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Chapter 11

Dean woke up, he was proud of the progress he´s made so far. Finally, he got some sex. Real sex with a woman he had enlarged. Yes, that woman was his annoying neighbor, but she can be nice, after a few more twists on her personality.

Twists he´ll make sure to add. Things he may like. Maybe she can be that nice neighbor that makes dinner. That wouldn´t be too bad.

Dean woke up earlier than usual, he´s been in bed for way too long. But the good news is, his butt´s feeling better.

“Maybe that cream did work…” he thought, recalling the fact that his boss had put a nice amount of ointment on his bare butt.

He can still picture the scene, his boss, Mrs. Clark, standing at an impressive 7-feet-tall on heels. She was huge, she was strong, and she was spreading the whole thing over his naked butt. The feeling was not too pleasant.

Now, he wonders, does he really have to be back there to do the same today? She said it, she needs to apply it once a day for… he´s not sure how long. But he was commanded to go to her office first thing in the morning, every day, probably until she says other thing.

“Ugh, I mean… why can´t I heal faster on my own?” He was confused as to why his powers were not able to change him.

*knock* *knock*

He heard, interrupting his thoughts. Someone was knocking on his apartment´s door. Who was it? And, so early?

He woke up at about 6:30 am, a good deal before he normally does. Who can it be so early in the morning?

Dean put some clothes on and walked towards the door. Curious, but once he heard this woman´s voice.

“Dean, honey, are you up? It´s me, Ms. Taylor, I´ve come to collect the rent.” Ms. Taylor is a woman on her late-fifties, 58 to be precise.

“Coming…” He replied. Well, now he knows who this is and why she´s here. But, should he pick up the cash to pay or… maybe is there any other way to find a… solution?

Dean was curious, can he make things right now? Is he capable of making things work just as he wants. So far, he has learned that, he should focus really hard on what he wants. And not to let any other thing come up to his mind while he´s thinking.

This may be a good opportunity to try. To practice.

Suddenly, Dean opened the door.

“Hi, Ms. Taylor, what a surprise.” He said, looking down at the 5´4” woman.

“Good morning, honey. I hope I didn´t wake you up.” She was a sweet woman.

Ms. Taylor was a mature woman, a kind smile, sweet personality. Always ending up her sentences with sweet words, like honey, or dear. However, there´s something else. She´s, well… a busty woman.

That´s the first thing Dean noticed. She´s carrying a pair of G-cups, looking enormous in comparison with her not so big frame.

He always wondered, what if she was taller? It´s a shame she´s not a tall amazon woman. But now… maybe he can change that.

He had an idea. Something fun! How about, making Ms. Taylor a big, sexy amazon! Not too big, he doesn´t want to overdo things again.

He´s looking down at her, and he knows very well what he wants. Those boobs, closer to his face. And for that, she may have to do some growing.

But, first things first, it´s time to see if he can make an arrangement.

“Let me grab the cash…” he said, guiding his hand into his pocket. As if he was actually looking for cash, but he wasn´t.

He knows there´s nothing there. But that´s part of the plan. As he moves his fingers inside his pocket, as if he was actually trying to grab the cash, Dean´s thinking, trying to picture the way he wants Ms. Taylor to be. The way he wants her to grow.

“Ok, dear.” She said, not knowing what´s coming for her.

He´s not trying to do anything wrong to her. She once said she would like to be taller. Although, she said that 5´6” would be more than enough. But he´s not planning on such a mild growth.

Bigger boobs, that´s for sure. If he´s going to make her taller, then her bust must grow, in order to get even more massive. But that´s not it.

He likes balance. Therefore, he´ll make her butt bigger. Thicker, juicier. But not just that, how about making all of her lower half thicker.

He´s picturing this huge woman, a total milf. A mature woman he, and everyone, will desire. She´ll be much thicker, much taller; Dean´s about to give Ms. Taylor a hourglass figure. He´s about to make her a massive, and mature woman, he may or may not have dreamt of.

But not knowing that this mature amazon will be his landlady.

“I think… I think I don´t have the cash…” he lied, turning down at his pocket. Faking it.

He took this as an opportunity to ignore her a little, mentalizing all he wants for her. And, working on his next line.

“No, it´s empty. Maybe… maybe we can get to an… arrangement?” and so, he slowly turned, hoping she got the hint.

“Aww, that´s too bad, dear.” She said as his eyes slowly scanned her new shape.

First of all, her tiny feet were not tiny. Now, her feet were bigger than his. Clearly because she´s much taller.

He didn´t mess up with the attire she had. Her clothing was ok. He wanted to have sex with a mature woman, therefore, she kept the same outfit, but, those clothes will certainly be much tighter.

First, he saw her plumper thighs, right beneath her skirt. So creamy.

Then, his eyes kept rising; normally, her clothes are slightly baggy, but not today. Now, he can see that her skirt is too tight. And too short. Tight over her expansive thighs, her massive hips. He´s certain there´s a big, round, and heavy peach-shaped butt right behind her sensuous, fleshy thighs.

