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Chapter 11

Trevor was excited. Today, on Saturday, which was one of his free days. He was sitting at the beach nearby. Waiting for his date. Kelsey.

That´s right, today, after a loooong wait. Which was starting to seem like a torture. And that also intensified when both girls postponed their date for Saturday instead of Friday. Now, Trevor finally had the chance to meet them. Well, at least meet one of them, Kelsey.

He´s so excited! In the messages they send, she said she was eager to show him her new “improvements”. His heart beat faster inside his chest as he tried to picture her. Could this finally be the day when she grows taller than him?!

That thought almost makes his heart break out of his chest. He wanted to know!

Right now, he was waiting by the ocean. Sitting over a towel over the white sand. The sun, shinning in the sky. He was not much of a beach man, but Kelsey… was?

She really wasn´t either, well, not a fan, but she does like the beach. The blue ocean, the sand on her feet. It was an uncommon place to be. And she, sometimes, likes to step out of the routine. She doesn´t love the sun on her face, much less to get sunburned. And the salt, sometimes it´s not such a pleasant place to be. But she wanted to be close to the ocean because… she wanted to show off.

“Oh, Trevor…” She said from behind him, in a melodic way.

Trevor was a bit tired, Kelsey told him their date will be really early in the morning. At 7:00 am. That way, she won´t get sunburned. And, it´s a little punishment for him, making him wake up extra early on his weekend.

Besides, Kelsey was a morning person. More now that she´s working out. She´s actually going for a run in the early morning. At 6:30 am, but today, instead of going for a run, she´s going for a date…

Trevor turned, and he couldn´t believe his eyes. There she was, Kelsey, in all of her glory. Only that today, his view was more GLORIOUS!

She was… hot! He scanned her, from head to toes. And he could really tell there were some changes on her body. In a little less than a week, she´s really changed.

She walked over to him, with a sensuous look, sexy clothes and a bag in hand. Unlike him, who only brought a towel, she was prepared. A nice, big bag, probably full with beach supplies. Sunscreen, an umbrella he didn´t care to bring, and maybe a couple more things…

Kelsey was certainly hot. Her body, with all the exercise, and the new diet, is plumping up. But not in a bulky way, she´s sensuously filling up with some muscle. He´s uncertain about why she´s getting muscular, but he likes it!

Of course, she´s not very muscular, so far, her body´s been toning up some more. Specially on her lower half. Plus, her torso, she looks ripped!

She´s got a four pack on her stomach. Smoothly marked abs that put her, well, above him on the core muscle area. Her waist is slim, her shoulders seem puffy, but her boobs… she´s wearing a bikini top, and her boobs, they are still E cups, but she´s so sensuous…

However, her legs are the ones that are thickening the most. Beneath, she´s wearing this old, denim shorts. Tiny, worn-out shorts that look so tight! Her thighs swell as they seem compressed on her tiny-looking shorts. Her longer legs look so much thicker.

And behind, her butt´s been getting firmer, tighter, juicier. All of the squats, burpees. All of the leg work-out has been thickening her legs noticeably! Now, she´s a leggy, fit, sexy muse. She certainly looks thicker, the change on her diet has had some nice effects on her.

She weighted herself this morning, and she was happy to see a noticeable gain, she´s 162-pounds! 162-pounds of sexy, lean, fleshy woman. She can tell he´s lost in her shape. And she´s SO right. His main question… how tall is she?

Kelsey looks hotter, fit, sexy. And… she also looks taller! Trevor rushed and stood up, wanting to see if she was finally above him. He got up from the towel and walked towards her.

“No way…” he thought as he approached, as he gave one step after the other. Now, he was looking at Kelsey RIGHT in the eye!

She was TALL! Officially as tall as him! As they are both barefoot on the hot sand. Kelsey´s reached the 6´ mark. Making the sexy woman just as tall as him.

Trevor can´t believe it! She´s… she´s tall!

“You… you look…” He was speechless. He couldn´t find the right words.

“Taller?” She can tell he´s excited about this. “Or maybe… hotter? Thicker? Perhaps-“ she made a pause, bent forward and sensuously whispered to his ear, “sexier?” Yes, yes to all!

Trevor just nodded at the hot woman´s words. He can´t believe this sexy lady is Kelsey. She looks so different! And in a matter of a few days?

She knows he can´t process all this change. She loves it! Will that put her one step ahead of Pam? Is Kelsey on the lead?

She certainly knows Pam´s not one to put effort into this. At least not much effort. It seems Pamela likes to be on the comfort zone. She didn´t even complaint when Kelsey wanted to date him in the morning. She literally said: “I´m not a morning person. You can have him on Saturday morning.” Oh, Pam, so naive…

The first step to win yourself, is to wake up early. Now, does that apply when you want to win someone else?

