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Chapter 7

Things were not exactly as Ethan planned. Not at all. Not a single bit.

Now, he was right in front of Judith, and she was looming above him in all her mighty glory. And not in the best of moods.

Judith was now standing before him. Towering over him with her 7-feet-tall, striking, body. She was big, she was sexy, she was mad… and sexy. Still, mad.

Is it bad if she, while standing with both hands over her wide hips, looks kind of sexy? She´s upset but… she looks hot. That slight crimson of anger makes her cheeks blush in a nice way. Will it help to say it? Or, maybe he´ll be digging a deeper grave for himself.

“Excuse me?” Judith said, focusing on the fearful, and regretful, 5´3” man before her. But his words were clear. He said: “I like you.”

Judith needed some more elaboration on what he said. I like you… what?

“I… I just… like you.” Ethan said, passing saliva through his dry throat. She was mesmerizing, beautiful; however, she was ultimately intimidating. Imagine, having a towering woman mad at you?

“Like me… how?!” She bent a little, coming closer to him.

He felt tiny, this huge woman was mad, and demanding an answer. Ethan messed up, yes, he knows. He spilled the beans way before he should. That´s, of course, if he should have done, or said, what he just did.

Maybe, instead of abruptly confessing his feeling towards her, he should´ve worked on it. Slowly growing into her. But it was too late for that.

He said it, he admitted his feelings for her. Even if he hadn´t quite admitted the whole thing, he already gave her the main idea. The main topic for this uncomfortable, and painful, speech was already there. The naked truth had come out.

“I just… well…” she may be intimidating, but she´s still so hot!

He´s intimidated by her size, yet, he´s so aroused by her body. She´s a sexy woman in a large pack. Tall, thick, sexy, a dream come true, but bigger!

Huge breasts, full hips, thunder thighs. He´s been leering at this amazon of a woman ever since she became, somehow, his roommate. She´s technically his bodyguard, but she´s some sort of live-in guard.

He´s been sharing his penthouse with this big, sexy woman. Of course, he developed some feelings for her.

“Speak up! What do you mean by that?” Why was she so upset?

Maybe, deep inside, does she think it´s some sort of prank? That she´s playing with her? Joking? Or, maybe, she feels offended by the fact that he´s, possibly, not her type.

“I mean!” She was pushy, but mostly enraged. “I meant that… I just… love you.”

Her face, it turned from plain anger into disgust. As if he had insulted her with his words. And, yes, that hurts.

“No, just… don´t.” She declared, now driving her large hand from her hip all the way to him, to push him back a little. “Don´t say that. You don´t love me. You CAN´T love me.”

That hurt, her face, the push of her hand, it was a stung in the heart. A hard, burning stung on his love muscle.

“But… it´s true! I… I like you, Judith I…” and then, she just had to stop him.

She rapidly drove her big hand into his mouth and, literally, shut him up.

“No, it´s NOT. And let me tell you why.” Now, it was time for an explanation. From the point of view of the amazon, it was time to explain him why, according to her, this is not going to work.

“First of all, I´m WAY too big for you. Second, I´m too old. Third, I was employed by your father, therefore, I can´t have a relationship with you, it´s against the rules, but mostly, against my code. Ok?” That should be enough, right?

She slowly removed her hand, hoping he´d say something that proved he understood, but he didn´t.

“Ouch…?” He said, as in saying, was there a need to put your huge hand over my mouth? Still, her hand smelled nice. Now, time for him to speak.

“Ok, let me give you some counter arguments.” She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms beneath her massive bosom. “I think you´re… big, yes, but… love knows no size.” Still, she´s ultimately big, but with size comes… size.

She´s got alluring breasts, the biggest, firmest butt he´s seen. Plump, thick thighs that take his breath away. And, her height, well… does it really matter?

“Now, speaking of age, well… you´re… you´re not much older.” He said.

“Believe me, I am.” She replied, but he paid no attention to it. He just continued.

“Now, speaking of the fact that you´re and… employee. Listen, don´t you think a forbidden love is… sweeter?” Was she convinced? She didn´t seem convinced.

Judith sighed, rolled her eyes and turned back at him. Time to kill all his hopes.

“Listen, forbidden love is nice.” YES! “But that´s when it´s true love, coming from BOTH ends. And me, I don´t love you, honey.” That hurts. “And, love may know no size, but, that doesn´t matter. I don´t feel the same way you do. To me, you´re just… not my type.” She kept some things for herself.

“But… why not? I… I mean, I could… work on that. T-tell me, what´s your type?”

“You are not my type.” She wanted this to be the end of discussion.

“But… why? I, I love you, every time I look at you I just… feel butterflies and… and I feel so warm and… and you´re just so pretty…” Well, time to be serious.

“Listen, I appreciate the fact that you think well of me. But that feeling you have, it´s probably your body getting hot. I´ve seen how you stare at me. That “warm feeling” is nothing but lust growing on you every time you glance at, either, my ass or tits.”

