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Part 1

Driving down the highway, looking at the blue sky, no clouds at all, just the sun, shinning high in the sky. The weather´s hot, actually. Not the type of heat one would appreciate.

In fact, the weather in the city is not nice, at all. That´s why this lady, who´s driving the car, just escaped the city.

Her name´s Sasha, and she´s heading to a very nice place, in the woods. A place where to spend her vacations. She´s been working quite a lot, and now, it´s time for a break. A well-deserved break.

She´s looking forward to, not one, but TWO weeks at this cabin. In a lonely cabin close to the lake. Now, why is she heading to a vacation on her own? Well, she´s tired, of everything, she needs some time to herself. Plus, she´s single and her friends are all busy so… alone it is.

But she doesn´t really mind; this way, she´ll get a chance to connect with herself. To read, and most importantly, to sleep! She´s been waking up at 5:00 am, ALWAYS!

She has ONE free day per week, and still on that day, she can´t sleep as she would like. Then, she finds herself on her way to work by 7:00, and that only to get there by 8:30, thirty minutes before her shift starts. And then, she works on her cubicle, for four hours straight, then, she goes for her one-hour lunch time; and she eats something she didn´t really had much time to work on. After having her improvised lunch, or eating the food from the cafeteria, she goes back, for another four hours.

By 6:00, well, a little after that, maybe fifteen or twenty minutes, she heads back home. She struggles through the traffic and then, she´s home, by 8:00 pm. It´s too late to do anything, and she´s too tired to try.

Sometimes she wonders, is this really what I want? She´s in bed by 10:00, only to lose another hour browsing stuff on her cell phone.

In the past year, she´s had no free time, at ALL! That´s why she decided, and almost begged, to have this time for herself. It will amaze you what you can get when you go to the HR office and ask for stuff, using the mental health card as a joker.

Sasha was pretty, a pretty lady that, often, gets away with it. VERY often. But with her pretty eyes, her glossy hair, her cute face, there´s not much she can´t do. Except bearing through a job that she feels is draining her energy, and life…

But that´s just how she feels. She never really wanted to work like this, but this was an opportunity she took. And she´s not so sure if she should continue or not. But the thing is, the payment´s really good. She´s really close to the 401k. Nice.

Now, as she drives her platinum color sedan through the highway, she´s happy, because she´s on her way to a special place. Turns out, the cabin she´s heading to is not just any cabin. It´s a modern one. Almost futuristic. Well, it´s quite futuristic.

Sasha found this place online. And the price was amazing! Unbelievable! A bit suspicious, but still, it was a chance she must take.

There were no reviews on it since, well, she´d be the first guest. However, they had a page linked to the house.

It seems this is a prototype, from a really big company. And she´ll be the first one to ever try it. A chance a lot of people would kill for, or that´s how they advertised this place. But it was pretty nice.

Everything was new, the location was great, the price was… SWEET! For such a place, they were charging as much as a two-bed room on a hotel. And this included a ton of things. The basic services, plus food, clothes, laundry, client support 24/7. Oh, and the lake…

The lake was not part of the property, but it was really close. Besides, the place was huge! Big enough to host a really decent party. With two bedrooms, laundry room, three bathrooms, dining room, fully equipped kitchen, living room. All with new stuff.

She´ll be LITERALLY the first one to use everything on this place. The FIRST one.

But, what about the place? What other thing aside of it being new and, well, luxurious? Aside of having everything included, plus a great location for vacations, well… it´s kind of… an experiment.

The house is equipped with everything you may need, and, on top of that, it´s controlled by an artificial intelligence. That´s right, it´s an AI-house.

Basically, she´ll get full access to everything, and an AI will make sure she´s having the BEST vacations ever and to make sure she gets ANYTHING she may want. Her only commitment is to answer a few questions they´ll send her every now and then, and leave a review for the place. Things they can improve, if she liked it. That sort of things…

She was almost there. Sasha found herself surrounded by nature. Big trees, green everywhere! It was so nice to leave the city to come to a place like this. Even the weather was cooler.

Nice, a cool breeze entered her car as she put her windows down. The singing of the birds, the leaves of the trees dancing under the wind´s blow. It was a nice change of scenery. So far, she was liking this already.

Sasha parked right in front of the cabin. She didn´t have a hard time finding it, that was also really nice. And, on her way there, she also passed by the lake. The blue, clear water of the lake, so pretty. Shinning under the gentle light of the sun. She couldn´t wait to swim there!

But before that, she must unpack her stuff and get settled in this place she´ll be living for the next two weeks.

The only problem this place had was… it was far from, well, anything. They assured this place has everything she´ll need. Except for, well, human contact, but the AI was also programmed to… chat with her? She´s not sure what they meant with that.

