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Chapter 11

Harvey feels so strange. Mrs. Stalwart literally just gave him a new place to live? For real? He couldn´t believe it! That was… generous.

Maybe too generous? He´s not sure how to take this. All the while, as he´s sitting on the bus, heading to this, that will be his new home for the next… who knows for how long, but he´ll change. From his apartment to… where is he moving into?

Harvey had no idea, Mrs. Stalwart only said she had an apartment she wasn´t using and handed him some keys. Then, she gave him the address and, for some reason, offered him a ride. But he didn´t want to bother so he politely rejected it. Which didn´t put a smile on her face, by the way…

Moments later, he was at the bus stop. Using his phone to look for the place. Apparently, he was five blocks away from this place. And he also noticed that, if he kept going a few stops more, he would be left two blocks away from the office. Isn´t that convenient? It´s really close!

He was happy, and he was also curious. He decided to check some more on the location. According to the pictures, this was a one-story apartment, and it seemed kind of… old.

“Maybe this is like… her family´s place? Or… some cheap place she bought before she succeeded?” he wasn´t sure, but the place didn’t seem much her style. Did Vera Stalwart lived in a place like that? The successful, tall woman, who has high-society vibes, lived in a place like… this?

The image from the street revealed a very regular house. Not quite an apartment. But he couldn´t really complaint, it was still ten timed better, and like five times bigger than his tiny apartment.

However, when he stopped there, right in front of the house, well, it doesn´t resemble the picture…

“Is this… right?” According to the app, he´s standing right in front of it. And according to the address given, it was the same street and same number. However, the house didn´t look alike the image from the internet.

Not old, but modern, and… bigger, certainly!

This place was a lot different. It had a garage and… it was waaaaay bigger. Like a three-story house. However, that was not the only thing bigger. As he got closer, he could see the tall windows, and the door was also HUGE! An 11-foot wooden door. Very stylish.

All of the painting was different. The decoration. There was a path of rocks all the way from the front yard to the main door. And… the knob was like… five-foot high? The knob was at his eye-level.

Mrs. Stalwart had certainly… remodeled the place to… fit her needs. A woman standing 9´6” can´t live in a place designed for people on the six-foot-range. She had to do some remodeling. And he could tell.

He inserted the key, only to realize the door was already open. If he would´ve been more… perceptive. He would´ve noticed that Mrs. Stalwart car was parked outside. The car was too big not to notice, however, he may had mistaken it for a truck as he glanced it with the corner of his eye.

Still, she was there…

As he stepped in, he looked around, everything was huge! Tall, just bigger! Turns out, this is not a three-story house, it´s a two-story, designed for an almost ten-foot-tall woman. However, it is certainly luxurious.

The size of things certainly amazes him, still, there´s a ton of pretty things there too.

Stepping in, he could see a massive, flat screen, TV. An 88-inch, smart, TV. Located right in front of a reeeeeally big couch. It was almost bed-size, but it was meant to support Mrs. Stalwart… derriere so… it should be big and provide support.

“Amazing…” He said softly, looking around. The place didn´t seem as a forgotten apartment, it was like… a bachelor´s apartment. Well, scaled up for an amazon, but still what else was in there?

He was looking around, however, he could clearly listen something behind him. The sound of steps, heavy steps. He wasn´t alone…

“Well, it took you quite some time, you know…” Came the deep, rich voice of Mrs. Stalwart. She was there?!

“Oh!” He turned, almost screaming, “H-hi! Hey, uhm… I wasn´t expecting you to… be here…” His heart was beating faster, she scared him! Well, more like, taking him by surprise, but still, he freaked out a little.

“I told you, I may come and help you out getting installed.” Wasn´t she clear? She didn´t just thought she said it, right? “Where… where are your… belongings?” she asked, looking at his sides, way from above.

“Belo… oh! Yeah… I didn´t bring them…” He wanted to check on the place, and make sure his things fit. But wasn’t it obvious they would? In HER house, the house of a BIG woman. He can probably fit his entire existence in a cabinet.

“You didn´t?” Why did she made it sound as if he was in trouble? She seemed upset. As if he had forgotten to pick up something from the store. Something urgent.

“I… I thought I could come and... check the place first… I… sorry?” He stepped back a little. A few steps away from the imposing, and for some reason, upset amazon.

“Stop! You´re gonna make him cry!” she nagged herself, in her mind, of course. “Don´t scare him! You´re here for support! To be sweet! This is your chance!” Mrs. Stalwart was hoping she could be a nice host and show him the place as he got installed.

Of course, she arrived earlier than him, because she asked him at what time he´ll be there. And, she entered because she gave him her spare keys. She wasn´t going to give him the ONLY keys.

“Well… I guess you don´t need your things to take a look at the place.” She said, after she turned and, in a commanding way, added: “Follow me, I´ll give you a tour.”

