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Well, it´s the end for this short-term story. 

I hope you´ve liked it and that you like the end I gave it. But don´t worry, the end of a short term´s only the beginnig for a new one.

I´ll start working on the next short term shortly! Well, right after I announce the winner for our last poll...

Chapter 9

Carol carried Jason downstairs, to give him a proper explanation.

He felt so awkward, being carried by this other gigantic woman. Her strong arms, her firm hold. She was bigger, stronger, in control.

He knew better not to try to argue, knowing how his faith would´ve been with Irene. Perhaps, her sister can be the same way, although, bigger!

Carol´s 6´ tall, from his point of view, she seems a whole foot taller than Irene. She´s obviously the tall sister. And, some other difference on their bodies are, well, the curves.

Carol´s hot. VERY HOT. But in a different way from Irene. Carol´s a thick giant, a bit thicker than Irene. However, the bosom´s a bit smaller. Probably because Irene´s breasts are always full of milk. However, Carol´s bottom heavy.

She´s got this big, round, phat ass swaying behind her. Moving to the sides with the power of her sensuous and fleshy hips. She´s also younger-looking, blonde hair, and, well, she´s got the same aura Irene had when they first met.

Kind, attentive, nice. But… will she come to be the same way as Irene? Nice and then, boom! She turns into this dominant woman who´ll tear him apart?

“Listen, Jason, I… I know Irene´s not the best when it comes to explaining herself…” Carol stared, putting Jason over a counter, so that they could be “even”. Still, the top of his head only came as far as her collar bone. She seemed titanic! And hot!

He knows he has to listen, but she´s so… smooth. Her curves look so soft, thick, sensuous. But he has to keep it together. At least until she´s done talking.

“She… before she brought you here, she told me all about you. That you were just the perfect man. A man who´ll love this new life with her.” Irene did share that with her.

“Wait! You… you knew and you didn´t stop her? I… why? She´s just… a sadistic bitch!” His ass is still a bit sore from the other day, not to mention the utter fear he feels when Irene stops smiling and frowns at him.

“Oh, no, you didn´t…” then, Carol reached for his ear and started pulling, “you´re not allowed to talk about her in that way. She´s MY sister. Where are your manners, mister?” He complaint, even tried to push her hand away, but it was useless.

She was far too big and too strong, he stood there just begging for her to let go of his ear.

“Ouch!” he said, once she removed her big, thick fingers, his ear was red. “Why do you always have to hurt me… it´s not fair…” this was humiliating, hurtful, and as he said, unfair.

“Sorry, but I will not tolerate any type of disrespect from you. Doesn´t matter to whom, you must be respectful. After all, my sister´s taking care of you.” Carol declared.

“Taking care? You mean, she trapped me and forces me to live here while she just keeps me alive?” He felt more like a prisoner than taken care of.

“She… Irene… listen, if you´re as disrespectful as you currently are, then you will be having it hard. She´s not mean, you just have to give her a chance. From all men she´s being with, you seem to be the “one”, the right man.” Right man?

“Irene told me you didn´t quite liked your life. That you had this small apartment, a deadbeat job, nothing in mind for the future. If you ask me, I´d say you need someone to give you some guidance, or, in other words, to take care of you.” Carol explained.

“What? Well… that didn´t gave her the right to imprison me!” He complaint.

“Tell me, has she ever treated you like a prisoner? Put you behind a cage? Make you starve? No, she´s been keeping you here, taking care of you. She just wants someone to love, don´t you feel she deserves some love?”

Her words may be true. Irene was a sweet woman. Kind, attentive, nice. But she hasn´t been that way, at least not for a while.

“Well… she´s… she´s been taking care, yes… but she hurts me! She… she… the other day she just… spanked me!” That was also true.

“I know, I know. She told me all about it. But she didn´t liked it. Every slap teared her heart a little. I know she regrets doing that, but you left her no choice. She´s sweet, but… she´s never really been one to express her feelings in the right way… at least not always…”

It seems Irene´s nice, at least that´s what her sister assures. Jason listened to her words. It seems she was right. And Carol had proof.

Carol showed him all the messages from Irene. How she was so happy to have met him. How she was so excited. All of her future plans with him. All the love, the affection.

All those years in despair, and now, she finally had found the man she was looking for. A man in the need of a big woman to look after him. To guide him, love him, protect him.

Sometimes it´s hard. But that doesn´t mean she loves him any less. Her wish, Irene´s only wish is for him to accept her.

“She… she really cares about what I think?” He asked.

“She does. She even told me to be EXTRA careful with you. Even to cuddle you if you missed her… however, she also gave me permission to use some force if you were… naughty.” And that´s why she pulled his ear.

“Oh…” So, it seems Irene has feelings. And for what Carol said, he´s not just one of many. He´s the one.