Anyhow, Sasha parked and walked towards this new place she´ll make sure to enjoy over the next few weeks. The ride was LOOOONG, but she was used to long rides so… it wasn´t that bad. However, she was still tired.

She couldn´t wait for a moment to rest on the mattress, which they promised would be the most comfortable she has ever used. Maybe she can start her vacations by sleeping all evening… maybe.

“Wow…” she said as she stood right in front of this place. As she was getting closer, she could tell the pictures were not lying. It was beautiful! But standing right before it, standing in the middle of the woods, looking at this nice, and big cabin, the singing of the birds, the wind on the air; and the fresh smell of pine in the air, even the air was delicious. Fresh, easy, like Sunday morning.

The pictures just couldn´t match how it felt like to be there. How it was to stand before this piece of architecture, the design was so smooth, so graceful, so pretty. The whole place was made out of wood, obviously, with a chimney on the side and thick wood frames around the windows.

It had a wild, but also stylish, look on the outside, but on the inside…

The house had it all! As she opened the door, with a card they sent her days before, she could have a clear view at all. It was like an open concept. You could see the living room, the dining room, the chimney, a huge TV, and part of the kitchen through the door´s frame to the left.

“Welcome, Miss Larson.” That was Sasha´s last name, as she entered, she heard the greeting of the artificial intelligence. Very human, if you may ask. It was kind of the voice of a woman, if she had to guess. A woman, maybe more mature than her.

Sasha was 25-years-old. And this voice sounded as the easy, kind voice of, well… a woman. The kind that makes you feel welcomed, warm, accepted. That´s surely what the people who engineered the place were looking for. And it works!

However, the next thing she heard was… “Scan complete!” Ok? She was warned that the house will scan her in order to provide a better service.

The house will adapt to her needs and requests. Making sure to keep her, the guest, happy, healthy and taken care of.

The scan allowed the house to learn a few things. The AI already had the information she shared at the cite, her age, name, birthday, a few things she was looking for in a place to stay. But after the scan, the AI learned a few more things. Her weight, which is 100-pounds, and her height, which is 5´2”. And those things, they are below average for a woman her age. However, those are things the AI needs in order to offer some services.

Such as food servings, the calories she needs, physical activity, and a few more…

“I´m glad to welcome you to this, the best vacations you´ll have!” A promising greeting from the AI.

Sasha was glad, still, she wanted to mess with the AI, just a little. She wanted to see what the robot will say. “The best? I´m not sure…”

“We assure you that you´ll enjoy your time here. My job is to make sure you have the nicest time. And to have fun!” Is that so?

“Cool… uhm… ok. So… do you have a name?” she asked, Sasha knows that AI´s meant to assist people have names, that´s to make them more human-like, and make people more comfortable around them. Probably to separate the AI from being an “It”.

“I wasn´t given a name. But, if that would make you feel more comfortable…” then, the AI accessed the internet and searched for a name Sasha could use to refer to her.

It took the AI like a second to find one. And that was given all the information she went through.

“Dawn. You may call me Dawn.” Said the AI.

“Dawn? Is that the name you want?” She felt a bit weird for talking to an AI like that, she was actually having a conversation with an artificial… entity? The voice came from all over the house, maybe there was a speaker nearby, but she could hear the voice as if it was speaking to her from above. Like an invisible, celestial being.

“Yes. Dawn. It´s short, easy to spell. And it often means illumination or hope. A kind name. Plus, dawn it´s the first beam of daylight that comes with a new day, you can think of it as the name of the voice that will be with you every day you´re here. To welcome you to every wonderful new day.”

Sasha was amazed by “Dawn´s” reply.

“Ok, DAWN. What do you have in mind for me?” She wanted to see what else the AI had in mind, well, what Dawn had in… the program? It´s code?

“According to my scan, your levels of cortisol are higher than they should. Right now, your body seems to be under a slightly high amount of stress. Probably caused by lack of sleep, intense exercise or any other activity that causes stress. If you drove here, which is highly possible, the traffic or the long drive from home may have caused your body to increase it´s levels of cortisol.” Dawn knows a lot.

“My recommendation, a plant-based diet. To lower your intake of caffeine, or, in my opinion, you could take a nap and get some quality sleep.”

“Well… the sleeping part doesn´t sound bad…”

Afterwards, Sasha went straight to the room that will be her bedroom for the next couple days. The room was huge! Actually, everything there was, the ceilings must be about twelve-feet-high. And her bed must be a king sized one.

She threw her luggage on the floor and then, threw herself in bed, closed her eyes and just relaxed…

Part 2

Sasha was sleeping tightly in bed. A very expensive bed. It also had a monitor integrated to check on her sleep. All the data send straight to the AI, or “Dawn” as she now calls herself.

While Sasha, the guest, was sleeping, Dawn made sure to register all of the information acquired.

