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Chapter 10

The Five days were torture for him. Trevor tried texting them, but their replies were short. They were kind, caring, but not much of a conversation. He called, but they seemed to be busy most of the time.

He even wondered, were they avoiding him? Have they gotten bored of him? Without them, he´s got nothing much to do but to go to work and wander around the city doing some random shopping. Mostly for groceries, gas, and a few other stuff.

Meanwhile, each of the ladies had their own things to worry about. Their growth…

Starting on Monday, both Pam and Kelsey were very busy with their new growing plans. Each was heading towards the right direction with their plans, however, they needed to make sure they got the best results.

Pam´s plan was, well, easier. What´s hard about eating large amounts of food when you have a body that can certainly take them? If she wasn´t on the treatment, she would surely gain the most weight on her belly.

Growing a bigger, rounder, softer gut. A paunch that would only get bigger and bigger, hanging lower and lower. All because of the lack of physical activity. Maybe even grow a double chin. However, that´s not what will happen.

She´s on a treatment that guarantees her body will grow proportionally, all of the weight gained will inevitably sculpt a sensuous figure. And with all the food she´s putting in, her figure will surely be on the thicker side. Right now, she´s thick, but she´s soon to become a tall, sexy BBW.

Besides, there´s also the fact that, unlike most people who gain weight, Pam´s growing taller. And taller as her curves grow curvier. Her legs thicken as they get longer. Her shoulders widen as her breasts grow heavier.

Right now, Pam stands at 5´10”, weighting 175-pounds. That´s right, she added a pound to her figure since she went to the clinic. But one pound is not enough. Besides, she needs to be sure that that pound is not just fat.

She´ll change her diet. But, what´s a diet? A diet doesn´t necessarily mean she will eat less and forbid certain types of food. Those are weight-loss diets. Pam´s working on a… different type of diet.

Her plan was to gain weight, to grow thicker, softer, and more sensuous. But, after seeing she´s getting a bit… chunky, compared to Kelsey´s slim, yet sexy, frame, she decided to change her diet.

A diet is what a person usually eats, and she´s been eating a lot of pastry, sugar, meat, pasta, and lots more of food that´s intended to gain weight. Now, it´s time to work on that.

Her plan is not to let out those foods she´s been having, no, her goal is to integrate more nutritious food to her diet. Greens, fruits, drink more water, more vitamins, more minerals. She´ll go for a more balanced diet.

It´s been said that a certain type of food is good for a certain part of the body. Like they say, an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. Now, Pam´s growing body, as the body of any other person undergoing the treatment, is capable of using all of the vitamins, protein, carbs, everything in the food she eats. Having the most benefits it offers.

Now, what is her plan? Certainly not loosing weight, but to make sure her body´s full of all the nutrients it needs. Why? Because Pam wants to grow a big, thick, and healthy body. A soft one, but still firm enough to have some sensuous curves, and not just big bulges of flesh. She wants to be a sexy big lady. With curves that allure Trevor.

And she´s certainly working on it, after she ate half-a-dozen of pancakes for breakfast, she made sure to have a red juice, full of antioxidants, to provide her body with vitality.

She´s going to stick to it, be consistent. Just as Kelsey will with her own plans.

Kelsey hasn´t been so focused on the diet part, but for this next stage of her growth, she must!

But first things first, she needs to find a gym. And that was, actually easy. She found one close by to her apartment. With all the equipment she may need. And, of course, trainers to help her.

She´s not so sure about it, but the results she got at her own place were nice. And fast. She struggled a bit the first day, but soon, things became much easier.

Working out at home, she went from ten push-ups in a row to thirty; from fifteen squats to fifty; and from almost five abs to twenty. She made various sets of them, and as time went on, she added more and more sets. Which also consumed more of her time, but that´s fine.

Growing needs time. And dedication. Consistency and a strong will. But it also needs some other things, such as diet, discipline and a schedule.

She was free as soon as she was done at work. Which is by 5:00 pm. After that, she has the whole evening to work out. She even started running in the mornings, not too much, only about twenty minutes.

But all that had impressive results on her. She had this lean, toned body. With thick legs and a tight butt, but that´s the problem, she needs more size, not just height.

Kelsey was sure on one thing, the more she works out, the more calories she burns, and she´s not sure on how to diet. Her thoughts are, if she´s hungry, then she eats, right? Well, when working out, that´s not precisely like that.

She needs to know how many calories she needs to grow some muscles. In the end, the treatment will make sure she keeps getting taller, but if she doesn´t get thicker, then she´ll be only a fit stick. And she doesn´t want that, she needs to allure Trevor with her curves, not narrow them.

So, what´s Kelsey´s plan? Easy, get fit. But what type of fit? Since Pam´s been filling out, noticeably, she needs to do the same. She made some research online, in order to get bigger muscles, you have to do one thing, and that´s caller “BULK”. You need to consume a lot more calories, and then, you´ll be able to grow more muscle mass.

Of course, that also implies that Kelsey will gain fat. But that would be if she was an average woman, and thanks to the treatment, she´s not. It would be as if her body could use all the nutrients, the protein, and the fat she consumes in a proper way. Not just store fat, but to burn it before she burns down something else.

Therefore, she doesn´t have to worry about her waist, but for the muscle she´s growing.

Both girls had to focus on their own things. Kelsey had to focus on her routines and the parts of the body that she worked on, plus, she needed to get lots of supplements. Lucky for her, she doesn´t need to worry about the ones to burn fat, or the pre-workout, the post-workout. She only needs protein.

She added a lot new things to her diet. A diet that was given to her at the gym. She now finds herself eating a lot of animal-based foods. Such as eggs, red meat, white meat, milk, fish. And so on. Her diet was, well, lighter, but now, she needs to bulk.

And just to make things go smoother, more like faster, she started drinking this weight-gain-shake in the morning. Whole milk, peanut butter, banana, yogurt, and last but not least, a scoop of whey protein, strawberry flavor. But she can also switch to chocolate soon.

Her goal now is to grow, it doesn´t really matter if she grows a little tummy, some people at the gym who are bulking, like she intends, have thick waists. All covered in muscle, but a belly seems to be included on the “bulking plan”.

While Kelsey was sweating at the gym and eating a lot more at home, Pam was visiting the store, several times. Turns out, greens and fruits need to be replaced more often than other foods. She can eat more of them without feeling so full, but she compliments that with some pastry.

She´s just wandering the aisles, picking up food to make a balanced diet. Well, a diet intended for a couple, not just her. But she can take it, she´s a walking machine after all. Her main goal is to grow.

As days go on. Each can tell the results. First, their clothes. They are getting tighter, and feeling shorter too. Both are gaining weight quite fast. But not on the same way.

Kelsey can see some more muscle on her body, she can see some biceps when she curls. And her thighs are swelling as well. Meanwhile, Pam´s getting thicker, but not just on the waist, in fact, her waist seems to remain the same as her hips and thighs are thickening.

But both share a feeling, they not only feel bigger, but stronger. Kelsey´s work out is having some quick effects, and Pam´s new diet is boosting her body as well.

Both are sure on one thing, next time they meet Trevor, he´s going to be speechless!


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