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HELLO! New one-shot story here. I won´t tell much, since the plot´s quite... simple.

A lady wants to grow bigger, and so, she starts working out. However, her progress is... bad. therefore, she looks for some help... with protein.

And the protein's GREAT! She gets some amazing results, even unrealistic. 

Before she knows it, she´s got the body she wanted. But then, she wants more, and more...

Now, what will happen?

Hope you like the new story!!!

Part 1

“No!!!” Screamed a feminine voice from the bathroom.

After hearing to the rushing steps of her boyfriend coming her way, he appeared at the bathroom´s door.

“Babe, what happened?!” Said the guy as he was afraid something had happened to his cute girlfriend.

But as he looked at her with attention, he soon realized… she was fine. He stood there, not so worried anymore, still, he needed to know what the problem was.

“Uhm… are you ok?” She seemed distressed, safe, healthy, but distressed.

“No! Everything´s NOT ok…” she said, with some trembling in her lips. But it wasn´t because of pain, it was because of anger. “Look!” she said, pointing down at the scale where she was stepping.

“Hmm?” He wasn´t sure what the big deal was. Still, he turned. And, when he didn´t find anything strange, he asked. “Is there… something wrong with the scale?” He could read 89-pounds.

“The scale´s not the problem! I AM the problem! Look, I lost two pounds!” That´s the deal…

This lady here, on her mid-twenties, is called Brianna. She´s a slim, petit woman. Standing at 5´2” and with a weight, previously mentioned, of 89-pounds. Blonde hair, blue eyes and, currently, a bit red on the face.

And her boyfriend, who´s the guy at the door, who sighed in relieve and comprehension, is Guy. A year older than her, with brown, short hair and hazel-nut eyes. He´s big when compared to her. He´s a fit guy, with some broad shoulders and a strong torso. He stands at 6´1” and weighs about 190-pounds.

The reason why Brianna´s so pissed is… she´s been working out. But not intending to lose weight as she clearly has.

Brianna´s tired of being the skinny lady she is. She often compares herself to Guy. And every time, she gets more and more mad.

For starters, he´s got a big butt. Proportionally, he´s regular sized, but when she looks at him, she can´t help but to envy his glutes. All those hours at the gym are certainly making him thicker. Stronger. She wants to be thicker! She wants to be stronger!

And let´s not start with the chest. Next to him, she feels as flat as a pan. Boob-less. Embarrassed. But this is not her fault, she´s just doted with a really fast metabolism, and a short stature. Together with a small bone-structure and, well, a nearly unathletic physique.

“I hate it! Why can´t I be one of those women who gain weight. No, I have to be the kind that burns all the shit she eats!” She crossed her arms and looked elsewhere, with small tears under her eyes.

“Aww, babe, come on, don´t be so hard on yourself. This is your first week at the gym…” He said, wrapping his big arms around her and hugging her.

“That´s the point! I´ve been there for FIVE days and I´ve already lost TWO-pounds! I can´t do this if I´ll lose weight. I want to get bigger!” That´s her goal.

Brianna wants to bulk up. Grow. Develop a thicker, stronger body. Her exact goal is to look less puny, get thicker. Not fat, she knows there´s no way she can get fat. But at least she can develop some nice muscles on her target areas.

Thicker legs, a bigger butt. A peach-shaped one! She´s not looking for broad shoulders, or to get a six pack, but she wouldn´t mind some growth on the chest department. She wants a glow-up!

So far, her goal is to pack some muscle, that way she can look bigger, and healthy. Thick, yet sexy. Big, yet toned.

But so far…

“I hate it! Why can´t I get bigger!” she said, hugging Guy´s strong torso.

“Babe, come on, don´t be so sad. Besides, I told you, if you wanna get bigger, you only need to put some more protein on the plate. And carbs… plus many other things…” she was so tiny.

He had already told her about it. If she wants to grow, then she needs to work on her eating habits.

“Mmmm,” she grunted. “I told you. I don´t believe in those things. I don´t need them.” She thought of protein as something harmful. She wanted to grow, but in a natural way.

“Well… the scale says another thing…” he teased.

Well, that´s kind of true. But she won´t give it to him. She won´t admit she´s… kind of wrong.

She knows she needs to gain weight in order to grow some muscle. To plump-up, to get the thick, sexy body she wants. She´s tired of being skinny.

Later on, Brianna went on her own and, searching on her laptop, she wrote down the words: “Protein”, followed by “buy”.

Before her eyes, there were a ton of different protein jars. All containing protein. And, an unexperienced person like her, had literally no idea what she was looking for.

There were a lot of other words on the bottle. “Performance”, “Isolate”, “Organic”, “Zero”. But… what does she want?

Brianna didn’t want to get up and ask Guy about it. Else, he´ll start with the: “I told you…”, yes, he´ll help her out, he´s too kind, but she doesn´t want him to be right.

Therefore… she´ll make some further research…

She spent hours in front of the screen while her boyfriend was out, at the grocery store.

She didn´t look for tutorials on how to pick the protein, what it´s used for. How to use it. Not even how to pick. Instead, she spent hours polishing her search words. In the end, she had something like this:

“What kind of protein can I use in order to get bigger faster?” her first impression was… YES!

“Would you like to try the best protein ever! Making working out, not only easier, but getting better results?” This ad was exactly what she was looking for.

She kept reading until she found the “issues”, the catch.

“It´s our goal to deliver the best protein for you to get the best performance, and results, at the gym. Right now, we´re not open to public sales.” Shit, she should´ve known. Whenever something´s too good to be true…

“BUT, we´re open to receive some candidates to try our new, and best product so far…” and so, the commercial begins.

What they were offering was this experimental, yet amazing protein anyone could use. Achieving the best and easiest results. Sometimes, it wasn´t even necessary to work out. This protein´s able to maintain and even boost the physical activity of the body. Ensuring results even while doing… nothing.

Now, anyone would think this is a scam, that this is crazy. That there´s probably, and maybe SURELY, side-effects. However… Brianna was desperate.

“To apply, you only need to send us your information and choose a pack from our online store. This stuff it´s not available for purchase, yet, but you can add it to the information you´ll send us. Apply NOW!” It was quite an infomercial, still…

“Maybe I should apply…” Brianna was completely lured by it. Besides, the website says everything´s free! Well, free if you get picked. So… time to send the info.

The information requested was really simple. Her name, age, height, weight, address, and, of course, the protein pack she´d like.

“Hmm… well, this one´s strawberry flavor so… *click*” She submitted all the info and then chose a certain protein from the site. A 5lb can, completely pink and with some fluorescent-green letters.

“I hope this works…” Little does she know, it sure will!

The company was looking for candidates to try it. And they needed people whose results were notable. That there could be a striking difference on the before and after pictures they will use for marketing.

As soon as they reviewed Brianna´s info, they knew, she was the one!

A small, skinny lady, exactly what they wanted! The results delivered by their product are not fake, they are 100-percent true! And now, they have the perfect candidate to try them.

Of course, they rapidly send them the approval and shipped what she requested. With a few more items to, in a way, bribe her. Because, who doesn´t like free things? Besides, with a positive reinforcement, this could push her to use their product, not only immediately, but exclusively.

And, since this is literally the only protein she uses, well, this is likely to… happen.


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