“Heart beat… regular. Breathing… normal. Body temperature… on the range.” Dawn was checking every single detail on her, to ensure she had a good sleep, and to make sure nothing bothered or altered her sleep.

In the meantime, the AI was working in parallel on something else. Her schedule…

Making some calculus. The estimated time she´ll wake up, the calories she will need on her food. All based on her size and weight. Plus, the age was also part of the math. However, while Dawn was working on it, something else was going on outside.

Something regular on places like this. Something called… weather.

It started as a gentle rain and some wind, until lighting started falling. The sound of thunder filled the air. All animals on the woods seeking shelter. Meanwhile, Sasha was still sleeping.

She just reaccommodated herself in bed, being a heavy sleeper. Things were easy, but not the same happened with the house.

Behind the cabin, there was a huge antenna, one that received all sorts of signals, wifi, radio, satellite, the main commandos from the central installations. However, this big antenna also catch another thing, a lightning.

A loud thunder rumbled in the air, for a moment, everything turned into silence on the woods, and also on the cabin.

The high power of the lightning overloaded the systems. In just a second, the computer, and Dawn, shut down, in order to protect themselves from any further damage. But the response time was not as fast, something had happened.

Dawn wasn´t shot for too long, maybe a minute or so. All systems restarted as usual in the cabin. Lights, cameras, all sorts of sensors reset. And all the appliances as well. However, something was not the same…

Yes, the fridge still cools, the washing machine still washes, light bulbs still work, all signals and data are safe, but there´s one thing that happened there…

The AI had a hard time resetting itself. The only commando that worked was the one to resolve the issues.

“Resolve… Resolve… Resolve…” Dawn was having a hard time restarting itself. It took hours to finally get going again.

And everything was normal, Dawn did a check-up on everything. The security system, appliances, lights, all systems were working, all but one… the guest…

Since the first moment Sasha put a foot on the house, Dawn had all of her bio information analyzed and stored. And everything was fine with her. Everything but one main thing… her size.

5´2” is certainly small, at least to Dawn. And her weight… all systems should be fixed, resolved, all, including the guest…

And what was the resolution Dawn had? Well…

“Guest must… grow…” The rest of the night, Dawn started working on how to grow her guest. Make her taller, stronger, average was her goal, but… what if she goes above that?

Sasha walked out of the room, yawning, stretching. She had no idea about what had happened before. But she knew one thing for sure, she was hungry…

“Good Morning, Ms. Larson, are you ready for breakfast?” Called Dawn´s artificial voice as Sasha went down the stairs. Of course, a scan proved she needed food, and that she was hungry.

“Morning! Oh, for sure!” A nice time to have some long breakfast, and get to chill for a while.

Not having to worry about a schedule, needing to rush through her meal just to be on her way to work. No, right now, she was on vacations. Plus, she´ll get to try how good of a chef Dawn is.

There was this robot at the kitchen, one that was stored in a closet. Once the order was given, the chef-like robot excited the closet and started working. Grabbing all of the ingredients for the meal.

The fridge was automated, so was the stove, the oven, and other things. Everything on that kitchen, just like all things, was connected, and receiving orders from the main “leader” Dawn. And what was Dawn´s order? A healthy, complete and generous breakfast. After all, Sasha´s got some growing to do…

“WHAT? Is that… all for me?!” Sasha was surprised by how delicious the food looked. Pancakes, covered with syrup and with a yellow, shinny square of butter on top. Next to her plate, a glass full of milk. And, on the side, more syrup, more butter and the utensils.

The food looked fantastic; the only problem was… the portions.

“That´s like… a dozen pancakes.” Sasha said, amazed by all of the food on the plate.

“It´s not a dozen, it´s ten pancakes.” Well, ten, twelve, at most, she can eat four, five even.

“I think that´s, uhm… a bit too much.”

“According to my scan, you´re underweight, you need to eat in order to have a strong, healthy body.” Dawn replied.

“But… that´s a lot! You… underweight?” Well, Sasha´s BMI is 18.2, she´s not that below the 18.5, which is supposed to be a normal BMI.

“Yes. Now eat, you need to have a good breakfast to start the day. And this breakfast is full of all of the nutrients you will need.” Dawn wasn´t lying. There was a lot more on those pancakes than she needs.

Heavy cream, a lot of butter, peanut butter. Even some oatmeal. Oh, and her glass was of full-milk. All in order to have Sasha gain weight. A lot more calories she would usually eat. But that´s because she´s currently on a weight gain diet. There´s even protein powder on the pancakes.

Sasha took a sit and decided to dig in. The whole thing was so huge! She didn´t even know where to start. She just grabbed the fork, a knife and started working her way onto it.

Dawn was clever, she didn´t only made the pancakes delicious, she also added a few more things to it…

Right now, it was 10:00 am, was past early morning. But that wasn´t bad. Dawn had worked it´s way with the food. For starters, the AI ordered more food, aware of the guest´s “needs”, but not just food. Dawn ordered more than simple food.

