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Chapter 46

Colin was sitting at Lillian´s table. Feeling nervous.

In one side, he was sitting, with a hearty breakfast before him, all while looking at Lillian from behind. She was just… so hot!

She was hot, curvaceous, sensuous, all in this big, huge pack! She´s a muse, a muse standing at 8-feet-tall. An amazon, with a luscious, thick body. Her shoulders are wide, carrying an immense rack! And that´s not just it, she´s so proportional!

She´s got this sexy, perfect hourglass figure that, even if thick, it´s so alluring. But what could someone expect? That she was a long, skinny woman? No way, she´s got the curves on all of the right places. And right now, Colin´s looking at her butt.

Her big, sensuous butt, so big, so meaty, so… sexy! Firm, tender, smooth. Filling up her bottoms in the most arousing way. He just woke up from having sex with her, but he can´t wait to be back in bed with that woman! She´s passionate, loving, gentle, and… she´s got HUGE boobs!

The main reason why he´s nervous is not her body. But the fact that he wants to speak up, but he can´t! He wants to say something, but he´s afraid he can come up with something wrong.

What if he says something like, I love you, but she doesn´t love him back? Or, what if she freaks out? What if she just wants him as “that guy she has sex with every now and then”. A very long name, but gives you the perfect picture.

What if she doesn´t want anything to do with him other than casual sex? What if he´s just falling in love while she´s using him? Well, why would she use a guy like him? He´s not a giant like her, his… assets are no match for her colossal size.

Lillian´s big, all over. She´s got large feet, large hands, long legs, she´s so big that, even if HE wore heels, he wouldn´t be shoulder-level. And she´s built as a thick, gorgeous woman. The term big, beautiful woman often comes to his mind as he thinks of her. And that´s right!

She´s a total BBW, she´s tall, thick, and soooo pretty. Like a huge angel. Or, well, who says she´s not an angel? She´s so heavenly, so kind, so attentive. So… ugh! It hurts him to think of her and to know he´s afraid of talking with a woman that sweet. What´s the worst that could happen?

She could look at him, with a big smile on her face, put her warm hand on his cheek and, with a sweet voice, say: “Aww, sweetheart, I don´t feel the same way…” His heart would crack, for sure. She´ll pop up his bubble. Smack him in the face with reality.

He´ll fall down, at the floor, where there´s no love. Where he´s alone. Where it´s cold. All while looking up at a giantess, Lillian. A giantess who, while looming as high as the sky, says: “You should´ve seen this coming…” and then, boom, she steps on you.

That´s how he feels. Although, she´s no giant, she´s tall, but not enough to step on him as if he was an ant. At most, she could show him the door, carrying him in her large arms.

While he tries to find some courage to speak, Lillian goes on. She´s doing the dishes.

Soaping them while she wonders: “Is he looking at me? Of course he is. Poor Colin, he just can´t help it, can he? Haha, oh well, it´s fine. I give him permission…” She knows he´s under her spell. Her big, sweet spell.

But, just as him, she wonders, will he come back? He already came back once. Will their encounters be more… constant? She needs him to come weekly to try on her milk. But, who can guarantee he´ll come back?

Besides, it´s not just for the milk, she really wants him close. To stay. It´s been so hard for her lately. She´d love it if he stays by choice instead of, well, shrinking and kind of force him to do so.

If he can accept her, on his own, without forcing him on any way. Then she´ll be in the seventh heaven.

“How´s breakfast, dear?” she asked, turning a little at him.

He was overwhelmed, even her voice makes him uneasy. It´s as if she was waiting for him to say something! He has to say it! Maybe it´s like one of those “now or never” times. He either says it, or regrets it for eternity.

But really, what can he lose? Worst case scenario… there´s no love, but maybe there can still be sex?

“It´s… perfect. Really… tasty.” Tasty like you, he would´ve said.

