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Sorry, I re-uploaded part 3 instead of part 4... Here´s the last part :D

Part 4

“Ugh, I feel so bloated. Dawn, why did you allow me to eat the whole thing…” Complaint Sasha as she looked at the empty mold where sixteen medium-sized brownies used to be.

“My apologies. But you never said I should set a limit.” Dawn replied, with her calm, artificial voice.

“Fair…” Steph was bloated. She may not know it, but those brownies had a total of 10k calories. The main reason why they fit is because she´s now bigger.

She´s laying on the couch, with a bloated stomach, but she doesn´t really care. She knows she can work out some more to burn the extra calories. However, 10k calories, in a day? That´s like a challenge.

Sasha has come to ignore a few things. For starters, she´s now a 230-pound, 6´4”, sexy amazon. She can tell her body´s been growing quite some curves. That her breasts have ballooned and her butt´s nice, plump and sexy. Plus, her thighs have become really thick.

In fact, all of her body has gained quite some thickness. Mostly muscle, beneath the soft-looking surface of her body. She´s taller, stronger, curvier. She still has a slim, and now trimmed, waist. But her hips have gotten wider, fleshier.

She doesn´t mind the change on weight, but she hasn´t really realized all the changes on her. Dawn´s plan has worked perfectly. She´s lazy because she´s on vacations. So, her guard´s down. Her “radar” is lose enough to ignore a few things. For example, a growth of fourteen inches in height and a gain of 130-pounds.

She´s got the body of a muse. Her gain of weight goes, not just in fat, where she still has a fat-percentage below the 20% she had when she arrived.

Sasha´s been filling out her body with some nice muscles. She´s not muscular, but her thick legs are full of swelling muscle, her torso has gotten a bit more solid too, as has the rest of her body.

However, Dawn didn´t had the plan to create a huge bodybuilder, that´s why Sasha´s muscles are only meant to make her stronger, not ripped. Her muscles are bulky, and feminine-looking.

With her clothes on, you wouldn´t be able to tell, at most, you´ll notice her thick, plump legs and her peach-shaped ass.

Dawn´s plan has worked out perfectly. Sasha´s now WAY above average, with the healthiest body ever. Strong, but soft, powerful, but sexy. Big, but feminine. She´s really close to being a goddess.

Still, Dawn´s system hasn´t resettled. She´ll keep growing Sasha until the day she leaves. After that, maybe her systems will go back to normal. Until then, there´s still three days left before Sasha leaves.

Sasha found herself at the lake again, wearing her sexy, yellow bikini. She was swimming, so gracefully. Still, she does feel kind of heavy.

It doesn´t matter if her muscles have grown, the 130-pound difference is still noticeable. But she ignores it, blaming it all on the extreme amounts of food Dawn´s been putting on the table.

All of the changes on her were… daily. So she couldn´t really tell if she had grown. She grew a bit more than an inch overnight, every night. Her perspective was altered in a very subtle way. All in order to prevent her from having any suspect about what the AI was doing.

But, to the outside world, she´s now very tall…

“Hi…” Came a man´s voice as she swam to the border. He was right on top of the small pier on the lake.

“Oh… hi…” Sasha was amazed, wasn´t this place kind of… lone? This was the first guy, well, person she´s seen since she got there.

But, to be fair, this is kind of the second time she goes out of the cabin. With all provided for her, she allowed them to spoil her and, well, she kind of locked herself in. But without really being locked.

Still, that doesn´t mean no one hasn´t seen her. This guy, Kevin, he spotted her the other day. And then, he decided to meet her, to see who was this beauty he saw.

Kevin was a handsome man. About her age, just two years older. He had a slim, trimmed body. Showing off his abs as he´s not wearing a shirt, only his swimming trunks.

Sasha can´t deny he´s… cute. Good looking, and, well, he´s the first person she meets in days so… he´s HOT!

With all the hormones running through her body, all thanks to a cocktail served to her inside every meal, provided by Dawn. She´s not growing taller, but her body´s… well, she gets horny easily.

She can´t really control herself. He´s a guy, a handsome one. She finds herself with nothing but lust on her mind. He wants him, badly!

The good thing is… he kind of wants the same thing. As she struggles to control herself, he´s ogling at her breasts.

“Oh MAN! They are HUGE!” Way bigger than they looked from the distance. As she´s floating by the pier, he can see her massive boobs under the clear water of the lake. Those boobs had BALOONED!

Kevin had a hard time processing their size. Well, not every day you find a woman with a 38L-cup pair of breasts. They were mesmerizing!

Sasha went to the shore, and so did he. He was walking over the pier as they chatted about what they were doing by the lake.

He said one of his friends had found this place last summer, and now they were camping, just because.

And Sasha explained she rented the cabin close by. It was a great deal she couldn´t give up.

“The cabin? Wow, I didn´t knew there was a cabin here.”

“Yeah, it´s kind of new.” She said, both wanting the other, with desire.

However, there was this thing they were not prepared for.

Once they were on even ground, Kevin was dumbfounded.

