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Chapter 30

After the “incident” that drove Larry from 3´11” to 3´8”, he felt bad. Not because of the shrinking; even if that´s a weird, energy draining feeling, it only lasts for a few seconds. That feel like minutes sometimes.

No, right now, he felt bad because he was on his way to his office. He stepped out of the elevator, and lucky him, or maybe unlucky. Nellie was walking behind him.

“Seriously, if you already know what triggers this shrining of yours, maybe you should know better how to channel that into something that doesn´t cause you so much trouble. Have you thought about meditating? Hmmm? There´s no need to burst like that, sir.” Her voice, from behind him, and from high, high above.

She nagged him during a few more feet. Which felt like forever.

He wanted to speak up, but what will she think if he was to tell her that an angel was behind all this? That this was not stressed-caused, but angel-caused. That he was in some divine lesson where the punishment is to lose inches. Certainly, she´ll think he´s crazy.

But not just Nellie. If anyone else was to hear that. Then everyone will think he´s crazy. It´s enough to have them laugh at his shrinking; if they were to find out. They will certainly tag him as a lunatic.

But he´s not crazy, that´s true!

“Maybe you need a therapist.” Nellie declared, just a few feet from his office.

“What? Me? A therapist?” He turned to look at the impressive amazon. She looked huge!

“Why? Oh, is it cause you´ve been doing so well on your own… I´ll get you some help. Maybe there´s some specialist. I mean, not in this precise area, but anger management sounds about right.” Great, now she wants to take him to therapy. Hurray…

“Well, good morning…” Said Violet, as she stood up from her seat.

To watch the amazon stand from her seat. Craning taller and taller. Her face rising higher and higher. Larry felt even shorter.

As Violet stood up, she couldn´t help but to notice that something was off with Larry. She looked at him with close attention. But she already knows what the answer is.

“Let me break down the news for you, he shrank. Again…” Said Nellie, as if Larry needed her to speak for him.

He felt so demeaned. Yes, he shrank, again. It´s already bad enough to be shrunken down to 3´8”, now, do they need to keep talking about it?

As soon as Nellie mentioned the therapist thing, he knew he had to leave the room. He just walked away, without saying a word. And tried to isolate himself at his office.

“Fuck… this is just perfect…” he said, climbing up his chair and taking a seat. He was so tense now.

“Well, you were the one who made a mistake. You could´ve asked her politely to put you down.” Said a feminine, and always annoying, voice. Evangeline just summoned herself in the room.

“Oh, shut it. Try to wake up in the arms of a huge woman and not get stressed. Besides, everyone was laughing at me!” He complaint.

“Oh, Lawrence, you should know better how to use your words. Now, they want to get you a… therapist? Is that the people who help people understand their internal problems?” Evangeline asked.

“Pretty much. It´s like a psycholo…” probably Evangeline doesn´t know that term either. “Basically, I´ll be in a room, for some sessions, with some man or lady, until I get my “stress” under control. *sigh* the things one has to do so that they don´t think you´re crazy.”

“Why? Why would they think you´re crazy?” Evangeline asked.

“Why? Oh, I don´t know, because if I was to tell the truth about YOU, most likely, I´ll be locked down. Who´d believe I´m speaking with an angel? Besides, who´ll believe an angel´s the reason why I´m shrinking. Ugh! This is your fault!” He claimed.

“Excuse me, my fault?” Evangeline pointed at herself, but she´s done nothing wrong.

“YES! Now Nellie wants to get me to therapy, and that most likely will happen.”

“Why, Lawrence?”

“Why? Because… I´m loosing control of MY life, that´s why. And I don´t think that acting normal for the rest of the week will guarantee I´ll get out of this.” Then, Larry looked at Evangeline for a moment.

There´s no way he´s going to therapy, he´s fine. It´s just the stupid rules of this angel. However, this angel has some powers, and, maybe she can persuade Nellie from taking him to therapy.

“You know… maybe you can help me out…” Larry said.

“Me?” Asked the angel.

“Sure, you can use your powers to get me out of this. Maybe you can convince Nellie. Whisper in her ear or something. Oh, what if you make her forget all what happened at the elevator?”

“Well, Violet already knows about it.” It´s true. After he was gone; Nellie chatted with Violet about the reason why he shrank. And all the things he said. “I wouldn´t like to mess with the memories of both.” Evangeline said.

“Ugh… but you can, right? I mean, you can mess with their memories?”

“Let´s not talk about that.” Evangeline replied. Not wanting to share the full extent of her powers.

“But… do something! You must help me out!” Larry claimed. “It´s… this is also kind of your fault!” He declared.

“Mine? Why is that?” The angel asked.

“Well…” he was looking for a reason. “L-leaving aside the fact that I shrank because of your rules… You… you could´ve avoided the whole… carrying thing. Maybe you could´ve wake me up before she picked me. It´s… isn´t that one of your duties as my guardian angel?” He had a point.

Evangeline, easily, could have denied any guilt. She could´ve talked her way out of this. Things were simple. He was in no danger, at least no physical one. She wasn´t obligated to make sure things work perfect for him, he´s technically in some punishment right now. However…

“Fine.” She declared.