“I´m glad. You know, it´s nice to cook for someone else every once in a while…” Now! He screamed, say it!

She was either showing signs of vulnerability or waiting for a response from him. For him to confess his love. Or maybe not love as it is, but to say he´ll stay.

She would´ve said something herself, but she doesn´t want to push him. Let him decide, that´s what she thinks.

“Lillian… I…” he was about to say it! Well, who says he should declare his love, maybe he can work on the long term? “I was thinking… if… if you don´t mind, maybe… I could, you know, we could… uhm…” he was looking at the table, too shy, but he knew he had to look at her. In the eyes.

Show some confidence, speak up! Show some determination. “I was wondering…” Her eyes, her big, bright eyes, they were melting his heart, and his mind! She was so… overwhelming. She made him feel so shy!

Was it her size? Or maybe the fact that she´s more mature is making him feel clumsy? Perhaps, it could be her beauty? Or maybe her boobs, in the tight top, alluring him. Whatever it is, she´s making it hard for him to speak.

And it´s not really her fault, she´s just… too much at the time.

“Yes?” She said, noticing he was struggling to speak, “What´s on your mind, dear?” So sweet! She´s too good to be true!

“Well, I… I really enjoy, you know, our time together…” he looked down at the table again, and then back at her, but not for more than just a moment. What´s with her! Why is it so hard for him to speak? “And… I, well, if you like I would… like to invite you to…” Lillian gave one step forward.

With a towel in her hands, putting full attention to his words, she was looking down at him. And, that step she gave, was making her enormous breasts jiggle a bit. Everything was making it hard for him to speak, he felt as if he was on an auditorium, full of people. All eyes on him.

However, the only eyes on him were Lillian´s. And that was more than enough to make him tremble to the core…

Lillian felt so tender. Looking at colin, while he struggled. The fact that he was so shy, that he couldn’t find the words. It was so sweet for her. He´s putting so much effort into it, and that needs quite some effort.

She knows she´s big, intimidating. People look at her with amazement, with respect. She went from an imposing 6´6” woman to a staggering 8´ tall woman. She doesn´t blame him for struggling, she finds it cute.

“Aww, poor thing, he can´t really say it…” she thought, waiting for the right time to speak.

She also needed to be sure what he wanted to say. She´d be embarrassed if he´s not really saying what she thinks he is. But, by the way his face just crimsoned, and the fact that, during the last five minutes, he´s been trying to say something so simple, she knows what he wants to say.

“And… well, maybe you´re busy… but… if, well…” Why was it so hard to ask her out? One more minute and he´ll cry, for real. He´s so overwhelmed, and he feels so lame for not being capable of saying: “Would you like to go out with me?”

“Colin, honey, it´s ok, I know what you want to say…” Poor guy, he was so distressed.

“You… do?” Well, he gave like twenty hints about where he was going with all that. It was obvious, at least for her.

“Yes. I do. And my answer´s yes. I think we should go out.” She got it, nice.

“You do!” He almost jumped out of pure excitement.

“Yes, and there´s no need to be shy, I won´t bite, sweetheart.” She winked, making his member twitch beneath the table. “We´ve met here, and maybe we started the other way but, I think it´s not a bad idea if we go out, you know, like a date.” His heart stopped.

Did she say date? A DATE! She was willing, she, Lillian, a gorgeous amazon, was willing to go out on a date with him? A mere mortal? He´s nobody next to her. In fact, there´s a huge chance anyone can miss him if he´s next to her. As if he was invisible.

But that doesn´t matter. Lillian agreed, without him, well, actually saying it, to go out on a date with him. With HIM! He´s not, well, his age, or as tall as she is but… he´s a gentleman, right?

Most women want an older man, because they are wise, chivalrous, or they have the money. And, most women will go for a man who´s taller. With a woman as tall as Lillian, there´s a one-in-a-million chance she finds a man who´s taller.

