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Part 2

“It´s here!” Brianna cheered as she rushed to the door.

She was lucky of two things. Number one, that the e-mail confirmation she received, which advised she won the opportunity to try her products, also advise that it will be delivered at her door within 5 days. And today, it was the fifth day.

There was also something else on the e-mail. If her results were good, there was a big chance they will promote her. And maybe even turn her into one of her brand ambassadors. Which encouraged her a bit more.

“Wow! It´s huge!” They delivered a massive box. The protein she asked for should´ve been about the size of a gallon. But this, this box was about three-times that size.

When she opened it, she was perplexed by all she saw. Not only the protein can, but a lot of other stuff too! Gym gloves, different scoops, a small backpack, head-phones, and a shirt. A shirt that was two-sizes bigger than the size she uses, but that´s fine cause… her intention´s to grow!

“Thank you for pocking out brand. Here you´ll find more than just your protein. It´s all a gift from out company…” So far, so nice!

“Ok now… how do I use this?” She said as she grabbed the can and placed it on the kitchen´s counter. But it´s really easy to use, you only need to put it into a drink, maybe make a smoothie, a shake, anything. As long as it´s a drink, she should be fine.

The first thing she noticed when she opened it was… the smell! The intoxicating, artificial, and super-strong strawberry. Her thoughts? Is it as good as it smells? She´ll try.

She only put it in a glass of milk and mixed it with a spoon. And then, she took a sip.

The feeling, with the first sip, she felt so ALIVE! She felt more awake, more active, with a need to get active soon! Was it a sugar-boost? Unlikely. This is all thanks to the powder.

Before she knew it, she drank the whole glass, and now…

“WOW! I feel so… I need to work out!” That´s right, she not only felt the need to work out, but she felt more vigorous, stronger, faster. Better.

Soon, she´ll realize the true effects of the powder. So far, she put everything away and changed, time to go to the gym…

The day was so productive! Speaking of the gym. Brianna had, not only the best performance, but she didn´t felt tired at the end. And that counting the fact that she was there for two hours, instead of just one.

She worked out twice as hard, and felt twice as better!

“Wow! This thing works!” She even added a pound to her weights. She wondered, was all protein this good? Unlikely…

“Let´s see… should I drink more or…?” She said as she read the label.

The advice was, drink no more than two scoops a day. Followed by: “We strongly recommend you to use our product before your regular work-out session.”

“Fine…” she said, thinking only on following the rules. The thing is, once she sees the real results, will she stick to the suggestion on the label?

A week flew by, and, soon, the results were noticeable.

“Oh my… look at that!” Brianna said, looking at herself in the mirror. She was fit!

Her legs seemed thicker, her butt was rounder, firmer. And her stomach, she could see some toned lined over there.

“Wow, Bri, you look great!” Said Guy, who was casually walking by her room.

“Well, thanks! I feel great!” She did. However… a bit of thickening was not the only thing different.

Brianna looked thicker, stronger, more athletic, but it wasn´t just that. Yes, she was capable of gaining five-pounds in one week. Which is REALLY hard for a beginner who wants to bulk up.

The thing is, there was also another effect on her body. Her height. Brianna was now 5´3”, which is almost unnoticeable. At least by now…

She was clueless. The only thing she did was to weigh herself. And, obviously, look at the nice progress on her body.

By the end of week two, she had the sensuous body she wanted. Her glutes had expanded so juicily. Her thighs swelled so plumply. Her waist was as narrow as it had always been, plus, she was nicely toned. And, on top of everything, her boobs had grown!

She had no idea this was going to happen, but it did! She went to a nice C-cup. Compared with her A-cups, she was HUGE on the chest department.

She was too focused on the fact that she gained, overall, fifteen pounds, to realize that she had actually done some other growing…

Brianna doesn´t know. And it´s really hard to tell, with all the growth she´s been doing, she definitely looks bigger, and also feels bigger. However, she hasn´t noticed her vertical growth…

She stands at 5´4”, she´s grown TWO inches. Which, at her age, should be impossible. But no one´s noticed. Not even her boyfriend. Guy.

But the truth is, he´s too fixed into noticing her changes, and not on the “regular” way. First of all, he´s so confused by it. First of all, she gained, literally, a pound per day. How did she manage to do that? However, the other thing he´s noticed is… she´s getting soooo hot!

He was completely fine with her previous physique. But this version of her. He can´t say he likes her more, but he can´t say either that he doesn´t…

While looking at her expanded body. As he glares at all of her new flesh, he can´t help but to feel aroused. Teased, tempted. She´s getting so hot. Filling up so nicely, so sensuously, so sexily.

It´s so surreal the way she´s been growing. He can´t find an explanation. All she said is that she´s putting a lot more effort, and that she added another meal to her diet. But she lies.

She´s been consuming the protein, as stated. Sometimes, she goes for two scoops, some days just one. But she´s coming to think about something, how about doing two scoops every day? Or, how about three?

