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Chapter 3

On Sunday, Trevor was sitting at the coffee shop. Waiting for either of the girls to show up.

He wanted to give them a good impression, so he got there like thirty minutes earlier, but that may not be the best idea he could have…

“They should be here any second…” Trevor thought to himself, feeling bad for what he did.

During all the past week, he´s got cero interaction with them. Not a single text, call, nothing! They made it seem as if he didn´t existed. But he probably deserved that.

He was not trying to hurt them. He didn´t meant any of this to happen. But he knows that there are consequences for what he did. However, the consequences are kind of… good?

He´s excited to see them! The sweet Pam. The spicy Kelsey. He misses them. Plus, he´s been longing to see their new bodies. Could they be as tall as the women from the clinic? He needed to know!

Trevor feels bad about it, as if he was using them… again. But his intentions were pure! He loved them… the problem is, he loved them both, at the same time.

“I´m such an idiot…” this was not the first time he said that.

This past week was hard, emotionally hard on him. He felt lonely, tired. Frustrated. He can´t blame them for doing what they did. They had the right to do it.

But there was this tiny light at the end of this long way his depression was. Hope. They didn´t just broke up with him.

Pam and Kelsey didn´t make this elaborate plan to break up with him at the coffee shop, to exhibit him as a cheater. A double-faced piece of shit.

And he´ll deserve it. But they didn´t. They chose a… different path to it. But what kind of path was that?

Was this torture? Some sort of cold, elaborate plan to torture him? Will he be waiting at the coffee shop forever…

“Oh, here they come…” Trevor thought as he casually turned at the door. Both women entered. Did they come together? Probably.

Trevor rapidly stood up to welcome them. But the doubt came all over him.

Should he kiss them both? A hug? Or… handshake? What is he supposed to do? Treat them as if they were still dating? Or… treat them as… friends? What was the current status of their relationship?

Things were so confusing at the time. But that was for him.

And there they were. Both ladies, walking into the coffee shop. Both looking as lovely as the day they… well, as the day before they decided to vanish from his life for a week. If that was a punishment, he had it coming.

Trevor was expecting both women to be maybe… taller? He had the idea that both women would be close to the six-foot-mark. But they were not. In fact, they looked a little… sort of the same way as last week.

But he didn´t care that much. Both were there, and that´s all he cares for. Plus, both are already hot!

Kelsey was wearing a tiny pair of denim shorts, and on top a lose black shirt, with a rock band´s logo on it. Meanwhile, Pam wore a nice pink blouse, and a pair of tight jeans.

“He´s over there…” he could read Kelsey´s lips while she was talking to Pam; who waved at him excitedly when she turned.

Things were fine now… right?

He was not expecting them to come together, but they did. And he never thought they´ll be so… close? Well, he doesn´t know if they´re close or not, but the fact that both can stand the other, that´s pretty much a win to him.

“Hi! Girls, how are you? Long time no see, huh?” He said as he stood up, to greet them. But both women just sat.

“No hugs… ok.” He thought as they politely, although a bit passive-aggressive, took a sit at the four-people table.

He couldn´t help but to feel nervous. What to do? He had no idea, there´s no way to know how to deal with this. They are… competing? He´s a judge? Or, maybe, they are the ones who will actually decide? And he´s just… a puppet?

He can´t really think that way, both women are awesome! It´s him the one who´s… kind of a jerk. His indecision led to this, now, he has to decide and end up with this. The problem is, he can´t!

He tried, but he couldn´t! He just… can´t tell who loves him more, who he loves more. Who´s sweeter, who´s smarter, who´s… better? Treating women this way was awful. But those were their rules.

“Not sure yet?” Asked Kelsey as she took a sip of her expresso, “Well, I can´t blame you. I know we´re not… what´s the term you use? Oh right, amazonic. We´re still far from the women of your desires.”

“Aww, don’t worry, it´s fine. It´s just been a week, you still have plenty of time!” Came Pam´s chippering voice, as she took a sip of some pink, whipped cream topped beverage. With rainbow sprinkles.

“Sorry… but I´m glad you don´t mind…” Replied Trevor as he took a sip of his mochaccino.

