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Chapter 29

Larry´s nervous. Well, not nervous, he just feels… odd.

He´s not used to such a drastic change in height. It´s been a while since he shrunk down to 3´11”, but he hasn´t really got used to it. Women are so tall!

While Nellie walks next to him, he can´t help but to feel… off. She´s 5´8”, well, at the office, she wears two-inch heels, boosting her up to 5´10”. Never before, he would´ve thought of finding himself looking up at a 5´10” woman. She´s towering above him!

He´s not even boob-level. Her breasts are about an inch or so above his head. Maybe more. It´s hard to tell, everything looks so tall now!

Even the average 5´4” woman totally towers above him. His eyes are right at boob-level with them. But that´s not something he´ll feel proud of.

He´s below shoulder-level with even the shortest woman at the office. That would be Lexie, his former assistant, who´s 5´3”. He feels so humiliated.

He feels as if he was surrounded by giants! He used to feel so tall next to Lexie, but now, even she, his short ex-assistant, towers above him.

What does Evangeline want to achieve?

Why is he shrinking? To look up to women instead of looking down at them? This makes no sense! Sometimes he even wonders if it would´ve been better if they were growing.

Would things have been different if, instead of him shrinking, women around him were… growing?

Some nights, he just stares at the empty ceiling. Surrounded by the darkness of the night. Wondering, what if women were growing? What if, instead of him loosing inches, women who he, let´s say insulted, grew?

Would he feel more comfortable that way?

He was even picturing a world where, all women are taller. Well, that was kind of his new world now. But what if men were the same height as him? What if, instead of him being 3´11”, walking next to 5´10” Nellie, what if things were like… a 6´1” Larry, walking next to an amazonic 8-foot-woman.

It wouldn´t matter if ALL women, not only those he offended, grew. In the end, he´d feel normal amongst men.

Everyone was a giant next to him. He´d feel better if only women were taller. He wouldn´t really love the idea, but that would be kind of better.

Besides, a world full of tall, sexy amazons? He even fantasizes about it. Women with bigger breasts, rounder butts, a fuller, taller, impressive figure. If they grew taller, would that also make them hotter? Certainly, they will be bigger, but how about thicker?

“I… I think I´m hanging too much with Violet…” He thought, and yes, those were maybe fantasies someone like Violet would have.

And now, speaking of her…

“Oh, hi Nellie! How´s everything going?” Said Violet, from her desk.

“Hi! Everything´s cool. Well… it would´ve been better if someone-“ she made a pause and looked down at Larry, “would´ve join me at lunch. But it seems he´s full so… I´ll be having lunch, aaaaall alone…” It´s not his fault the boss has huge tits full of milk, and much less that she wants HIM to drink that milk.

“Full? But he hasn´t had lunch… are you feeling well, Larry?” Violet asked, in a slightly concerned tone.

“YES! I´m fine!” Why does everyone think he´s ill? Only because he, apparently, skips lunch, it doesn´t mean he´s ill.

“Oh my… what an attitude. Relax, Larry.” Said Nellie. But who would blame him, he was annoyed, that´s it. “Anyways. I just wanted to walk him over,” and make sure he doesn´t vomit or something. “Well, he´s all yours…” And so, Nellie was gone…

Larry stood there, feeling weird. As if they were passing him over or something.

Violet and Larry looked at each other, in silence. For maybe five seconds, but that felt like an eternity.

“Are you sure you´re not ill? Stomachache? A headache maybe?” Violet was so pushy about it.

“No… I´m fine. I´m just… I already dra… ate something upstairs, ok? I´m fine…” He almost said “drank”, no way he´ll admit he sucked his boss´s big, sweet, tits.

“Oh… so you already had lunch. Ok…” Violet nodded. He already ate, she´s not hungry… they are at lunch time… she had an idea.

