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Part 3

It´s been a few days more of this same routine. Sasha found herself in the home gym, again…

“I… I thought I was on… vacations…” she said while running on the treadmill. Her thicker thighs jiggling, full of more flesh. Her longer legs running faster than before. And her breasts, she´s grown three size bigger! Her boobs bounce heavily as she keeps going. “Why… why am I working out so much?”

“Exercise´s healthy. An active life leads to a better health. Besides, this way you can burn all the calories you ate for breakfast.” Replied Dawn, the AI computer.

“I don´t… recall asking for… so many… food. Besides… wasn´t today´s… breakfast la… larger than before?” It was, Dawn has added a couple hundredth calories more to her breakfast. Putting an extra pancake on the plate, a bit more bacon, and some slices of orange.

Sasha enjoyed a decadent 2500-calorie breakfast. But she could give herself such a threat, she was burning about 1500 calories per work-out session.

Besides, even if she´s not aware yet, she´s a bigger lady.

Sasha feels like she´s getting fat. Her body looks thicker, and she knows it. But she´s on vacations so… a few more pounds won´t hurt so much.

The main reason why she hasn´t noticed her weight gain is because Dawn keeps changing her clothes. Putting bigger sizes on the drawers. Bras, bottoms, everything´s now a large size. And her breasts had grown into E-cups.

She knows her boobs are bigger, but she doesn´t mind that. And the fact that her butt´s also growing… Dawn said that the exercise was thickening her butt and legs.

Dawn didn´t say that all the food was also making her body larger. Or, said that she had gained twenty-five-pounds over the last days. That´s right, Dawn´s diet has gotten Sasha up to 125-pounds! But those new pounds are evenly distributed on her taller frame.

That´s right, she´s grown taller. FAST. In just three days, Sasha went from 5´2” to 5´6”! Four whole inches!

Her BMI´s now 20.2! Dawn rose her BMI by 2! And not just of fat. She´s not fat, at all…

Sasha has spent the last few days sculping the sexiest, hottest body of all! She´s above average height now, however, there´s still some work to do…

Over the next few days, Dawn kept working on Sasha´s body. Scheduling a good night´s sleep, augmenting the exercise time, as well as the intensity and weight.

She encouraged her to go on. Promising she´ll like it. Sasha felt weird, she was just following the kind orders of this AI.

Sometimes, Sasha wondered, what is it programmed for? A healthy life? Make someone more active? The large amounts of food were strange, but if she´s going to work out so much, then she may need the calories.

There was not much hard to her figure. Yes, her butt´s getting bigger, her boobs feel like ballooning now! And her hips also feel fleshier. But her waist looks nice, narrow and more toned even.

However, she´s ignoring the most important thing, she´s growing!

Sasha hasn´t weighted herself. Else, she would´ve notices she´s gaining weight very fast! But there´s no problem, she´s also growing taller.

By the end of week one, Sasha was up to 160-pounds! But there´s no problem, with a 5´11” frame, she´s just become sensuously thick!

Her glutes are swelling! Her thighs are so plump and showing some muscle beneath it´s soft surface. And her breasts, she´s now gone up to a G-cup! All while adding some firm, sensuous flesh to her frame.

Sasha can´t really say she hasn´t noticed. The changes on her body are remarkable! She´s sculpted like a muse, thicker, sensuous, sexy.

Her peach-shaped butt is nice, and her plump thighs, filling up her clothes, that´s amazing! She still thinks she´s wearing the same clothes, but she´s not. She´s officially wearing XL pants, to fit her immense glutes. And wearing XL tops too, to cover those mammoth breasts.

But there´s also something else in her mind, do things look different? She´s nine-inches taller, things are starting to look… off.

Everything´s easier to reach, lower. But she hasn´t really noticed because, the changes are so fast that her mind can´t focus on how things should be. Besides, with all things delivered at the house, she hasn´t had the need to use her car. Else, she would´ve noticed the car will probably feel smaller…

She thinks all the changes on her are because of the exercise. And she hasn´t complaint about the even bigger food portions because, well, she´s a bigger lady who can handle larger meals.