“WOW, she´s HUGE!” he thought, looking up at the amazon. He was 6´3”, and thought of himself as a tall guy, but next to Sasha, he´s not so tall.

She´s got an inch on him, but with the body she´s got, she looks bigger. Plus, those perky breasts. The wet bikini´s clenched to her body like a glove! Leaving nothing to imagination.

He really didn´t care if she was taller, she´s HOT. She´ll be the first sexy amazon he hooks up with, that´s if she allows him.

Meanwhile, Sasha had her own thoughts.

“Well… he´s… small.” She thinks she´s still 5´2”, which will put him down to 5´1”. But she´s so wrong.

“So, tell me, my tall queen, will you invite me in?” That usually wouldn´t have worked, she knows he just wants sex. He´s even leering at her while they talk.

But she doesn´t care. She´s too horny to want something else. Besides, “tall queen”? She thinks he says so just because he´s short.

“Follow me…” she said, no second thoughts.

Kevin followed Sasha from behind. Looking at her sexy ass swaying. Her body still covered by the water of the lake. So sensuous, her sultry body walking before him. She was like a dream come true.

Sexy, huge boobs, a big butt, pretty. The fact that she´s so tall only made her a buxom amazon.

As she entered the cabin. She had to do a slight explanation of who he was. Introducing him as a “friend”.

It felt so odd to explain the AI she´ll have a guest. But that´s not against the rules so… She went straight to the bedroom she´s been calling “hers” for the last couple days and… closed the door.

“Sorry, this cabin´s kind of a project. An AI controls the whole place and… well, I don´t want to get you bored with the details…” Sasha said, looking at his body, wanting to have hot sex with him.

Kevin was looking around; the place was nice. But not nearly as nice as the hot body of the sensuous amazon before him.

Kevin thought himself as a lucky man as he made out with Sasha on the bed of the cabin.

She was so smooth to the touch; so soft, and yet so firm. Her body was simply perfect. Thick in all the right places, with sensuous curves all over.

Her breasts were massive, her hips were fleshy, and her butt, so tight to the touch.

He lost no chance to fondle with her breasts as they had sex. To squeeze her ass, caress her skin, feel the silky touch of her erotic flesh.

She was delighted too. He´s the first man she´s been with in months! Work´s certainly takin away a LOT of her time.

After this vacation, she may have to ponder her life decisions. Overall, she´s now focused on his cock.

The sizeable dick he´s got. The passion with which he moves. Lust, there´s no doubt his mind´s full of lust, but is that so wrong? She feels the same way.

Even though there´s a huge chance they won´t meet again, at least she had the chance to have some sex during this vacation.

Soon, their moans filled the room. The echoes of passion, on all the four walls. The waves of lust, crashing against the surface of the room, reaching the ceiling.

A quick temperature scan could reveal that their bodies were as hot as they could get. Both were sweating, both were passionate. And soon, both climaxed.

“That was… great…” said Sasha. She´s never enjoyed sex so much!

But this may not be the last time she does. However, it will certainly be the last time at this size.

Days flew by, and Dawn knew there was very little time left. What was the resolution? Work harder!

Bigger meals, more exercise, make sure Sasha´s body is as mighty as ever!

Suddenly, the day came. Finally, time to go back home. However, it´s not the same Sasha the one that´s leaving the cabin.

“I hope you enjoyed your time here, Mrs. Larson.” Called Dawn, maybe the very last time Sasha ever talks with the artificial voice of the AI.

“I did. The food was great.” Even though she certainly gained quite some pounds. “The lake was awesome. And, I didn´t mind out gym routine.” Maybe she´ll join a gym once she gets back home.

Sasha´s got a lot to think on now. Plus, she´s got a whole new size to work with.

As she walks out of the cabin, with her luggage in hand, which, for some reason, she ignores is lighter. Even if Dawn ordered, without her knowing, a suitcase way bigger than the one she first had. Sasha can´t tell she´s been growing over the last few weeks.

And she´s grown!

The once short, thin lady who came in. Weighting 100-pounds while standing at 5´2” was now a much bigger woman. With a fuller body, thicker thighs, a bigger butt and a massive rack.

Sasha became a 6´8” woman, weighting now 320-pounds of firm, luscious flesh. Her body has certainly become buxom. Thicker in all of the right places.

And thanks to Dawn, built in the most sensuous, yet strongest, of ways.

The main question is, how will she react once she realizes she´s three times her ow weight and eighteen inches taller?

“Holy shit! Is this my car? It´s freaking tiny!” Some people will certainly receive some complaints once she finds out the AI on the cabin turned her into a big amazon.

Can you imagine the face on those guys? Looking up at a big, and hefty, upset woman? There´s certainly no turning back.

However, they may have done her a favor. She´s taller, stronger, and surely, more imposing. The problem is…

“Ugh, the seat can´t go back anymore? And what´s with the… why is my butt so huge! And why is the roof so low?” She may have some problems fitting into her regular stuff.

But, may this have been the biggest vacations she´s had!



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