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Chapter 12

This was so strange, Harvey was about to go back to his apartment and get his stuff, all as a ride from his boss? That´s… is that normal?

Part of him thinks she´s so kind, and another part of him can´t help but to find this a bit… bossy of hers.

Doesn´t she trust him to go to his apartment and come back? Is she afraid he can ruin anything while bringing his stuff? He can resume his existence in no more than three boxes, and not even large boxes.

This was odd, but he had no way to argue with the 9´ giantess, well, 9´6”. She was such an authority, his boss or not, Vera Stalwart was an imposing woman. Her deep voice exuded authority. Any sound coming from her was most likely perceived as an order, and not just by him, but by everyone!

It was a bit overwhelming to be sitting on a car, a HUGE car, made large enough for this amazonic woman. The car was more bus-sized.

“Ok, dear, where to?” She asked, trying to sound nice, sweet, and easy.

“I… uhm… well, it was a long way here so… I´m not sure how to…” he started, which street to take? He barely knows this area, there´s no way he can give instructions clear enough to reach their destiny, not by memory at least.

Vera was trying to be nice, but she was no patient woman. She grunted, she was trying to be sweet, but he´s not letting much room for that.

“How did you make it all the way here?” She asked, a bit harshly.

“I…” he almost jumped on his seat, “I used the… address you gave me.” He replied.

“And, where did you search for the address…?” She said, trying to go easy.

“On my… phone?”

“Ok, then, use your phone and give me the best route to your place. It´s simple. I don´t think you´ll remember the name on each street here. I don´t need you to be a human-GPS, just use YOUR GPS and guide me. It´s not that hard.” Seriously, explaining a man the things he has to do, step by step, little by little, she hated that. But she was making an effort. Still…

“And be accurate, because I´m not losing any unnecessary time here, understood?”

“Y-yes ma´am!” He replied and rapidly pulled out his phone.

It worked, however, was she too hard? Was she too stern? She wasn´t yelling, right? He didn´t perceived it as if she was mad, did he? She´s just so big, so dominant. Everyone feels intimidated by her. But it´s not her fault. When you loom so high above others, well, this happens.

The ride there was long. There was a lot of traffic. However, she wanted to use this as an opportunity to know him better. Be kind, be sweet.

But that didn´t work very well. Other than telling her on which street to take a turn and on which highway they will go, he didn´t spoke too much.

Maybe she´ll have a better chance on the way back. Still, she´s got some time while they are at his place…

“The ceilings… how do you people walk like this?” She said, having to duck to walk inside the building.

“Well… they are, uhm… not meant for such… tall people like you.” They were certainly not made for a giantess like her. The ceiling was 8-feet-tall. Below her chin level.

It was easier for her to walk on her knees than to walk bending. However… there was also a little inconvenient there…

“These… these doors, seriously, who´ll make such a narrow frame?” She complaint as she tried to squeeze herself through his apartment door.

Harvey only looked at her, with concern and amazement as the amazon attempted to make it through the doorframe. Her big boobs had a bit of a hard time making it, but they did. However, her wide hips and her massive butt, that was another story…

“I… I won´t… get… stuck!” She said as she pushed herself forwards.

He was perplexed as she pushed herself in. Her huge hands, making the walls tremble, the door frame creaking under the pressure her gluts were making to the sides. There was so much flesh, such an enormity trying to make it through.

If she had been a fat lady, things could´ve been easier. Her soft mass would´ve passed, tightly, but easily. But that was not the case.

Mrs. Stalwart was not a fat woman, she was a BIG woman. Her hips were wide, not because they were all made of fat, but because of her imposing bone structure. She had this impossibly wide hips, filled with thick flesh, muscle, and overall, a delicate layer of fat that gave her smooth, curvy look.

Harvey was concerned, what if she breaks the door? What if the whole frame comes down? What if the whole wall comes down? Why couldn´t she just wait outside?

“Just… a little…” and… she was in.

His heart skipped a beat when the whole wall trembled, but she was in. the question is, will the way out be equally hard? Surely.

“Ok, where´s your stuff?” She asked, feeling happy she made it in.

“I… need to pack.” He replied, looking up at Mrs. Stalwart. Even standing on her knees, the top of her head was still a few inches above seven-feet-tall.

Harvey was looking straight at her humongous breasts. Big, round, juicy. With all of the effort, she popped one of her blouse´s buttons out, plus, the struggle made her sweat a little.

There was a visible, sultry, deep line of cleavage in sight. But he won´t dare to stare at her! What if she gets mad? Well, she´s already getting mad…

“WHAT! Pack? You haven´t packed?” She drove her hands to her hips and frowned down to him.

“I… I just… I only need to put it all inside the box. I´m… I´m half-way done.” He squeaked.

“Well, you better hurry…” Or else, she might not be able to invite him some lunch.

She had some sweet plans, but he´s just delaying things.

The things she has to go through. She´s not a patient woman, and Harvey, he´s pulling her knots. ALL of them.

But she´ll be patient. Breathe in, breathe out. In, out, in, out…

He sped up the process, he didn´t have too much stuff, and he really was half-way done.