Jason seems to be that special man Irene´s been looking for. That´s why she went all the way to his home town to pick him up. To transport him into his new life, with her.

“Listen, she´s not asking for anything. I know her, she´ll love to give more than to take. But… sometimes she just tries to rush things. She gets all excited and… well, she gives the next step, but if the other person doesn´t, well, she may get upset.” May?

For Jason, it seems that, whenever he doesn´t do what she wants, he´ll get punished. But, Carol says Irene´s just doing that because she´s… insecure? That if he just accepted it this could be better for both? That if he keeps her happy, then his life can be better?

“But, why does she keep me here? Hmm? Why didn’t she take me with her or… or just let me out? I´ve been trapped here for weeks!”

“She´s afraid you´ll try to run away. By now, she´s sure no one will take care of you the way she does. She only trusted ME to come here, and believe me, she had her doubts.”

“Well,” he started, “the fact that I´m confined to this house doesn´t make me so sure. I feel more restriction than love, you know…” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at her.

“Well, if SOMEONE proved he deserves to be trusted, she would allow you to do more things, give you more freedom, as you say.”

“I doubt it.”

“Yeah? You´re not sure? Look, my sister´s a lovely person. But she can´t be all love and kisses unless you prove she can. For her to be the real sweet person I know she is, you must prove to her that she can trust you. That´s it.”

“That´s it? Are you sure?” He can´t believe her words.

“Yes. As soon as you show her you like your new life, she´ll chance. I can guarantee that.”

Just like that? He can´t trust her.

Carol´s telling him that, if he shows Irene he accepts this new life she offers, one that she´s, more like offering, but trying to impose him to. She´ll change? She´ll stop being so authoritative? So hard? That she´ll soften up into a woman who only gives love and affection?

“I don´t believe you.” He said.

“Have you tried? There must be times when you show her she can believe you. And, at those times when she can see you´re starting to like it, she may be sweeter.” Well, she´s got a point.

It is at times when he “disobeys” her that she turns mean.

“So I´ll have to give up! Give up my life, my job, give up everything just to be here and… play her game?” That doesn´t sound reasonable.

“Game?” Carol asked, just before she started explaining. “This is no game, this is a new life she´s offering you. Besides, job? Life? Honey, for what she told me, you hated your job, and your life was kind of… lame. You were all heart broken when she found you. Tell me, didn´t she made you feel any better?” Well, as a matter of fact, she did help him.

“Didn´t she show support?” She did.

“She cared, she genuinely cares, you only have to let her take care of you.” So, she took him out of that life he hated to bring him into one he´ll like?

Carol´s next words really got him thinking: “She´s doing this for you, not for her…” really?

Irene´s been doing all these just for him? Not for her own, selfish, reasons, but for him?

Irene really cared for Jason. He´s his number one priority. The thing is, he can´t see that because he´s fixed on hating every minute of it. Looking for a way to escape.

He´s looking for reasons why to hate this, ways to escape. He has never stopped and really thought if this could be a new life. If he´d like it.

Irene´s a hot giantess. And her breasts are so enormous. So hot, so big, heavy, round. Perfect! The problem is, he´s too concerned to really like this.

He believes she seduced him to entrap him at her house and turn him into some sort of slave. But now, Carol comes here and tries to explain she´s doing it all for him?

Showing him, in a bit of a harsh way, that this is the life he wants? That she´s been working hard to make him satisfied?

“I can´t believe you. Tell me, why should I believe in what you say? How can I be sure she didn´t… pay you or did anything so that you could come here and say… say good things about her and try to convince me to surrender?”

Carol frowned a little, placed one hand over her fleshy hip and said: “Really? Surrender? Honey, pay attention, she´s like six times your size, if she wanted you to “surrender” she would´ve used more force than this. She doesn´t want you to surrender, she wants you to see, for yourself, that this is the right thing. Yes, sometimes she has to use some harder ways to guide you, but that doesn’t mean she doesn´t care. She loves you, Jason. You should try to see that for yourself.”

Strong words coming from the gigantic woman.

Was it true? It seems HE is the problem. As if Irene was trying to help him but he refused to see she´s trying to do the right thing. Is Carol telling the truth? Or is she just trying to convince him?

“What guarantees you´re telling the truth?” He was skeptical. “Who can assure me that what you say is real?”

“Well, if you tried to talk to her more, and not just argue with her, you´ll see she´s a reasonable person. AND, that I´m not lying. But, if you really want an answer, only you can tell if that´s the truth. After all, aside of Irene, I´m the only other person you have talked with in a while, right?” Clever words from the giantess.

Jason doubted, what if he was the problem? But there´s no way, right?