Kelsey lowered her glass, looked at him and said: “Well, we, at least I, mind. Can´t you tell how much bigger I am?”

“Uhm… I… no?” Was she taller? She looked… the same.

“You can´t? Oh, silly, she´s been,” Pam made a pause and whispered, “packing a few pounds. I have too.”

Pounds? Packed? Were they actually gaining weight?

Trevor needs to pay more attention. The shirt Kelsey´s wearing is oversized for a reason. And Pam´s also wearing her fat pants.

Even if it doesn´t show, both ladies have been growing. But not at the pace he wanted. This was going to be a loooong journey.

“Five pounds.” Said Kelsey. “I´m up by that much. But I can´t really complaint, I mean, most of it is going to the right places, I guess. My hips feel wider and my boobs, well, even if you can´t tell by my top, but they are certainly straining my bras.

Trevor took a hard swallow of his drink. She was… expanding? Growing curvier? That was GREAT!

“She´s right, this treatment is quite a thing, let me tell you. Although, I´m up by six pounds. I guess I like to munch, hehe.” Added Pam, whose drink was much higher in calories than the ones of the rest. “But it´s fine, my butt´s never looked better.” She winked at Trevor.

Kelsey took the chance to kick Pam beneath the table. She can´t say those kinds of things. Right now, they are being cold towards him. Doesn´t she remember the plan?

Both know he´s done wrong. However, they agreed on giving him a second chance. Still, he won´t have it so easy. This time alone was a punishment for what he´s done. They didn´t stop texting or calling him for nothing.

“Ouch.” Said Pam, as she turned at Kelsey.

Trevor noticed, but he didn´t say a word. He was not completely sure what was going on. But still, he had a question. A very particular question.

“S-so… uhm… girls, has any of you like… started… growing?” his mouth went dry, his hands started to sweat. They gained weight, but… was there more than just that?

Both girls could see his antsy look. He was desperate to know. But Pam was not going to speak first, she´ll leave it up to Kelsey; she doesn´t want another kick on her leg.

“Well, actually…” Started Kelsey, speaking as if it was not the big deal, but to him, it was! He was craving for those details! He wanted to know. He even had a record of their heights.

Well, not really, he knew their heights, but when this date´s done, he´ll ran to his apartment, get a notebook and write them down. Keeping track of their expansions.

“I spoke with Pam last night, and I also checked on myself. I assume you´ll be happy to know this treatment actually works. And that they just didn´t took away your money for nothing.” Yes, but how much?!

Trevor could barely hold himself. His legs were trembling beneath the table. He took another sip to calm himself down, but he was too excited!

Kelsey decided to be nice and told him, not after some long, teasing seconds.

“An inch. Both, Pam and I are an inch taller.” That means…

“So… both? An… inch?” It was not a HUGE difference in height. But growing an inch at their age, it´s abnormal. To him, it´s arousing.

Right now, Kelsey is 5´8”, and her frame went from 110 pounds to 115. Meanwhile, Pam is 5´7”, weighting a total of 123 pounds, in contrast to her previous 117.

Even though Kelsey was taller, Pam was a bit… thicker. Not husky, or fat. Simply heavier. But that extra pounds only made her derriere juicier. It wasn´t much of a difference, before, it was about seven pounds, but now, the gap´s augmented, being eight pounds what sets these women away. Still, an inch in height difference.

Trevor couldn´t hold himself. His member was hard on his pants. Heavier, taller, curvier! Everything was worth it!

Paying, waiting, the silent torture both had him into. He was not punished, per se, his desires are coming true! Slowly, yes, but that will only make it sweeter!

However, with everything settled, both women had to go. His answer was clear, he had no idea who to pick.

“Well, I guess we´ll see you next week. Same place, same time.” Said Kelsey as she stood up.

“Wait! You… you´re leaving?” Trevor didn´t want them to go. This was not fair! Although, who was he to tell what was and wasn´t fair? What he did wasn´t fair.

Pam stood up, taking the very last sip of her drink before. “Yeah, we´re pretty much done here, right?” she asked Kelsey. Who just nodded.

“But… that means… I´ll have to wait a WHOLE week to see you?” this was torture, mean, silent torture.

Maybe he was right. What he did was wrong, but he still had a heart. One that´s aching for both.