He feels lucky she agreed. She could´ve laughed, right on his face. Cracking up while she says something like, she´s too big, or too much woman for him, anything that reflects the size difference between him and her. But she didn´t.

Once more, she proved she´s a sweet, kind, and even generous woman.

“So… where are we going?” She said, breaking the sweet silence.

“Oh, right! The… the place… uhm… where… where would you like to go?” He feels she´s got a different taste on places she´d like to be.

Maybe, because she´s older, she´ll go for more sophisticated places. Like the opera, a museum. Or, based on her size, well, she could pick places like, a buffet… but that´s misjudging her based on her size.

“What about…” she said, tipping her chin with her long finger, “Oh, I know! There´s a nice restaurant downtown. It´s a really nice, Italian restaurant. Would you like that?” Would he?

“Yes.” There´s no need to hesitate. She picked the place, and he was fine with it.

“All right! How about… this next Saturday? I can pick you up, don´t worry. I… I think we´ll fit better in my car.” She had her reasons, for starters, she had a HUGE car. One where she now struggled a little to fit in.

“Oh… ok, sure.” He doesn´t have a car, but there´s no need for her to know that. If she wants to drive, he´ll allow her.

He did it! He had a date with the amazon woman! YES! However, he can´t help but to think, was it him who did it? Or… maybe it was her who asked him out? Well, she certainly accepted to go out with him, on a date he suggested.

He needs to work on that. She may grow tired of a man who doesn´t really have the guts to speak. He´ll work on that. There´s still time before the date.

Colin was so happy! Still, there´s a few things he couldn´t help but to notice. Next to Lillian, it´s hard to tell. She´s so tall. But, next to other people… is it him or… do people look taller?

He went from 6´2” to 5´11”, but he doesn´t know that. He lost three inches in height, without realizing it.

His clothes are starting to feel off. But he just thinks he´s loosing weight because of the exercise. He´s starting to notice the changes on him. But he´s not paying too much attention.

His mind is focused on one thing, his date, with Lillian. This Saturday. He´s looking forward to his date with the sexy amazon.

Colin wonders a couple things. What to wear? And now that he was on that topic, what will she wear? How fancy is that restaurant?

He had her number now, yes, after the sex, after the breakfast, she finally gave him her number. He got the name of the restaurant, then, he searched for it. The place was nice, and not so expensive.

The food looks great! The place looks nice! The question is… what will be for dessert? Could it be something as sweet as he thinks?

Saturday came, but not as soon as he would´ve wanted. He wore his best outfit. But the shoes felt odd. Maybe… bigger? He can´t tell, it´s been a while since he last wore them. And his shirt felt slightly loose, but that doesn´t matter. He´s properly dressed for their date.

Colin´s waiting for Lillian to come, waiting for her car to show up and pick him up.

“What time is it?” He asked, pulling his phone out of his pocket and checking on it. He wondered if he was ready too early.

Lillian told him she´ll pick him up at 7:00 pm, and asked him for his address. And now, there he was, at 6:50, waiting outside his apartment. Watching the cars pass by, wondering, which will be Lillian´s?

He waited, a little over excited. He was worried he´ll start to sweat out of excitement and that she´ll come and find him wearing a shirt full of sweat under the armpits. He took a deep breath and cooled down.

Moments later, she arrived. He recognized the car because it was HUGE! The biggest pick-up truck he´s seen. He approached, and he could barely look up by the window.

Soon, the door´s glass went down, revealing Lillian, but not just Lillian, an even hotter Lillian.

“Hi there… ready for our date?” She was soooo pretty!

He´s always met him at her place, with a casual, comfy look. But today, today she was wearing make-up. And it wasn´t too much make-up, but that slight touch made her sooooo sexy.

Slightly blushed cheeks, a red, sexy lipstick. Her hair, long, straight, glossy. And her eyelashes, oh, she was a total bombshell!

“Come on in! I have a nice reservation…” He hopped into the car, just to find out what she was wearing beneath.

