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Chapter 14

In order to move on into the stage two of the new plan Gene and Carol had, there were a few things that should be done. And one of them was, of course, growing.

But not in any of them, but on a third party, Leslie.

Now, what´s the plan these two women have? Simple. Kevin´s already convinced he´s shrinking because of a rare condition. Now, how about they make him… contagious?

But, if he was contagious, shouldn´t they be shrinking Leslie? Shouldn´t she be on the same pills he is so that the results are the same? Well… no.

He´s got a condition, however, if people around him shrink, that wouldn´t explain why Carol or Gene are growing. They can´t risk him knowing about the pills. About their actual purpose. Therefore, they have a bit of a twist in mind.

In order to explain his shrinking and their growth, together as one single event. There must be a little something else, Leslie´s growth.

So far, they could´ve explained that both are growing because of him. But, if he was so contagious, why wasn´t Leslie growing too?

Immunity could´ve been an answer. But there was no particular fun in that. Besides, that way there´s no chance they can get Leslie out of his life, away from him and from this house. She´s obnoxious, and she must be subtracted from the equation. Therefore, if she thinks Kevin´s contagious, and that he´s causing her sudden expansion, well, she´ll go away on her own.

But there´s still something they are unsure about. Will Leslie be scared or… will she like it?

Both Gene and Carol have loved their growth. How week by week, almost day by day for Gene, they are bigger and more imposing. They feel taller, stronger, mightier.

This growth has given them, between other things, confidence. Confidence on their expanding, enlarging bodies.

Yes, Gene´s getting most of the fun, by not following the rules, but Carol can´t quite order her not to. Number one, Gene´s her boss, and number two, she´s a 6´7” amazon, a fairly intimidating one.

If she looked bigger before, now, she looks MASSIVE!

And now, it´s time to work on the plan. Get these pills to Leslie.

That´s exactly what Carol has in mind as she walks upstairs with a tray in hand. On the tray, there´s a few items, some drinks, napkins, two bottles of water, oh, and a snack that contains pills.

Shrinking pills for Kevin and… growing pills for Leslie.

A part of Carol´s not happy with the fact that they will share some of it with Leslie. But, as long as this sets her away, it will be worth it.

After knocking on the door, Carol stepped into Kevin´s room.

“Hey, guys. I brought you a snack.” Carol said, as friendly as possible. Even if both deserved nothing like that from her.

Both of them were laying in his bed, well, he was laying while Leslie was sitting. Her first impression, he´s all over her, trying to get something more than just kisses. But so far, there´s nothing too spicy in here.

First thing Leslie did was to turn at the amazon on the door, and feel strange, and annoyed, by her greeting. And Kevin, well, he could use a snack.

“Cool, just leave the tray over there and we´ll get to it… thanks.” Kevin said.

But, did Carol heard that right, did he say thanks? She could´ve smiled for his progress. She knew he was utterly annoyed by her, the way she´s been acting over the past few days. But, “thanks”? That´s nice to hear every once in a while. However…

“Welcome. Oh but, I can´t just leave them here…” she said. Knowing that the pills cannot be swapped. She can´t have his pill and he can´t have hers. Each must be delivered to the right person, else, the plan won´t work.

“Why not?” Asked Leslie, sort of annoyed. “Is there something wrong with them?”

“Oh no! Of course not. It´s nothing like that.” Carol replied, a bit nervous.

“So? Then what´s the deal?” Said Leslie, looking up to her with some suspicion. First, she´s bigger, and now, she´s weird all over the food. Is there something going on in here? It´s already strange that Kevin´s shrinking and it seems that this woman Carol´s growing. Something´s up in this house…

“I… I… I put tomatoes on your sandwich… that´s it.” Carol replied, feeling like she just dodged a bullet.

“Tomatoes? And what´s with them? Are they rotten or something?” Leslie can´t trust this woman. She doesn´t like her, and she doesn´t trust people she doesn´t like.