Pam looked at Kelsey, who just rolled her eyes. Kelsey wanted Trevor to beg them for forgiveness, but Pam… she was just too soft.

“Fine.” Said Kelsey. “If Pam wants to stay with you, she can. But I´m still leaving. I need new bras.”

Trevor put some sad puppy eyes. He didn´t want to wait a whole week to see her either. He missed her. He even made his lower lip tremble a little.

“Hey! Don´t put that face!” Kelsey also has some weak spots, “Quit it! Listen, you won´t have to wait a whole week. But I´m still leaving. Still… I guess we can meet… later this week.” It seems they will date again… but Kelsey still had to write some terms down.

He won´t have it so easy… maybe with Pam, but now with her. Kelsey won´t pretend things didn´t happen, Trevor must regret what he did. She has a plan already; Kelsey wanted to make Trevor feel even more guilty than he can possibly feel now. Since Pam was kind enough to listen to Kelsey´s advice, her plan was going to be easier.

Kelsey doesn´t want to torture him, but she really means to make him see what he´s got and how it would be to lose it. Hurting him is not her goal, she´s looking to teach him a lesson.

With Kelsey gone, it was only Pam and Trevor right now.

He was happy, content. Looking at the pretty blue eyes of the brunette. If she´s gained six pounds, they really don´t show.

But that may be because he hasn´t have a clear view of her butt. She´s caking up!

The effects of this treatment were effective, but slow. This growth both women will undergo will take time. If he´s expecting results from one day to the other, he´s wrong! But that doesn´t mean things won´t be interesting.

“Oh, Pam, I´ve missed you so much!” Trevor said as he reached for Pam´s hands and held them in his.

Pam smiled, but his words don´t mean the same as they once did. He cheated on her. Or, was she the one with whom he was cheating on Kelsey? This was so confusing, something she shouldn´t have to worry about.

“Yeah…” Said Pam, kind of awkwardly as she smiled, a bit cringy.

Usually, she would´ve said something like: “I´ve missed you too!” or, “Awww, you´re so sweet…”, at least gave him a genuine smile. But he blew it.

Trevor got to keep them both… but also not. It will take some more time for both girls to forgive him. At least to show some affection back.

“Pam, I… I´m sorry! I really am! I… I don´t know why I did it, it´s just that…” He wanted her forgiveness. To let her know he regrets his past decisions.

“Trevor… don´t. Just… it´s still too soon. It… kinda’ hurts.” It hurts a lot. Her heart´s aching. Her evenings are lonely, her thoughts of despair. She feels betrayed, sad, hurt.

Trevor knows he just ruined it. He betrayed the trust of two lovely women. But he´ll make that up! That´s if they allow him to…

“So… uhm… are you going to… buy new clothes too?” he wanted to talk, as friends now.

“Well… not yet. I think my clothes still fit me… not as they used to, but I think I still have some room to grow.” Replied Pam, smiling. Her bright smile back on her face.

Trevor smiled back; this was the most he´s talked to her in weeks! This was some nice progress.

Maybe he can start over. Be kind, gentle. Be the attentive man they fell in love for. He could do it.

He lied, to both, hiding the fact that he was dating someone else. And now, he still was.

He regrets his decisions. But it all happened so soon! Before he knew it, he was hiding he had a relationship already. Hiding Pam from Kelsey and vice versa.

But he´ll fix it! In the end, they still want him, right? These two ladies still love him, deep down. That´s why they didn´t ditch him right there the other day. That´s why they didn’t cut off all relationships they had.

He liked to think that they were deeply in love with him. But deep down, they know he needs them. They compliment his life. Without them, he´s nothing. Lost, sad, lonely.

Both, Pam and Kelsey, knew that. He needs them. To feel whole. That´s why they made an agreement. As soon as this period of ignoring him is over, they will both start this battle to win him.

Each will do her best to seduce him, to convince him she´s the one he should choose. As soon as the signal´s given, by Kelsey, both will be all over him. Not at the same time, but that part was still on the works.

Both already have some plans. To succeed, they need to tease him, to arouse him. To make his mind blow! With lust, desire, passion! And the best part is, the bigger they get, the easier it will be.


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