Brianna´s really liking her progress. And, on top of everything, the guys at the company are liking it too. She´s sent, as promised, a weekly update. And they are amazed!

So amazed that they are tempted on sending her some more protein, to persuade her not to stop using it. So far, she´s proven to be perfect for their campaign. A real-life proof that it works.

But that will be soon, right now, it´s all up to her, and… she´s really tempted to go the extra mile…

“Hello? Bri?” Asked Guy as he entered their place. Everything was dark. All lights were off on this late afternoon hours.

“Over here…” Brianna said, with a sexy voice. A voice that came from upstairs…

She´s been loving her growing physique. And so far, everyone has been able to notice the changes. Including Guy.

He hasn´t exactly said it, out loud, but he´s so turned on by her. By now, she has noticed. The way he glares at her, how he so “casually” stares at her glutes. Today, maybe it´s time to let him have a piece of her…

Guy walked upstairs, following the dim light that came out of their room. He knew, by the tone of her voice, and the mood in the house. Sex was in the plate…

He walked upstairs, and then, he opened the door. Only to find his sexy, buxom girlfriend. All of her sexy, fleshy body, covered only by the sheets.

Guy loves it. She can see the lust painted on the full expression on his face as he scans her sensuous body. Looking at her thicker, bare calves, looking at the thick half of her thighs, and, above, looking at her boobs.

She knows they have grown a bit more during this week. And she can´t stop loving it!

“Wanna come to bed, babe?” She said, to what, he lost no chance and just let himself go.

Guy´s not a horny kind of man. But whenever he gets a chance, well, he must take it!

He spent the rest of the afternoon caressing her body. Touching her plump figure. Feeling her sensuous muscles beneath her soft layer of flesh. Smooth, swollen, thick, sexy.

Brianna had sculped such a juicy body. So sexy, so creamy. Her legs were so thick, her butt was peach-shaped. She was in a whole different level. But… can she level-up?

As she feels Guy´s hands, driven by lust, touching her. She knows he´s excited, he´s horny, her new body stimulates him so much!

As he kisses her neck, she wonders, will he like it more if she was… bigger?

That´s her new goal. Get bigger. And to achieve that, she may need to start consuming more protein…

Over the next few weeks, Brianna set the bar higher. She augmented the scoops of protein on her shake. And with that, came some nice feelings.

She felt stronger, more capable, healthier. And so, she started working out more. And, as a consequence of that, she got better, and faster results.

She was growing, filling up her clothes more and more. She was expanding. Her body, gaining more and more muscle as she gained weight. But that was not just it. She grew, but not just thicker, but taller.

With time, Guy certainly noticed something was off. That something was just not… ok.

“Uhm… Bri, can we… talk?” He said, looking at his much stronger-looking girlfriend.

“Sure, what´s up?” She said, about to step out of the house and make her way to the gym.

“Uhm, do you notice anything… different on you?” He asked. There was definitely something wrong.

“Like what?” she wasn´t sure what he was talking about, but it was obvious.

Brianna hand changed. A LOT!

There´s no way she can´t tell. She´s grown, and not only muscles that bulge not only on her thighs. Now, Brianna had some noticeable biceps. Her deltoids had bulged too, and her abs, she had abs!

She´s gained a noticeable amount of weight. And it was all muscle! Brianna´s now a 160-pound woman. And she stands at a striking height of 5´9”!

Which is not that tall, but if you put it in perspective, if you compare it to, what should be, her 5´2” original height. There´s a bit of an issue.

“Bri… you´re taller!” Guy´s 6´1”, and he can clearly tell that Brianna´s been growing something more than just muscle.

She used to be below his shoulder level, but now, she´s only four-inches shorter than him. That´s not normal!

“I am?” She asked. She hasn´t really noticed. With all the expansion and constant growth of her muscles, she thought she seemed bigger because she was gaining muscle, but it seems, she´s also gaining inches.

“Bri, what are you doing? I… your body looks amazing but, this isn´t natural.” He was concerned. Even a bit scared. What has she been doing to go this far?

The problem is, she doesn´t sense this as concern. “What? Jealous?”

“Excuse me?!” She feels as if he was worried, she may be getting too big. And, at this rate, she will get bigger.

“You heard me. You´re jealous. Look at this. I´m huge! And soon… I may be bigger than you. And you´re jealous of that.” All this time in the gym gave her some new ideas.

For starters, she´s comparing herself with others. More and more often. She surpassed those fit ladies, and now, she´s reaching the ultra-fit ladies. Soon, she will surpass them.

But not just the ladies. Even those huge, muscular men at the gym, with time, she can be above them. Above EVERYONE.

“Bri, listen, I´m not jealous, I´m worried.” He declared.

“Well, don´t. I got this under control. Trust me, this is fine.” She declared, after she turned and started walking towards the door.

“Bri, please. Be careful.” This couldn´t be safe.

“Oh, trust me, I will.” She smiled. But she wouldn´t take the advice.

She wasn´t kidding, soon, she´ll be bigger, bigger than him. And not just speaking of muscle, she´ll be taller!


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