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Chapter 5

After a little more, he opened his eyes. Ray, well he overslept, he was rested, but his body felt as if it needed a bit more time to sleep. He felt lethargic.

But he knew he had to wake up. There´s a lot to do today. Well, not a lot, he´s on vacations. But, he needs to see a lot on the woman laying next to him.

He already confirmed, earlier in the morning, that she´s taller. Which… is not so uncommon. For some reason, she´s been growing taller and taller by the day.

Yesterday, when he wished for her to be thicker, she woke up as a big, 6´6” woman. Full-figured. Thick all over. Fat, yes, she was fat, and her height made her enormous. But, he did wished for her to be softer so…

And now that he comes to think about it. What´s with this? Why has this suddenly happened? Why did he gained this magical, mystical powers to grow her? His thoughts are exactly what she´ll become the next day. Why is that?

Besides, this vacation, this week, they are almost over. Was this some sort of vacation-power-temporary-ability? Will this be over as soon as he´s back to work?

This was one of the things he wonders on the easy mornings. However, his time to think was over as soon as she rolled over and hugged him.

“Ugh…” he was surprised by Milly´s large arm. Seriously, she was huge!

Her arm was heavy, but she wasn´t fat, she was just… large. Her long arm was thicker, not because she was fat, but because of her mere size.

If he made her taller, that means he made her limbs longer, and, in order to support a body that´s not thin, as he wanted her not to be, she has to fill up a little.

Ray´s main wish was for Milly not to be so skinny, and to have a body different from her former one. So, she´ll grow, and, while getting taller, she can´t be a tall, skinny woman. She was looking more like an average woman, but way taller.

However, that´s not it…

She was heavier, yes, her bones are longer and thicker, that also means that the feminine muscle in her are also bigger, but not bulking like the other day. And, she´s soft, but not fat like yesterday. Overall, Milly´s just thicker while being way taller. His current question, how much taller?

She´s huge! Her shoulders are way wider than his, and now, her arm, and the fraction of the weight she´s laying on him, he can´t move her. He tried, but she´s too heavy. Just how tall is she?

Another thing he can feel are her big breasts. They feel so soft, and so huge as she rubs them against his body. It´s such a hot feeling, still, he feels as if he needs some air, so…

“Milly… M-Milly…!” Even her skull was much bigger than his. She was a large woman. And, she was making it hard for him to breathe. “MILLY!” Was she a heavy sleeper? Yes.

“Hmm? Oh, good morning, babe, I… oopsie, look at me, I´m all over you again, heh… sorry.” And just as every day, she wakes up as if she´s always been this way.

Milly removed her weight from him, allowing him to breathe properly. He never thought he´d feel relieved by having his girlfriend´s body off of him. He´s never wanted her to remove her huge breasts off of him. Well, she´s never had boobs this big prior to this week so…

After that, she sat on the bed, and by now, he could see she was a good deal taller. Her frame was sensuous, he can see a thin waist beneath her mammoth breasts. Wide shoulders carrying her heavy breasts. Her neck´s become thin again, and her face has lost the extra fat from yesterday.

She was a muse, a sexy, and bigger muse. Perhaps, her breasts are now… H-cups? They are big, but that´s because she´s big, proportionally, they look the right kind of big. And so soft, and firm. She´s unbelievable.

“So… wanna have breakfast?” Milly said, moving a little, making her boobs bounce lightly.

He sat next to her, only to see that, while sitting, her head was still looming above him. Milly was still a good six-inches taller than him. He was looking straight at her chin. Just as he was yesterday, the problem is, while sitting, height´s not the same.

“I´d love to…” he replied, wondering, just how tall is she? How tall can she be now that, even while sitting, she looms as tall as yesterday?

Milly looks hot, she´s gorgeous, however, has he made her too big again?

This seems to be a regular problem with this “wishes” of his. Every time he wishes for something, she just goes over the board. She grows a lot more than he wanted. First, her massive breasts, then, her enormous ass. After that, her long, juicy legs. And then, she became a bodybuilder woman, to then become a fat lady. Is he wishing wrongly? Should he be more specific?

