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Chapter 48

Colin fell asleep like a rock. He was so tired after having sex with Lillian. He thought she´s just too much woman for him, and, at 8-feet-tall, she might be.

But that´s not the actual reason, what happens is, he´s tired because he´s about to shrink.

Just like every time he drinks from Lillian´s milk, he shrinks. And, lucky for him, he only goes down an inch.

Lillian embraced his smaller frame with her enormity. She rapped her thick, long arm around him, keeping him warm, sheltered, loved. She´s so happy she found Colin.

So excited. He´s quite romantic, yes, he may be a bit dumbfounded every now and then, but that may be her fault… ok, it´s totally her fault.

It´s just that, she´s the biggest, thickest, and sexiest woman he´s ever seen. And now, he´s certain there will be more and more of this casual encounters. Sex is right at his door, well, her door.

“Sleep tight, honey, we´ve got something special to do in the morning…” she cooed, to what, he did not listen.

Lillian loves her new lover. The problem is, will her milk still shrink him? She´s got the hopes it won´t. That soon, she´ll lactate regular milk. Milk that doesn´t shrink any man. Or grow any women. This milk of hers has some quite different effects on men and women.

“Ok, let´s see…” Said the amazon as she stood next to Colin, with the tape measure in hand already.

She could listen to the wind blowing outside, to the singing of the birds in the early morning. Colin was sleeping as tight as always. There´s no chance he wakes up any time soon.

“Perfect…” she thought, pulling the tape and bending towards him. Time to find out.

And, news are… he shrunk. Which didn´t make her too happy. Colin just got down to 5´10”, having lost a total of four-inches. Lillian´s a little concerned, four-inches is quite something. Quite a difference. Will he notice?

Well, of course he will. He has already started to notice, but hasn´t put a finger on it.

Lillian´s in a bit of a problem here, he´s loosing height, that´s for sure. But she doesn´t want him to. She had forgotten what love was, what it was like to have a true lover.

A man who loves you, who touches your body with passion. Who worships you. A man who wants to embrace you in all of his love.

Who tries to seduce you and make you fall in the arms of lusty passion. A man who´ll praise you, kiss you, miss you, touch you with nothing but passion.

A man with whom to dance through the carnal flames of passion. A lover, who´ll project all of his love physically to you. Where your bodies melt in the depths of passion, where your mind gets lost in a trance of lust. Erotic, hot, sexy.

Lillian loves Colin, and she knows he feels the same for her. The question is, will this last?

Lillian´s got the feeling that, everyone she loves, soon moves away. Leaves her, forever. She doesn´t want that, but what can she do? She can´t control faith. She can´t even control the effect of the milk dripping from her tits.

She breathes in, and then out. She has to calm down. What can she project of herself if she doesn´t have the image of a woman who´s got everything under control. She must project security, confidence, she´s big, she´s tall, she´s gorgeous. Let´s just keep it that way.

“Wakey, wakey, I brought breakfast…” Lillian said, now, at almost 9:00 am.

Colin heard her voice at the distance, but she wasn´t too far. She was right next to him.

As his vision cleared, he could perceive a few things. One, there´s some slightly annoying light coming in through the window. The signing of the birds confirms it´s morning already.

Two, there´s a sweet smell coming in through his nostrils. The scent of butter, the sugary smell of syrup. The creamy smell of pancakes. It smells delicious.

Now, as he turns, he can see the big, large, tall figure of Lillian, standing right next to the bed. With the tray in hand, a tray that looks utterly small in her hands. Her palm almost covers the entirety of it.

As he looks up, and up, past the shiny silvery tray, he can see Lillian. Well, first, he made a quick stop to glare at her humongous, round, and sensuous breasts. Then, he met her angelical face and her pretty smile.

To be awaked by such a delicious breakfast, made by a goddess. That´s certainly pleasant.

However, he can´t deny she´s too much of a tease. For a moment, he had an idea. Like a flash.

Lillian, laying naked in bed. The entirety of her colossal body, completely at his mercy. He´s pouring the syrup over her, and sucking it from her hot skin. The touch of his lips, the sweet taste.

But that´s not actually happening…

“Here you go, but be careful, they are still a little hot…” She said as he sat in bed, placing the tray right over his lap.

As she bents, he can see her shape better. First, she´s wearing some tiny shorts, displaying the firm fleshiness of her massive thighs. Like two smooth pillars of flesh. Sexy, arousing, strong, yet soft. The creamy look of her skin, the soft look of her plump legs. A harmless look, coming from a pair of legs that are surely built beneath that soft layer of flesh. A leg that may or may not weight the same as he does, it´s surely as thick as his shoulders, much more even.

Still, he doesn´t care. Why would he care if Lillian´s taller than him? More mature. Bigger. Or if she´s physically superior when it comes to things like height or strength. She´s the sweetest woman he´s ever met. And so far, the only woman that brings him breakfast to bed.

“My, they smell amazing… thank you.” He smiled at the giantess.

