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Chapter 13

“ONE RULE!” Said Gene was she walked from one side to the other in the kitchen. “I only had ONE rule.”

Carol was sitting at the kitchen´s bar, looking up at the 6´7” amazon who was pissed, at her! Carol felt small, she felt Gene was too imposing, a large authority. She felt… in trouble!

Kevin was gone, he went straight to his room and let this up to his mother. He´s sure Gene will fire Carol´s sorry ass. At least those were his words…

It was not easy to look at a woman who´s so much bigger, much less when the lady is mad at you. Even if Carol went from 5´4” to 5´10”, Gene was an absolute colossus next to her. Gene´s done her own growing, and everything on the mature woman was larger, thicker, stronger even. And now, the monumental woman is mad at her.

Why? Yes, she slapped Kevin right on the face, before his mother´s eyes, but… he had it coming! He was a jerk and all he´s done is to be nasty with Carol. Even when she´s officially a full foot taller.

Carol knew this wasn´t fair. There shouldn´t be a preference, both should be judged equally. However, the judge is the mother of the man she slapped so… she´s the one getting in trouble while he, not even how much she hates it, is, in the eyes of Gene, the victim.

“He started it!” Carol said, shooting the words before she feels worse.

“I don´t care who started it. I told you, under NO circumstances, you´re allowed to do any physical damage to my poor son!” Poor? Yeah, sure. He´s a jerk. “And what did you do? Oh, right, you abused your size and slapped him right on the face. Right on my baby´s cheek.” He´s 23, he should´ve seen that coming.

“But…” Carol tried to speak, arguing for herself.

“No buts. You should be the bigger person here. I was expecting so much more from you…” Gene seemed disappointed. But that´s not Carol´s problem, that deuce pushed her buttons. He pinched and pinched, and pinched until she burst!

This was so unfair, and surely, after the scolding, after a looong nagging about why her son should be treated like “gold”, Gene will surely fire her. Carol remembers Gene´s words, clearly. If she ever hurt him then she´ll be fired, oh, and she´ll make sure she´s never, EVER, hired again. Or did she say ruin her? Her life? Her job opportunities?

Gene was a very important person. With too much influence in people from the high society. Carol knows, her life may, and will, be ruined. However…

“I should fire you for what you did to Kevin…” Started Gene. “But I won´t.” What? Her tone suddenly changed.

Carol was already looking down at the table, just waiting for Gene to ask her to pick up her things and get her ass out of the house, but she was not going to fire her?

“Ehm… excuse me?” What was happening?

“You heard me. You can keep your job. And, you will.” Ok, she can stay, but… didn´t she just broke the rule? The main, most important rule? The ONLY spoken rule?

“I know my son. Kevin can be… too much sometimes. That´s why I told you not to lay a finger on him!! Oops. “Still, when you slapped him, did you saw what he did?” Gene asked.

“He… ran?” Replied Carol, not sure where this was going. But Gene, not so mad now, was sort of… explaining things. Or even heading somewhere with this.

“Yes. And, where did he ran to?”

“To… you?” That jerk ran straight to Gene. Of course, he wouldn´t pick a fight with a woman who´s not bigger, taller and stronger. So, he ran to the biggest person in the room… Gene.

“Exactly! Kevin ran into me! His mommy.” Now, Gene was happy. Too happy for someone who´s 23-year-old son ran to.

Apparently, Gene was happy about this?

“He ran into mommy, for shelter. And then, when he was close enough, he hugged me. He HUGGED me! Do you know when was the last time he hugged me?” Not even on her birthday, but…

For some reason, Gene seems happy now.

“The look on his face, even if you hurt him.” She turned at Carol with a mad look, but is rapidly vanished as she kept going. “He needed me, he needed protection, and there I was. Right in place to open my arms to him and look after him. Oh, it was such a precious moment… did you, by any chance, record it?” Carol turned her face, from one side to the other, meaning no. “It´s fine. No worries.”

What´s happening here? Did Gene liked or didn´t liked that Carol slapped Kevin? She hit him hard, almost half of his face was red, but, her main worry is, what´s up with momma bear? Is she mad? Or is she happy? What?