“Say… since you have a free hour now… and my lunchtime starts in…” she looked down at the computer´s clock, “a minute… how about we work on your… digestion. I´m sure Mrs. Davis gave you a hearty meal. She´s such a sweet woman.” Well, her heart´s beneath her boobs so… yeah, “hearty” meal.

Larry smiled, he knows that look on her face. She doesn´t mean any other thing but… sex.

“Oh, I don´t mind that idea…” He said, drawing a naughty smile on his face.

“Great!” She said, excited as she stepped up.

Larry´s heart sank in his chest. Violet was sitting on his desk, but now, she stood up. Fast! She went from about four-foot-something while sitting, to her impressive 6´2”. Violet was a giantess!

So tall, so fleshy, so sexy…

Violet was the tallest woman at the office. And she was his personal assistant. The 6´2” amazon of a woman was towering above him. His face was almost hip-leveled with her. Right at the thick, fleshy hips of this sexy amazon.

Today, she was wearing a tiny skirt, with her bare, shapely legs at full display. From his point of view, he could see almost the entire length of her sensuous legs.

They were so thick, so plump, so long, so sexy. The cheering size of this amazon was a huge turn on for him. She was so imposing, so mighty, so hot!

“Well… why don´t we go into your office… hmmm?” She purred, placing her huge hand on his shoulder and, gently, pushing him towards his office door.

Was it a good idea to have sex with a woman this big? Well, the good thing is, she´s gentle. Bad thing, right now, Violet´s probably four times heavier than him.

But, as always, in the end, it doesn´t really matter…

Violet closed his office´s door, and then, she walked, sensuously towards him. With nothing but lust in her eyes.

From his point of view, watching Violet walk towards him was like having an 8´9” amazon coming his way. With her boobs bouncing with each of her heavy steps. Was she doing it on purpose?

The answer´s… yes. Violet likes to emphasize her size whenever they are having “fun”. Walking heavily, giving long strides. Standing straight, sticking out her boobs, her butt. She wants to tease him in a way only she knows.

Violet was trying to appear like a giantess, an amazon, an impossibly towering woman. Why? She likes it. She knows she´s tall, and she´s proud of her size. But next to Larry, she´s colossal!

She bent over and, in a rapid, single motion, she picked him up and placed him right over his desk. There´s no doubt, today… she´s not so gentle.

“Sorry, dear, but I´m feeling so… horny…” she was officially in character right now. And it seems she´s a hot amazon with so much desire.

Larry swallowed, but he didn´t have the chance to speak, she rapidly bent further and placed her huge, thick lips over his. Her big mouth kissing him passionately. Her large hands pinning him in place, pushing his shoulders down and putting him in place.

Slowly, her hands began to caress her body, in the meantime, she sticked her tongue out and put it inside his mouth. Her huge tongue, filling up the entirety of his mouth, moving as she pleased all over. Pushing his cheeks from the inside, so wet, so passionately.

She pulled herself back for a second, just to speak. “What? Come on, reach out for my tits, you can do it…” And so, she pushed her breasts forward, pressing them against his chest.

Her big, soft breasts, so big, so smooth. He just followed what she said and reached out for them. He was overwhelmed by the feeling in his hands, they felt massive! He could sink his fingers on the warm flesh of her massive breasts. Her tits were HUGE! Titanic. Heavy, firm, just… sexy.

Before he could tell, both were naked, and having some wild sex over his desk. She was on top. Her weight gently pinning him to the top of the desk. Her massive breasts all over him. Her naked boobs, her erect nipples, smothering his face while she inserted his member in her large, wet pussy.

Violet was hot, she was big, she was fleshy. She had the body of a muse, with thick, sexy legs, and a big, round, firm butt behind. The perfect body of a vixen.

He was lucky no one could listen to their moaning, to the sound of passion coming out of his office. The walls were thick, no lusty sound came out of the room. Luckily.

Violet literally fucked his brains out. She was devious, she was intense. She was horny!

She really likes to be the big one, the taller one. To take control during sex. To be on top. To feel as if she was growing. He may not know this, but he´s the only man she´s had sex ever since they first hooked up.

