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Chapter 5

The date with Kelsey was great! She was the same old way she used to be, well, at least back to it a little. There wasn´t as much tension as it used to be. Trevor was feeling better.

And the next morning, he woke up with two new messages on his phone. One from Kelsey:

“I liked yesterday´s date. See you at Sunday… handsome.” The idea of meeting her on Sunday, taller, possibly thicker, it sent quivers down his spine. However, the next message got him more excited.

It was a message from Pam. Since Kelsey already started dating him again, why couldn´t she do the same? As soon as she found out, she sent the next message:

“Trevor, HI! I know someone had a little date yesterday. So, I was wondering, you haven´t forgotten about me, have you?” He read it, with her sweet, and sometimes teasing voice.

“I´d like to meet you. And yes, it´s a DATE. Why don´t you treat me to dinner, let´s say… On Friday.” That sounded lovely!

A date, with Pam? He missed his sweet, sweet Pam so much! He immediately replied. YES! And allowed her to choose the place and time. As always, like a gentleman.

Trevor was excited. First, a date with Kelsey, even if it really wasn´t officially a date, and she was just shopping. But at least he got a nice kiss at the end.

And now, a date with Pam. There will be kisses, for sure! Sweet, little kisses. Pam´s so affectionate. His only question is, how big will she be?

He kept running numbers inside his head. Kelsey seemed taller, and thicker, in all the right places. Now, how will Pam be? She wasn´t taller than Kelsey, but she was surely thicker. A few pounds heavier, that´s for sure, but not less hot.

Trevor really had no idea how the treatment worked, the only thing he did was paying for it; although, he does deserve to pay for what he did, and the good thing is that it´s money how he pays… for now. It´s like… a fee, for being a deuce. But he´s a lucky one since none of them broke up with him.

Now, about the effect this treatment had on both ladies. For sure, they were both growing. But, how? If there would be any difference on their results, who´d be the one growing the most? Who´ll get taller? Kelsey, because she was already taller? Or Pam, since she´s shorter and this could be like a twist?

Who´ll get thicker? Trevor´s not a fan of plump ladies. But he does like larger bodies. The shape doesn´t really matter, as long as their thighs are thick, their legs are long, and, on his particular case, they tower above him.

In a certain way, he wouldn´t mind dating a big beautiful woman. With a fuller figure, but still a sensuous shape. Maybe he´ll feel comfortable with a tall curvy model? The only thing he can tell for sure is, they will grow and grow until he choses one of them, so far, this is just the beginning…

The real way the treatment works does really depend on the woman. The pills they take don´t exactly speed up the process, so there´s no chance they can “cheat”. The real thing is the shot they receive after every visit to the clinic.

Still, the shot´s not exactly to accelerate or give better results. That way there won´t be any type of addiction or dependency while ongoing the treatment. The real deal is them.

Their diets, their habits. And in a way, their desires to grow. The shots are only to maintain that flow of growth on them, and the pills are mainly to mitigate the pain, growing so fast can be a little hurtful.

Their bodies are constantly enhanced, that´s why they are hungry and sleepy all the time.

Now, if the growing is constant, and let´s assume it´s the same way for both women. How will Pam look on their date this Friday? That´s a few days more than the last time he saw Kelsey. Trevor can only be sure on one thing, Pam may be bigger…

And he wasn´t wrong! She gave him the place and the time for their date. A fancy French restaurant downtown. The time? 6:00 pm.

Her advice was for him to get there first and then she´ll arrive, on her own. There was no need for him to pick her up this time, she´ll make it there, to make things more… interesting.

She wanted him to glare at her as she arrived. Her new body, walking in between the restaurant´s tables. A surprise, and a way to tease him, seduce him even.

Trevor got there first, ten minutes earlier, as she suggested. He picked up a table and said he was waiting for someone. A special lady.

He arrived at the fancy restaurant, dressed for the occasion. Wearing his best pants, polished shoes, and his nicest shirt. He knows Pam´s not exactly a woman who cares too much about her looks, her face is just so pretty that she doesn´t need makeup. Maybe a little thing there, her eyelashes, lipstick. But she didn´t really need any of that. She was just perfect!

He stood there for about fifteen minutes, Pam´s not always been punctual, but that´s fine. He just checked on the restaurant´s menu, a couple things there were really expensive. But they did have a nice atmosphere, nice music, everything seemed immaculate.

After another ten minutes, he was starting to get worried. He ordered a glass of water, and advice the waiter that she´ll be there soon. Hopefully.