On top, Lillian was wearing a tank top, one that was rising a little over her stomach, displaying some of her flesh, including her belly button. Above, he can see the perfect roundness of her cleavage. Magnificent, enormous, alluring, teasing his eye.

“You´re welcome, honey…” her voice, deep, soft, gentle. He wants to be embraced by that woman again. To touch her body, feel her skin. To dance with her with the same passion as last night. But he must wait.

She´s so sweet, so kind, he doesn´t want to ruin things by trying to go too fast. He must be patient. They have already dated, and sex is clearly on the table. His question is, will this relationship become something more… formal?

Only time will tell…

But, speaking of relationships. How are things going between Jonathan and Melissa?

Just like every other day, he´s sitting there, just watching the time go by. Is this what he´s been reduced to? Someone who just… waits?

He´s basically confined to Melissa´s apartment. But not because she said so, it´s him who doesn´t want to get out of there. He´s been reduced to 1´2”, him, a grown man, shrunken down to such a size.

He feels lucky he made it out before he was reduced to a couple inches.

Right now, he´s just laying on the couch, a couch that feels massive. Unrealistically big. His whole body fits over a single cushion.

As he lays there, he wonders, will he ever grow back? There´s a huge chance he… won´t.

But there´s a few more things he comes to wonder during his time alone, such as, will Melissa ever shrink down to her original size?

It´s not that he´s jealous, or that somehow he envies her for getting the right side of this. But he´s curious, is this permanent?

Melissa grew taller, sexier. She´s a 6´6” amazon, standing above almost everyone on the room. And if she ever wore heels, she´ll be even taller. Reaching 6’10” with four-inch heels, or maybe she´ll go for the full seven-feet with six-inch heels.

He´s not sure, he doesn´t know how that works. Heels are meant to make a woman´s legs look longer and more graceful, but what´s for those women whose legs are already long and graceful?

Melissa is, now, one of those women. So tall, so sexy, shapely legs, an incredible body. A thin waist, giving her a wasp-like figure because of her wide hips and her heavy breasts.

He´s been watching her, not to say checking her out. She´s a colossus, to him, she´s truly a giantess. He can see the firm quaking of her butt as she walks away. The light trembling on her calves´ flesh. And let´s not forget the bouncing on her boobs.

She´s gorgeous, she´s sexy, and… she´s more than he´ll ever get.

He comes to the same question, over and over, is he there because she loves him or… is it out of pity? As in, sure, let´s get him away from the evil giantess before he shrinks down to nothing. He feels pathetic.

Sometimes, he just doesn´t know how to feel.

Melissa surely loves her new size. Everyone´s literally looking up to her. No one ever questioned her sudden “spurt”. But him, he hates it. Even his confidence got shrunken down.

His only salvation is that she´s a sweet woman. Caring, gentle. Lovely. But Jonathan has the same problem Colin has. Does the amazon… love him? Is there something else going on? Soon, both need to know. Be clever enough to tell what´s exactly going on.

One thing´s for sure, Lillian´s clearly MUCH bigger than Melissa.

Every time Lillian goes to the store, she can feel all eyes on her. Looking at her with admiration, some with fear, others with respect. And some only to leer at her luscious body.

She´s a queen, and clearly, she´s queen-size. The sexiest, prettiest woman you´ve ever seen, walking down the aisles. She´s everything you´ve ever wanted. But bigger.

Some wonder, where does she get clothes? Will those clothes rip? They look so tight. How can she be so pretty? How can she look so good? She´s gorgeous!

And some may be jealous and think, is she single? She must be, who´ll date a woman her size?

Most women truly envy her. How can she look so happy? Can´t she tell she´s HUGE! Titanic! Most people judge what they don´t understand. What they can´t understand.

But, does she care? Of course not!

She´s a grown woman, and not only meaning size. She´s a mature woman, old enough not to care about what other people thinks. If you´d like to compliment her, then you´re very welcomed. But don´t go around her with nasty comments.

Try to picture this, a woman, who looms above everyone in the room. A woman who can make the basketball team look, not only average, but small. Try to picture this woman, after you´ve said something rude to her.

Her large hands, coming to her wide, fleshy hips. Suddenly, she rises a hand and starts waving her finger, naggingly, at you. She´s about to lecture you. That´s not just annoying for that one person, but it must be so intimidating.

Colin´s no exception to it. He fears that, if he was to do something wrong. If he gets misunderstood, and for some reason, she gets mad. He may be scolded by her. And that´s something he doesn´t want to see.

She´s so sweet. But she´s big enough to make him wish she never gets mad.

After a while, everyone was doing their own thing. Colin was at work, he felt different. He feels something he can´t quite put his finger on.

He´s so used to Lillian that he can´t really perceive people now look taller. He feels everything´s normal because he doesn´t have to crane his neck so much to look up to the 8-feet-tall woman. That´s one of the reasons why he can´t tell people are actually taller; but that´s not right, he can´t quite perceive he´s shrinking.

