twelve-feet-tall woman.

At the end, once she was totally pleased, when she reached climax, Milly´s legs just closed. He felt a tremble all over her body. And she was so big that all of the bed trembled beneath her. Once she was close to coming, she closed her legs.

For a second, his face was pinned between her thighs. His face, pinned right over her pussy as her juices were shot out of her hot cunt.

Breathe? Oxygen? None of that was in his mind, all he knew, for those long three seconds was. Milly´s huge! He didn´t even heard her strong moans, his ears were covered by the flesh of her massive thighs.

Mighty, stronger, gorgeous. She got him pinned, not even trying, she so-casually pinned his face to her. She got him in place, pinned to her enormity.

“Oops, sorry, I think… I just let myself go for a second…” she apologized.

Milly knows one thing, she´s bigger. And according to this new reality, she´s always been bigger.

And not just bigger, stronger too. Milly´s the strong one in the relationship. The tall one. The sexy one. The heavy one. Simply, the alpha.

Maybe not literally, but who would you think is in charge? The 6´ guy? Or the 7´6” goddess?

What happened next was… unexpected. And at the same time, logical.

Over the next few days, aside of realizing that some dynamics on their relationship had changed, he realized something else… she wasn´t going back to normal.

Every single day, he woke up from bed and walked into the kitchen. Where his gorgeous, sensuous, amazonic girlfriend was cooking his breakfast. He was thankful, he was happy, but… was this going to be forever?

He doesn’t mind, in fact, he likes it, but is this for real? Is this permanent? The answer, yes.

One month has gone by, and he knows, this is for real. That this is permanent.

But, what else did he realize? What about the dynamics that had changed? Well, it´s simple.

It goes from silly things like, she not being able to open tight jars, not being able to reach, needing help lifting heavy objects. All those things were gone, for her. But now, there´s where the change is.

Now, he´s the one who, sometimes, needs the help of someone bigger and stronger.

But that´s not always. And it´s not as if he asked her for. It seems, she´s just this way…

Whenever they are at the store, she immediately reached for higher things before he can even stand on his tip-toes. The feeling is surreal.

He can feel her big breasts behind him, as he hears to her sweet voice saying: “Don´t worry, I got it…” And then, her long arms just stretch and reach out.

The same applies for heavy things. “Oh, Ray, leave that. I got it.” As she picks a heavy box from the floor. “We wouldn´t want you to get hurt.” And then, she kisses him, sweetly.

But, even if she´s sweet, he wonders, is this ok? Is it ok to be the… needy one? The weak one? The small one?

He wanted her to get bigger, but he never really considered how it will be. That one day, he´ll be the small one.

Don´t get it wrong, he´s still a 6-foot-tall man, with the equivalent strength to his 180-pound body. However, compared to her… well, it´s hard to feel big and manly next to your 7´6” girlfriend.

There shouldn´t be a problem. Milly´s just as nice, as sweet, as kind. She´s just more considerate. More attentive. Maybe this hurts his pride a little. His male ego. But, once he glances at her sensuous body, he knows he shouldn´t really mind.

He´ll learn how to live with it. He shouldn´t mind. She doesn´t mean harm, doesn´t mean to insult him, to make him feel any less. She just knows she´s, well, bigger.

Ray will learn how to love his new life. With his girlfriend´s new size. He´s been taking it for over a month, he can take it for much longer.

Besides, sex with her, it´s just amazing!

And the feeling of her huge body. So larger, so softer. Arousing, to every cell on his brain. The stimulation, on every fiber on his body. This level of stimulation, he´s never felt the same way before. And now, he feels the same, every single day.

She´s perfect. The only problem, if it can be called a “problem” is that, whenever she feels sweet, well…

Every time they are sitting on the couch, and she turns at him, whenever she feels lovely, well, she just reached for him, picks him up as if he weighted nothing and simply… sits him on her lap.

The feeling of her huge, lap. Her thighs, spreading widely on both sides of him. And just as he feels the warmth of her legs, she then wraps her arms around him, hugs him rightly.

His back, pinned to her chest. He´s not able to move, but that´s fine.

“I love you, Ray…” Says the amazon as she hugs him, wrapping her whole self around him, showing him all of her affection.

“I love you too… my tall queen…” He said. Maybe it´s time to start with those names. She´s tall, and she´s a goddess, why not?

And so, the couple spends the rest of the evening, enjoying their company. Where only he knows this is not how it has always been. But it´s much better…




Loved it, great story, and I’m glad to see the happy ending :)