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Chapter 12

Over the next few days, Kevin tried his best not to look at Carol. At all! He didn´t want to see how bigger she looked. He just greeted her in the morning and turned elsewhere.

Carol was a bit confused, why had he turned so… shy? Or, maybe he wasn´t shy, maybe… he was scared.

Carol knows it, he´s getting too short. And she, well, she´s grown tall, confident, and sexy. She thought it would be harder to get his eyes off of her the more she grew. Her boobs had gotten so big. The bad thing is, they are not growing anymore.

Well, it´s not quite something bad. She gets to keep the same bra size for longer. However, she really liked growing. Taller, hotter, more imposing! At 5´10”, she was tall. But she feels that reaching the six-foot-mark will be much sweeter.

Her body had done quite some changes as well, not only on the chest area; her hips had widened, her legs had thickened, and her butt, well, it was alluring for anyone who walked behind her.

She was a muse, she knows that.

Still, she´s not as big as Gene. Kevin´s mother seems to have gotten quite a taste for the pills, or was it the growth what got her hooked?

Gene had grown much taller than Carol. At 6´6”, on her bare feet, Gene was officially an amazon. And not just any amazon. She became a tall, hot milf! Her hips were much wider, her butt much bigger, and her boobs enormous! Carol felt even smaller than the first time she met Gene. Back then, she was big, but now, she´s gigantic!

Plus, the pills seem to have a different effect on her. She looks younger. At least ten years younger than when she started. This gets her thinking, maybe those pills, on top of making someone taller and thicker, they can also make you pettier?

Her skin looks so soft, so firm, so sensuous. Carol´s a bit jealous. And also concerned. Will Kevin realize what´s going on around him?

Gene is not the kind of woman that will follow the advice of a, let´s say, subordinate like Carol. She´s the boss, and not every boss accepts advice from an employee. Plus, the pills are like a miracle treatment. And Gene never stops bragging about how many more men are now all over her. Seriously, it´s like rain. Where the drops are dating proposals.

Carol´s concerned, will Gene stop taking the pills? If she comes over taller, then Kevin WILL have questions. Can he make up they are both behind his shrinking? Probably not. But, what if he does?

“Kevin! The laundry´s ready!” she called from downstairs. Right now, the chores around the house were split in half. And Kevin, for as much as he hated it, had to take care of his half.

Kevin was upstairs, on his “home gym”, checking a few things. He knows he´s shorter, lighter, but how about his strength?

He had the 20-pound dumbbells, one in each hand, but he couldn´t move his arms.

His face was red, and there were a ton of veins on his arms, he couldn´t even more the damn things! Before, he could do three or four sets with them, sets where he lifted each dumbbell twelve to fifteen times. And that was the “warm-up”, but now, he couldn´t even more them, not even a single time!

“S-stupid… c-come on…” that was it. He´s been trying for twenty minutes, taking breaks, and nothing. He knows he has to take a few pounds off of them. And go down to fifteen, probably. But not now, right now, he can listen to the annoying sound of Carol´s voice, calling for him.

He´s got chores to do, and he hates it.

“Kevin! It´s the THIRD time I´m telling you, the laundry´s ready!” She didn´t have the need to repeat things that much. He´s a freaking adult! A 23-year-old man should take care of his own laundry.

“Coming!” he said as he came down the stairs.

“Well, look who´s FINALLY here. What took you so long? Shorty?” She knows he´s self-conscious about his current height, but she just loves teasing him.

“Hey! Shut it! I´m not short. I´m Ill, and you know that.” He complaint.

“Sure, sick or not, you´re still… how tall? Oh, right, 4´11”. That´s short.” He knows it, and he doesn´t need her to repeat it every damn time.

Kevin was mad. Carol´s been teasing him about his height more and more. He hates it! If he could, he´ll fire her. And probably hire someone shorter so that he didn´t feel so short. But the thing is, that´s not up to him. His mother´s the one who has the final word. And how does he know? He already tried.

He texted his mother, telling her that Carol should be fired. But what did his mother say? Carol´s a lovely woman, and she´s done nothing wrong. That she´s getting her job done. Plus, she didn´t mention it but, she´s the one who got her the pills on the first place, so she kind of owes her.

Well, not exactly owe, but she´s come to like Carol. AS an employee, and as a friend with whom to chat about her changes. Only she knows why she´s growing.