Losing four-inches in height, that´s not just anything.

However, Colin´s not concerned now. Right now, he feels lucky. In love.

Colin goes through the day, sure there´s something between him and Lillian. That the amazon saw something in him. He felt special, he felt tender. Lillian´s the sweetest woman he´s ever met, he feels so lucky to have her attention.

He wonders, how did this goddess fell for him? Well, did she really fall? Is she really in love with him?

They have certainly dated. And not just dated, after the date, he got lucky. And that´s not just it. If she wanted sex with him, then she wouldn´t have put some extra effort and made breakfast for him.

There´s something between them. He knows he loves her, but does she love him?

Colin couldn´t really wait to meet her again. So, he asked her out. For dinner, but not at a restaurant, he was thinking somewhere more… private.

“Hi, I was wondering if you´d like to come over to my place, maybe we can have some dinner together?” Was it too casual? Maybe even stupid? He wouldn´t blame her if she said…

“No” There, she said it. Rejection.

Suddenly, Colin felt bad. He felt rejected, as if the love she´s showed him was all… fake. Lucky for him, that was not the end of the message.

“I have a better idea, what if you come over to my place, and I can cook you something? How about that, sweetheart?” Even by text she used those sweet terms.

He tried; he made an attempt to direct things to his place. And not because he wanted to have sex with her at his place. Of that he wanted everyone on the neighborhood to see he was fucking a sexy giantess. He was doing all this because he felt he owed her a meal.

She paid for dinner the other day, and she´s already made him breakfast. How can he pay her back if she doesn´t allow him?

“Maybe she´s one of those women who are super-independent. She wants t prove something?” he thought. But there was no need. Everyone can see she´s a strong woman. Maybe stronger than literally everyone in town, if not the whole country.

Or, there´s a chance she´s just kind. She´ll insist on doing everything on her own to keep him… happy?

He totally ignores her pampering nature. She´ll do everything she can for him. Make sure he doesn´t struggle, that he´s well taken care of. That´s Lillian´s true nature, those are her pure intentions.

“Ok, should I bring something?” He wrote back, but her answer was predictable. She was either going to write, “nothing.” Or…

“Just bring your beautiful presence, honey.” That´s the other answer he had in mind. Not the exact words, but he knew it would be something like that.

She´s such a delightful woman. Kind, nice, and so generous. Even during sex. He never thought he´d love such a mature woman. And much less one her size. She´s enormous. Lillian´s so tall, and yet so sexy.

That night, right before dinner, Colin was nervous. Was he properly dressed? What should he wear?

He went for something casual, but was it too casual? Or closer to formal? He´s so nervous about what to wear. Why? Why does he want to give a good impression every time?

In the end, she wore jeans, a white shirt, and a blazer on top. With some nice, Bostonian shoes. But, once more, he felt as if something was off.

Was someone staring at him? Does he have the feeling that there´s someone behind him? Someone watching him from the shadows? No.

Does he have that feeling, when your own thoughts betray you and you feel as if you were going to ruin everything on this date. That the mere fact of calling it a date is too much? Not that either.

The weird feeling was on… his clothes.

He was working out to get more fit. Slimmer, tighter. To show off some more muscle, to get a bit shredded. Not huge or muscular, but fit. Now, it seems this has worked. That blazer had a lose fit. Was it working? Were his exercising working and he´s losing weight?

Not exactly. The clothes fell bigger, but not for the reasons he wanted.

Colin chose not to pay too much attention to it. He just made his way to Lillian´s place

Soon, he was standing right before her door. Ringing her bell, again. His hands were sweaty. But why?

He literally just saw her the other day. Things were not supposed to be awkward by now. He should feel more confident, but he can´t. He just can´t.

Colin waited outside her door, this was by far the most nervous he´s been about having dinner with someone, at their place. No other woman has had this effect on him before.

Soon, he heard her steps. Her unmistakable heavy steps. Reminding him of the size of the woman he was meeting. The first thing that came to his mind, her ass, her butt bouncing by the motion of her wide hips.

So much flesh, so much sexiness in a single woman. Was that the reason why she was bigger? Because so much beauty needs a bigger frame? He´s not sure. The only thing he knows is, she´s right behind the door.

Soon, the knob turned, and then, she emerged from inside.

“Hi.” He said, looking up at Lillian. For some reason, Colin had a feeling. This weird feeling. Does she look… bigger?

“Hi, there. Come in. Dinner´s almost ready, honey.” Her voice, her sweet voice. She was just… overwhelming.

And her clothes, always wrapped around her body with just the exact tightness. Accentuating her sensuous figure. Her wide hips, her heavy top; and a slimmer waist, giving her this sexy, yet somehow thick, hourglass figure.

Colin smiled, and then, Lillian invited him in. In for something more than just dinner…



Fun! I really liked the thoughts, concerns and insights into the relationship :)


Amazing! I´m happy you liked a bit of an insight to their thoughts :D