He sent her a few messages, but she didn´t replied until the third one. He didn´t want to be pushy, or look anxious, but it was already 6:20 pm when she replied:

“So eager to see me, aren´t you… I´m on my way. I´ll be there in 5.” It took her ten, actually. But it was worth it!

Pam walked in, guided by one of the waiters. She was breathtaking!

First of all, she was wearing a VERY nice outfit. He felt so mundane. Pam wore a tight, red dress that accentuated all of her growing curves. A not so long dress, a bit above knee height, sleeveless, and with a nice, ample boob window up front. V-shaped, revealing lots and lots of cleavage.

As she walked, her now deeper, more pronounced, line of cleavage bounced as she made her way. She was a muse, an angel. He looked at her, from head to toes.

Her hair was stylized, she had this makeup that made her look goddess-like. Her body had thickened, but maintaining a narrow waist. Right now, her boobs and hips have done the most growth. Her shoulders are wider, carrying a much bigger pair of breasts, and her hips are noticeably fleshier, wider, more feminine.

He can only imagine how much bigger her butt is. Heck, it must be swaying and bouncing as she´s gracefully making her way to him. Smiling, making eye contact with him while her body teases him like never before.

The dress, her hair, the makeup, and for the most, her growth. She´s… taller!

Pam´s wearing heels, that only make her shapely legs look longer, sexier. Maybe this is cheating? No one said the girls couldn´t appear a bit taller by wearing heels.

Right now, Pam´s bigger than the last time, obviously; and she´s also bigger than Kelsey! At least, from the last time he saw Kelsey.

Pam´s now, officially, 5´8”, and she weighs about 135 pounds. That´s quite a lot of growing in the last couple days. Someone´s been certainly making an effort.

However, she´s now standing at 5´11” on her three-inch heels. She looks so tall, so sexy, so graceful.

Trevor knows it´s not quite nice to get a boner inside a restaurant, but she´s just so… perfect. He feels like melting over his seat.

“Well, hello there, Trevor…” Pam said, with her sweet voice as she stopped a few feet from the table, right in front of him.

“H-hi…” he was dumbfounded. Still, there´s something he had to do. “Oh!” he stood up and rushed next to her, he had to pull her chair, like a gentleman, so that she could take a seat.

As he stood next to her, for a second that seemed much longer, he could notice how tall she was. At 6´ tall, plus his shoe-sole, he´s just two inches taller than her. Of course, she´s wearing heels, but still. Such proximity in their heights, it arouses him.

And her scent, the sweet aroma of her perfume. Her new dimensions. As he pulled the chair, allowing her to seat, he peeked a bit at her bosom from above. They were bigger, rounder. But why wouldn´t they? She´s currently an E-cup. Exactly, 36E.

Trevor rushed back to his seat, before his boner got too evident.

“So… Pam, how… how are you?” he asked, trying not to stare at her tits again. But that was impossible.

She was taller, thicker, fleshier! He wants to see, he wants to scan her body, see the changes. Even compare Pam´s current self with her past one. But he had to abstain from it, control his urges. He needs to give Pam a good impression.

Pam smiled, he seemed nervous. Of course, SHE made him nervous. But that´s exactly what she wanted. That´s why she wore this tight dress. It only accentuated her larger curves.

Tonight, she had a plan, she wanted to… persuade him a bit. Kelsey went on a date with him the other day, and she´s got the right to date him too. After all, they are competing for his love.

And, of course, she knows Kelsey went on and tried to seduce him a little. To convince him she´s the right choice. But she can´t blame her, she´ll do the same.

After a bit of a chat, one where he tried his best not to break in sweat because of the bombshell that´s sitting in front of him. They ordered some food.

He was amazed by Pam´s appetite. He knows that the treatment literally forces them to eat more, but… she ordered A LOT! He was grateful she didn´t ordered the most expensive items he checked on before, still, she ordered too much for a single person.

But he didn´t complaint, after all, food makes her bigger…

There was some bread at the center of the table, which she ate, alone, as they waited for their food. And when it arrived, she just dug in.

She ate two entries, soup, a salad, steak, fries, cream. Even snails! While he had a simple plate.

She didn´t ate voraciously, she ate slowly and nicely. But during a long time.

“Wow, that was tasty!” she said after she cleaned her mouth with a napkin, gracefully. However, her dress was stretching, at the waist area.

He couldn´t really see it, but her stomach was a bit swollen, still…

“Now, what´s for dessert?” All that food and she still had room for dessert? Wow.

The thing is, Pam had always had a sweet tooth. Never skipping dessert. However, she´s never eaten that much, at least not in one-sit. Trevor wonders if the treatment does allow them to eat that much? Kelsey ate a lot the other day, but Pam´s already eaten twice as much, and she´s still got room?