Kevin was frustrated. He tried to keep the least contact with Carol. He didn´t like to be reminded of how short he´s gotten. Which, by Wednesday, was a whole FOOT! When he was down to 4´10”, he was officially a foot shorter than Carol´s 5´10”.

So, even if she doesn’t tease him about his height, her own height is a reminded of his predicament. The fact that she´s around nearly all the time, doesn´t help.

And having her give him orders most of the time has got him tired! Isn´t he the boss? Shouldn´t SHE be the one taking HIS orders? This was so messed up.

Aside of losing inches, he feels as if he´s losing power under his own roof. He´s no longer in command, but he won´t allow her to be. Carol will never, EVER, be the boss of him.

Shrinking was bad for his self-esteem. He no longer feels so confident. But he won´t allow Carol to step on him! He doesn´t want to see her, but that´s because HE decided it was for the best. However, maybe she needs a reminder of who´s in charge.

She ordered him around all week, same thing she did last week. But, by Friday, he has had enough!

He stayed in his room, all morning. Hearing how she got things done downstairs. He heard the vacuum, the dishes, her steps, going from one side to the other around the house. But he won´t lift a finger today. Today, he won´t do a single thing.

She was hired to take care of everything, not to help him out. If he had to lock himself in his own room all day long, then so be it!

But that was not likely to happen. Today, it´s the day Gene comes to visit and check on him. And she´s sure going to want to see him. To see his “progress”. Plus, Carol won´t give him a break.

“What´s the matter with him?” she asked to herself as she checked on the time, “It´s 1:30 pm, why hasn´t he come out of his room?” That´s the only place she hasn´t entered so far.

He can´t be still asleep, can he? She knows he´s most likely to stay awake all night, playing videogames. She finds it as a waste of time, but if that´s what he likes… Still, he should know by now that he needs to help around the house.

He can´t just lay in bed all day.

*knock* *knock*

“Kevin, come on, wake up. The house´s not gonna get clean by itself.” She said, a bit concerned something may had happened to him.

She turned the knob, but the door was locked. Inside, Kevin was just looking at the door, hearing her struggle as he was busy on his phone. Well, if we can call looking at pics of women in bikini as being busy.

*knock* *knock*

“Come on! Unlock the door!” why was it locked, in the first place? Maybe she should remove the knob from his door.

“Kevin! Open up!” she yelled, one last time.

To her surprise, the door got unlocked, from inside. Kevin opened the door, and with a cynical look, he turned up at her.

“What´s up?” he said.

“What´s up? Well, you´ve been in bed all morning, I need you to…” he cut her off.

“No, I haven´t been in bed all morning. I´ve done a few more things than that.” He said.

“Oh, yeah?” She said, putting her hands over her wider hips, and looking down at him, she asked: “Like what?” What got him so busy? She wanted to know.

“Well, I did some push-ups, took a shower, listened to some music, and I´ve done plenty of other things that are, CLEARLY, none of your business.”

“Is that so?” that was irritating.

“Yes. And, as a matter of fact. I know the house is not going to get cleaned by itself. That´s why YOU were hired.” She blinked in surprise towards his arrogance. “Now, I´ll go back to my room while you take care of the house, after all, that´s your job. Now, if you excuse me…” he said, closing the door. But he couldn´t.

Carol placed her foot right on the edge of the door, making it impossible for him to close it. He pushed, harder and harder, but there´s no way he´ll close the door.

First of all, her foot´s right in the middle, it will be hard. And second, she´s stronger. Making it nearly impossible.

He pushed, harder, but to no avail. She won´t let him close it. Perhaps, he should´ve talked to her from the other side of the door, instead of opening it and letting her, in a way, in. He didn´t think this through enough. He had a good plan, at least he thought that.

“Take… you foot… off!” he complaint.

“Of course not. Now, step out, there´s some stuff you need to do. Remember, your mother´s coming today.” She said, but she wasn´t struggling as much as he was. His face was red, but hers, she could take it, there´s not that much pressure on her foot either way. She can be there ALL day long.

“So what?! She comes every Friday. And for what? To give you your DAMN check? YOU should be the one getting busy, not me.”

“My… do you really think that way? Listen, you´re a lazy, arrogant man. In my opinion, you don´t deserve to have such a kind, generous mother as Gene, if you don´t even appreciate her visits. You´re nothing but a shitty son.” Carol was tired, she does everything for him, and he doesn´t even care?

“Hey, I´m not a shitty son. In fact, that´s none of your business!” He claimed.

