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Chapter 2

“I can´t believe this worked!” Jeannie was so happy, so joyful. Troy´s idea had worked! The treatment he found was waaaaay better than any other thing she´s ever done or tried.

Creams, botox, even surgery involving skin stretching, amongst other things like liposuction. She didn´t even had to dye her hair, her golden mane was back.

Now, she was all natural, well thanks to the treatment, she regained her youth. Her skin was smooth, her muscles, joints, bones, everything as good as new. Even her metabolism, she could eat, really eat!

No worries about calories, or about all the fat on food, she had a body that burned calories just like a machine!

“Yeah, it… it´s great, right?” Well, he´s not a rich widower sitting at the pool, surrounded by hot women his age. But the woman in front of him, she´s not that bad…

Jeannie had recovered her youth, and with that, she gained back her natural beauty. He´s seen pictures of her, she was hot. But seeing her, looking at the actual picture, she´s hotter!

Even at her age, and with those few “adjustments” previously mentioned, she was fairly pretty, for an elder woman. But now, now she´s a smokin´ hot beauty! From heat to toes.

Her smooth skin, her big, firm breasts, and her tight, firm butt. She´s wearing a semi-transparent night gown, barely covering half of her thighs, and showing off her sexy silhouette beneath it´s thin fabric.

Troy can´t deny one thing, he wants her. He´s had sex with her before, all as part of the “deal”; if he wanted a sugar mommy, then he must play his part and please her in some ways. However, now there´s no need to push himself, right now, he wants her.

Her sensuous body, he just wants to touch it, to run his hands over her smooth, sexy skin. Kiss her thick lips, caress her pretty face, touch her hair, and, mostly, grab her ass.

Troy wants her, as he´s laying in bed, watching Jeannie look at herself in the huge mirror on the room, he wants to have sex with her. She´s a beauty!

He´s been exclusively having encounters with her for a couple months now. He couldn´t cheat on her and ruin everything. But now, now her looks are teasing him. Her body is exactly what he desired.

Beneath the covers, Troy´s starting to get hard. He feels the heat of passion running through his veins. He wants to get up and bring her to bed. To grab her sexy ass, to squeeze her sensuous breasts. He wants her, now!

The good thing is, she also feels that way.

She´s looking at herself in the mirror, but she has a clear view of him through the mirror´s reflection. She can see the desire on his face. And she loves it!

When was it the last time she had this effect on a man? It feels like ages! And that feeling, the feeling of being desired, wanted, that´s making her hot too…

“Well… I can tell someone likes my new body…” since he first saw her, Jeannie knows he wants her, and she´s also been feeling different, with a need she knows very well, but it´s intensified! Sex, she wants sex!

“Am I that obvious?” he asked, laying back in bed, with no shirt on, looking at her with hungry eyes and an Adonis smile, “Well, why don´t you come here and… give Troy some love…” she will, surely!

Jeannie walked towards the bed, slowly, sensuously. Teasing him with every step, every sway of her hips, every long second she took to get from the middle of the room to the bed.

And then, she crawled, like a predator, from the end of the bed to him. She had a question; how would sex be now that she´s got more energy? She feels as if she could do it all night long.

Her desire has certainly increased, her libido as well. All she wants now is him. She wants a piece of Troy, and Troy wants a piece of her.

Within a moment, both lovers were kissing each other, passionately, deeply, wet. Jeannie was bold and stuck her tongue inside Troy´s mouth. That was new for him, but he didn’t care. His eyes shut open in amazement, but then he closed them back and enjoyed it.

He was no longer with an elder woman who doubles his age, right now, he´s with a, barely, more mature woman that has the body of lust.

As he grabs her hips and tries to sink his fingers on her firm ass, he can tell her body is stronger. Firm, fleshy, sexy. He can´t stop running his hands over her luscious body. Her old curves are back. The old, hot Jeannie is back. For good, right?