He wanted her to be taller in order for her larger body to be thicker, while being proportionally normal, yet sensuous. And so far, it seems it happened. Nonetheless, how tall is she exactly?

“I´ll go make some breakfast, wait right here…” she said, kindly, as she bent, kissed him with her larger, thicker lips and then got off the bed.

Watching her get up and leave became an amusement. She was so tall! Her head was so close to the ceiling! And her legs, as she removed the sheets, he could see her real proportions.

She had this long, and thick legs. With some sensuous thighs, plump. Carrying a succulent, juicy ass. Firm, bouncy, sexy. Her legs looked so smooth as she gracefully made her way to the door and then out of the room.

He could also see how her bigger breasts jolted firmly over her generous chest. Her walk, as graceful as the one of a runway model. The way her hips so sensuously swayed from one side to the other. Her fuller hips, her longer torso, everything on her was longer, and yet, she looked so hot.

Milly´s waist had shrunk a lot since yesterday, making her wide hips and big breasts to accentuate her figure. She had this soft-looking body. Yes, she was as imposing as ever. Standing so big, so tall, with that alluring body. She was monumental, no doubt about it.

But now, she had to duck in order to make it through the door, and by a good deal, at least, four inches, but he can be wrong…

Her body was so sensuous. Slim, yet, thick in all of the right places. Alluring, teasing, erotic. Long, fuller, fleshier. She was like a huge model.

Ray was so intrigued that he had no other choice but to wake up and compare himself with her.

How will his 6´ frame be compared with her who know how tall one? She´s way taller, that´s for sure, but for how much?

He walked out of the room, and made his way to the kitchen. He couldn´t believe it, she was enormous! To tall for… anything! The stove made it about half-way to her thighs, her head was less than a foot from the eight-feet-tall ceiling. And her butt…

Milly´s shorts were so tight on her tall, alluring butt. So sexy, so juicy. And her long legs were no second place. So smooth, so thick, so shapely. She was a muse, and, what´s more, she was an amazon!

“Oh, Ray, you´re not here to rush me, are you? I know it when my man´s craving, and I can tell… you´re hungry.” She said, turning around and looking at him, teasingly, with one hand on her hip.

But she wasn´t… so wrong. He was craving, but not for breakfast, but for her. He was hungry, but hungry for that flesh of hers. She´s so hot, so sexy, so… perfect.

He made his way towards her, looking at how taller she was getting. Every step he got closer, every inch she seemed to grow taller. The top of her head was higher and higher.

Once he was a less than three feet away from her, he could see how tall she was. Not exactly but, he could tell that, the top of his head, it was barely over her shoulder.

To be more precisely, the top of his head was leveled with the base of her neck. A fraction of an inch above. And, to give an exact measure, Milly´s now a 7´3” amazon. By far, the tallest woman, no, the tallest person he´s ever seen!

Milly now stands fifteen-inches above him! She´s seven-foot-three of a big, sexy amazon!

She´s so imposing. Towering above him makes her so… hot! The mere sight of her bigger body makes him nervous. He doesn´t know what to say, what to do. So he stood there, admiring her tall beauty.

He was overwhelmed by her. Her size, her proportions. She was intimidating, and at the same time, so majestic. Big, yet, so tender.

She just turned, looked at him with loving eyes and caressed his chin with her long, feminine fingers. Then, she was back to cooking.

Ray had this same feeling for a while. Just looking at her made his heart skip a beat. Her mere sight, it had him so caught. And her smile, it melted him to the core. Milly became a tall beauty. A queen, an angel, a goddess!

“Why are you so quiet, Ray? Everything ok?” Well, in this new reality, his silence is more uncommon than, well, her size.

“Sure! I… everything´s cool.” He lied. Everything´s NOT cool. He´s living with an amazon girlfriend!