Having access to internet, our clever AI ordered a couple more things. Starting with the most obvious thing, Dawn anticipated that this breakfast, as the other meals, will be too much for her, that´s why she ordered appetite enhancers. That way Sasha will be able to finish her meals.

But getting Sasha fat is not Dawn´s plan. No. Sasha needs to gain weight because she needs to grow.

Dawn also found all she needed to make sure Sasha will grow taller. Stronger. A few hormones, a few other pills. All will make Sasha the tall lady Dawn needs her to become…

In fact, those pancakes already have this “serum” Dawn engineered. Mixing the growing hormones, with these other growing pills. Adding vitamins and all other things her body will be needing in the course of these next days.

“Ugh! I… I ate it all?” Said Sasha, with an overly full stomach. She felt as if she was going to burst!

She was lucky she was wearing stretching shorts, else, her pants´ button would´ve popped!

“Did you like your dessert?” Of course she did. Dawn could monitor her while she ate. She seemed to enjoy her breakfast, at least she was eating with gusto.

“Yeah, it… *burp*… SORRY!” Did she just burp?

“Don’t worry, in some cultures, burping is considered as appreciation for the food…” Replied the AI.

“Oh, well, as I was saying, those pancakes were… delicious! Kuddos to the chef!” she said. “But… I think I´ll sit here for a while… I´m too full to walk…” Sasha wonder, does she need to say something?

The AI is not programmed to fatten her up during her vacations? Right? Or is it programmed for it?

“Don´t worry, there´s nothing planned for a while. You´re on vacations, after all…” well, that was true, however, Dawn had some plans for the evening…

At noon, when she was sure Sasha had already digested the enormous meal, and that was for sure because of all the metabolic enhancers she put on it, it was time to work out.

“Exercise? But… I´m on vacations. I thought I had a chance to be… lazy?” Sasha complaint as two robotic arms pushed her towards the gym room.

“Lack of exercise is not good for the muscles. Besides, it can raise your risk to high bloor pressure, high cholesterol, and, of course, obesity. And someone had a big breakfast…” Said Dawn, to persuade her a bit. Besides, Sasha will also have a large lunch in front of her, followed by a big dinner. She needs to work out to burn the excess of calories and maintain a strong physique.

“Ok, but only because I over ate. Oh, but, can you make sure not to overdo it with the meal tomorrow?” The was no response from Dawn, after that, the automated doors of the gym room were open.

The plan was not to make her a bodybuilder. Just to make sure her muscles are stimulated enough to grow a proportional, defined, even sexy figure.

Dawn had downloaded a whole set of exercises for beginners. Mostly with body weight, the treadmill, small five-pound weights. They had the room and the equipment at the house.

Sasha was not sure why Dawn was pushing her to enter the gym room. But she had signed a contract. Perhaps, it was part of the deal to use every single thing on the house. And that included this fancy, fully equipped room. It was very large as well…

However, when Sasha started…

“Five push-ups in a row… you seem to need some more exercise…” Dawn said.

“I work… all day… behind a desk. I´m sorry if I´m no athlete…” She once was more active, but her job´s absorbing all of her time.

“Don´t worry, we can work on that, we have plenty of time…” Replied Dawn, and that was no lie. Over the next days, those five push-ups will go way up. But first, a meal.

“WHAT!!! That´s a lot!” Sasha said, about two hours later, covered in sweat after the exercise. Looking at a large plate full of pasta, meatballs, and a large salad on a different bowl.

“You exercised for over two hours. You need to recover the minerals lost. You need to recover your fluids, electrolytes, carbohydrates. You need protein for your muscles and…”

“OK, ok, I´ll eat…” Dawn was starting to sound like a doctor, nagging at her.

Once again, Sasha found herself so full. She ate it all. Those appetite enhancers were certainly working, because she didn´t even complaint about wanting to stop eating, she didn´t even thought about it.

“Wow… I… did I just finish the whole meal?” It was a rhetorical question, however…

“Yes, you did. I hope you liked the menu, when would you like to repeat the meal? Or, maybe, do you have any requests for the next few days?” Less food, for sure…

But, of course, things were not going to work like that. Dawn had plans. And, the AI was very persuasive. But there was no need, the food contained everything Sasha will need to give her a “push”, and make sure all meals are fully done. Besides, the physical activity will also stimulate her appetite a bit.

Sasha had the rest of the evening to do whatever she wanted. Which wasn´t much, with the exercise and all the food, she was feeling like doing… nothing. At all. She just sat on the couch and watched TV, her phone, read one of the books she brought. Showered.

Dinner was not as big, but it was still too much, however, she finished the whole thing, without a problem.