Deep down, he still wonders if the effects would wash away, or if there may be a side effect he´s not aware of. But, right now, he doesn´t care. He wants her, now!

Troy and Jeannie kept going, and, to his surprise, he came first. He reached climax and came hard. Jeannie noticed, but she didn´t said a word. She was focused on reaching her own climax.

It wasn´t hard. Troy was a fine specimen of a man. A chiseled body, handsome, young, with messy hair all over his head. And the moaning, like a chant for her intercourse. Loud, continuous moans coming from him, coming from her.

In the end, she reached her own orgasm. He was impressed by the fact she lasted longer. It was also a warning, before, he could easily satisfy the older woman, but now, there was this younger lady that had more energy, more stamina, and apparently, more desire. He´ll work on that, no problem…

Jeannie was on top, but as soon as she climaxed, she fell over him. Over his muscular, sweaty chest. Then, she placed one hand on him and closed her eyes.

She loved it. The energy, the passion. She felt bad because it´s obvious that she was too old for him, but now, they are a bit more even. After all, he´s 25, and she looks 30 so… five years ain´t much of a difference…

Troy placed his hand on her back, he was mesmerized by the fact that the treatment had worked. And sex, the sex was fantastic! Still, as he looks at the sleeping woman on top of him, he wonders, will this last?

It´s obvious that the results were there, but, is there something else he can´t see?

Later that night, someone woke up, and walked out of the dark room. It was 3:00 am, the middle of the night. Someone walked out of the room and made its way to the kitchen, with a grumbling stomach.

The fridge´s door was open and the light illuminated part of the kitchen, but mostly, it washed all of Jeannie´s face. Jeannie´s stomach was grumbling. She felt hungry.

She didn´t wonder why, back in the day, she used to wake up in the middle of the night, just like now, and made her way for a midnight snack. She wasn´t used to it now, mostly because her metabolism had slowed down, but now that she was young again…

Jeannie was still half-asleep while she looked inside the fridge for something to eat. She took the first thing she thought she wanted, a half-eaten salad she ate for lunch. Chopped lettuce, squared pieces of tomato, cucumber, shreds of carrot and purple cabbage. All covered with dressing.

She closed the fridge, turned on the lights and sat on the counter. Normally, back then, that would´ve been enough. That half-a-bowl of salad, with dressing, should´ve been enough to sate her late-night munchies. However, things didn´t seem to be so normal right now…

When she was done with the salad, she could listen to her stomach growling again. She wasn´t satisfied.

“What? Oh… maybe it´s because of the sex… that´s right, I, well… maybe I need something more… substantial…” Jeannie was back at the fridge, now she reached out for a couple cupcakes she had stored for those times when she craves for something sweet…

In the end, she ate all of the remaining cupcakes. The box was intended for six, but it only had four at the time. The cupcakes were not so big, full of sugar, but cupcakes are the kind of thing you can easily have more than one.

And it all should´ve been enough, however, Jeannie was still hungry. She ignored the reasons, but she didn´t really cared.

She made the math, four cupcakes and half-a-salad should´ve been enough for an extra meal. She should´ve been worried that she´s over eating, but she doesn´t care. She can work out and burn the extra calories the next day. No problem.

The problem was that, whatever she picked, it wasn’t enough. She spent the next hour taking and eating food from the fridge. She must´ve eaten about five thousand calories that night.

At first, she thought it was her body just getting used to the new ways things were. She didn´t cared too much, she was full, she turned off the lights and went on to sleep.

The problem was, this wasn´t the only time…

Over the next few days, this kept on. After a night of passion, which was every day now, she woke up in the middle of the night and started eating.

She had no idea why she was doing this. But her figure was still the same, so there was no problem in that. She thought she burned all the extra calories just like before, besides, it was only one extra meal. Well, a meal worth as many calories as she eats in a day, but still, all in a single meal.

She wasn´t really aware of what else was happening to her body. Not until one week went by…

“My… my pants… they don´t… ugh… fit…?” She was getting ready, in her room, trying to button a pair of jeans she bought a couple days ago.

