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Well... I ended up writting the story LOL

I know the poll was posted a long time ago, and that this story was very close to winning. Being a tie in the last poll. So... I took the time and decided to start working on it... surprise!

I hope you like it! Just to give you a little refresh, the plot´s like this:

A man´s dating a rich woman. She´s on her sixties and he´s on his twenties. Yes, he´s a gold digger. He doesn´t really love her, but she´s got money and pays for everything he wants, so he can´t really complaint. Although, he can.

He´s searching online, wanting to know how long a woman her age can live. He´s for sure the one who´ll inherit all of her wealth, however, he can´t really wait. As soon as she´s gone, he´ll fill up the mansion with hot models more accurate to his age.

Then, he finds an ad. Promising to return the youth. That´s right, a procedure that promises to be a fountain of youth. The thing is that it is risky and still experimental. But he doesn´t care. If she can´t take it, then he´ll keep her money.

He convinces her to go through the treatment. And it worked, not instantly, but throughout the week, he can really tell her wrinkles are vanishing and that her hairs had recover their golden colors. She´s young again!

Bad thing, she´ll live way more, good thing, she´s hot! He´s seen her old pictures, she was HOT. Up to date, she still maintained some of her beauty, but she was really old to him. But now, she´s turned on. Her breasts are so firm, her skin´s smooth. But there´s only one problem, after the tenth day, she seems… taller.

I made a small change, they are not married. But I think this way it´s better, because... I have some plans...

Having said that, I hope you like this first chapter :D

Chapter 1

It was a peaceful evening, the sun was setting, the skies were painted of a bright orange, with a dark shade of purple brushing the clouds.

The sound of the wind, the wings of birds could be heard. Birds looking for shelter on the tree´s they´ve nested on.

Everything was quiet, everything was full of tranquility, except for…

In a room, a room located in a big mansion, there was this man, Troy, a young man, 25 years old, blue eyes, dark brown hair, standing, well laying in bed, at 6´1”, with a trimmed built. Rock solid abs, and tight muscles all over his body. He wasn´t very muscular, but his body was one women desired, well, certainly mature women desire him more.

And who more mature than his 62-year-old girlfriend? Yes, Troy was in a huge mansion, on an unnecessarily big room, on a bed that cost a couple thousand dollars, but none of these was his. But his girlfriend. And who was this woman?

Well, Troy was what you´ll call a gold-digger, male edition. He really hated to work, he didn´t mind putting some effort on things, but working on a nine-to-five basis, well, that was boring.

And what could he do? Buy lottery tickets and hope that someday he´ll be rich? No, it was easier to be with someone who was already rich. Like his girlfriend, Jeannie.

Jeannie was a woman much more mature than him, but at over twice his age, how couldn´t she? She was a widow, her husband passed away over a decade ago. She felt lonely, sad, and then, she met Troy.

He could lend a shoulder where she could cry. Be comprehensive, be attentive. He worked as a towel boy in this private club she had a membership on. Why did he work there? Easy, rich women. Easy targets for someone like him, well, at least he hoped. It seems everyone there was still married. Happily married. Or at least no women showed signs of wanting something with him.

And to think that he was a stud, well, he should be a stud. Aside the other towel boys, he was by far the youngest, and as he says, the most handsome man there.

He complaint that all men there had a ton of money they had no idea how to use. He would, well, maybe not, but he will certainly not waste his time making more money, as he says. If he were them, he would spend all he worked hard for. Traveling, buying sports cars. Fancy watches, designer clothes. Spending his day at the pool, his own pool!

That was his goal, and his means to achieve it? Well, Jeannie was. As soon as she spotted him, her eyes shinned, her lips couldn´t lie, a big smile was drawn on them. And her eyes, they screamed for him to come.

He had been working there for about three months, and he had never seen her before. But she showed signs of desire, and she had no ring, so… hands to action!

After a couple weeks of “work”, he had Jeannie right where he wanted.

It all started with little gifts, shirts, shoes, a watch. A new phone. He would love a car, but he knew he shouldn´t rush things. Plus, when he threw that hint, it didn´t work.