“You´re not? She supports you, she even bought this house for you and you can´t even say thank you? I get it if you´re shitty around me, but around her? After all she´s been doing?” which also includes the shrinking, but that´s not her point.

“Listen, my relationship with my mother is NONE of your business. You were hired to clean, not to give advice.”

“Excuse me?! It is MY business when I can clearly see the asshole you are around her.”

“Hey! You can´t talk to me that way! I´m in charge here.”

“No, your mom´s in charge, you´re just the little shit I´m forced to talk. And right now, you have things to do, so come out.”



“You heard me, I won´t come out. In fact, I´m tired of your attitude…”

“Oh, so I´m the one with the attitude?” Carol asked.

“Yes. And I´d like you to leave. You´re fired.” He said, so carelessly.

Carol didn´t mind his words. Gene was the only one with the authority to do so. She just laughed, loud and clear.

“Listen, shorty, you can´t fire me. I think we´ve already gone through that.”

Kevin let go of the door, opened it and, as he walked out, he said: “STOP! Stop calling me short! You heard me! You DON´T get to call me that way!” his tone was loud, and his words were of anger.

“Pffft, and who´s going to stop me? You? SHORTY?” Enough.

“ENOUGH! Get your shit out of here! I don´t want you around! Ever since you got her I… things have changed, for BAD. I´m sure you´re the one to blame. I´m sure that, as soon as you leave, things will be a lot better. Everything will be fine once you´re away. From my house, and from my life!” That sounded as if he was blaming her for his shrinking, but that couldn´t be, right?

“Hahaha,” she laughed, as if he had said a ton of nonsense. Which he did, but not all of it was in fact, nonsense. She was a bit worried that he suspect she had something to do with his height change. “Really? You´re blaming ME for the shit that´s happened to you? This is low, even for someone like you.” She said, standing tall, looking down at him as if she knew more than him.

“Shut it! Just… get out” Get your fat ass out of my house!” he pushed her, he started pushing her. And she backed down.

She stepped back, mostly because he was so full of anger. Which didn´t scared him, but this was so unexpected.

“Hey! Stop! Don´t… Don´t you dare push me!” she said, but he kept going, he pushed her down the hall, down the stairs and, just when he was about to get to the main door, she planted her feet on the floor and stopped.

He tried to move her, but it was useless. She was way too heavy now.

“You better reconsider what you´re doing. If I were you…” she started.

“But you´re NOT. Now shut your mouth and get out! I want you out! None of them will give the other what they want.

Before they could notice, both lost it, and both started yelling at each other. She kept her pose that he had no authority to kick her out. And he complaint he did.

This kept going for a while. He was complaining she couldn´t order him around, that he was tired of doing the chores she gave him.

And Carol, she told him it was for his own good. What will he do instead? Just sit around and do nothing? He´s stuck there. The least he could do was learn from his mistakes and try to be a better person.

“You think you know more than I do, but you DON´T! You´re just a bitch who´s trying to make her job easier!” He yelled.

“I´m not! And take that back! You little shit!” she said.

“Make me!” She was tired. She´s had enough.

They have been fighting for nearly an hour. A whole hour where he wanted to kick her out and she just wanted him to do as she said.

They were loud enough not to notice Gene had already parked outside. That she got out of her car and made it all the way to the front door.

Loud enough to be heard from outside. Gene, the tall woman, thought of this as something strange. They were fighting? What could they be arguing about?

She decided to get in and see for herself. Maybe the help of someone else will make things easier. And both will have to listen to what she has to say.

She wasn´t sure on how to start. Be a wise older woman advising them not to fight? Command them not to? She´s kind of in charge there. Or maybe just try to cool things down as a neutral third party.

“I won´t apologize. You´re no more than a fucking bitch! A mean, stupid and annoying woman!” He screamed, to the top of his lungs as Gene opened the door.

Carol has had enough! He was not willing to listen, he was very disrespectful. And he´s being a jerk since the very first moment she crossed that door. He´s not going to shut up, so, she´ll shut him in a different way.


She was mad, enraged. She didn´t want to have to listen to his annoying voice for another second. She slapped him, as hard as she could.

There was a considerable difference in size by now, she slammed her hand on his face so hard, so fast, that he fell backwards. His legs lost the ground and he fell right on his butt. With a hot feeling over his cheek. His face, he felt it all over his face. Her hand was so big now.

Carol looked at him, with danger in her eyes. Breathing heavily as she loomed above the man on the floor. She was tired of him, she didn´t want things to be this way, but it just happened. In a moment of rage, she just slapped the annoying man on the face.