Her first thought, she´s gaining weight. She turned around to look at herself, and she wasn´t wrong. Her butt looks bigger! Filling up the entirety of those jeans. In fact, her butt´s so tight that, even if she got to button them, if she sits, she´ll probably make a huge hole in the back. Right over her now massive butt.

Jeannie was feeling a bit sad. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her body seems the same, her waist looks narrow, she looks just as thin, but her butt… her wide hips pushing the pants widely open are the proof that her body´s thickening.

She believes she´s getting bottom heavy, however, her boobs are also having a hard time fitting on her bras lately, at least on her new ones. So, she went back to the DD ones she had.

But Jeannie´s confused, how can her body look hot and still, she´s gaining weight? She had this theory, maybe she´s gaining weight, but she´s at the point when it all goes to the right places.

Her thighs are thicker, her butt´s rounder, her hips are wider, and of course, her boobs are swelling bigger, rounder, even a bit heavier. She decided not to say a thing, let Troy be the one to speak first. Maybe she can work on losing weight, but that will be later on, right now, she´s trying to get ready because she´s having guests at home, well, one guest, her daughter.

Jeannie kept working on her outfit. She went for a skirt since, well, it´s got plenty more room for her thicker butt and legs. But she was missing something.

No, it´s not clothes. She´s missing one detail, not clothes related. She´s checking on her size, on the thickness of her body, however, she´s forgetting about one thing, her vertical size. Has she stopped to look around and check how tall she is? The answer´s clearly no, but soon, someone will tell…

While Jeannie finished upstairs, her daughter arrived.

Troy went and opened the door, only to meet Danielle, Jeannie´s daughter there.

“Can I help you?” Troy said, leaning on the door´s frame and looking at Danielle with the same expression he always puts when she´s around, annoyance.

“What? You think that only because you live here you automatically OWN the place. Step aside, where´s my mother?” No one took a moment to tell Danielle Jeannie had submitted herself to a treatment, she just found out yesterday, when Jeannie had the idea of giving her the news.

Troy didn´t cared for Danielle, and Jeannie, well, she was too busy with her new self, plus, she was horny more than ever so… she was busy…

“You know, you should work on that attitude of yours…” Troy said, pointing at Danielle.

“And you should work, period. Get a job, and stop living at my mother´s expenses. Don´t you think I haven´t realized what you´re doing here…” most had the same idea. Troy was a gold digger who was only interested on Jeannie´s money. And they were not far from the truth.

But now, now that Jeannie was… different. Younger, sexier, more alive. He was having some second thoughts. Plus, she literally pays for all his expenses so… why would he leave?

“Oh, as if YOU didn´t ask your mother for money.” He replied.

“It´s not the same! Besides, I´m not asking her for money… I´m borrowing it, I´ll pay her as soon as I get a chance.” Sure… Danielle was not too different from Troy. Well, she does work, she lives on her own. But she often comes with mommy when her expenses are… out of plans.

Like, whenever she wants a new TV, a new car, when she struggles with the bills… or when she overdoes her credit cards on clothes, going to the club, throwing parties at her place. That kind of things.

“So… are you here looking for money…?” He said, to what she felt really offended. Just look who´s taking. Danielle didn´t care for him, she just walked in, pushed him aside and entered the house.

“I´m here looking for my mother. Is she in bed?” She had the idea that Jeannie was in bed, convalescent after some surgery. But she was WAY too far from the reality.

“Mom, I´m going upstairs!” She said, screaming inside the house as she attempted to make her way to her bedroom.

She had the idea that Troy was taking advantage of the fact that Jeannie was in bed. That he took her credit cards and was not spending all of her money. That he poorly took care of her. But, if he was there, it means that there´s still money on her mother´s account…

Danielle was wrong. She had no idea of what was going on. No one told her what was really happening there, so she just speculated about it. But now, Jeannie was on her way to explain Danielle what was going on, and she was clearly a living proof of it.