Her legs are so much longer, her head´s always above his. In fact, everything looks too small in her hands.

She´s now too big for everything. Even her small clothes must be extra-large, yet, they look small on her well-proportioned frame.

He did a few things, just to, well, have some further comparisons…

First, her shoes, they were huge! According to the tag, her shoes are size twenty, TWENTY! He´s size 12, and he´s never felt his feet were so small.

But that´s not it. The length of her pants. Any pair of hers is at least a whole foot longer than his pants. Even his legs! Her clothes will certainly hang on him. Not to mention that her wrists are thicker.

He can put on and remove and of her bracelets, or watches with no problem. And that´s not it…

“Oh my… look at this!” He said, holding one of her bras in front of him, right before a mirror.

Ray couldn´t believe the size of her boobs. Looking at her, they seem big, but putting things on scale, he can fit basketballs on them! And there would probably be some space left.

“Honey, why are you playing with my bra?” she said as he was kind of… modeling it. He rapidly turned at her and tossed the enormous piece of underwear to the side. With a face that, even if he wanted to pretend he wasn´t, revealed nothing but guilt. He turned red in a second.

“Aww, don´t be shy, it´s fine.” It wasn´t fine, she was huge! Yet, he was so lost in her.

For some reason, she thought of this as a sign that he “missed” her? So, next thing he knows, they are both sitting on the couch, hugging.

Well, they are sitting next to each other, and she´s got her long arm wrapped around him. With her head looming high above him.

She´s now wearing shorts, which she seems to have a lot. Showing off the perfect, smooth flesh on her plump thighs.

On top, she´s wearing this tank, crop top. Showing off her slim waist and, for the most, her massive breasts.

As he sits there, nervous by her arousing size, he can´t help but to perceive two things. One, her sweet, intoxicating fragrance. The sweet sent of her perfumed aroma. And two, the size of her massive breasts. So big, so round, so… is she wearing a bra?

He turned straight at them, mesmerized by the proximity they had to his face, and mostly by the fact that they were bigger than his head. Plus, there was a little something more…

A nipple, he could see her erect nipple, right through the fabric of her tight top. He wondered, if only her top was semi-transparent…

Ray was allured, he was teased. And he was horny! Before he could think on what he was doing, he just rose his arm and, with his index finger, poked her big, fat nipple. It was so hard to the touch.

“Hmm?” She said. Of course she noticed, that was HER nipple the one he just poked.

Ray swallowed, was this bad? Should he have asked for permission? She´s so sweet, yet, her size is intimidating.

“Oh, Ray, don´t be shy. You´ve been acting weird this whole day. If you want to touch, it´s fine.” She said, smiling, yet, she had other ways to reassure she was fine.

While he was fixed on the smile on her face; plus, the fact that he didn´t wanted her to get mad, she was aiming for something else…

Ray then felt her long fingers, all over his member. He has been aroused the whole day; the mere touch of her hand made his member hard in less than three seconds. “There´s no need to feel strange amongst each other.” She was massaging his cock with her fingers.

Playing with his tip with her thumb and index while the rest of her fingers worked with the rest of his dick.

“Maybe we can take this to the room. It´s kind of early but… you´re on vacations, so…” Her eyes turned lusty, and her voice was so sensuous.

The sex was something else! Her body was so large, so long, so fleshy. Her boobs, all over his face while her hips kept thrusting and thrusting with his hard member inserted on her wet pussy.

He felt every bounce of her tits as a tender slap on his face. He was taking in all of her. Breathing her aroma, feeling her hot flesh, all while grabbing her thick ass with his hands. This was magical, celestial.

Ray was having the best sex he´s had with this amazon of a woman. She was so hot; she was so perfect. He wanted more, more!

While having sex with this amazon of a woman, he came to an idea. If this was to be the very last day he´s able to change things, he´d like to have something. Even if the changes vanish by Monday, when his vacations are over.

He´s seen it all in Milly. Boobs, butt, legs, muscle, fat, and height. So, what if he could resume everything in one single day? All he´s lived through the week?