Pam ordered three different desserts. Pain au chocolat, A souffle, and on top, cheesecake, covered in almonds and chocolate.

“Are you sure you don´t want any?” she asked.

“Oh, no, don´t worry. I´m fine.” He wasn´t hungry, watching her was “feeding” him enough. Plus, watching her eat more than him, comparing how much she can eat and how “least” he does, it only makes her seem bigger. Even if she´s still four inches shorter than him.

Her appetite has seriously grown. Once she was finished with everything, she just laid back on her chair and rubbed her full stomach. Now, he could see it, and it was round! And it stuck out, not enormously, but he could see a remarkable bulk on her belly… more like, he could see a belly.

Tight, tense, swollen. Full of the feast she just had.

“Thank you, Trevor, all this food was so yummy…” that means, thank you, you´re paying. But he already knows that. “I´ve been wanting to come here since a while back. They´ve got five stars reviews, and now, I know why…” she was happy, a happy glutton.

And with that swollen belly, her breasts stuck out a bit more. Her belly was lifting them a bit, higher, sexier. Almost spilling out of her blouse. After all, she ate about six pounds of food, plus the drink…

“Relax, my belly will be gone in the morning.” Pam chuckled. Trevor was not a discrete guy when it comes to curves. She knows he can hardly keep his eyes off of her. But she doesn’t mind. She´s come to like this growing of hers.

Pam had always been taking care of her body, knowing that she doesn´t have the best, or fastest of metabolisms. She treats herself, yes, but not too frequently. However, with this treatment of hers, she can eat all she wants and not worry about her figure.

She´s only been adding sexy curves to her shape. Her BMI has increased, yes, but that doesn´t make her fat. She´s still on the range of what´s called healthy, on regular standards. And she feels GREAT!

Even if she stuffed herself to the brim, she knows that, by tomorrow, it will go straight to her tits and butt. A nice benefit, plus, getting taller is quite interesting…

“You know,” started Pam, looking at Trevor with something in mind, “I never thought you´d be a man who could, you know, do something like this…” at first, he had no idea what she meant, but it was easy to guess.

“I never thought you´d be capable of something like this. But, thinking about it, I don´t think it was THAT bad… I mean, Kelsey´s a nice girl, I can see why you´ve dated her.” She´s a bit… drunk.

They ordered a bottle of wine and… she´s had more than her share of it. In fact, the bottle´s empty, the last of it is on her cup.

“If, before all this, you would´ve asked me if I´ll compete for another woman for your love, I would´ve said, why? Well, sure, why not? But it seems I´ve been doing it all this time…” Pam was not really used to alcohol, but this wine was sweet so… she got a lot of it before noticing.

She was not drunk to the point she´ll start doing embarrassing things, or falling asleep; she was drunk to the point when she tells all of the truth. And right now, there´s a few things she´d like to get out of her chest. Her big chest…

“Be honest, do you think I´m prettier? Hmmm?”

“Well… you… both of you… you both have your own… self… pretty… ness? It´s not a matter of who´s prettier it´s more like… you´re just both so… so…” that question came out of the blue, a very unexpected question, that carried a lot of power.

If he says something wrong, what are the chances that she won´t complaint? Or cry? She´s a sensitive woman.

“Well, I thought you were going to lie and say it´s me. I mean, we both know you´re good at keeping secrets.” That hurt.

“JUST KIDDING!” she said, between laughter. “No hard feelings, Trevor. What you did was wrong, yes. And I won´t deny I ate one or two buckets of ice cream while feeling down. But it seems we found way to solve this, as adults. Or, should I say… growing women?”

Trevor was aroused. This lightly drunken Pam was so random. And at the same time kind of teasing. Her body had him hot, but her words, her “jokes”, and all those hints that he´s a jerk for doing what he did. That´s confusing, and at the same time, mentioning her growth is sexy!

“Uhm… Pam, do you think we could, or should, take this to a more… private place?” he wanted sex. He can´t hold it. Plus, she may be as horny as he is…

“Nah. Sorry, dear, I know what you want, but that´s not gonna happen…” What?!

“Kelsey and I… we made a deal. You´re not getting any… fun, until we say so. And right now… we haven´t agreed on a date.” Well… he does deserve a bit of that. “But don´t be sad, I promise you we´ll have some,” She approached and whispered to him, “intimacy, soon.”

In the meantime, she approached and kissed him, deeply, passionately. Her fuller lips over his.

Trevor liked it, even if it was just a kiss, it was something. His main question is, when will he get laid?


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