But this was her fantasy, so why wouldn´t she? His condition allowed her to feel bigger, taller, stronger. When she looked at him, she didn´t saw it as if he was shrinking, but as if she was growing.

Next to him, close to him, she felt as if she was slowly growing into a mighty amazon.

Just like a dream come true, she had the feeling of being a growing woman. Standing much taller. Bigger, larger, immense.

Checking out how thicker her naked legs are next to his. How longer, almost as long as his entire body. Her arms, holding more strength than his. Not to mention her boobs must be, at least, twice the size of his head.

Violet feels like a huge woman. And that turns her on like no other thing.

Sex was wild, and at the end, they climaxed. She made sure not to make him come too soon, she wanted to feel the perfect synchrony on them. She made him hold it. And hold it, and… when she was ready, she let him burst.

Both came, her moans filling the room, loud, echoing in the distant corners of his mind. All while she threw herself back, making her breasts jolt over her chest. The picture he had, of Violet, covered in passion, it was nice, sexy, fierce.

But, how long before she´s even bigger? Taller? Even she wonders that at times…

That night, Larry had a nightmare. After sex, the idea really stuck to his mind. What if women were growing?

He found himself in the middle of the street, right in front of his office´s building. The streets were empty. Except for a few cars parked by.

He felt strange, for the first time in weeks, his perception was… normal. He felt like his usual 6´1” self. Looking at every thing in the regular way.

However, something was off, he could feel it. As if he was hoping for something, and soon, it happened.

He heard a loud, heavy noise, and when he turned, he could see a huge foot coming down. Close to him, about five-feet away. A foot, as big as a car! It belonged to a giantess!

Above him, there was this 50-foot giantess, walking the streets. Careless, looking at the front. Who was she? He had no idea, her body was sensuous, but she was so colossal!

Soon, more women like her appeared, slowly tearing the city apart, and just by walking? They stepped over cars, chattering them; bumped into buildings, making them fall apart.

What was going on? Could this be… a different out come for his situation? If things were going on differently, will the city soon be full of clumsy giantesses?

He freaked out, and soon, he woke up. Covered in sweat. The dream was so real, so vivid. What if one of those giantesses stepped on him?! The idea was terrifying!

After this nightmare, he couldn´t really get back to sleep. He had so many things in mind. What if he shrinks down all the way to that point? Where he´s just a few inches tall. It could happen, and the idea terrified him.

But he wouldn´t talk about that. He´ll just live and let live…

The main problem was that, he lacked sleep. He worked his way out on his morning routine, but he was so tired. He slept about three hours. That was not enough.

He hopped into the car, with Nellie, now, he was thankful she was the one driving. As soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep.

He was looking at the road, barely, and soon, his eyes felt heavy. The motion of the car sooth him, and soon, he fell asleep.

Larry could listen to the distant sound of the car´s engine as he, slowly, drifted into a deep sleep. His breathing, slow, steady, calm. Everything was calm… until…

He slowly opened his eyes, only to find himself… bumping? Was the road full of bumps? The motion doesn´t feel at all like a car on a plan road, but…

He looked around, he could see he was no longer inside the car, but at the office? Slowly making his way down the hall. He could see the face of people, some slightly laughing, was it at him? Why would they laugh at him?

He felt as if he was walking, but backwards? And his legs were not moving, what was going on?

“Hey, look who´s up!” Said Nellie, who was… carrying him! Nellie was carrying him!

“N-Nellie, wat are you doing?!” No wonder why everyone was looking at him and laughing. Giggling.

Nellie was carrying him! This proves she´s strong, even in heels, she can carry him, but she has no right to do that! She can´t just… pick him up! He´s the boss!

He crimsoned, with embarrassment and anger.

“What? I tried to wake you up, but you just didn´t so… to avoid getting late to work, I thought I could pick you up and… get a few steps ahead. No big deal.” She replied, still not putting him down.

She kept walking until they entered the elevator, heading to their floor.