“So, you hit him, which is against the only rule I have. BUT, when you did, you also gave me… a hug. From him. He ran straight to me, to my arms, so that I could save him from… you.” Ok, so Carol´s the villain… yay? Or nay?

“So… you´re not mad?” Asked Carol, not sure if she was getting what was going on.

“Mad? Of course I am! You disobeyed me! BUT, that allowed me to embrace him, in a sweet, easy, gentle hug. So, by you doing wrong, you got to give me some… joy.”

It was a special moment, but that will be sure gone. Unless…

Gene was really good at making plans. Yes, she was mad at Carol. Yes, the now amazonic Gene wanted to rip her head off, but she won´t. Why? Because she needs to keep her.

Not only because she´s basically taking care of Kevin, but because… she´ll grant Gene more and more hugs from him. How? Simple, easy, not too nice, but Gene already had a plan.

So, Kevin keeps shrinking and, Both Carol and Gene will keep growing, surely. Slowly, but surely. Now, what´s the plan? Well, Apparently, Kevin has already crossed the limits with Carol, which means, Carol´s already tired, and she slapped him right on the face to prove it. So, what will happen next?

Gene will keep Carol to guarantee that, the next time something bad happens, if they argue, fight, or anything like that, Gene will be there. She´ll be Kevin´s figure of protection, his shelter, his safe place, his… mommy.

His sweet, gigantic mommy who will protect him from the mean, mean Carol.

“Tell me, don´t you like the plan?” Asked Gene, after explaining the, apparently, new dynamics in the house.

“Ok, sounds…” She made a pause, to make sure to pick the right words so that Gene didn´t got mad. “like a good plan!” That was she can keep her job, Gene´s happy and… what else will she get? “So, I can, basically, be mean to him and… there won´t be any consequences?” Carol asked, making sure she got the plan.

“Yes. BUT, only when I´m around. That way, he´ll know mommy´s here to save him.” A grown man running into the arms of his mother? Well… if that´s what Gene wants…

“Ok, but, if I´m, let´s say, mean JUST when you´re around, wouldn´t that be a bit… suspicious?” Carol wanted a bit more of… freedom on her decisions.

“Hmmm, you´re right. Ok, you can be as you like, but make sure that when I´m not around, you don´t hurt my Kevin, ok? Or else…” That was a menacing “Or else…” but Carol gets it.

“Sure, no problem.” Carol replied, happy that things were going to work… differently there. And by different, it means better… for her.

So, now things are, or will be, a bit like this. Kevin will, well, remain as Kevin, however, Carol gets the chance to… “act” as she saw fit, as long as the damage isn´t permanent. And so, Gene will be now a large, a very big actually, figure of protection.

Carol can work with that. And Gene´s hoping. Besides, Kevin will know nothing about it, just as a lot of things, this will be a secret between Gene and Carol.

“Ok, honey!” Gene called, “Mommy´s taken care of the situation, you can come down…” Kevin heard her, and even if he didn´t like the term she used, he knew he should come down.

Kevin felt stupid, weak even. Did he seriously ran to his mother for protection? Well, it was a natural response. Carol was clearly too big for him, therefore, he ran to a safe place. His… mom.

He feels pathetic, weak, silly, but that´s what happened. He doesn´t feel proud about it. He had to do it in order to avoid any further damage.

So, he came down the stairs, with a bag of ice on his cheek.

“Aww, are you feeling better, dear?” Gene asked, almost cooing as he came down the stairs. But she was proud he chose to listen and put some ice to the, well, injury.

Things were… easy to explain. Gene declared Carol was properly “punished”, that she was warned and that her salary was affected. Clearly it wasn´t, she was just advice to continue. Gene had a slightly evil mind when it comes to getting what she wants.

Things went on, and Carol faked some regret. Kevin seemed to believe it all. He was even happy that Carol got some sort of penalty. She deserved it, she slapped him, and she didn´t hold anything back!

“Ok, I´ll leave you guys, I have a… meeting. But, Kevin, if Carol does anything, at all, just let mommy know and I´ll come right here to fix it, ok?”