“You know, I´d love to meet you here sooner,” he told her, she was so eager to meet him so she came really early during the weekends, and she always ended up waiting for him for a while. “but the bus is not a fast way to get here, you know, with all the stops…” He wanted to say, why don´t you buy me a car?

But what was her response?

“Oh, dear, I can give you a ride! No problem, just give me your address and… I´ll take care of it…” she said as she ran her fingers through his chest.

Troy smiled, a million-dollar smile, but he was not really interested. What she meant was, give me your address and… let´s see what happens…

She wanted sex, and he knew it. But what else was he offering?

Troy didn´t want to be rude, Jeannie was pretty… for her age. Her eyes were green, but she said they were blue, maybe not. Her lips were always painted red, but he could see some wrinkles around them, and some too in the corners of her eyes.

Her hair was painted in an elegant brown color. With golden highlights. Her skin, that he could see when she wore bathing suits, was full of freckles. And she held a few extra pounds on her. Of course, that´s just because she was a mature woman, but Troy´s not quite in love with a woman with enough junk on her trunk to make her look… duckie. Her butt sticks out a bit when she walks.

Sometimes he wondered if this was really a good idea. Or if he should leave his plan and just get a real job. But the more he spent with Jeannie, the more… “pampering” she was with him.

She even got him to quit his job there so that he could spend more time with her. Her excuse, he could be her own personal pool boy. Taking care of her houses pool.

After a while of “working” for her and, doing a couple more things than just work. They were dating.

Jeannie was so proud, and she was also bragging about her new boyfriend to all of her friends. Meanwhile, Troy was having the time of his life. Worried about nothing but to keep his physique and laying around with all his expenses paid for.

He only had to live with Jeannie, but that was fine, he could leave his tiny apartment and move into the house he always wanted. A pool, home-in gym, the biggest TV he´s ever seen. And the access to a couple fancy cars. That he sometimes drove just to get her pills.

He was, apparently, taking care of Jeannie, together with some other favors. He couldn´t lie, he was living in luxury, but he just wasn´t happy.

She got him a new, well, everything. And he used his new laptop to do some research. How long will he have to live with this?

Jeannie was sweet, a sweet lady, but she was more like a grandma. He wanted to date hot chicks, women in their twenties, thirties TOPS. Women with firm breasts, firm butts, young. He was getting tired of having Jeannie´s freckled hands all over him. But he had to play his part.

And that´s what he´s currently doing, doing some research online. If we could resume it all in a phrase, then the search line would be: “How long until the 62-year-old woman passes away and I can keep her wealth?”

He knows he´ll inherit everything, there´s no one around her but him, and that´s kind of sad. Well, no one else but him and her daughter. Jeannie has a daughter who comes by every now and then, and she surely doesn´t like Troy. She knows he´s just there for her money.

But Jeannie´s daughter is also there for her money. Well, not exactly, since she has a job, one that mommy facilitated her, but she stops by to make sure she´ll inherit everything, but that´s Troy´s plan so… they don´t get along very well.

Now, back to his computer, he was searching and searching, Jeannie was away to do aerobics, whatever that is, he says. And he was trying to find something, anything.

Or even for a way on how to pretend he´s happy. He´d kill to go back to dating women his age. But maybe he´ll find the answer to his “problems” sooner.

“What´s this?” he said, as he read something that may work.

“Wanna lose those wrinkles? Wanna have that smooth skin again? Regain your youth?” He clicked on the link and was rapidly taken to a page where things got… clearer.

Troy found an add, about this treatment, an experimental one. The promise? You´ll be young again! The catch, as always with miracle treatments, results may vary. And in some cases, they can even be dangerous. But there was no problem with that.

He hated himself for thinking this but, whatever gets him to his dream life sooner… it´s worth it!

He felt a little bad for introducing the idea to Jeannie. And after a little persuasion, he got her an appointment, and then, the day had come.

Jeannie wasn´t sure, but he said: “don´t do it for me, do it for us!” Wouldn´t she like to be young again? And to make them look more… even as a couple?

The temptation, his approval. She´ll do it. If that means she can make him happy. Besides, if this works, then she´ll be young again. She wouldn´t mind that.