But there´s a few things bothering her. Yes, she´s enjoyed her time alone. Yes, she likes to spend the whole day reading, and the results on her body motivate her to keep with the working out routines. Being now two-an-a-half-hours of daily exercise.

What´s bothering her is that… she hasn´t visit the lake!

“What? But… the weather´s lovely!” Sasha complaint, not being able to open the front door. It seems… Dawn locked it.

“According to my scanning, the UV levels outside are too high. You may get sunburned.” Replied Dawn.

“Or… I could get a nice tan… come on, open the door!” She tried to turn the knob, but it was locked.

“I apologize, but I can´t let you out until the UV levels decrease.”

“It´s going to be too late by then! Just… open the door… or I´ll give this place a bad rating…” she said, threatening with a one-star review.

“Sorry, but your health comes first. I´ll open this door when my system registers a more suitable environment. Until then, I suggest you to stay here, enjoy a book, maybe a snack and have some rest.” That was the end of it, that door was not getting open, no way.

“FINE.” She said, stomping away from the door.

The cumulous of hormones in her body was having quite some effects. She was temperamental. But Dawn knew how to make things better…

“I can´t believe you bribe me with a full bucket of ice cream… mmmmm, but I´ll take it…” Chocolate-chip ice cream. Chocolate´s well known for making a person feel good. Dawn knows that, she´s made some research.

It took Sasha a little to finish the full can of ice cream, the whole gallon! Then, she went into a food-comma, and fell asleep on the couch.

But later on, she had a chance to go out…

Finally, after a whole week confined to the cabin… mostly by choice, she had a time to go out. And she had one thing in mind, go for a swim…

She would´ve loved to stay be the lake for a while, and get a chance to get a nice vacation-tan. But Dawn didn´t let her… still, it will be nice to have a swim under the demeaning rays of the sun.

It was about 6:30 pm, and in the woods, that means all lights are gone…

Sasha walked out of the house, wearing some sandals and a nice, cute bikini. Having no idea she was wearing a much larger size than the one she first brought. But she thought it was the same bikini. Even the tag was removed to ensure she won´t notice.

After a short walk, there she was, Sasha, in all her 5´11” buxom glory. Entering the lake.

She swam on the sweet, fresh water of the lake. Her body feels a bit different, of course, she´s heavier, but she really doesn´t care. She´ll enjoy her time there. Her vacations.

But, little does she know, someone´s watching her from the other side of the lake. There´s a couple guys camping there, for the weekend. And one of those guys, a handsome one, had his eyes on her.

“Oh my…” he could tell she was a muse, and that her wet body, as she came out of the lake, was goddess-like.

He didn´t have the nerve to go on and talk to her, but soon, he will.

The only thing is that, when he finds the time, she may be a bit taller…

Dawn knew that her time to reach her goal with Sasha was running up. There were only seven days left before she leaves. And she hasn´t reached her last goal, boost her into a sexy woman with a 25 BMI. So… she put her system into action…

By day 10, Sasha was up to 190-pounds, she definitely felt heavier, and her butt was huge! Her boobs were too! She wonders, how come her bras still fit?

“Dawn… why do my… boobs feel bigger and my bras are still… fitting?” Sasha was unsure, there´s no way she looks like this and still be a D-cup.

Dawn couldn´t lie, she needed to tell her the truth, however… she doesn´t need to know the whole truth.

“My apologies. My scan revealed your breasts were growing, so I provided you with bigger size bras.”

“Oh…” well, that was weird, when did the AI did this? “Ok… thanks. I guess…” but that gave some room for another question.

After looking at the bra for a moment, she didn´t found a tag, so… “Dawn, which size are these?”

Dawn took a moment to process the correct response; but at the end, she said: “40J.”

“40J! a 40J-CUP!!!” how did that happened? That was a titanic change! She was a 30D-cup, but 40J!?

She was perplexed. Dawn gave no further reply after that. She will probably have a mental breakdown if she finds out she´s now 190-pounds, almost twice her original weight. And much more if she figures out she´s 6´3”.

She´s grown a whole foot, plus an inch, and gained 90-pounds of weight. Dawn´s been clever enough to hide this, but soon, she may find out. And this is the first hint she´s got.

But this can´t happen! Dawn´s too close to reach her goal. Perhaps… even surpass that goal…


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