“So… do you like it?” Kelsey asked, looking at him with a sensuous look.

“Huh?” He was ogling at her.

“My body. Do you like these… improvements?” She made a turn so that he could see her greatest asset, her ass!

The front was great, but the back! Oh, her butt´s soooo juicy! So firm, so… tight!

“You know, I think I´ve outgrown these shorts… mind if I take them off?” She teased.

“S-sure! I… no problem.” PLEASE!!! A chance to see even more flesh? She was barely dressed right now! Well, properly dressed for the beach, but on regular standards, she´s dressed to impress.

Pam unbuttoned her shorts and, slowly, removed them. Turning back so that he could glare at her mighty ass as she bents and takes off the “annoying” shorts.

Trevor almost passed out when he watched the smooth, firm skin on her big ass. Her glutes were so hot! So plump, so firm! As she threw the shorts over the towel and got back up, he could see the entirety of her sexy ass.

Her bikini bottoms sinking in the middle of the mighty flesh of her huge ass. He never would´ve thought Kelsey could become a thick beauty. Well, gym thick, but shredder.

Kelsey was still on the way to become a mighty looking, muscular amazon. But so far, she´s done some nice progress. Right now, she had the shape of a woman who´s been working out for, at least, three to four months on a gym.

Everyone at the gym is amazed by her quick progress. And she, well, she´s impressed too. She´s gotten so thick on the legs, she reached the six-foot-mark, and, Trevor´s completely allured! YES!

“Mmmmm, yes, much better…” she said as she stretched. Showing off her thick legs. When she puts some pressure on her legs, when she flexes, he can see some smooth, bulging muscles on her legs. So far, her legs look impressively plump, but they are not exceptionally muscular. But she´ll work on that.

“So… what shall we do?” She said, allowing him to take this decision.

They were at the beach, by the pier. And, over there, there were a few places they could go. For a snack, the movies, even a small arcade. There were a lot of things to do, the question is, what does he want?

But, most importantly, will he let her decide? Will he let Kelsey take the lead?

“I… well… what would you like to do?” Trevor asked, looking at Kelsey as if he wanted her to decide.

Sweet. She thought. It seems that the growth´s been making her more… imposing. Or, maybe it´s the long breach of time between the last time they met and today. Certainly, he feels as if they were sort of setting the rules. As if all could fall down if they are not happy. Well, maybe this has given her a certain authority here. And now…

“How about we go for a swim?” Kelsey said, setting the “rules of the game”. It seems he wants her to take the lead. Or maybe he doesn´t really care what they´ll do. Or, he´s not able to think straight due to her sensuous body. Either way, she wants to swim… for certain reasons.

Kelsey pulled him, she was stronger now, he stumbled a little before he followed her lead into the calm waves of the blue ocean.

He was mesmerized by the way her butt jiggles as she ran into the water. How the shinning light of the sun made her skin incandescent. Her hair, flying in the salty breeze of the ocean. The sound of seagulls…

There were not many people at the beach, at the distance, there was this lady taking the sun. Some other people swimming further away. Right now, they felt as if they were alone in the beach. Kelsey knew it, no one´s come to the beach in quite a while, and there´s still a couple more weeks before this place gets really full.

She took the chance to allure him with her growing body.

He was not the best swimmer, but Kelsey… well, she wasn´t either. But that was before. Right now, she´s as graceful as a mermaid under the water.

Of course, she´s not trying to impress him with her improved swimming skills, she just wants her body to get wet…

As she emerged from under the water, he could see the alluring picture of her face. Her head, throwing back her wet hair, looking so gracious, so sensuous. Like a water muse, a siren; he was lured in her beauty.

But that was just the first part of the show.

Later on, when he was out, she followed him. As he took a sit over the towel, next to her bag, she walked out of the sea. And the view, oh the view, it was glorious!

Once more, she threw her hair back, then to the sides to get rid of all the extra water. The drops shinning under the sun´s beams, and so was her skin. Her wet skin shinned beneath the sun, making her sensuous shape brighter.

Her bikini was soaked, making it stick to her skin like a glove. He could see her erect nipples, and how the bottom sank beneath her thick thighs. Right on her crotch, drawing a sensuous camel toe.

And that was not it, her plump thighs swayed as she made her way to him. Her breasts bounced as she walked over the sand. It was like a runway, she was a model, emerging from the depts of the sea, like a goddess, coming to earth to claim one thing, him…

“I forgot…” she said.

“Wha…?” He was so lost on her sexy, taller, thicker body, he had no idea what she was saying. Forgot? Did she say she forgot something?