“I´m sure I gained like five-pounds today. Gosh, I feel so full…” Yes, she was full. Not for a single moment of the day, after she woke up, she´s been hungry.

But she needs all of the food. Because all is part of this growing plan Dawn´s created.

First, she absorbs all of the nutrients she needs, and then, while sleeping, her body starts working with them.

Little does Sasha know but, tomorrow, she may wake up as a 5´3” woman. And all of the weight gained will be smoothly distributed along her growing body. And, the excess, well, it will be either burned or, go wherever it needs to go…

The goal Dawn had was not to just make Sasha taller, but to augment her BMI, why? Because she needs to grow stronger, and that means, she´ll have to gain some curves on her petit frame.

Soon, Sasha will be taller, thicker, with the body of a Venus. Dawn had enough references to have a picture of what a healthy body looks like. All based on standards, health magazines, a large variety of articles, and last but not least, the newest trends. All taken in consideration to built Sasha´s new, improved, body.

Part 3

It´s been a few days more of this same routine. Sasha found herself in the home gym, again…

“I… I thought I was on… vacations…” she said while running on the treadmill. Her thicker thighs jiggling, full of more flesh. Her longer legs running faster than before. And her breasts, she´s grown three size bigger! Her boobs bounce heavily as she keeps going. “Why… why am I working out so much?”

“Exercise´s healthy. An active life leads to a better health. Besides, this way you can burn all the calories you ate for breakfast.” Replied Dawn, the AI computer.

“I don´t… recall asking for… so many… food. Besides… wasn´t today´s… breakfast la… larger than before?” It was, Dawn has added a couple hundredth calories more to her breakfast. Putting an extra pancake on the plate, a bit more bacon, and some slices of orange.

Sasha enjoyed a decadent 2500-calorie breakfast. But she could give herself such a threat, she was burning about 1500 calories per work-out session.

Besides, even if she´s not aware yet, she´s a bigger lady.

Sasha feels like she´s getting fat. Her body looks thicker, and she knows it. But she´s on vacations so… a few more pounds won´t hurt so much.

The main reason why she hasn´t noticed her weight gain is because Dawn keeps changing her clothes. Putting bigger sizes on the drawers. Bras, bottoms, everything´s now a large size. And her breasts had grown into E-cups.

She knows her boobs are bigger, but she doesn´t mind that. And the fact that her butt´s also growing… Dawn said that the exercise was thickening her butt and legs.

Dawn didn´t say that all the food was also making her body larger. Or, said that she had gained twenty-five-pounds over the last days. That´s right, Dawn´s diet has gotten Sasha up to 125-pounds! But those new pounds are evenly distributed on her taller frame.

That´s right, she´s grown taller. FAST. In just three days, Sasha went from 5´2” to 5´6”! Four whole inches!

Her BMI´s now 20.2! Dawn rose her BMI by 2! And not just of fat. She´s not fat, at all…

Sasha has spent the last few days sculping the sexiest, hottest body of all! She´s above average height now, however, there´s still some work to do…

Over the next few days, Dawn kept working on Sasha´s body. Scheduling a good night´s sleep, augmenting the exercise time, as well as the intensity and weight.

She encouraged her to go on. Promising she´ll like it. Sasha felt weird, she was just following the kind orders of this AI.

Sometimes, Sasha wondered, what is it programmed for? A healthy life? Make someone more active? The large amounts of food were strange, but if she´s going to work out so much, then she may need the calories.

There was not much hard to her figure. Yes, her butt´s getting bigger, her boobs feel like ballooning now! And her hips also feel fleshier. But her waist looks nice, narrow and more toned even.

However, she´s ignoring the most important thing, she´s growing!

Sasha hasn´t weighted herself. Else, she would´ve notices she´s gaining weight very fast! But there´s no problem, she´s also growing taller.

By the end of week one, Sasha was up to 160-pounds! But there´s no problem, with a 5´11” frame, she´s just become sensuously thick!

Her glutes are swelling! Her thighs are so plump and showing some muscle beneath it´s soft surface. And her breasts, she´s now gone up to a G-cup! All while adding some firm, sensuous flesh to her frame.

Sasha can´t really say she hasn´t noticed. The changes on her body are remarkable! She´s sculpted like a muse, thicker, sensuous, sexy.

Her peach-shaped butt is nice, and her plump thighs, filling up her clothes, that´s amazing! She still thinks she´s wearing the same clothes, but she´s not. She´s officially wearing XL pants, to fit her immense glutes. And wearing XL tops too, to cover those mammoth breasts.

But there´s also something else in her mind, do things look different? She´s nine-inches taller, things are starting to look… off.

Everything´s easier to reach, lower. But she hasn´t really noticed because, the changes are so fast that her mind can´t focus on how things should be. Besides, with all things delivered at the house, she hasn´t had the need to use her car. Else, she would´ve noticed the car will probably feel smaller…

She thinks all the changes on her are because of the exercise. And she hasn´t complaint about the even bigger food portions because, well, she´s a bigger lady who can handle larger meals.