“Oh no, it´s not ok to mess with someone´s food. I just… Kevin doesn´t like tomatoes, that´s why I wrapped his with a napkin…”

Leslie turned at Kevin as if asking if that was true.

“I don´t like tomatoes. They are kind of sour…” He replied.

Leslie just rolled her eyes. “Fine, just leave the tray there and we´ll get to it.”

Carol did as she was said and stepped out of the room.

While she was walking away, Leslie looked with close attention.

“Her butt´s huge!” she thought, but that´s not the only bigger thing on hers. Leslie can recall Carol was shorter than her. Right now, the sneakers she´s wearing, there´s no way they can boost her up that much.

Leslie can recall she had some good inches on her. More than two, at least. But now, it´s Carol the one that´s on top. And not by an inch or so. Both are wearing almost even shoes and Carol towers over her!

She´s not exactly aware of her dimensions, but Carol´s four-inches taller than Leslie. Standing at 5´11” over her 5´7”. However, Leslie´s sure on one thing, she´s filling up!

“I don´t get it, what´s the big deal about the food?” Leslie said, standing up and reaching for the water bottle. “I mean, can´t you just take the tomatoes off?” She turned at Kevin.

“Hey, I´m paying HER to take them off… well, not to put them on.” He replied, reaching for his sandwich.

“Sure… but just let me see.” She said.

Leslie couldn´t trust Carol. What if she messed up with the food? That thing seemed fine, but she can´t be sure enough.

She removed the napkin and opened it up. As she said, no tomato, but… was there something else?

Of course, she wouldn´t find it. Carol grinded the pills and mixed them up with the mayo. That way, there´s no chance they can find the pills there. And lucky for her, the color vanished as she mixed them. Maybe the pills were meant to be imperceptible? Who knows.

“Here, I think it´s safe to eat. But if this thing gives me diarrhea… oh, I´ll kick your maid´s ass.” Leslie stated.

“Come on, don´t worry about that. She knows she´ll get fired. Besides, my mom´s already talked to her.” Kevin reassured as he took the first bite of his sandwich.

Leslie blinked, and then she smiled. “Aww, mommy´s already spoken with the maid?” She teased.

“Stop it. I could´ve done that myself. But… I don´t think she could handle me when I´m angry.” He said as if he was a tough guy.

“Pffft! Handle you? She´s like… a foot taller than you…” That got her thinking.

She ignored the fact that he was mad, and just let out a few words.

“Hey, have you noticed if… if she´s growing?” Leslie asked, thinking further about Carol.

“Growing? Like… getting fat?” He asked, with his mouth full of sandwich.

“No, well, kind of.” Carol does look thicker, but her growing curves have only added more sensuality to her shape. Besides, her stomach´s flatter than ever. “But no, I mean… doesn´t she look… taller?”

Kevin frowned. “Everyone looks taller. Even you.” He said.

Leslie should´ve known that he wouldn´t be able to tell. Everything around him is growing.

She needed an answer, but she couldn´t just go ask her. Why? Cause she hates her. So, Leslie did the same thing she does when she´s thinking, eat.

That´s right, she´s the kind of lady who drops hypothesis while she´s nurturing her mind, in this case. She´s eating while she tries to find an answer.

So far, the plan´s working great! Kevin´s sandwich has one pill, the usual for him. However, to ensure faster results, Leslie´s got FOUR pills on hers. Which should boost her up by some noticeable inches.

“So… maybe… we can have some sex after the meal?” Kevin asked, looking at Leslie´s nice boobs with lust.

“Ha, you wish. I don´t have sex on a full stomach. But maybe some other day… shortie.” She smiled.

Kevin doesn´t like when she teases him. It´s not his fault to be shrinking, and to have Leslie, his girlfriend, laughing at him, that´s not appreciated.

However, the gap in size may increase soon, really soon…

“What? You´re leaving so soon?” He asked.

“I´m full, ok? And when I´m full, I like to rest.” Leslie said, walking down the stairs.

“Well… maybe you can have some rest here?” Kevin said.

“Nah, I like to sleep in my own bed, thank you.” And so, she was gone.