At first, he could only see her face, but now, he has a better look of her body. She´s wearing this strapless dress. Looking sexy, gorgeous. And her boobs, oh, her boobs fill the top to the very brim!

Her boobs look gargantuan on that dress, and the waist´s tight enough to accentuate her massive rack. The dress is red, matching her red lipstick.

Colin wonders, how will she look while standing? If she´s right there, sitting on the driver´s seat, with the steering wheel, which is almost pinned to her breasts, this is definitely obstructing the full picture of her body.

“Ready?” She asked, while he was ogling at her massive rack.

“S-sure! Let´s go…” She smiled, instead of getting mad because he was staring at her boobs. That´s nice… but that doesn´t mean he´s not a perv. Still… let´s go!

Colin was excited. And nervous. Was he really on a date with this lovely woman?

He couldn´t help but to glance at her body every now and then. She was radiant! Although, he wasn´t sure if her beauty made her nervous or… was it her body?

He wasn´t over with the size difference on them. She´s by far the tallest woman this city has seen! Maybe even the whole country! He´s not sure what word fits better. Gigantic? Big? Enormous? Well, maybe that sounds more as if he was calling her fat… but that´s not his intention.

She´s a beauty. A full-figured, thick, sensuous beauty of a mature woman. And… he´s mesmerized by the size of something else… her rack!

Her boobs bounce over the uneasy parts of the road. Jolting when she stops before the red light. He wonders, is there a chance those boobs escape that dress? They are so big, and the top´s so small. They could break out of that dress in any minute!

“Ok, here we are…” she said, passing by the nice restaurant. The outside was gorgeous, a sky full of stars over the elegant facade of the building. A two-story restaurant. He wonders, does he have enough money?

The price seems fair, but… his companion´s… big. She won´t be satisfied with a tiny plate, that´s for sure.

“Let´s find a spot to leave the car and then, let´s enjoy ourselves… I mean dinner, hehe.” That could´ve been misunderstood, she knows he´s hot, she was dressed to impress. And her body, well, she´s got the curves that can allure any man, and her size makes it really hard not to notice her.

However, that doesn´t mean there won´t be any “dessert” after dinner…

They parked, and Colin took the chance to hop off the car while she turned off the engine. Rushed to the other side and opened the door for her.

“Oh, what a gentleman, thank you dear…” Lillian said from above while he held the door for her.

“My pleasure… madame…” Yes! See? He knows how to be chivalrous.

But Colin wasn´t prepared for the next part. When she got down, he realized one thing… she was wearing heels.

He could see her big, feminine foot taking a step out of the vehicle. Her manicured, painted nails. But that was not the biggest deal, the problem was that, once her foot reached the floor, he could tell, by the position of her heel, that, beneath her foot, there´s a particular type of shoe women wear. Heels.

Colin swallowed while he wondered, is she wearing heels? Why would she need heels, she´s huge! He looked up at her, her smile, brighter than the stars, he couldn’t blame her, who would wear such a nice dress and not compliment it with heels?

The problem was… Lillian´s heels were not just any heels. She knew she was tall, so she didn´t wore exaggeratedly tall heels, however, due to her size, she needs bigger heels so that they show up. Right now, she´s on a pair of six-inch heels. Making her a big, sexy 8´6” amazon.

Lillian´s a colossus! Her head´s miles away from him. Her boobs are… taller than him? Well, the cusp of her breasts is at 6´, and he´s standing about that height with his shoes. He´s mesmerized by the fact that his chest´s leveled with her hips. He can´t help but to feel a little… intimidated.

“Would you like to hold hand?” Lillian said, placing her hand right before him. He seemed unsettled, was he ok?

“S-sure!” She was such a great woman. Holding hands with her… were his hands sweating?

Colin was worried. They haven´t even entered the place and he´s so nervous. He wonders, how will things be inside? How will this date go?


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