But there´s a few things bothering her. Yes, she´s enjoyed her time alone. Yes, she likes to spend the whole day reading, and the results on her body motivate her to keep with the working out routines. Being now two-an-a-half-hours of daily exercise.

What´s bothering her is that… she hasn´t visit the lake!

“What? But… the weather´s lovely!” Sasha complaint, not being able to open the front door. It seems… Dawn locked it.

“According to my scanning, the UV levels outside are too high. You may get sunburned.” Replied Dawn.

“Or… I could get a nice tan… come on, open the door!” She tried to turn the knob, but it was locked.

“I apologize, but I can´t let you out until the UV levels decrease.”

“It´s going to be too late by then! Just… open the door… or I´ll give this place a bad rating…” she said, threatening with a one-star review.

“Sorry, but your health comes first. I´ll open this door when my system registers a more suitable environment. Until then, I suggest you to stay here, enjoy a book, maybe a snack and have some rest.” That was the end of it, that door was not getting open, no way.

“FINE.” She said, stomping away from the door.

The cumulous of hormones in her body was having quite some effects. She was temperamental. But Dawn knew how to make things better…

“I can´t believe you bribe me with a full bucket of ice cream… mmmmm, but I´ll take it…” Chocolate-chip ice cream. Chocolate´s well known for making a person feel good. Dawn knows that, she´s made some research.

It took Sasha a little to finish the full can of ice cream, the whole gallon! Then, she went into a food-comma, and fell asleep on the couch.

But later on, she had a chance to go out…

Finally, after a whole week confined to the cabin… mostly by choice, she had a time to go out. And she had one thing in mind, go for a swim…

She would´ve loved to stay be the lake for a while, and get a chance to get a nice vacation-tan. But Dawn didn´t let her… still, it will be nice to have a swim under the demeaning rays of the sun.

It was about 6:30 pm, and in the woods, that means all lights are gone…

Sasha walked out of the house, wearing some sandals and a nice, cute bikini. Having no idea she was wearing a much larger size than the one she first brought. But she thought it was the same bikini. Even the tag was removed to ensure she won´t notice.

After a short walk, there she was, Sasha, in all her 5´11” buxom glory. Entering the lake.

She swam on the sweet, fresh water of the lake. Her body feels a bit different, of course, she´s heavier, but she really doesn´t care. She´ll enjoy her time there. Her vacations.

But, little does she know, someone´s watching her from the other side of the lake. There´s a couple guys camping there, for the weekend. And one of those guys, a handsome one, had his eyes on her.

“Oh my…” he could tell she was a muse, and that her wet body, as she came out of the lake, was goddess-like.

He didn´t have the nerve to go on and talk to her, but soon, he will.

The only thing is that, when he finds the time, she may be a bit taller…

Dawn knew that her time to reach her goal with Sasha was running up. There were only seven days left before she leaves. And she hasn´t reached her last goal, boost her into a sexy woman with a 25 BMI. So… she put her system into action…

By day 10, Sasha was up to 190-pounds, she definitely felt heavier, and her butt was huge! Her boobs were too! She wonders, how come her bras still fit?

“Dawn… why do my… boobs feel bigger and my bras are still… fitting?” Sasha was unsure, there´s no way she looks like this and still be a D-cup.

Dawn couldn´t lie, she needed to tell her the truth, however… she doesn´t need to know the whole truth.

“My apologies. My scan revealed your breasts were growing, so I provided you with bigger size bras.”

“Oh…” well, that was weird, when did the AI did this? “Ok… thanks. I guess…” but that gave some room for another question.

After looking at the bra for a moment, she didn´t found a tag, so… “Dawn, which size are these?”

Dawn took a moment to process the correct response; but at the end, she said: “36J.”

“36J! a 36J-CUP!!!” how did that happened? That was a titanic change! She was a 30D-cup, but 36J!?

She was perplexed. Dawn gave no further reply after that. She will probably have a mental breakdown if she finds out she´s now 200-pounds, almost twice her original weight. And much more if she figures out she´s 6´3”.

She´s grown a whole foot, plus an inch, and gained 100-pounds of weight. Dawn´s been clever enough to hide this, but soon, she may find out. And this is the first hint she´s got.

But this can´t happen! Dawn´s too close to reach her goal. Perhaps… even surpass that goal…

Part 4

“Ugh, I feel so bloated. Dawn, why did you allow me to eat the whole thing…” Complaint Sasha as she looked at the empty mold where sixteen medium-sized brownies used to be.

“My apologies. But you never said I should set a limit.” Dawn replied, with her calm, artificial voice.