“Fuck. She eats and then she leaves. What am I? Just a joke to her? Access to a free meal? Ugh…” This wasn´t fun to him. However… there´s something else about to happen.

As Leslie left, she started feeling strange.

“Ugh, I knew it, she messed with the food.” She declared, but she was way too far to turn back and complaint. Besides, her attention was driven somewhere else… her tits.

“What the…?” Her chest felt hot, and soon, it started to swell. Her boobs were growing, but not just that. The same tight feeling came all over her butt.

Her glutes, filling up the entirety of her jeans. They went from tight to incredibly tight. And then, to insanely tight. But not just on the butt, her thighs were also swelling.

And soon, that feeling came over her. For the first time, Leslie was growing taller.

She could feel all of her clothes uncomfortably tight, constraining even. After she heard the sound of ripping clothes she realized, something was wrong.

Or should we say, that something was growing? All of her body soon enlarged, thickened. And her head, it rose, higher and higher. But soon, it all stopped.

She rushed to make her way home. And once she was there, she realized a couple things. Number one, her clothes are useless. Mostly her bra. And number two…

“What the…?” Her whole body seemed bigger, not just her boobs. Her hips had widened, her legs, they look so much thicker. And, there was something else in her mind, what about her height?

She found a measuring tape, and then draw a line over her head. She was certain that something had happened with that girl Carol. There´s no way she was that big before and she didn´t notice.

And now, whatever had happened to Carol, it was happening to her!

“No way…” she said, looking at the measure in the tape. “This thing says I´m… 5´10”?!” That´s right, three-inches in one day. Impressive.

But she wasn´t just taller, all of her body had grown. Now, she´ll need to get new clothes. However, she needs answers first.

“SHIT! I knew something was wrong. How did this happen? Is… is this that woman´s fault? Or… is there something else?” Paranoia, that´s what Carol and Gene were looking for.

As soon as Leslie comes back complaining about her size, both women will “notice” something´s off with them too. Which may be really hard to explain, but they will find the way.

In the meantime. Carol was sending Gene a message.

“Done! I delivered the, you know, to you know who.” Carol wrote.

“Wonderful!” Gene replied. Laughing a little at the way she wrote the message.

Then, Gene put her phone away and asked one of the clerks at the store she was at, “Dear, do you have these, one size bigger?”

She was sitting on one of the luxurious stores she frequently visited. Sitting, waiting for them to service her as she deserves. They have the nicest attention there, besides, a big woman like her deserves some extra attention.

Why was she at the store? Well, she likes to buy shoes. Plus, she needs bigger shoes, the ones she has are starting to feel… tight.

But why wouldn´t they? She bought them when she was 6´6”, and now, she´s tipping the 6´8” mark on the wall. That´s right, someone´s not as good following the plan. At least not when it comes to stopping her growth for a while.

“Thank dear.” Gene said as the 5´6” woman, who felt too small next to Gene´s big, buxom form, delivered the shoes. “Now, may I speak to your manager?” Gene asked.

“W-why? Is… is something wrong, ma´am?” Has she pissed the giantess off?

“Oh, no dear, everything´s wonderful. But,” She asked as she started standing, “That cute guy right there,” she pointed to a guy, on his thirties, who was at the register. “That´s him, right?”

The 5´6” woman nodded as Gene stood to her full, striking height. Even barefoot, she loomed over her by more than a foot!

Gene´s size was intimidating, and the way she said things. Every time, it seemed as if she was an authority. The way she said things, the tone she used, she was imposing! Intimidating for some.

“Y-yes, ma´am.” The woman replied.

“And… is he single?” Gene knows what she wants and when she wants it…

While Gene was busy seducing every man she pleased, Carol was back at her apartment. She was starting to feel like the place was too small. And, it will be even smaller when she gives the next step.

“Ok, Gene said we could grow a little after Leslie´s had her share.” Gene was ahead of hers, but sure, that was the deal.

Carol went to her kitchen´s cabinet. She was always amazed by the fact that she could clearly look above, before, she used to stand on her tip-toes to watch, now, everything was about the right level.