She walked in front of him, in all of her mighty glory. Her sensuous, massive hips swaying with each of her powerful steps. Her breasts bouncing on her chest as she walked. She was wearing this velvet dress. One that accentuated her waist, that made her curves stick out more. And with a boob-window that revealed a smooth, deep line of sensuous cleavage.

“This, is the kitchen.” Where everything is… higher? The counter is leveled with… him? Counters are located above him, at 5´5”, an inch taller than him still, at her hip-level.

She noticed. Looking down at him, she could tell that the customized counters were a little… tall.

“Aww,” she cooed, in her mind, as she thought: “Maybe I should pick him up? Lift him and carry him in my big arms while I show him the rest of the kitchen? How about the rest of the house? Everything here´s tall, he´ll… get a better view from my angle…” she thought, letting her soft side think, still. “NO. Vera, don´t pick him up. It will be awkward… if he doesn´t want… NO. Why would he want to be in the arms of his boss? In my… my big, strong arms. Maybe he would feel protected, maybe I cans how him I´m soft… sweet?” Or it could be awkward.

“I… I have a booster step for the cleaning lady over here… and a stair, just in case. Here´s a… a small closet where we keep cleaning supplies and, well, stairs. I… I know not everyone´s as tall as me. And that´s fine. You´ll be living here, I´m sure you´ll need them.” Sweetheart. She wanted to say sweetheart, but maybe it was too soon.

She felt so sweet, and her tone had softened since she got there.

As she kept going she realized… this place is way too big. There´s two bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, two bathrooms, the kitchen, a backyard, the cleaning closet and a laundry room. Everything she needed, at first. Before she moved into a much bigger place.

“Follow me upstairs, I´ll show you your new room…” new room? That doesn’t sound bad!

However, it was… in deed, a large room. There was a closet where… he´ll need a stair to reach the hanger, lucky for him, there´s another one below, the one intended to he the “lower” hanger was sort of, the average one for him.

And, the bed, it was titanic! Made to fit her size, not his. He could easily fit two queen, if not king, size beds over that one, and he feels that there could be some more space left.

There´s no denying in one thing, he feels tiny. He even wondered, what if this was a regular place? What if he lived in a world where women, such as Mrs. Stalwart, are the norm. the average size. A world full of amazons.

Certainly, a lot of places would look like this huge house. He swallowed, the idea was a bit intimidating, however, a world full of women with her… proportions?

Tall, thick sensuous amazons. A world full of goddesses. Everywhere he looks, plump, round and firm asses. And if he looks up, tits so massive they will put a watermelon into shame!

He can´t help but to wonder… does the bed smell like her? He can smell her perfume, but that may be because she´s there. However, once she leaves, will her scent… remain?

“Well, this is my… former apartment. Don´t get me wrong, I still own it. I´m just… letting you stay to… help you out. You know, making sure my assistant gets some nice sleep…” she wanted a hug, she´s allowing him to live in her old apartment, doesn´t that deserve a hug?

“Thank you… thank you very much! You´re… so generous. And so considerate. Not anyone would do this for an employee… I appreciate the nice gesture.” He was really thankful.

“Of course.” Yes, she´s generous, she´s kind. And she thought, to herself: “Come on, give me a hug. Show your big boss some love…” but it was not going to happen. Maybe not without a little push?

“So, Harvey, do you have any plans on how to get your things here?” She asked.

“My… things? You mean…”

“I mean, how are you going to carry your belongings, from your old apartment, to this one. Any plans?”

“Well… not really… I… I could take the sub and…” He hadn´t really thought about it. Maybe a move-out service?

“Nonsense. The sub? Sweetheart, you can´t carry all your stuff on the subway? Why don´t you…” she bit her lip a little, how about, this boss shows him she´s not done being nice. “how about I give you a ride, do you think all your stuff will fit in my car?”

“I think so… probably.” It´s mostly clothes so… sure.

“Ok, then I´ll drive you. Come, let´s get going.”

And so, she got more time with him. The whole ride to his place, and the whole ride back. Plus, the time they spend packing his stuff.

She felt so tender around him. So sweet, so full of nice thoughts. She liked that.

But what was it on him? Was it his smell? His looks? Was there something in him that made her feel the need to be nice? Kind?

However, there´s also another need on her. A more… physical one. She wants him, close to her. Closer, and closer. To touch him, to lift him, to feel his body closed to hers.

To pin him to her big, hefty body. Feel his naked sin all over hers. To have him glare at all of her mighty glory. Have him staring at her large, voluptuous body. She wants him to desire her. To want her. To crave for her.

To need her. Need to touch her, to hug her, kiss her, to feel her. Mrs. Stalwart wants to have some… intimacy with her assistant. An office affair. To have someone who loves you, who cares for you. Who… needs you.



The story is stellar. Love how she's fighting her learned behavior of sadism for him.


Yes it’s great to watch her struggling with herself, trying to make herself a better, more tender person.