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Chapter 14

“FUCK!” Said Trevor, throwing himself at the couch as he got home.

Once again, he was looking forward to a full week without Pam, without Kelsey. Once again, he´ll spend the next six days on his own. Well, five days.

“This sucks…” he said, his voice barely audible as his face was smothered by the cushions on the couch.

Those were the rules. Both ladies apparently decided that he should only meet them twice a week. Once on a date, where they will try to seduce him. And then at the coffee shop, where he´ll decide. So far, his “decision” has been… null. None. Inexistent.

He´s not capable to decide which of them he loves the most. Plus, he´s unable to tell who´s body turns him on the most.

Both ladies have grown, now, it´s way too noticeable. They are as tall as he is. Both have reached the six-foot-mark. And that gets him so thrilled!

Soon, soon he´ll be looking up to them. Up at the two six-footer-amazons. Up at their big, sensuous bodies.

He can barely hold himself. All that excitement, all the desire. He feels thrilled just by the mere thought. Aroused as he pictures them, both ladies, towering above him. Their pretty faces, looking down to him as they loom above him.

So far, they have been growing, and also filling up.

It´s easy to tell Pam´s the one who´s been doing the most growth. He can´t tell why, or how. But it´s easy to tell Pam´s a couple dozen pound above Kelsey. But that doesn´t mean Kelsey´s not hot. Or trying to get bigger.

Why does he look forward to the expansion of their bodies? Why not settling only by the fact that both women are growing, taller, their bodies longer and longer? Well… that´s the magic of it. Or at least so he thinks.

Height´s not only the matter for Trevor. Looking up at a woman, well, that´s the beginning of it.

If they are taller, that means two things. Number one, their whole anatomy is larger, longer, bigger. But, that doesn´t quite determine the flesh on them. He doesn´t only like it when women are taller, their physiques also determine the sensuality of their bodies.

The taller they get, the heavier they will become. More and more flesh filling up their bodies. Larger limbs, and thicker too.

He´s looking forward to big, fleshy amazons. Whose thighs are thicker than his chest. Who´s legs are leveled with his shoulders. Amazons that dwarf him in every single way. Women that look big, strong, imposing. Mighty, sexy, surreal.

That´s why he can´t decide. Pam´s growing, thicker, bigger, and that turns him on. He has noticed the way she´s been filling up. The sensuality of her thicker limbs. The softness of her sensuous flesh.

But that doesn´t mean Kelsey´s not growing sensuously. She´s getting taller, and thicker, in a slower way. Besides, Kelsey´s body is fit, thinner than Pam´s, yet, she´s filling up as well. But not in the soft way Pam is; Kelsey´s building a thick, strong body. Which teases him in a different way.

He´s not sure what he likes more. The soft touch of Pam, or the striking evolution of Kelsey. Maybe he´ll be able to tell soon… or maybe not.

“Now… what?” He thought, laying down on the couch, looking at the empty ceiling.

What was he supposed to do? Not just now, but for the rest of the week? He had just tasted a piece of heaven, and now, he´s looking forward to days full of… loneliness.

He´d love to meet the ladies, but they set the rules, and the rule´s clear. They won´t meet until Saturday. But, that doesn´t mean he can´t call them, right?

“I hope she picks up…” He said as his phone called the first lady on the list, Kelsey. He went by the alphabetical order, no preferences, just a simple order.

“Oh, it´s ringing…” he said, listening to the tone of the phone. The beeping sound, meaning, someone will answer… soon…

But the problem is… no one answered. Kelsey was out, for a run, and when she´s out running, she doesn´t carry her phone.

“Damn…” Trevor said, he can´t deny it, he feels a bit down. But he may as well call Pam.

He doesn´t really need to call them for sexual pleasure. He´s not horny, but he does miss them.

He dialed Pam, and waited.

“I hope she answers…” Trevor said.

Pam could´ve answered. The phone was right next to her. The problem is… the timing. You see, a growing lady like Pam, she likes to eat. And sometimes, after the afternoon “snack”, she likes to sleep.

Right now, she´s sleeping tight, next to her buzzing phone. And the main problem is, she´s a heavy sleeper. There´s no way she´ll pick up the phone.

Trevor gave up. He laid back on the couch. Feeling defeated, for some reason. He felt as if they were ignoring him. As if he was a pest. Or maybe, out of their lives?

It´s clear that they have a life on their own. But he feels it as if they had better things to do than to talk with him. And that´s the problem, he´s so wrong.

None of them are ignoring him, or trying to avoid him. Right now, just as every minute of the day, they are working hard, for him.

Maybe Kelsey´s not always at the GYM, and maybe Pam´s not always eating, but their bodies are working hard to achieve one goal. To grow the most for him. To become taller women, thicker, and hotter, all because they love him.

The reason why they are going though all this is because of him. He´s their priority. To grow a thicker, and sensuous body, just as he´d like. To become bigger, hotter, more desirable. All for him, and no one else.

Still, Trevor can´t quite notice that. Yes, he knows they are getting taller to fulfill his one desire. His fantasy. To sate a need he has. And with that, then they may be able to persuade him to choose one of them.

The one who´s capable of developing the body he wants. The one that teases his mind the most. Who´s capable of fulfilling his fantasy, she´s the one he´ll pick. So far, they feel that the tallest one will be that clear winner, however, that´s not quite accurate.

What he´s currently noting is, they are giving him time. Time away from them. Maybe in order to surprise him with their growth. But, sometimes, he just feels they are kind of tired of him. But if they are willing to go through all this, for him, then that means something else, right?

He laid back, deciding not to bother them anymore. If they want to talk with him, then they will call back. He won´t bug them with constant calls, or texts. This is supposed to be some kind of pause.

So, how did he decided to spend the rest of the evening? Well, at least until it´s time to figure what to eat for dinner. Well, some comparisons…

He can´t compare himself with them, of course. They are not there. However, he can check on old pics and note the development on their bodies.

He pulled out his phone and checked on the pics of them. Pictures he had from the past.

He noticed how short both used to be. How he was five whole inches taller than the tallest of them. Kelsey. How he towered over her. Now, that´s not an accurate thing to say. It doesn´t even apply to Pam.

Both ladies are as tall as him. And, on Pam´s case, as heavy as him. He´s thrilled by their growth. Every single aspect of it.

Their hips are wider than his, their shoulders, Pam´s are wider, and Kelsey´s are almost as wide as his. Their thighs, much thicker than his. All three of them are currently the same height, and that´s amusing! Incredible! Almost fake!

As he looks with attention at the old pictures, he´s got stored on his phone, he wonders. How long before they surpass their current sizes? How long before their actual selves look as small as their former selves? How long before they get taller, thicker.

“I wonder, how much bigger will they be by the next time we meet?” He wondered, curious, slightly aroused, but mostly curious.

He´s living the dream. The problem is, it´s not as sweet as he thought. Will all weeks be like this? With him alone until next Saturday? Well, that´s up to the ladies…


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