The big day came sooner than he expected. Before he knew it, Jeannie was wearing a robe and heading towards a room where it will all change…

As he watched her leave, he felt bad. Is he really that selfish to convince a woman who cares for him to undergo a treatment where she´ll be one of the first test subjects? Is money that important?

If things go wrong, and she ends up gone, well, he´ll get to keep her stuff. But if things go well… he certainly hasn’t thought of that. What if it works?

He´s seen Jeannie´s old pictures, even her huge self-portrait on the dinning room, she was pretty. And she was hot! If she looked the way she did… he would´ve been all over her, and not for the money.

This was a fifty-fifty situation, but in the end, he was 100-percent sure that whatever happens he´ll like it! Or learn to like it.

After a couple hours, Jeanne came out of the room, sleepy, tired. They did no surgery, but she was placed on this sort of pod where she experimented several different things. First, her mouth went dry, then her body temperature´s rose! Then, she felt cold, and finally, she felt heavy. As if gravity had augmented there, up to three times the normal!

She was exhausted, they explained they´ll use these rays, and that the procedure would be long. Four hours was VERY long. But it could´ve been worse.

When he first saw her, he wondered, does she look different?

The doctor explained that the treatment will take another couple hours to show its real effects. So far, he can see her skin looks kind of… different. But she still looks sixty so…

Troy decided to give it some time, so he drove her to their place. He loved to consider her mansion as theirs. But she said it, she´s said he´s always there. That he´s kind, attentive, a gentleman.

It made him feel bad. If only she knew… but he´ll take care of her. And in the morning, well, he´ll see.

“Oh, Troy, that was AWFUL!” Jeannie said, as he walked her in, holding her by the arm.

“It was?” Now he feels terrible. But he won´t be the guilty one if something happens. He just said it MAY be a good idea. And then she signed a bunch of papers at the clinic so… his hands will be clean.

“Yes. The only thing that kept me going was… you.” He now had a knot on his throat. “I told myself, Jeannie, as long as you can make that man happy, you can do it…” She was doing it for him and… he was doing it for him too.

Was he a jerk? A selfish ass? Maybe the answer is… he is. But if this thing works, which he´s not so sure, then he´ll be doing BOTH a favor.

The next morning, things were… different.

Troy was used to sleeping in late. He laid next to her, to keep her company, as she talked about all of the things they´ll do once she recovers and this works.

She seemed so happy, so full of hope. And him, well… maybe he didn´t deserve it. She was so sweet, so pure. He felt remorse.

When he woke up, Jeannie, who used to wake up by 5:30 am, was still in bed. Right now, it was around 10:00 am, she was oversleeping and, well, he used to wake up by noon so… let´s just say that the guilt was keeping him awake.

He needed to check on her. Was she fine? And the answer was… yes. But there was also something else…

He ran his hand through her hair, her longer hair? And it felt so smooth, so vibrant. And the color… was it blonde? Troy swallowed, was that… Jeannie?

He needed to get a closer look of her, so he approached, he stood on his knees over the king-sized mattress and looked at her, when he met her face, he was in shock!

“No way…” Her golden hairs were falling on her angelical face. She was… young! She was pretty! It worked! It worked!

No signs of aging on her face. Only the smooth and… freckled? Skin of a younger face. The treatment was no lie, Jeannie was young again!

Troy was amazed, it worked! The treatment had worked! Now Jeannie was young again. And she certainly looks pretty.

A smooth face, no bags under her eyes, lips that looked… kissable. No wrinkles anywhere, now, Troy was before a much younger woman, even if she was still the same woman he met before. But that was on the inside.

While he was looking at her face in disbelief, and also looking at what he could see of her bare shoulder, Jeannie slowly began to wake up…

The first thing she spotted was a handsome man looming above her.

“Good morning, dear…” she said, a little asleep, but still, she could tell her voice sounded different.

And it did! Much softer, younger. Troy wanted to see what else had happened to her. What about… her body?

“Oh my… it worked! Troy, it worked!!!” Jeannie said, looking at her body in the full-body mirror they had at her room.

“It did…” Replied Troy, looking at her sensuous figure. She was young again, and her body certainly resembled it.

Her waist was slim, her hips had some curves on them, and her breasts, firm, round. Maybe they were a bit smaller due to the loss of weight, but not something he´d mind. They were certainly still D-cups.