“Fine? You mean… you´ll help me out?” Wow, did he actually got things right?

“Yes, I will. But, there´s a few things that will happen before.” There´s always one condition.

He wasn´t surprised.

In order for her to do this, there´s one thing he has to do first.

“Apologize?” He had to apologize?

“That´s right, Nellie had the best of the intentions when she tried to carry you here. She was kind enough not to wake you up. But it seems you were not so kind. Therefore, you must apologize.” He didn´t love the idea but…

“Fine. If that stops her from enlisting me on some therapy sessions, I will apologize.”

“Very well. Now, don´t think I´m doing what you asked me too just because. I´ll help you out, but there will be a few more conditions.” Said the angel, with a plan already in mind.

“But… you said there was just one…” He complaint.

“No, I said you needed to do one thing first. The rest of the conditions will come up later. However, to ensure you don´t fall in the same mistake… listen, you have to go there and apologize to Nellie. Properly, if I see you´re lying, or that you don´t mean what you say, there will be consequences.”

“So, you won´t help me.” He said, sure there´s always a catch in this.

“Oh, no. I´ll help you. I already say I will, and, unlike you human, whenever I say I´ll do something, I do it. A deal it´s a deal. Still, there´s a few conditions to ensure…”

“Yeah, yeah, to ensure I´ll cooperate, or that this won´t happen again. I know, I know.”

“Maybe you could also work on not interrupting someone when they are talking. But listen, if you apologize, and during that apologize, you lie, or say something without meaning it, there will be consequences. Maybe not immediate, but I assure you that, the next time you insult a woman, or have the same lack of manners, there will be something else aside the shrinking, understood?” Evangeline was serious.

He was worried, so, next time he curses at a woman, aside of shrinking, something else will happen? What will it be? Will it hurt? Will he lose the ability to speak? Maybe that´s what she means. Or… could there be something worse?

He´s got no idea, but a deal´s a deal.

“Fine. Just… don´t let her take me to a therapist.” He said, reaching for her with a hand to seal the deal with a handshake.

“There´s no need to shake hands… but… I´ll do it, only to follow your costumes.” There´s no denying in the fact that Evangeline´s interested on human life.

She´s always been, and now, well, there´s a bit of a condition that will allow her to have some more “experiences”, in the future, yes, but the near future.

“Ok now, just go out and apologize, I´ll take care of the rest.”

“What?! Now? I thought… I could do so later, maybe during dinner…”

“There´s no better time than now. Just go out and apologize.” Evangeline said, pushing him a little.

“But… Violet´s there…” He said, as if that could help him somehow.

“So? If you apologize then she´ll see you´re not as mean as she thinks you are.”

“Wait, she thinks I´m mean?”

“Well, if a man was to show the same ingratitude you showed, and to use the same language you used, I think that could be the right thought, don´t you think?” Evangeline had a point.

He knew that, whatever the angel said, it was closer to an order than a suggestion. Therefore, he was on his way.

He was at his office for about ten minutes, but it felt like quite more. And, when he stepped out, Nellie and Violet were still talking.

As he opened his office´s door and entered the room, both ladies stopped talking and turned at him. Looking down at him from high, high above. If he wasn´t shrinking, he would´ve said Nellie´s about 12-feet-tall, and Violet´s closer to 13… both looking like giantesses!

“Nellie… may I talk to you?” He asked, feeling silly. But Evangeline said it, he must apologize and do it properly.

He felt so weird, he doesn´t apologize, never. But this time, he must. And he must give a good one.

“I was wrong, I… I shouldn’t have said the things I said. I was… mad. I didn´t mean to offend you. Or disrespect you in any way.” Violet´s heart melted as she heard his words. But it was Nellie the one who should take the apology.

She was looking down at him, with her arms crossed under her round breasts. Looming high, and mightily above him. He felt so odd.

“I promise… I promise it won´t happen again. I know you didn´t meant to embarrass me… I know your intentions were pure. I… can you forgive me?” He seemed sorry, and he did mean what he said.

“Awww” escaped Violet´s voice, however, Nellie wasn´t as sweet.

“I forgive you.” Nellie said.

“You will!” She did? That was good! Besides, that´s what Evangeline´s looking for, right?

“Of course, I can´t stay mad at you. However… we do need to work on your anger, that directly causes stress over your body, did you know that? Now, once we get home, I´ll look for someone who can help you out with that.” An apology won´t make her change her plans. Whenever Nellie puts the eyes on the ball, they are SET on the ball.

“I… sure. Uhm… no problem” Larry replied. But wasn´t Evangeline supposed to fix that?

He was just waiting for her to erase that idea off Nellie´s mind. But, it seems it didn´t happen.

Larry found himself back at his office. Where Evangeline was waiting for him, sitting on his desk.

“What happened? I apologized. She accepted my apology. Where´s my part of the deal? She still wants to take me to therapy!” He complaint. But not too loud, no one can hear them.

“Don´t be afraid of that. I´ll take care.”

“But she still wants me to go to therapy! That was NOT the deal!”