While he keeps with the act of love with her, laying his back on the mattress while she seems to do all the work, he wonders, what if tomorrow, she woke up at an amazon that fits in all of the descriptions he´s made through the week?

What if she had a fuller ass? Bigger thighs? Boobs more massive? Still, not to make her fat, just, maybe fat in all the right places, but keeping a firm body. Maybe with a flat, toned stomach.

And, since this has been working so well, she may keep her height, perhaps, add a little more…

That night, he went to sleep with that goal in mind. And, by the time he woke up…

“Wakey, wakey…” he heard Milly say.

Part of him wondered if this had worked, and, another part of him was worried this has all been a dream and that he´ll wake up to meet her, on her former frame.

As he opened his eyes, he could see there was nothing to worry. He could see her blurry, yet big form, right before him. She seemed as tall as yesterday, plus… maybe a bit more thickness…

As his vision cleared, he could see it had worked. Milly was still an amazon, yet, she was thicker than yesterday.

Her boobs had totally ballooned! She held a titanic pair of breasts that could only be categorized as P-cups. In an even smaller top that allowed him to see a deep, and sensuous, line of cleavage.

And er body was thicker, in nowhere but the right places. Her hips were so swollen, yet, so firm. Her thighs had expanded to a succulent size. However, her waist remained thin, even a bit more trimmed.

As she stood up, he could see the changes on her.

Milly had grown, just as he wanted. She seemed taller, yet, her body had expanded in all of the places he wanted. Her hips and thighs were so thick, and her butt was so massive. Her breasts were titanic. Still, she had this trimmed waist, where he could even see some light abs as she flexed a little.

The rest of her body was equally smooth. So thick, so plump, so alluring. And now, this alluring amazon was standing at the impressive, and even unbelievable, height of 7´6”.

She´s one-and-a-half-feet taller. And, surely, three times his weight.

Milly went from a skinny 5´6” woman to an astonishing 7´6”, 600-pound, goddess!

Her proportions are unnatural. Her size is simply mesmerizing. And her beauty, she´s as pretty, as gorgeous, as sweet-looking as the first day he met her. Well, two-feet taller than the first day he met her. But this was so much better!

A part of him feels bad for changing her so much. Instead of loving her for who she was, he used this whole time to change her, over and over, until he found this version of what he now believes is the perfect woman.

Is this bad? Has he done wrong? Besides, will everything be back to normal in the morning?

“What´s the matter? Oh, is it because this is your last day of vacations?” Milly asked, to what, he didn’t reply. Still…

“Well… maybe we can make this day last… forever? Or at least we can try, right?” She said, with an idea in mind.

While she talked, she slowly removed her top, showing off her firm, massive breasts. She was so tall, so sexy, he was in awestruck.

“Tell you what, why don´t you let me… I don´t know… fuck your brains out until you forget you have work tomorrow? Would you like that?” She bent and was now all over him.

Her long arms, on both sides of him, her massive jugs almost falling over him. Her sight, her radiant, sexy face, with her thick lips. All while she held her arresting body all over his.

She was a goddess, a total goddess. From head to toes. In all her mighty glory.

Ray was no fool, of course he wanted! As soon as he could react, he just nodded, repeatedly, rapidly.

“Very well…” she said, before she laid down on him, pressing her body softly over his. With enough pressure so that he could feel her, yet, gently enough not to squash him.

He started caressing her body with his hands. All of her bare, soft torso. She was so big, and her breasts, as she constantly smothers his face between her glorious mounds. He knows it, this is paradise!

This is perfect, his only wish, is for her to stay like this. Ray would have no problem with living the rest of his life with this sensuous amazon. To wake up and always find this buxom amazon next to him. Come back from work, only to be hugged by her long arms, to be kissed by her fuller lips. To hug her bogger body.

He could picture his life like this. With a big, sexy amazon for a girlfriend. This is exactly what he wanted, and, maybe, Milly will stay like this…


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