“Sure, I will.” Call his mother to rescue him? Of course not! He´s a man, he can take care of his own, that, what happened before it was just… a moment of weakness. That´s it. But it won´t happen again.

Or so he says…

Now, Gene, as she was saying goodbye, she did two things. Number one, she left an open window, as if she was saying “You can call me whenever you need me.” When Carol´s mean, too much or just at any time. Gene´s counting on that.

If this is the way things need to be to receive some affection, then so be it.

And, there´s also another thing, she said she had a “meeting”, but that´s not quite true. Yes, she´ll meet someone, but not for “business” purposes.

She´s gone, to get ready for a date.

Now, back at Kevin´s place, well, things are not as easy as Carol hoped. As soon as Gene was gone, Kevin turned at her. She thought he´d be kind of scared, or at least he´ll be more… respectful. But he wasn´t. After all, he was just a jerk.

“Apologize.” He said.

“What?” Said Carol from above.

“You heard me, you slapped me, right on the face! To me! Your boss. Apologize.” He claimed, while holding the ice on his face.

“Pfft, my boss, which is your mother, has left. And I won´t apologize, why don´t YOU apologize to me?!” Carol replied.

“What? Why me? You were the one who assaulted me. You apologize.” This went on for a while, and, in the end, no one apologized.

However, once things, more like Carol´s shift, was over, she went back home. Today, it was a long way, with a lot of traffic. But the good news are… she got “permission” to manhandle him, just a little. And not under just any circumstances, of course. But it was nice to know that things will definitely change around.

She got home, late at night and grabbed a bucket of ice cream and laid on the couch to watch some series. She used to worry about eating too much, but that was before. Now, she needs the extra calories, after all, she´s not done with this expansion of hers…

Later, on another side of town, Gene was… well, she was about to have sex, there´s no other way to put it.

An apartment´s door was almost slammed open, and there, entered Gene, kissing a guy. Intensely. She met this guy on a dating app, and how did he describe her? He sent a private message saying:

“Hi there, I can´t believe I´ve found such a goddess on this app. Wanna have fun?” Goddess? Well, thank you… she said as she accepted his offer.

After a romantic date, where he took several gazes at her sensuous body, they were not at his apartment.

The guy was about 6´2”, much shorter than Gene, much more when she´s wearing heels that make her 6´10”, but this guy doesn´t care. A bigger woman only means there´s more of her to love. Meaning bigger on the tall side, although, she´s also, well, sensuously thicker.

“Oh, I never thought you´d be so hot in person.” The guy said, breaking up the kiss as he closed the door.

“Mmm, are you trying to win some extra points, mister? We´re already at your place, no need to keep complimenting me, you know…” she loved it, everyone´s all over her because of her new beauty. She feels so mighty, so strong, so young. She feels as if she could take over the world. Once more, she´s a sex symbol. She likes it…

“What? I´m just speaking the truth here, you´re an angel, a big, sexy angel.” Gene let out a loving giggle. And she can´t deny that, aside of being fairly hot himself, he knows how to compliment a woman. At least a big woman like her.

“Oh, shut up. Now kiss me…” and so, his mouth was busy, with her thick, juicy lips.

This guy was hard. Well, he was aroused since the very moment he saw her. He doesn´t have a thing for tall women, but Gene´s simply… monumental. Not just tall, she´s hot. She´s pretty. And her curves, someone could kill for those curves. She´s beyond this world.

These two “love birds” left a path all the way to his bedroom. His shoes and her heels were the first items they dropped off, then some pants. His shirt. Her red-velvet dress. Followed by underwear.

Right outside of the door, Gene´s gigantic bra was laying. A big bra, strong enough to hold her massive breasts. Gene was big in all departments now. Much hotter.

Then, in bed, these two kept on with the foreplay. With Gene laying on top of the guy. She had five inches on him, her long, thick, sensuous legs reached further than his. Her crotch was laying right over his naked shaft.

He was hard, for her. She liked it. To have this effect on men. Now, at her size, there´s no way anyone can miss her. She´s tall, voluptuous, and pretty. Why would she stop now? She can get taller, sexier, prettier.