But that was not the best part. His eyes kept rising. Her waist was so small, giving her a wasp-figure. The blouse she was wearing, and the light sweater above, were surprisingly tight. Accentuating her alluring figure.

Of course he realized her hips were above his, he made her much taller. She wanted to be 5´6”? Well, he made her 6´5”. Same numbers, but in a different order.

Now, it´s about to see the real size of her breasts. Closer to his face now.

As his eyes rise, leaving her thin waist and rising past her stomach, he can see the heavy curve of a massive pair of breasts. He got things right, they were HUGE! He grew her breasts into a pair of K-cups. Big enough for the morning sex he would love to have.

He stopped there for a second, admiring the sensuous enormity of her round breasts. So big, so heavy, and so firm.

The fact that she wasn´t complaining about the clear fact that he´s leering at her bust, that´s prove enough she´s not mad. And that she´s surely into what he wants.

Soon, his eyes left her breasts, then, they kept rising and rising to look up at this woman, who was now five-inches taller than him. His nose was leveled with her chin.

“So… what do you have in mind? How can we make this right, hmm?” She purred, sensuously as his eyes kept going and going until they met her sexy grin. The teasing smile of her fuller lips, the arousing look of her eyes.

The only thing he did was to smile, and both knew what was going to happen next.

In the blink of an eye, Ms. Taylor was on top of him in bed. Her sensuous body naked. Which was fine, her clothes seemed constraining either way.

Now, as he´s laying beneath this bigger, sexier and, of course, heavier woman, he can feel the true enormity of hers.

As he glares at her enormous boobs, bouncing sensuously above him, he can feel the heavy weight of this amazonic woman.

Her legs, so much thicker, the fleshy feel of the hips he just enlarged for her. She´s so soft, so firm, so sexy.

Dean grabs the most he can, but there´s too much for him to grab. Her body, sensuous, lusty, making this the most passionate love session of… the day.

He never thought he´d be able to pay for his rent with sex, but it seems, he is. And he loves it!

The moaning of the much bigger, much fleshier, and super busty Ms. Clark, that´s like music to him. It confirms that this, this is true passion.

He wonders, did she have a crush on him prior to this? He´s not sure if she comes and collects the rent from every other tenant like she does with him every month. Maybe she liked him before and never really said a thing.

Which could´ve made this easier. That could´ve made it easier for him to persuade her. After all, if she already wanted to do this before he arranged things, well, then everyone wins.

Ms. Taylor looks radiant. He´s not sure if this is because of the light entering his room through the window behind her, or if the change he made make her so much prettier.

He didn´t change a lot, only making her lips thicker, and maybe removed the grays on her hair.

The only thing he knows for sure is, he´s beneath a 6´5”, probably 280-pound, amazon. A sexy, heavy, thick, hot, milf.

While he lays beneath her, he wonders, what if, she was bigger? What if she was not just 6´5”? but, 6´6”? Or maybe 6´7”? Perhaps, bigger than his neighbor, Emma.

He´ll sure love it. But maybe for their next session.

But there´s one thing, right before he met the climax, he noticed a couple things. One, she feels heavier, and two, is her head rising?

There´s another lesson here, not to wish for something more while you have already gotten what you wanted.

This time, his lust was bigger. Which may be something that often happens. He must be careful with his thoughts.

Ms. Taylor grew, more than he originally intended. She kept expanding, and expanding. Her figure, becoming more alluring, developing a more striking hourglass-look. Her waist, thin, and yet, her bust and hips kept growing. Just as her butt, expanding and expanding.

She grew heavier, and heavier. Gaining about 50-pounds of sensuous, firm, hot flesh.

This made it so hard to him, to witness this woman´s growth, her whole body expanding before his eyes. The bed may have creaked, he wasn´t sure, her moaning rose in volume, soon, her moans were the only thing he heard.

The whole bed quaked beneath her. And that´s logical, she´s a 330-pound, 7-feet-tall amazon. She´s huge! She´s heavy. And she´s clearly much stronger.

He regrets nothing, the heavy bounce on her boobs is so alluring, right now, her boobs and her voice are the only things he perceives.

Soon, he came, that was inevitable. But she didn´t let him go, she kept going, and going until she met her own climax.

The weight, the tightness, the sex emanating from this woman, it was too much, his cock was overly stimulated. His legs were squirming, or trying to beneath her heavy body.

But soon, that came to an end. The bad thing is, she let herself fall over him, gently, but still, his face was smothered by her humongous Q-Cups.

“Oops, sorry, honey.” She said, right before she moved to the side.

Dean was speechless. She´s HUGE! And so hot. But she´s a threat. He got what he wanted. And, perhaps, a little more. Much more.

What´s the lesson he learned? Not to wish for more while he´s already having some…



That was hot!