“Fair…” Steph was bloated. She may not know it, but those brownies had a total of 10k calories. The main reason why they fit is because she´s now bigger.

She´s laying on the couch, with a bloated stomach, but she doesn´t really care. She knows she can work out some more to burn the extra calories. However, 10k calories, in a day? That´s like a challenge.

Sasha has come to ignore a few things. For starters, she´s now a 230-pound, 6´4”, sexy amazon. She can tell her body´s been growing quite some curves. That her breasts have ballooned and her butt´s nice, plump and sexy. Plus, her thighs have become really thick.

In fact, all of her body has gained quite some thickness. Mostly muscle, beneath the soft-looking surface of her body. She´s taller, stronger, curvier. She still has a slim, and now trimmed, waist. But her hips have gotten wider, fleshier.

She doesn´t mind the change on weight, but she hasn´t really realized all the changes on her. Dawn´s plan has worked perfectly. She´s lazy because she´s on vacations. So, her guard´s down. Her “radar” is lose enough to ignore a few things. For example, a growth of fourteen inches in height and a gain of 130-pounds.

She´s got the body of a muse. Her gain of weight goes, not just in fat, where she still has a fat-percentage below the 20% she had when she arrived.

Sasha´s been filling out her body with some nice muscles. She´s not muscular, but her thick legs are full of swelling muscle, her torso has gotten a bit more solid too, as has the rest of her body.

However, Dawn didn´t had the plan to create a huge bodybuilder, that´s why Sasha´s muscles are only meant to make her stronger, not ripped. Her muscles are bulky, and feminine-looking.

With her clothes on, you wouldn´t be able to tell, at most, you´ll notice her thick, plump legs and her peach-shaped ass.

Dawn´s plan has worked out perfectly. Sasha´s now WAY above average, with the healthiest body ever. Strong, but soft, powerful, but sexy. Big, but feminine. She´s really close to being a goddess.

Still, Dawn´s system hasn´t resettled. She´ll keep growing Sasha until the day she leaves. After that, maybe her systems will go back to normal. Until then, there´s still three days left before Sasha leaves.

Sasha found herself at the lake again, wearing her sexy, yellow bikini. She was swimming, so gracefully. Still, she does feel kind of heavy.

It doesn´t matter if her muscles have grown, the 130-pound difference is still noticeable. But she ignores it, blaming it all on the extreme amounts of food Dawn´s been putting on the table.

All of the changes on her were… daily. So she couldn´t really tell if she had grown. She grew a bit more than an inch overnight, every night. Her perspective was altered in a very subtle way. All in order to prevent her from having any suspect about what the AI was doing.

But, to the outside world, she´s now very tall…

“Hi…” Came a man´s voice as she swam to the border. He was right on top of the small pier on the lake.

“Oh… hi…” Sasha was amazed, wasn´t this place kind of… lone? This was the first guy, well, person she´s seen since she got there.

But, to be fair, this is kind of the second time she goes out of the cabin. With all provided for her, she allowed them to spoil her and, well, she kind of locked herself in. But without really being locked.

Still, that doesn´t mean no one hasn´t seen her. This guy, Kevin, he spotted her the other day. And then, he decided to meet her, to see who was this beauty he saw.

Kevin was a handsome man. About her age, just two years older. He had a slim, trimmed body. Showing off his abs as he´s not wearing a shirt, only his swimming trunks.

Sasha can´t deny he´s… cute. Good looking, and, well, he´s the first person she meets in days so… he´s HOT!

With all the hormones running through her body, all thanks to a cocktail served to her inside every meal, provided by Dawn. She´s not growing taller, but her body´s… well, she gets horny easily.

She can´t really control herself. He´s a guy, a handsome one. She finds herself with nothing but lust on her mind. He wants him, badly!

The good thing is… he kind of wants the same thing. As she struggles to control herself, he´s ogling at her breasts.

“Oh MAN! They are HUGE!” Way bigger than they looked from the distance. As she´s floating by the pier, he can see her massive boobs under the clear water of the lake. Those boobs had BALOONED!

Kevin had a hard time processing their size. Well, not every day you find a woman with a 38L-cup pair of breasts. They were mesmerizing!

Sasha went to the shore, and so did he. He was walking over the pier as they chatted about what they were doing by the lake.

He said one of his friends had found this place last summer, and now they were camping, just because.

And Sasha explained she rented the cabin close by. It was a great deal she couldn´t give up.

“The cabin? Wow, I didn´t knew there was a cabin here.”

“Yeah, it´s kind of new.” She said, both wanting the other, with desire.

However, there was this thing they were not prepared for.

Once they were on even ground, Kevin was dumbfounded.

“WOW, she´s HUGE!” he thought, looking up at the amazon. He was 6´3”, and thought of himself as a tall guy, but next to Sasha, he´s not so tall.