The pills she has been taking are a miracle. Why will she let go of her fountain of youth? No way.

Gene had her huge, naked breasts over the buy as they kept with the kissing. He loved it, the feeling of her soft, heavy breasts on him. That´s the main reason he asked her out, she´s got the biggest boobs he´s seen. And they are not too big for a woman her size.

Gene´s a proportional goddess. With surreal, but sexy proportions, now, she´s got the perfect body of lust. A goddess, in did…

The night for these two was barely starting. Her question, isn´t she too much woman for him? Oh well, she´ll see how many rounds he can go…

Things went on smoothly, per se, for everyone. However, none of the ladies was fully giving up their growing pills. Right now, Carol was at the kitchen, standing at 5´11”, that´s right, she went on and added an inch to herself.

She feels good, she´s standing at model height now. And she´s certainly feeling like one. But, maybe, thicker. Somehow sexier?

She´s got these wide, fleshy hips, some plump, sexy thighs, and a trimmed waist, that gives her a hourglass figure because of her big rack. Big, firm, heavy boobs. She certainly feels hot.

And what about the “deal” she made with Gene? Well, she clearly hasn´t forgotten about it. She won´t let Kevin go away with it, never. Still, she hasn´t been as nasty as she thought she´d be.

Speaking for him, well, he doesn´t want to risk it, why would he poke the bear? He doesn´t want to be slapped again. But he doesn´t want to appear to be afraid of her, so… things are complicated.

He´s tired of thinking what to do next. However, someone will come to make things a bit… easier.

*ding* *dong*

Someone was at the door, none other than Leslie.

Carol went straight to it and just opened.

When the door was open, Leslie couldn´t believe it, who was she? No. No way!

“Housekeeper, is that you?!” Leslie removed her sunglasses to look at Carol. She was tall! Four inches taller than her! That can´t be right!

Leslie couldn´t believe her eyes, she looked at Carol, from head to toes. She was on flats! How did she grew so much! She was way shorter than her, what was happening?

Carol knew the reasons for her reaction, she was waiting for the moment for Leslie to point things out. But she had a plan. First, paly dumb.

“What´s the matter?” Carol asked.

“What´s the matter? You´re the matter! How come you´re so… tall?” She was looking up to her, the top of Leslie´s head was leveled with Carol´s eyebrows. HER EYEBROWS. Wasn´t it the other way around?

“Me? Taller? I´m not…” Carol had a plan, and the first step was… make it seem as if she hadn´t noticed.

The next step, well, that one´s a bit… not what Carol would want, but it will work. At least, with that they can take Leslie out of the picture… And so, keep going with their growing. Carol´s and Gene´s.

“Are you stupid? You´re huge! And… those boobs… Ugh, never mind, you should go see a doctor, a woman your age shouldn´t be growing.” Leslie said before she entered, and headed straight to Kevin´s room.

That same, nasty, attitude. There´s no doubt. Kevin and her are meant for each other. Still, Carol won´t get mad. Why? Because she´s got a plan.

Leslie knows about Kevin´s shrinking, that´s something too obvious to keep as a secret. However, how can that explain Carol´s growth? Well, what if… Kevin was contagious?

What if he had this virus that, not only shrinks him, but also makes women around him… grow?

That was Gene´s idea. She had a plan, she didn´t like Leslie, not a little bit. But it was Kevin´s decision to be with her. But Gene wouldn´t mind if Leslie, somehow, breaks up with him.

She made a plan, one in which Carol will take a big part.

Leslie´s seen Carol, good. Now, it´s time to make it seem as if it was Kevin´s fault that she´s growing. How? Well, They treat Carol like a maid, one that often carries food for them.

What if, this time, Carol adds a little something to Leslie´s food?

Carol was at the kitchen, preparing something. A snack. On Kevin´s plate, she added one pill, the usual. But on Leslie´s, she added another thing. Four pills.

“Hope you like it when you burst out of your clothes… Leslie.” Carol declared, about to make Leslie bigger. Stage on of the plan was in action. Nice…



Fantastic.. it was great to see Gene in action, feeling herself, enjoying her new size.