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Chapter 15

A whole week away from Trevor is, well, not the easiest thing. But, it´s easier when you´re busy. And both ladies were busy working on their growth. And the work´s harder for one of them…

Kelsey´s working hard at the gym. And, thanks to the treatment, the results she gets are better, WAY better.

Everyone at the gym can notice. It´s clear she´s getting swole, bigger, impressive! Her instructor is able to tell she´s growing much faster than anyone. ANYONE!

Some people even wonder the type of protein she uses. Or what other supplements she consumes. Kelsey´s like a miracle, in-human, alien, she´s super-human. If only they knew she´s on a special treatment. Well, no one´s asked, so…

Besides, she´s able to tell, right? This is not some sort of top-secret treatment. It´s advertised online, so they are not trying to hide it.

Right now, Kelsey was working out, as always. This has actually become a daily thing. But it must. She´s getting behind on the competition!

Pam´s getting bigger than her! Both are the same height! And she knows, Pam won´t tell her what she´s doing to get those results. After all, this is a competition, she won´t share her secrets.

Therefore, Kelsey had to work on her own plan to grow. Her own way to achieve better results. Higher, literally. To achieve more.

And the only answer she came out with was… work out harder.

She´s been adding more time and more exercises to her routine. Not only legs, but arms too.

So far, she´s been working on her lower body, and now, it´s time to work on her upper body. Her arms, her shoulders. Work out harder to get bigger.

Naturally, she´ll get a stronger torso, and thanks to her improved metabolism, there´s no chance she´ll get fat, like Pam.

And there´s something that can´t be missed on her routine. Legs. She wants to have some massive legs. Thicker than Pam´s, fleshier, and naturally, they will be stronger-looking.

This has become a competition. For real now. Kelsey works out with two goals in mind. One, develop a body Trevor has only dreamt about. And two, make Pam look small next to her.

And there she was, every single day, two hours at the gym. Working out her legs during the first hour, and then her arms.

Her trainer was amazed, she could ass up weight consistently. She was quite a super-human. And the best thing is, Kelsey´s finally bulking up the way she wanted.

In order to be bigger than Pam, she must put on the pounds. Pounds of muscle!

She was pleased with her progress. As she makes her reps with the dumbbells. Up and down, up and down, she can see biceps, real biceps. Biceps that grow, day after day.

She knows she can´t get huge in a blink of an eye, but as her trainer said, she´s making a one-month progress in just a week!

Everyone´s amazed. And she´s no exception.

She looks at her body, every night. In the mirror, Kelsey sees a bigger woman. Thicker, stronger, with thicker legs, and a slim, trimmed waist. Her abs are developing nicely, now, she´s got the whole six-pack. Unlike people who bulk, her six-pack is not vanishing, in fact, her abs stick out more!

Her legs are so swollen, so full of muscle. She´s bulking up, and somehow, she´s kind of cutting too. Her leg muscles are showing off, she can see the cut over her massive thighs. Thighs that are bulging, more and more.

She can no longer fit on her new jeans, that´s for sure. And, thanks to her new diet, with triple the amount of carbs, and double the amount of protein, she´s gaining some weight.

Why is she worried about weight? Well, she can clearly see the results on the bulge of her muscles. But putting a number into it, that´s nice too.

By Wednesday, Kelsey was up to 177-pounds. Trevor´s exact weight. The difference, she´s 6´1” now. She´s so thrilled. She´s kind of worried, how big has Pam gotten? What if she´s already 6´2”!

The paranoia is making her give it all on the gym. Adding more weight, more time, and, eating more. Maybe she needs supplements? Some protein as they say? One thing´s for sure, whatever she eats, her body will use it, ALL. Every gram of protein, every single carb, she´ll be able to use it all to build the celestial figure she wants. One that Trevor will find desirable.

A body he can´t resist…

Kelsey was working hard, but not only at the gym. In order to gain muscle, she had to increase her already high caloric intake.

The treatment she was on already implied abnormal amounts of food on her diet. A ton of extra calories. Which she didn´t mind. Getting to eat everything she wanted, well, that made her feel kind of… fat. But her routine and her augmented metabolism made it easy for her to maintain the body of a venus.

Day by day, Kelsey could feel the effects, the difference on her body. Results she was supposed to get over weeks, were easily given to her in just one day.

Kelsey rapidly noticed the changes on her clothes. The tightness on her pants, the confinement on her bra. The way her panties sank on her massive rear. She felt good, she felt bigger, and she felt mighty!

Her legs were starting to resemble tree trunks. Her arms were also getting some nice muscle, she could see the clear shape of her triceps when she flexed, and the bulging of her biceps as well. She was getting big, that´s for sure.

Kelsey even walked into the GYM feeling nice. Admired even. Everyone noticed her massive gains. How her clothes seemed tighter and tighter. The way her shoulders were widening, how her abs were getting more and more defined. The surreal way in which her legs bulked. She was a muse, a fit, strong muse.

A model of the life of fit and healthy. Someone you must follow if you want to achieve some real gains.

Kelsey walked into the GYM. Carrying her new GYM bag over her shoulder, carrying a gallon of water in hand. Her attire was simple, not to say too light. Sometimes she wore an oversized t-shirt, and sometimes she just walked into the GYM wearing nothing but a sports bra.

There were people who ogled the sensuous bounce of her breasts. Kelsey´s been growing everywhere, and her boobs are no exception. Right now, she´s sporting a 32EE-Cup bra. A deep, sexy line of cleavage, bouncing with her every step. She´s certain Trevor will like it.

And, if by any chance he misses it, there´s no chance he can miss her magnificent butt. Strong glutes she can flex, massive, round, firm. Everything you can dream of, and more! Supported by an equally massive pair of thighs. Kelsey´s legs are gorgeous, alluring, majestic.

The muscles on her thighs bounce powerfully as she walks. She´s full of flesh, soft-looking, but when she flexes, you can see the true nature of her strong muscles.

The entirety of her legs are thicker, stronger, fuller. Her massive glutes, her incredible thighs, even her calves; she´s thicker in every way you see her. But not just thicker, she´s got an incredible physique.

Everyone wonders how is it that she gains so much muscle but without putting on a good amount of fat. She looks clean, shredded, not just bulky. She´s got the true body of an amazon. And her current height, that also adds to the fact that she´s imposing.

But people are not just satisfied with her answers. How can a lady like her get so big so fast? A few says ago, she had no idea how to use the dumbbells properly, and now, she´s carrying ten extra pounds in each hand.

Kelsey´s sensuous, mythical even. And for some, an enigma. Is she a true goddess? Are her muscles fake? How can she maintain such a physique? Her evolution in the GYM is clear, she´s there to get massive, how massive? Well, only she will tell.

She adds all kinds of exercises, including cardio. Right now, she´s sitting on a stationary bike, a place she´ll be for quite a while.

She´s putting a lot of effort in every single thing she does. Every single work out, every exercise, every routine, she´s giving it her best, and all for Trevor.

Yes, she may be working harder than he currently is, but hard work is what she does best. Putting all of her effort to achieve something is what she does best. Sure, Trevor´s not the one going through the treatment, or spending long hours at the GYM, but in the end, he´s the one who will choose. Either Kelsey, or Pam.

“I´ll grow for you, Trevor. You´ll see…” She thought, focused, concentrated, moving her legs faster and faster on the bike´s pedals. “I´ll be the biggest one this weekend, just wait…” She may not be able to pack more pounds than Pam, but she can surely look bigger. At least, Taller.


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