She´s got an inch on him, but with the body she´s got, she looks bigger. Plus, those perky breasts. The wet bikini´s clenched to her body like a glove! Leaving nothing to imagination.

He really didn´t care if she was taller, she´s HOT. She´ll be the first sexy amazon he hooks up with, that´s if she allows him.

Meanwhile, Sasha had her own thoughts.

“Well… he´s… small.” She thinks she´s still 5´2”, which will put him down to 5´1”. But she´s so wrong.

“So, tell me, my tall queen, will you invite me in?” That usually wouldn´t have worked, she knows he just wants sex. He´s even leering at her while they talk.

But she doesn´t care. She´s too horny to want something else. Besides, “tall queen”? She thinks he says so just because he´s short.

“Follow me…” she said, no second thoughts.

Kevin followed Sasha from behind. Looking at her sexy ass swaying. Her body still covered by the water of the lake. So sensuous, her sultry body walking before him. She was like a dream come true.

Sexy, huge boobs, a big butt, pretty. The fact that she´s so tall only made her a buxom amazon.

As she entered the cabin. She had to do a slight explanation of who he was. Introducing him as a “friend”.

It felt so odd to explain the AI she´ll have a guest. But that´s not against the rules so… She went straight to the bedroom she´s been calling “hers” for the last couple days and… closed the door.

“Sorry, this cabin´s kind of a project. An AI controls the whole place and… well, I don´t want to get you bored with the details…” Sasha said, looking at his body, wanting to have hot sex with him.

Kevin was looking around; the place was nice. But not nearly as nice as the hot body of the sensuous amazon before him.

Kevin thought himself as a lucky man as he made out with Sasha on the bed of the cabin.

She was so smooth to the touch; so soft, and yet so firm. Her body was simply perfect. Thick in all the right places, with sensuous curves all over.

Her breasts were massive, her hips were fleshy, and her butt, so tight to the touch.

He lost no chance to fondle with her breasts as they had sex. To squeeze her ass, caress her skin, feel the silky touch of her erotic flesh.

She was delighted too. He´s the first man she´s been with in months! Work´s certainly takin away a LOT of her time.

After this vacation, she may have to ponder her life decisions. Overall, she´s now focused on his cock.

The sizeable dick he´s got. The passion with which he moves. Lust, there´s no doubt his mind´s full of lust, but is that so wrong? She feels the same way.

Even though there´s a huge chance they won´t meet again, at least she had the chance to have some sex during this vacation.

Soon, their moans filled the room. The echoes of passion, on all the four walls. The waves of lust, crashing against the surface of the room, reaching the ceiling.

A quick temperature scan could reveal that their bodies were as hot as they could get. Both were sweating, both were passionate. And soon, both climaxed.

“That was… great…” said Sasha. She´s never enjoyed sex so much!

But this may not be the last time she does. However, it will certainly be the last time at this size.

Days flew by, and Dawn knew there was very little time left. What was the resolution? Work harder!

Bigger meals, more exercise, make sure Sasha´s body is as mighty as ever!

Suddenly, the day came. Finally, time to go back home. However, it´s not the same Sasha the one that´s leaving the cabin.

“I hope you enjoyed your time here, Mrs. Larson.” Called Dawn, maybe the very last time Sasha ever talks with the artificial voice of the AI.

“I did. The food was great.” Even though she certainly gained quite some pounds. “The lake was awesome. And, I didn´t mind out gym routine.” Maybe she´ll join a gym once she gets back home.

Sasha´s got a lot to think on now. Plus, she´s got a whole new size to work with.

As she walks out of the cabin, with her luggage in hand, which, for some reason, she ignores is lighter. Even if Dawn ordered, without her knowing, a suitcase way bigger than the one she first had. Sasha can´t tell she´s been growing over the last few weeks.

And she´s grown!

The once short, thin lady who came in. Weighting 100-pounds while standing at 5´2” was now a much bigger woman. With a fuller body, thicker thighs, a bigger butt and a massive rack.

Sasha became a 6´8” woman, weighting now 320-pounds of firm, luscious flesh. Her body has certainly become buxom. Thicker in all of the right places.

And thanks to Dawn, built in the most sensuous, yet strongest, of ways.

The main question is, how will she react once she realizes she´s three times her ow weight and eighteen inches taller?

“Holy shit! Is this my car? It´s freaking tiny!” Some people will certainly receive some complaints once she finds out the AI on the cabin turned her into a big amazon.

Can you imagine the face on those guys? Looking up at a big, and hefty, upset woman? There´s certainly no turning back.

However, they may have done her a favor. She´s taller, stronger, and surely, more imposing. The problem is…

“Ugh, the seat can´t go back anymore? And what´s with the… why is my butt so huge! And why is the roof so low?” She may have some problems fitting into her regular stuff.

But, may this have been the biggest vacations she´s had!