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This is it, the last chapter... I hope you liked the story, and that this end is nice, at least for our main character.

It was fun to write this story, it went from only 10 chapters to 25, that´s quite a differnece. But now, it´s time to give it a proper ending...


Chapter 25

“Pick me.” Said Hanna, looking down at him on her nice, elegant, office outfit.

“No, pick ME.” Said Katy, bending and stretching her arms towards him.

“Matt, pick me!” Called Zoey, with a face that showed confidence.

All three gigantic women were there. All of his possible couples. And Matt seemed to be in the middle. He was the one who´ll tell who to choose. Which of these three, pretty ladies will become his couple.

“Come on, there´s no way he´ll pick you. He LOVES being sit on my thick, huge thighs.” Called Katy.

“What? And you think he´ll choose you for that?” Came Hanna´s voice. “It´s me the only one who he´s had sex. I can give him all the passion he wants.”

“Passion? Pfft. There´s more in life than passion.” Replied Zoey, “I´ve known him for WAY longer than either of you. Believe me, if someone knows what he wants, it´s ME.”

Matt was confused. How did this happen? When did all three of them met? How did all of them met? And how does Hannah know that?

All three women were standing before him. Looming high above. Being Katy the tallest of them, at 20´2”; followed by Hannah, 18´7”; and finally, Zoey, 18´2”.

Matt stood there, craning his neck to look up at the giantesses fighting, for him. To see who´ll get to keep him. Even if he´s the one who must choose, it seems they are trying to make the decision “easier” for him.

“Listen, you´re both too short. He needs a woman big enough to protect him.” Said Katy.

“No, what he needs is love. I´m sure I´d be able to pamper him more.” Said Zoey.

“Ha! I believe I´m wealthy enough to provide ANYTHING he may need or want. You two should step aside.” Added Hannah.

This was not good. They are not asking him anything! They are just there, taking the big decision for him.

And what about the time? What time is it? It doesn´t seem as if it´s the early morning. And today, today´s his LAST day! He needs to pick. Else, he won´t get to choose.

If he can´t pick either of them soon, they will assign him a couple. And it won´t be someone he´s dated. Not even someone he knows. IT could be anyone!

Suddenly, a huge clock appeared before him. More like a count-down timer. He had seconds to decide! Seconds!

10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3…

Time was running, he had to pick his phone and pick. Any! Will two seconds be enough to open the app and select a couple?

2… 1…

That was it! The time was over.

Suddenly, everything was teared apart. Reality, the three giantesses before him were split apart. The ground opened. A huge creak appeared. And he fell right into it.

“Matt…” someone was calling his name. But it was too dark, he couldn´t see a thing. Was it maybe the voice of the lady who´ll assign him a couple?

“Matt…” she called again, her voice becoming stronger, and a bit familiar.

“Matt, are you ok?” He knows that voice. It´s…

“Hello? Matt? Wake up.” It was Hannah, next to him, still in bed.

A nightmare. It was all a nightmare. He should´ve known. There´s no way that was real. And a creak on the floor? Come on.

Matt was still in bed. And he must´ve been moving a lot. Because Hannah woke up to find him having some sort of bad dream.

“Are you ok?” She asked. Looking down at him with her pretty eyes. Her sexy torso covered by a night gown. A semi-transparent one. Displaying her sexy belly button over a trimmed stomach.

“What? Oh, I mean, yeah… uhm… everything´s cool, heh.” Well, now everything´s cool.

Hannah had no idea what to do. Should she ask him? Or would it be too bad to ask him about his nightmare.

She simply looked for the best way to make him feel better. So, she placed her right arm on his right shoulder and pulled him into her. A hug, a warm, tender, and gentle hug.

“Relax, everything´s fine. See? You´re here, with me.” She´s got no idea what happened, or what he thought was happening, but a hug´s a good way to reassure him everything´s fine.

He did like it. He found it nice. A nice gesture from her. Hannah was so sweet.

He just hugged the giantess back, closing his eyes for a moment and trying to forget about his worries. But he couldn´t.

Even if had all been a dream, there´s still one thing that was true, this is his last day. By today, in a few hours, he must decide which woman will become his couple.

“Uhm, Hannah…” He said, still surrounded by her long arm.


“What time is it?” He needs to know; how much time is left before he makes the big decision.

“Do you mean you don´t want me to hug you? Are you trying to rush me here, huh?” She said, her tone a bit upset.

“NO! I… no! I just… I just want to know, because, well…” He couldn´t be ungrateful, or appear to be, that could ruin his chances with her. She´s a very important woman, she must not accept any shit from anyone.

“Hahaha, oh, the look in your face. Relax, I´m just kidding.” She´s never really had the chance to joke around, she´s so serious at all times. But if she had a couple, such as Matt, that could change. “According to my phone… it´s 7:24 am.”

“Oh, that early? Nice.” He woke up out of a nightmare, of course it would be early. Lucky for him, that wasn´t a bad thing.

“May I know why?” She asked.


“Why do you need to know the time? Is there somewhere you must be? Maybe you have another date? Would you like me to drive you there?” she´s nice, and of course she is. Hannah finds Matt as an ideal couple for her.