But that doesn´t matter, what matters is… Troy likes this new Jeannie, well, maybe the old Jeannie? The original? The younger… it´s hard to describe her current shape, but certainly, the word sexy comes to his mind.

“Troy…” Jeannie said, holding small tears on her eyes as she placed her hand on his cheek. “It worked, look, I´m young again, I… we did it!” Now, she no longer looks like an older woman with a handsome young man for a boyfriend, now, they are closer in age, at least they look like that.

At the clinic, they asked her what age would she want. What´s the number she wanted to go for? Get a few years younger or… maybe more? Her answer was, 30, Jeannie wanted to look 30, why? Well, it would be odd to look younger than Troy, right?

That way, people will still tell she´s just a liiiiittle older. But not too old. Old enough to still look like the elder one in the relationship, even if she doesn´t look elder, at all.

“Wow… check my butt, Troy, it´s so… firm.” Troy nodded, looking at her firm, round butt. It was certainly something.

Looking as she did when she was thirty gave her hips a bit wider, and a firm, round butt. Still, compared to her “normal” self, her butt was firm, trimmed, all of her body was… fit? Hot was the word he had in mind.

“I can´t believe this! Look, I´m so thin, haha. Well… I´m gonna need new clothes, right?” she turned at him, with a sexy idea in mind, “Why don´t we go and get some clothes, that way, you´ll be able to tell how much hotter this body of mine is while I try them on…” That was a good idea.

He can tell that the pajamas she´s wearing are a bit baggy. And that her new body needs clothes a bit more… tight. Some clothes that wrap her body as they should. That accentuate her curves, define her waist, make her look as sexy as she is.

Before they left, Troy went out for a run, in the meantime, Jeannie was at the bathroom, looking at her new self. Scrutinizing her naked body in front of the mirror.

“Troy will certainly love this…” she said, looking at her firm butt, her toned thighs, her sexy silhouette.

All of her was… sexy! She was soooo happy. She was young again, no need for creams, no need for pills, her body was young, strong, hot!

Still, there´s a few things she should be aware of. Like, for starters, she´s now 5´7”. She can´t tell because of how fixed she is into her glowing skin, or her long hair. But she´s an inch taller.

Which shouldn´t be much of a difference. Perhaps, her spine just decompressed. Maybe she lost an inch with age, and now she got it back? She certainly won´t check on that. But that´s something we should keep for the record.

At the store, an expensive, luxurious store. She went on and bought a few… a lot of outfits.

When she paid, everyone who knew her, since this was a store she frequently visited, mistook Jeannie for her daughter. She didn´t corrected them, she just smiled.

Life´s good, life´s very good now. She feels like… new! So strong, so vibrant, so… hot!

Has her libido rose? Every time she turned at Troy, the only thing she wanted was to nail him! To grab his firm butt, his pecs, touch his arms. Kiss him DEEPLY, intensely. Make out right there.

She felt hot, she felt… horny. But she wanted this to be special. She wanted him to worship her before getting into real action. And she could tell he will, by the way he was looking at her when she tried on her new clothes. He wants her as bad as she wants him, well, maybe she wants him more.

Troy was allured as she tried on her new clothes. Her new, and tiny, shorts. Displaying her long, smooth legs. Her tops, being there some new type of tops. Crop tops, that showed off her thin waist. Tank tops that made her breasts stick out.

She bought a ton of jeans that were wrapped over her legs like a second skin. Tightly hugging her sexy legs. She also had some yoga pants and some other clothes for some more… athletic activities.

She felt so full of energy! She wanted to go for a run! To exercise. Swim at her pool. Make out with Troy! She was so… energetic!

Jeannie couldn´t wait to use this new body of hers. She felt different, so full of life! Once more, the world was at her feet.

Still, Troy had some thoughts. Yes, the treatment had worked, yes, she´s smokin´ hot. But, the ad also said, more like warned, that there could be some secondary effects… what would they be? And, will they, maybe, get him to keep her money?

That thought was not as present as it used to, still, he still had the idea, or plan, to inherit her wealth. However, he was a bit more allured by her luscious body.

What was in store for Jeannie?


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