“There´s no need to yell, honey, I´m coming…” Said Jeannie stepping into their view; right before Danielle took the first step up the stairs.

Danielle couldn´t believe her eyes. That was her mother, just as she remembered her. So long ago…

That was her mother, her mother from her very first memories. Jeannie was young, she had this almost surreal glow in her as she walked down the stairs. Danielle couldn´t believe it, was this real?!

That´s definitely her mom, from about thirty years before.

“Mom… is that… really you?” Words cannot begin to describe the shock she felt as Jeannie went down the stairs.

It was like watching an old video, only that the video´s actually coming to you. Like virtual reality, only that there´s nothing virtual in here. That woman right there is Danielle´s mother, there´s no doubt about it.

But she´s not the elder woman she saw last month, no, she´s a woman she hasn´t seen in a long time…

“Of course it´s me, sweetheart. Tell me, don´t you think I look great?” Jeannie was just a couple steps away from Danielle now; her daughter had no idea on how to process this, but there´s always one way to take things.

“I… I… are you crazy! How is this possible? And… is this safe? Mom, what the fuck have you done?!” That was not the reaction Jeannie was hoping. “It was him, right?” Danielle pointed at Troy, who was coming closer to them. “Mom, this… this can´t be safe, do you… do you feel good? I… what… what have they done?!”

Jeannie didn´t like her reaction. She stopped, right at the end of the stairs, and, as she looked down at Danielle, she placed both hands on her hips and said:

“Well, just so you know, young lady, I feel perfectly fine. IN FACT, I feel MUCH better than ever. And, to answer your other question, yes, it was Troy´s idea. He was the one who found the treatment. BUT, it was MY idea to go for it. I was the one who chose this. So leave aside that attitude of yours and stop accusing him. I feel perfectly fine, and so far, there´s nothing bad with this.” Well, there´s something going on…

Right now, both Danielle and Jeannie look about the same age. There´s barely a difference between them. Danielle´s 28-years-old. While Jeannie looks 30. But that´s such a big deal next to the fact that, some other things are off…

Of course, Troy hasn´t notice that yet, but Jeannie certainly had her doubts about it. And now that Danielle´s there, well, things are a bit more obvious…

Jeannie´s been feeling different. Not just feeling younger, hornier, and also hungrier, there´s something else that´s started to bother her. And yes, it´s about her size. But not just the tighter feeling on her clothes and the slight suspect that she´s gaining weight. There´s other things…

She wasn´t fully aware of it, not until now. Before, she blamed it all on the fact that the treatment may had altered a bit her perception of things. She was not so sure because of the way things had been over the last few days, but now, she was sure…

Danielle was looking up at her mother. Which was a bit odd. She felt, before, as if she had been at least three inches taller than her mother. With Danielle standing at 5´9”, and Jeannie supposedly being 5´7”, the daughter was 2-iches taller. But now, Now Jeannie seems to be the taller one.

Danielle was looking at her, from head to toes. There was something strange. Something was not right…

“Mom… are you… wearing heels?” She saw her coming down the stairs, paying close attention. And, during all that time, she never heard, or saw, any heels on her.

Jeannie was wearing a flounce top, with her big breasts making a huge bulge over her chest. But beneath that, she was wearing a really long skirt, one that covered the entirety of her legs, however, below that skirt, there were no shoes…

Jeannie was standing right in front of her daughter, looking, for the first time in years, down to her.

“I… I´m not…” Jeannie wasn´t sure if they were on even ground. But when she turned down, she could see they were. And then, just so that she could see she wasn´t lying, Jeannie pulled her skirt up a little, revealing nothing but a pair of bare feet.

Jeannie was standing at least one inch taller than Danielle, one inch taller on her bare feet. Which means, Jeannie is now, at least 5´10”. Now, she is younger, which was hard to believe, however, she´s taller too? What was going on in there?


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