While he rushed, she took a moment to look at his place. His apartment was tiny! To her, it was microscopic, in regular terms, it was too small. Barely enough for a single man.

While standing in front of the main door, she could see the TV and couch that were supposed to be the living room, about three feet from her. Behind that, there was this bar and fridge, together with a sink that made up the kitchen. To her left, there was probably the bathroom, and a few feet further, his room.

Perhaps, she was taller than the whole place wide. She could fit her whole apartment inside her bedroom. And her shower certainly takes over more space than his living room.

But she wasn´t looking down to him for living in a small place. This only pulled out her extremely soft side…

“Aww, poor thing, how can you live like this? No, oh no, sweetheart. You´ll be much more comfortable in my old place. That´s right, Vera will take care of you…” instinctively, she drove her hands to her face, grabbing them together and feeling so warm and sweet.

She could already picture him, hugging her, looking up to her as he said: “Thanks, boss, you´re the best!” So nice…

She could almost hear him, “boss, boss… boss…” That was not her imagination. “Uhm, boss, can you help me?” He said, from his room.

She almost crawled over there, and peeked in.

“Yes?” She said, watching how he was in front of his closet, trying to bring one suitcase down.

“I can´t… reach. Do you, uhm, mind?” Will this be stereotypical? Annoying? Asking the tall lady to help him reach something high? Well…

“Oh, of course, dear, no problem.” She replied, with a sweet tone.

He felt relieved, she didn´t got mad. He could picture her, nagging, saying this was no excuse to call her. That this was a waste of her time.

Things were easy, well… appeared easy. The problem was… the door on his room was even more narrow than the front door. She won´t fit, unless she brings the whole wall down. However… there was still a way.

“Let me just…” he was looking at the case, just waiting for her long arms to stretch, for her large hands to reach for it and bring it down. But it didn´t happen that way. Mrs. Stalwart had other things in mind…

Without him knowing, she reached for him. For him! Placed both of her gigantic hands on his waist, and with a firm grip, she lifted him up.

“There we go…” She said, lifting him off the ground. He wasn´t prepared for this. He felt a quiver run all the way down his spine, as a signal of alert. But he couldn´t even move. Not kick, or move his arms in the air as if her was trying to set himself loose.

Instead, he just allowed her to pick him up. This was extremely easy for her. She lifted him off the ground, with both arms stretched.

He was thinking, how strong is she? She´s lifting him up as if she was lifting a pillow or something. Yet, her grip´s soft. Firm, yet gentle.

He had a mix of emotions in him, first, he felt scared. This woman was too strong! But, there was also another feeling, a feeling of inferiority. She was so much bigger, so much stronger, just so much more than him. Yet, and here comes the other feeling, she took some time to come here and help.

She, a busy woman, took a moment of the day to come here and help him out. It didn´t matter if the door was too small, instead of walking away, she made her way in. And now, instead of complaining, she helped him out.

Yes, she was doing something, a little unexpected. And maybe humiliating for him. But she was kind.

“There you go, sweetheart, you can grab it, I got you.” Said the amazon.

Harvey as a bit overwhelmed, but he did as she said.

His feelings for her were changing. Maybe Mrs. Stalwart wasn´t that bad, she allowed him to move into her old place, gave him a ride all the way here, and then, back.

Was she being kind? Attentive? A good boss? Or was she just being… sweet? Why would she? Is she getting something out of this?

After a little more, his whole things were packed and stored at the back of her huge car. Of course, she carried everything down. What´s for her? A big lady like her can easily carry 200-pounds of random stuff. No problem.

“Ok, let´s get back so that we can get all these stuff in place. We wouldn´t want you to get hurt, right, dear?” Dear? She´s been saying this things for a while now.

At first, he thought it was something like, she showing her authority over him, giving him those names. But now, is something else behind that? Maybe, like that sweet, mature neighbor, just giving you these nicknames. Maybe because she´s older, maybe that´s just her way of speaking. Or, maybe, just maybe, she´s really trying to be sweet.

“I… I appreciate you… helping me out, Mrs. Stalwart. It´s… it´s really sweet of you.” Harvey said, looking up at his boss. Maybe blushing a little.

But his words, his words melted his heart. It didn´t matter if her was shy, or maybe feeling embarrassed by saying it. She perceived them as such a nice show of affection. Appreciation. Even, sweet, tender feelings. Inside, she felt a million butterflies all over her.

“No problem, dear.” She said, now caressing his chin with her long, warm fingers. “But you can call me Vera, we´re not at the office anymore…” She winked.

Now, he wonders, is she being affective? Why? And, is she allowing him to talk to her by her name? Her first name? This… this is so unexpected. What will happen next?



Aww so sweet. Vera's dominance and demanding nature makes her instinctually want to reprimand Harvey, but she's putting that aside for now because she truly cares about him and doesn't want to scare him. Can't wait for her last wall to come down and their relationship to go to next level.


For sure I agree! I’m going to guess that he’s going to feel tiny in her old apartment and will need lots of help :)