“Sunscreen, I need… to take care of my skin…” she was now right in front of him, she bent, with her firm breasts dangling a little before his eyes, he could feel the vapor of the water coming from her hot body, or was it his body? Who was the hot one at the moment? “and, so should you.” She bumped him right on the nose.

Trevor was so careless that he may have also forgotten to bring a change of clothes. There he was, shirtless, wearing completely soaked shorts. Lucky for him, she was prepared, but first… the sunscreen.

Kelsey was laying over the towel, with her face pointing straight at the ocean, chest down. Meanwhile, Trevor was lost on her body. Her curves, her flesh, her perfect skin. She was… gorgeous.

“You can start whenever you want…” She said, making him look down at the sunscreen bottle in his hand.

“Oh, yeah, sure…” he should be paying more attention to what he does instead of leering at her.

He got the sunscreen on his hands and began to rub. Her body feels so different. So fleshy, and yet so firm. Smooth, and thus, he can tell she´s developing some nice muscles beneath that.

To make some small talk, he asked her about her body. What she´s been doing to, well, develop such a gorgeous shape.

The answer was simple. “I got a gym´s membership.” And then, she started talking about how wonderful it was. Well, it was hard work, but she doesn´t mind getting her hands dirty. Much less when he´s the prize. But she didn´t say that. She just told him she´s going to the gym, one-hour a day, five days a week. Well, this is week one, but the results are certainly showing!

Besides, she doesn´t need to live in the gym. The treatment guarantees better, and faster, results. Plus, she´s not the kind of woman who likes to spend most of her free time sweating at the gym.

He rubbed her wider shoulders, her firm back, her long, sensuous legs. And at last, he worked on her soft, big, firm, round butt. Her butt cheeks were like clay in his hands. Firm, and still, they allowed his hands to work on them as he pleased.

He can´t deny one thing. He was hard. His question, was sex also on the plate? Short answer… later.

She invited him for lunch, but before, they had to change. She knew he didn´t had any clothes on him, except for the ones he was wearing, so, she was kind enough to bring some clothes for him. Not much, those were just clothes he´s left in her apartment over the last few months.

“Oh, I forgot I had these shorts.” He laughed, looking at the shorts she pulled from her bag.

“Yeah, I´ve been… keeping them for a while now. I´d say you should give them back… but I don´t think I´ll need them, you see… I find them… tight.” She approached and said these last words in a way his brain almost exploded.

Tight? Those shorts of his are TIGHT on her? Well, he can´t say she was lying. She´s as tall as him, and she´s certainly fleshier on some areas.

The chest and the butt are those, and also the thighs. Kelsey may weight a bit less than him, but their bodies are distributed differently. His shoulders are wider, yes, but her hips are much wider than his.

Kelsey´s carrying a big, sexy ass behind. One that certainly fills his pants, or in this case shorts, much better than his. The mere thought that she´s outgrowing him, if only on the bottom´s department, is so hot!

She invited him over to a restaurant nearby. She could eat, a lot more than before. But she had the right. She was bulking. However, she wasn´t just eating any food she felt like.

Since she was working on getting bigger, and more muscular, she´s been looking for food that has the most protein and the least fat. Keep the carbs on the plate, but also look for more than just empty calories. And, on top of everything, make sure to have a salad on the side.

He wasn´t so hungry, so… she ate, literally, twice he did. He didn´t care, she was a growing woman after all.

Once they were done, by noon. He dropped her off at her place.

“Well, it was a lovely date…” he said, not sure on how to tell her not to leave. Lucky for him, she had some plans in mind.

“Was? Trevor, who said this was over? Come, be my guest…” For real? She was inviting him over to her apartment?! YES!

The reasons were very clear. She´s been teasing him all morning. Sex was clearly the dessert after this date.

He found himself in her bedroom, naked, looking at her sensuous naked body, laying in bed. The fact that she had abs didn´t intimidated him, they were just a proof of the hard work she´s been doing at the gym. Besides, he wouldn´t mind getting laid with a strong woman.

The sex was wild! She´s… much stronger. Her legs wrapped around his waist as they fucked. Her thighs, straining him while he fucked her. Over and over.

The new stamina she´s got is crazy! At a point, she even rolled him over and got on top! For a moment, she took control. And it felt amazing!

Amazing for her and also for him. She had the chance to see, in his eyes, that he liked it when a woman takes the lead. Or maybe he´s so lost in her new body that he doesn´t really care and, the more intense this gets, the better?

Who knows, he came hard, and so did she. Both reached the perfect climax. Their moans filled the room, their passion fueled their bodies until the very end.

Trevor knows this has been the best day ever! She´s growing, she´s as tall as him, and she´s filling up so sexily. A fit muse, in did.

However, the day´s not over. There´s still something else ahead of him. Tonight, another date. With Pam…


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