“Oh, believe me, you won´t go to therapy. Just wait and see…” and just like that, she faded. Disappeared of the room.

“Well, I better not.” He already agreed to a lot of things. He better not be enrolled on therapy, or else…

Nellie was no liar. As soon as she got home, she started looking for a therapist. But what does Larry need? She wasn´t sure. However, the perfect person showed up.

Almost magically. She found an ad, and it was perfect! It was a specialist, with long sessions, personal visits, and the best, it was FREE!

She immediately called, and, after listening to the sound of harps, which must´ve been the waiting tone, she was connected.

“Hi, this is Dr. Eva, who do I have the pleasure with?” The voice was familiar, but not for Nellie…

Larry walked into his office. Upset.

“Hey, don´t be mad. You said you were cool with therapy.” Said Nellie from behind.

“Yes, I am…” lies, but he wasn´t just mad for that, he was mad because Evangeline betrayed him. She couldn´t be trusted. Or so he thinks…

“Hi! How are you, guys?” Came Violet´s sweet voice as the amazon rose from her chair.

“Pretty good… at least speaking for myself.” Nellie said, slightly turning at Larry who seemed really upset.

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed?” Violet teased. But, she had some other news. “Well, I think you,” she turned at Nellie, “You´ll be happy to know that someone… is here already!” Yes, Violet also knows about Nellie´s plan.

“She´s here! Wow! That´s so professional!” Who? Larry had no idea what they were talking about.

Little does he know, Nellie already hired the therapist. And, even Violet knows more about it that him.

None of them said anything more and just let him walk into his office. Because, apparently, that´s what he does when he´s upset and doesn´t want to hear them talk about their stuff.

Nonetheless, their “stuff” is always them talking about his business. Those are his personal matters; he should be capable of taking care of them. Not having Nellie or Violet fix them for him. But that´s just the way it is… at least now.

Larry entered the room, and what did he found inside? A woman. A woman, sitting on his chair. Looking at the window behind. He couldn´t see a thing, except for her long hair.

Who was she? Why was she here? Those and many other questions.

The first thing he wanted to do was to ask her: “Who the hell are you? And why are you in my office?” But he knew better…

“Excuse me… may I help you?” He said, politely.

This woman rolled the chair, turning at him. To his surprise, the face on this woman was VERY familiar.

“Hello, Lawrence…” This woman was no other than Evangeline… what the fuck?!

But this wasn´t the same Evangeline he always meets. She was wearing a different outfit. A bit more business-like. And… glasses?

“What´s going on here?” Why was she dressed like that? And, was she the woman Nellie and Violet were talking about? How come they know about her? Wasn´t Evangeline supposed to be invisible? Imperceptible? Almost inexistent before the eyes of others?

“Allow me to explain. Starting with the easiest. I… will be your therapist!” She? How? What?

“Excuse me… what?!” He was confused.

Things were simple. Evangeline was not going to convince, persuade, or make sure Nellie didn´t hire a therapist. Or enrolled Larry into therapy. However, she promised he won´t be going to therapy. Therefore, the best solution for both to get what they want is to… become the therapist.

Or “therapist”. It was easy to convince them she was one. After all, all Evangeline needs to do is to lure their minds and, done. She´s a therapist.

But what about the information? Certificates? Diplomas? What about all the proof that Evangeline´s a therapist? That she actually exists?

How can she be now “Dr. Eva”? Well… she´s an angel. Basically, everyone´s already seen, or had the proof they needed. And that´s it.

Now, everyone can see her. Talk to her. Not just Larry. But why?

Why did Evangeline choose this? Why did she accepted to help him and, now, she´s this… person? Why has she created a fake identity? Why will she be with Larry, physically, as Dr. Eva?

Well, let´s just say, she´s got some curiosity. A curiosity for the human life. She´s an eternal being, now, she´d like to experience what´s it like to be human, at least for a while.

“So… you´re human now? Like… mortal?” Larry was trying to understand.

“No. I´m still an angel, I just made myself visible for everyone. And, I removed all of the non-human aspects of my image.” Like the glow that´s always around her.

“Oh… so… we don´t have to like… fake therapy, right?”

“Well, I can already read your mind. And I know a lot more than you can possibly understand with a hundredth human lives. Besides, I´ve already studied the human psychology for quite a while. Don´t worry. Nellie will believe we´re making some great progress, I´m sure. Besides, as long as you follow the ruled I´ve previously gave you, you shouldn´t be afraid. But now, let´s talk about one of the other conditions…”

He swallowed. “O…k?”

“I would like to live for a while here. Pretend I´m human. Share, for real, what it´s like to be human. To eat, to sleep, to do all things you do.”


“So, this therapy of yours will become… my therapy. Only that there won´t be any psychological assistance here.”

“So, basically, you just want to have fun as a fake human, is that so?”


Was this for good, or worse? He can´t be sure. But things are done already…


House Gnome

Wow great entry. So many implications now that eve has decided to have a human form and role in our dear larry's life. Can't wait to see what you have in store for him and what these new consequences can turn out to be.