She can take the fact that he may still be sating, but she doesn´t mind much. In order to be a good candidate, she must be polite. Even if that means giving him a ride to meet other women.

“No. I just… I just need to choose my, well, my couple. Before 12:00.” He replied.

“Oh, so this is your last day.” She said.

“Yes.” The very last.

This is it. What seemed like a lot of time, had been reduced to just a few hours. The good thing is he can get everything done on his phone.

Matt can´t lie. This was a bit exhausting. He´s gone from one place to another. Meeting different types of women. Some nice, some not so much.

This has been a very long week. And today, this was it. Seven days had flown by, and now, he´s got a little more than four hours to decide.

He reduced his options to three women. Women he knows will be happy to be with him. And that he´ll be happy to be with them. The main question remains, who´s better? And not just that, with whom can he keep a longer relationship?

All three of them have a job. Who can he help out more on their job? None will let him stay at home, all alone.

With Zoey, well, things didn´t worked out so well. He was more like… a burden.

Katy, well… she didn´t complaint, but sitting on her lap all day long? That´s not quite having a purpose.

But, with Hannah, she literally said she´ll give him a job! He´ll go with her, to work, and come back to the same house he currently is. Work for her, as his personal assistant. That´s not bad. He can´t do much, but he´ll be busy for most of the day.

Now, how about love? All three seem to like him, in their personal ways. And he likes them too. They are sweet, attentive. Kind to him.

His heart´s beating fast inside his chest. This is a big decision. Who will be? Who to choose?

All three are awesome women! All three are kind. And all three will make a perfect couple! However, there´s someone he feels more comfortable with. Someone who treats him more like a couple. Like an equal, even thought she´s a powerful giantess.

“I think… I think there´s nowhere to go for me.” He said.

Hannah felt a little bad, was that despair? Had he admitted he´s doomed? However, his tone doesn´t seem that sad.

“I think, if you would accept, I´d like you, Hannah, to be my couple.” He stated, looking up at the giantess next to him.

“Really?” She asked.

“If you accept me… yes.” She´s got it all! Will she accept a man like him? He´s got nothing.

“Of course! Of course I´ll accept you, silly. We´ve dated more than once. Believe me, if I didn´t liked you, I would´ve let you know in the very first date.” She admitted. Good thing she liked him.

“Now…” she said, turning and then picking up his phone from the nights table. “Do you want to make this official?” She handed him the phone.

“I… I will…” He opened the app and send his request.

Hannah´s phone buzzed, she opened the app and read: “You have a request from Matt, would you like to be his couple?” the answer was simple. YES.

Something so easy to do, but hard to decide. In a matter of seconds, Matt was not in a relationship with Hannah. Officially! Now, she´s his one and only.

“Oh, how sweet! Trust me, I´ll be the best girlfriend you´ll ever had!” she was so excited! She felt butterflies all over her stomach. She just hugged him, but this time, a bit stronger, lifting him off the bed and shaking him a little from one side to the other.

She was big, and soft… and maybe a little too strong. But she´s an 18´7” giantess, she´s nearly four times his size and probably twenty times stronger. But he´ll take it, it doesn´t hurt so much…

Matt liked the words. Boyfriend. Girlfriend. He had a couple, after all this struggle, he´s found the right woman. He feels happy.

“Ok, now, there´s a few things we need to do. Small changes, don´t worry.” Hannah said as she stood in front of the stove. She´s never cooked for someone before, and she´s glad she can do it for her new BOYFRIEND. Well, his first boyfriend, actually.

“Nice… but… what type of changes are those?” he asked. Now that they are a couple, she´s not going to try and chance him, right? He never thought of that.

“Well, not much. We need to get you clothes. A credit card. A new phone. Oh, but first, we need to pick up your stuff from that… department? That place where single men stay while they find a couple. You know…” he did had a room with… not much, really. He could count the items he had there with his fingers, he doesn´t have much.

“Ok. Uhm… at what time would you like to go?” he does need to sign out, right?

“Well, at what time would you like to go? Today´s my free day. We don´t need to hurry.” She turned at him and winked.

He could choose? That was kind. She´s kind enough to let him take a decision. Even if she now had more power over him. That´s a nice gesture.

Matt was proud of his decision. Things went on smoothly. The timer he had, counting his last moments as a single man, was over. And now, his profile was, in a way, linked to hers.

A banner, under his name, saying: “Couple: Hannah Scott”. Matt felt relieved, the stress was gone. He could relax and take a look at his new life. A life as the boyfriend of a CEO, a strong, independent woman.

Maybe this was his time, maybe he had found a nice couple, after a terrible relationship with someone who considers men as inferiors, maybe Hannah will treat him better. How much better, he´s not certain, but as he looks at her, and she smiles back at him, he knows he chose right.

Hannah was a muse. Tall, with her long, sexy legs. Her pretty face. Her long hair. Her eyes, her big, bright eyes, looking at him with love. That look can´t be faked, she likes him as much as he likes her.

Their morning was easy going. Of course, she was a busy woman, the boss, she received a lot of calls, even on her free day. Every now and then, someone called her.