That must be wrong. Carol is surely there to confuse him. To mess with his mind. Make him doubt of himself.

Could this be a strategy of Irene to try and persuade him? Bring Carol here and have her talk only good things about her?

As he stood before the enormous woman, Jason wasn´t sure if she was good to be trusted. Maybe this was a plan of both sisters to trap men, one after the other, for a purpose he´s still unsure about.

He´s full of doubts, more now than when he woke up. There´s only one way to find out if Carol´s telling the truth.

Over the next, well day, Carol showed no signs of being like Irene. Not a dommy-mommy. She was just… Carol.

She didn´t force him to anything, not even to try and convince him to trust Irene. She stayed there, actually taking care of him. Making sure he didn´t struggle at all and that his every need was taken care for.

But then, at night…

“What?! No way, we´re not sharing the bed!” Jason exclaimed.

“Listen, Irene told me you can´t sleep alone. I don´t care if that´s true or she´s just exaggerating things, but, for her sake, you and I will share the bed for tonight.” Even Carol knows some of Irene´s requests are unnecessary, but, her house her rules.

“No, no way, nah ah, don´t even…” whether he wanted or not, it was going to happen. And it DID happen.

Jason found himself in bed, next to a big, and barely covered Carol.

Pajamas? Well, she was wearing a semi-transparent night gown, a very sexy night gown by the way. Her long, thick legs were at full display, he could see her underwear beneath the light, transparent fabric of the clothes. Her big boobs, her thin waist. Her wide, plump hips.

She was big, fleshy, and sooooo hot. He got hard as soon as she entered the room.

“Don´t get any ideas, I only wear this because I get hot at nights. Now close your eyes and get to sleep, my sister´s coming tomorrow, very early in the morning. You should try to get some sleep while you can.” Well, she was party pooper, but her body. So big, so sexy… he won´t get un-hard.

During the night, Jason had a dream. A dream of him, actually enjoying his life with Irene. She was smiling, he was smiling. All while she surrounded him with her love, her love and her big, soft arms.

He was sitting on her big, soft lap while she poured all of her love on him. That was a nice picture. He got a nice, warm feeling in his chest. Could that be the future Carol was talking about?

Maybe she put this image in his mind, but the truth is, it wouldn´t be so bad.

Allowing Irene to take full control of his life? Well, she´s already taking care of that, but what if he decided to give in? What if he really enjoys it? Looks for a way to make this work.

Could it really be that he´s too blind to see what Irene´s trying to do? What if she´s showing him what he really wants? What if, deep down, he really wants this but he´s too afraid to give the next step?

When he woke up, he was pinned, to a HUGE rack. His face was buried in Carol´s massive tits. The scent of her skin filling his nostrils. She smelled nice, sweet, like clean clothes and… cinnamon?

She reached for him in her sleep and hugger him tight. Well, he can´t say that having massive tits on his face is something he dislikes.

After a while, Irene was home.

“Hello? Carol? I´m home…” Shortly, both Carol and Jason arrived to the main door to receive Irene.

“Aww, honey, I missed you so much! Come here… come to momma…” Was this really what he wants? To be cuddled, loved by a woman who wants to… roleplay for the rest of their time?

He wasn´t thinking if he wanted to escape, or wondering how far he´ll make it once he ran out of the open door before both giantesses seized him. Right now, he wondered, what if… what if he wanted to make this work?

He could really live without a care in the world. He´d only have to leave it all to Irene, and she´ll take care of fixing everything. Satisfy his needs, provide for him. She´ll take care of every single thing. And all he has to do, is say it.

Maybe this was hard. For him, for his pride. Hard to give up and just… give into her. Maybe, what Carol said was true, maybe Irene was just waiting for the right time to show her true self. And, maybe, just maybe, Irene´s true self was a sweet, tender woman. A woman he can truly love, and not fear.

A woman he´ll embrace, and not try to run away from. A woman he can love. One who irradiates love, protection, shelter.

Jason gave up, he just left it all aside and rushed to Irene. Then, he hugged her.

When she hugged him back, he could feel it, aside of her huge hand on his back, aside of her huge body on his front. He could feel something else. Love.

A sweet, warm hug. Genuine care, genuine longing for. As if she had been waiting for a moment like this to happen. Her desires, all coming true as he, with a simple hug, proves her he accepts her.

“I… I miss you…” he said it, feeling that the words felt correct as they came out of his mouth. Maybe he was just acting, pretending, or, maybe, he just decided to give up and see what happens…

“I missed you too… but don´t worry, mommy´s here…” And she is, the sweet, caring being she had always wanted to be.

From now on, things could really change, she could really show him how lovely and sweet she can really be. To become an image of protection, of true care.

No need to be mean, to get mad, to forbid things. She can become a huge, loving mommy…


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