“That´s not-“she just rose a finger, to cut him off.

“I´m not done. Even if you “love” me, that doesn´t mean I love you back. You´re not my type because you´re… you´re just so dependent. You can´t cook, you barely clean. You depend economically on your father´s money. I like men who work hard to get what they want, not a spoiled guy that I´m looking after.” He lost it, all of the energy powering his body was gone.

Any will to fight, to argue back, was slowly diminishing, disappearing. His heart feels broken, mangled, as if she has stepped over it.

“Now, I recommend you to think through what I just told you. Ok?” He said nothing.

He walked out of the room, sad, depressed. Judith had rejected him. But why wouldn´t she?

What she said was true, he was not what she was looking for, however, can he become what she wants?

He won´t give up. Not at all. She said it herself, he had to think on what she told him. He has to work hard to become the man she wants. A man she can fall in love for.

Yes! She didn´t just closed a door, she opened a window. Even if she literally meant what she said, Ethan saw this as a: “If you improve, then I´ll love you.” He could even picture her saying it.

“Ethan, if you become the man I want, I´ll love you…” With her thick lips, and a sensuous tone.

Why wasn´t Judith as sensuous as the image he had of her in his mind?

He walked back to his room and just shut the door behind him. He was rejected. Again. She´s not the first woman who ever rejects him, however, she´s the biggest one.

And why? Because he´s not what they are looking for. But this time, he won´t just give up.

She´s one in a million. A big, hot woman, who happens to be huge. Still, she´s the hottest amazon he´s ever seen. He just wants her. To feel the smooth touch of her body.

She´s big, and strong, but she´s surely soft to the touch. He can picture himself, all over her naked body. Caressing her soft skin. Touching her naked body, lust filling the room.

Her long, thick legs, on both sides of him, her massive breasts, right in front of him. Bouncing, jolting, under the effects of passion.

He had a dream that night. If he worked hard enough, he could achieve it. He could seduce her, make her fall I love with him.

His main mistake was that he had already said it. It was no longer a mystery to her. Still, that doesn´t mean it´s all lost. He´ll work hard, to conquer her heart, to make her fall for him. Soon, she´ll feel as attracted for him as he is for her… hopefully.

The only thing he did was to make things awkward. She wasn´t talking too much with him before, but now, there was a painful silence filling the room every time both were there.

Ethan wanted to say something, to tell her he really feels lover every time he looks at her. But he couldn´t. He was too ashamed for what happened before. To concerned to speak.

He needed a plan, a way to make her know that, what he feels is true.

But, maybe that doesn´t mean she´ll immediately fall in love for him just because he explained his real feelings.

To Judith, he´s no more than just horny around her. Lusty for her big body. Her sensuous flesh.

She still cooks, and does all of her duties as normal, after all, this won´t interfere with her job. She´s a professional, and professionals don´t fall in love with their employers. Even if he didn´t hire or pay her.

Judith can´t say she´s mad at him. He just expressed his feelings. And, it really was inevitable for him not to fall in love for her. She´s outstanding. And so far, she´s the only woman she knows he meets every day.

No girlfriend, not even a female friend. Ethan´s a lonely man. It made sense that, as he got used to having Judith living with him, he somehow thought he was in love with her.

She knows she´s pretty, and that she´s got a hot body. Large, but still, she´s a muse. A tall, sexy muse.

“Of course he´d fall in love with me…” she thought as she was doing the dishes. Looming high above the sink, with big, yellow gloves in her hands. “he wants me, and he confuses that feeling with love.”

He´s a horny man, well, yes. He gets aroused when he looks at her. However, he also feels desire. Her theory, he´s confusing that desire with love.

Ethan fell in some illusion where he thinks he´s in love with her, when the only thing he wants is to fuck her.

Judith had an idea. What if she fucks him? What if she has sex with him? Allows him to feel how it is to touch her body. To feel her love, her passion. The heat coming from her body during the acts of passion.

Maybe that way he´ll see she´s not the right for him. He will, most likely, end up injured. Spent. Exhausted. There´s no way he can go all the way with a woman like her.

Besides, that way, maybe he can get it all out of his system. Put an end to this chapter on his life. Make a dream come true.

“Haha, imagine, his face, all confused. Not knowing what to do with the body of a real woman…” Judith knew that this idea was not real, she was just kidding.

What could he possibly do with so much woman? Besides, this was not a valid solution. Best case scenario, he´s all sore and realizes that all he wanted was sex. Worst case scenario, he end up even more hooked with her.

“I´ll just give him some time. I mean, I can´t blame him for feeling that way. I´m gorgeous.” Yes, she is. But sometimes she doesn´t feel that way.

Often, she feels too big. But, to have him say he likes her? That was sweet. But there´s no chance for him. Right?