The inquiry? What was the reason for their calls? Pretty much… everything. Well, not quite anything, since that would literally make her say something like “You´re calling ME on my FREE DAY for that? Seriously???” All were important calls.

About future business, about current projects. New products. And stuff like that.

Matt could see she didn´t like it. She was used to it, her life was literally dedicated to her company. But that was before, now, she needs to split it, give some time to the new men in his life. To that special someone who chose her.

She needs to give him a good impression. She promised love, how much love can someone show if they leave you aside? Not much, really.

She sat next to him, her weight pulling him closer as she sank on the couch´s surface.

“Sorry for that, I… I guess I´m always working…” she smiled, but it was the type of smile that revealed she was not happy about it.

“It´s ok.” Matt said, placing his hand on her massive thigh, “You´re a business woman, I get it. You don´t have to apologize for that.” He smiled at the giantess, a warm smile, he understood.

And she knows he does. His kind eyes proved her he could take it. That he accepts it, he won´t complaint about something like that. He´s there, for her, with her. He agreed to share his life with hers, and that means, he´s in for all.

“You know what… I think I should turn off my phone. Whatever there is to do, it can wait until tomorrow…” and with that, she shut the phone off. Threw it behind her and just bent over.

Hannah kissed Matt, his kind boyfriend. She liked it, a boyfriend. Finally, she found a man to share her life with. Her busy life.

She made out with him, as a reward for being attentive. Her massive lips, wet all over his. Her huge hand behind his back, pulling him closer.

And her breasts, her huge, soft breasts. Resting over his legs. He couldn´t help but to reach out for them, and feel them a little more.

“Mmmm, you´re naughty… I didn´t say you could touch my boobs…” She teased, breaking up the kiss for a moment.

He removed his hands and looked at her with some shy regret.

“But I didn´t told you to stop…” Nice, she liked it.

Before he knew it, he was all over her, well, located between the long, naked legs of the giantess. Hannah was pushing him deep inside her. Pushing him deeper into her crotch.

Giving him a “hand” while he fucked her. Her body was enormous, soft. Her scent was everything he could breathe, together with a feeling of ambrosia.

They had sex in the couch, not once, but twice. Hannah was gentle, not pushing him too hard. Considerate, sexy, respectful. This was perfect…

He could picture his life with Hannah, however…

“A bar? Honey, I can´t be seen in a bar.” She said.

“But…” He would like to have a chance to see Zoey every now and then. And the only place he can meet her, is at the bar.

Visiting another woman while he´s in a relationship, that´s kind of unusual. At least nowadays.

“Matt, I´m a CEO, I can´t just go to any random bar downtown. There´s a status I must keep. But if you want beer, or wine, or any other type of drink, just tell me, I can order ANY drink you want.” With the power of money.

He had to say something. He couldn´t just ghost Zoey, she´s done so much for him.

“I… I don´t want to go because of the drinks… there´s a, a friend of mine, she´s the owner and, I wanted to see if you could… give me the chance to see her. Every now and then, now always…”

Hannah could see it, she could see his reasons. He wanted to see his friend, not really needing to go to a bar to drink.

“Tell me, is that woman, Zoey, a good friend of yours?” Hannah asked, curious about who she was.

“Yes, she is. An old friend. She actually drove me to our last date, yesterday…” So, she´s that type of friend.

“I assume, she´s kind to you?” he nodded, “A good friend, the kind that… looks after you?” she was right, Zoey had his back all the time.

She actually helped him filter down the proposals, and that´s how he met Hannah.

“Well, as I said, I can´t be seen in that bar. There´s a certain image I must keep…” Hannah started.

“Ok, I understand.” He replied, maybe he can call Zoey every now and then. He´s sad, because he´ll miss those nights chatting with her friend. But Hannah´s his girlfriend, and whatever decision she makes…

“However,” Hannah continued. “I can´t go, BUT, I don´t see why not driving you, or having my assistant drive you there. Maybe on Friday nights… do you like that idea?”

“YES. Yes, I´d like that.” Once more, Hannah proved she was willing to listen to what he had to say. And that she cared.

He made the right decision. Hannah was not one of those women who want to rule over their man. Those who don´t care about what he´s got to say. She cared, she really cared for him.

Matt´s certain that this, this is the beginning of a lovely relationship. Of a sweet, tender and supportive relationship.

He´ll do his best to keep her happy, and he´s sure she´ll do the same.

They sat, next to each other, enjoying each other´s company as they watched a series on TV. An easy moment, a sweet moment shared. With her long arm around him, an affectionate embrace. A kind, sweet touch of a woman who cares, who appreciates him, who loves him.

Matt did it, he´s found his couple…



william l cooley

Love this by one of mine in epilogue where he kind of meets his other dates like I like the police officer or Dane woman maybe he meets Zoe a little bit just a thought I think Zoe would be understanding because she really didn't want to date him at first but I really want to know how the damn woman will react will she be sad angry? Maybe she could have worked for that company now that would be funny


That's quite a good idea! I probably should've added that on this chapter... But I have an idea for this. I'll share it later on. But I'm really happy you liked this chapter that much, Thank you!