Carol grabbed the bottle, took a pill out and smiled. “Well, it seems you´ll be the one who gets me to the 6-foot-mark.” She said, smiling.

Growing was amazing to her. The confidence, her new self. Everyone could see she had changed. She went from 5´4” to 5´11”, and now, she´ll go for the 6-foot-mark.

Carol´s wondering. How will it be to surpass that? To be above that? She´ll be amongst the taller ladies. But, will she stop there? She´ll reach 6´, but, how about 6´1”? That´s just an inch more, and when she´s at 6´1”, why not 6´2”?

She can´t help it, but the size, knowing you´re taller, bigger, sexier. It makes her want to grow more. Maybe Gene´s not so wrong for wanting more. It´s inevitable.

Is it greed? Desire? Addiction? But, what´s wrong with wanting to be taller? Everyone wants the same.

If you were to make the question, most people would say they don´t mind an extra two-inches in height. And if you were to ask a different question, this time, to the ladies…

If you were to ask them if they´d like to grow bigger boobs, or bigger butts. To choose a part of them to grow, to make thicker. There would be probably the same amount of answers.

Now, Carol holds, in her hands, a way to achieve that. The pills not only make her taller, but thicker too. And not just thicker, sexier.

Every time, each passing day, she becomes more and more of a tall, sexy woman. Having a more sensuous hourglass figure. No fat, no stretch-marks. Nothing but a smooth, sensuous growth.

And now, she´s closer to becoming an amazon! A tall, mighty woman, with a luscious body.

And all thanks to those pills she found. It seems, size is always the answer…

The next morning, she woke up, overly excited! The results never disappoint.

The first thing she did was to check on herself, only to be sure that this pill drove her to the 6-foot-mark. That´s right, Carol´s a six-footer! Barely, but it´s just a matter of time before that changes…

As she walks down the streets, making her way to work. She´s happy. She doesn´t only feel taller, but sexier.

The way her clothes are slightly tighter. How her butt´s perfectly wrapped by the fabric of her tight jeans. The way her boobs bounce on her barely-fitting bra. The tightness her shirt offers to her.

All of her clothes do nothing but to accentuate her glorious body. Plus, she´s so tall!

She finds herself looking down at more and more people. Not that she wants to, but she looms taller than everyone! Well, every woman. And, one-another man.

She wonders, when will that time come? When will she loom above everyone? Be that tall woman on the streets. Gene certainly feels that way already.

Her amazonic boss surely walks down the streets in the most imposing of ways. As she silently claims respect from everyone. It´s hard not to admire her size at this point. With heels, according to Carol, Gene´s a 6´10” amazon.

Bigger than every woman down the street, fleshier, sexier, hotter.

Sometimes she feels sorry for Kevin. But he deserves this. She could´ve just grown herself, but there´s more fun in knowing that the jerk struggles more and more each passing day.

She doesn´t want to create some sort of dependency, leave him dry and weak. But he deserves a punishment for being the ass he is.

At least now he´s looking up to people. And literally, to everyone.

Carol walked into the house, early as always. But, unlike other days, the place wasn´t quiet. Instead, there was some noise inside. Yelling? Not quite, but it does sound like a discussion…

“How the fuck will I know?!” He yelled.

“Oh, I don´t know, cause… you´re shrinking!” This was Leslie, she was back, and apparently, very mad.

“Fuck then… if I´m shrinking, how come you´re growing?” He replied.

“If I´d known, I wouldn´t be here!”

Wow, it seems Leslie did grow. Carol knew she was still taller, but judging for Leslie´s clothes, which look as tight as expected. She also noticed she´s bigger.

Should this be a good time to intervene? Or… should Carol let them fight for a bit more? After all, they haven´t noticed she´s there.

“You did this! I´m sure!” Leslie yelled back.

“Ok, if this gets physical, I´ll step in.” Said Carol, making her was slowly to the living room where they were fighting. She´ll have her fun and then will step in. Before things get out of hand…


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