“Nellie! You can´t…” why didn´t she try to wake him up harder? That´s if she even did. He´s no heavy sleeper. But he was tired, still, all this distress just jolted him awake. He was mad. “You can´t just pick me up! Put me down! Put me the FUCK down… NOW!” Well, that was rude.

“Hey, chill. I was just trying to help. I was not going to leave you alone on the car, and I can´t be late in my first-“ She tried to explain, she was doing it because she cared, and wanted to help.

“I don´t care! You… just put me down! FUCK.” She just did as he said.

Maybe she was wrong. Perhaps, he could´ve given her a permission, or make an exception, he´s her boss after all… however, the humiliation, will this give all people at work a new reason to laugh at him?

All that people, looking at him. Someone may have taken a picture, a video. He could already see the messages on people´s phones. Being carried… so demeaning.

“I…” Nellie was unsure if she should apologize. She wanted to slap him on the face for being so rude. But maybe she shouldn´t have done it. Still, there was no need to talk like that.

“Save it, ok…” He turned elsewhere, he didn´t want to see her. However…

“Oh, Larry, Larry, Larry…” Came Evangeline´s whisper, talking to him directly to his mind. “Where are your manners? She was trying to help, she didn´t deserve such treat…” And so, it happened.

A snap, he could hear fingers snapping, echoing inside his mind. Then, his whole body felt odd, like electricity, a bit numb, his knees trembled a little.

The elevator felt like shaking, but it was him.

Nellie was a bit upset. But she had the blame this time, still, she was looking at him, and then, she saw it, he shrank!

“Oh my… Larry, are you ok?” Of course not!

He put a hand on the elevator´s wall, and then, he lost an inch, then another, and then, the last one. Three inches in total. His lack of gratitude, well, actually his lack of manners caused him to lose three inches.

This was the third time this happens. Now, Larry´s gone from 3´11” to being a 3´8” man. Certainly, that´s way too short.

“I…” Now it was him who had no words what to say.

Larry turned around, his rage replaced by redundance, concern. He looked way up at Nellie. She was officially two whole feet taller than him. Plus, two more from her heels.

The look on her face, she was worried. She wasn´t sure what to do. But there was one thing for sure, he shrank because he got mad.

At least that´s how she sees it. He got mad at Cathy the other day, and now, he got mad at her. From her point of view, she had the theory that, when he gets mad, he shrinks. It seems logical. And in a way, she´s not so wrong. He tends to be disrespectful when he´s mad, and that makes him say things he will definitely regret.

Insult, disrespect, that´s what´s costing him some inches. Not getting mad. However… that´s kind of the excuse he gave, that stress was kind of… triggering his shrinking.

Nellie was looking at him with concern, then, she frowned. She stood straight, crossed her arms under her bigger-looking cleavage and said: “Well, if stress´s what making you shrink, you should know better not to be temperamental.” Then she bent, “Don´t you think?” Ok, now he feels as if he´s the one who did wrong.

But it was her! It was her fault he got mad, and that he was disrespectful.

The reason why he was shrunken under the “lack of manners” reason, and not for insulting Nellie was because he didn´t exactly insulted her. He, in a very unpolite, and rude way, told her to put him down. But instead of adding the words “please” or “could you?”, he just demanded it as if he could scream at her.

Yes, he was mad, but that doesn´t exactly give him the right to yell. And now, to compensate that, Nellie looks taller. Everything looks taller.

This will be a long day…



Wow Nellie has taken first step in exhibiting her maternal clout by carrying him….will be a quite a journey from here on to have him realise she is his mommy…

House Gnome

Really looking forward to Nelly slowly increasing her dominance and infantilization of our dear male protagonist


Yeah, Nellie´s so fun! He just can´t help but to feel threatened by her, even if she´s just trying to help. LOL


Glad you like her. At first I thought she´d be sort of an empty character, but, it seems she´s been very welcomed :D She´s evolved a lot over the chapters