However… maybe she picked the worst moment to do it.

“What do you think you´re doing?!!!” It was Gene, a loud, deep, upset voice coming from behind Carol. When had she entered?

“Carol, why have you slapped my son?!!!” Uh oh, she slapped Kevin right in front of momma bear.

Carol had things easy, she could do anything there. Order him around, tease him, feel herself at home, basically. But there was a rule, a rule Gene made VERY clear. Carol, under no circumstance, is allowed to lay a single finger on Kevin.

And today, she landed all five on his face, making him land on the floor. Right before Gene´s eyes, a woman who said she´ll RUIN her life if she hurt him.

He may be lazy, a mess, and with not much of a future ahead. But, he´s still Gene´s baby, so… a mother never stops protecting their son, not even if he´s a 23-year-old-man who doesn´t show any affection back.

“How dare you, how dare you slap my son!” Gene´s face was red. She, standing now at 6´7” on her bare feet. Loomed taller than anyone else in the room.

Carol´s heart skipped a beat. Kevin was the one in trouble before, and now, it was her? Things turn around pretty easy. And now, she´s at the butt-end of it. Not fun.

Gene took a step forward, looking at Kevin at the floor. Rubbing his cheek, which was now red. It only made her rage!

She was ready to fall over Carol as a giant wall of bricks. Ready to kick her ass out of the house. Quite literally. Gene´s way taller than Carol now.

This was it; she broke the only rule around the house. And now, it was time to pay the consequences.

Carol was not sure how things will go. She´ll be fired, for sure. But Gene promised she´ll ruin her life. This was bad, this was really bad!

But, there´s something else to it… the “Kevin factor”

He was at the floor, looking up to both amazons, unsure about what was going to happen.

Part of him felt confused, she slapped him? She did! And he just fell to the ground? How much weaker was he now? And his face, it hurt! A lot! This wasn´t fair!

He´s never fallen on his butt because a girl had slapped him. And now, he did. He felt weak, he felt pathetic. Did he earn it? No way.

He didn´t deserve something like this. Not at all. And there´s one person who´ll agree with him. One person who will ALWAYS be on his side, no matter what.

He had no idea why he did it, or what drove him to it. Maybe it was the fact that he felt weak. Maybe it was because things were not going his way. Or, deep down, he knows he needs protection, protection from someone bigger.

“M-mom, s-she hit me!” He stood back on his feet, and just ran towards his mother.

A tall figure of protection. Of love, of affection. A woman who´ll shelter him, who´ll protect him. He was not proud of it, but he ran straight to his mom.

Gene´s attention went straight to Kevin. She watched him as he stood up and ran to her. He landed his face right over her stomach, bending so that his face didn´t touch her enormous breasts. Kevin simply landed on her, and hugger her tightly.

Gene reacted automatically, her maternal instincts kicking in as she wrapped her long arms around him, putting her big hands on his back. Bringing him in.

“Shh, shh, it´s ok, honey. Mommy´s here…” A hug, was he really hugging her? She couldn´t believe it!

After so long, he came straight to her. She didn´t have to ask, he came to her, on his own! It´s been years since he last hugged her, and now, he needed her. It made the hug more special. He needed shelter, he needed protection. He needed… mom.

“There, there, it´s ok. It´s ok, momma´s here…” She was mad, but he needed her sweet side, he needed attention now. “let me see your face, honey, let me see…” he didn´t even mind her cooing voice. He always complaint about it, but now, it doesn´t matter.

“Poor thing…” she said as she gently placed her hand on his red cheek. Rubbing it a little with her feminine hand. She hated to see him like this, but, receiving a hug from his son? Was it worth it?

She liked this feeling. The feeling of being needed. The feeling of having him run to her for shelter. She will shelter him, now and always. Why? Because she loves him. He´s an extension of her, and now, he needs love. And she´s happy he´ll accept her love.

Gene will take care of him. Probably put some ice on his cheek and make sure no bruises appear. But first, there´s something she´ll have to take care of.

“You!” she turned at Carol, with menacing eyes, “don’t think we´re done.” Carol was in some big trouble. But she was not the one to blame! He started it!

But there´s not much she can do. Kevin´s basically her main concern right now. Now and probably always. He´s her number one priority, not her.

After all this, all the arguing, all the yelling. Kevin will get away with it? Seriously? Carol will find out…


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