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Chapter 5

Ethan had an internal conflict. Is he… in love with his bodyguard?

A part of him can´t believe it, more like, it can´t happen! She´s older, probably moody, and she´s a giantess! He´s 5´3”, what can he possibly do with a 7´ woman? Make her carry him? Ask her to reach stuff for him? Besides, she´s built! Not the kind of woman that has legs for arms, but she´s toned, what if he says something he shouldn´t and she slaps him?

The truth is, he´s taking that risk, even if he´s not in a relationship with her.

However, there´s things he can´t deny. She´s kind, not all the time, but she cares. She´s pretty, and her age makes her more… experienced. She cooks, knows things he doesn´t, like cleaning. She´s responsible, probably smart enough to keep him out of trouble. And… she´s stacked! And not just that, she´s got a big, juicy ass, and plump, thighs.

She´s hot. And for someone like him, who doesn´t go out often, and has a… hard time making friends, she´s basically the only woman he´s interacted with in days. Besides cashers, or other person that´s offered a service to him.

“No way, Ethan, no way… you can´t be in love with that… that… that pretty amazon…” he blushed at the image of hers.

“Ok, think straight, is this really love or… just your horny mind dragging you into her? Let´s check that out.” Ethan stepped out of his room and went to check on her.

It was Sunday, so… there wasn´t much going on. She was probably at the pool, or at the kitchen. She does eat a lot, well, compared to him. Her body needs a lot more calories than he does, and only because of the size difference.

Another option where to look, her room. But she´s made it clear, that´s her personal space. If he wants to get in, he has to knock first.

*knock* *knock*

His heart was pounding. He was so nervous. He wanted to see her, but what excuse can he give? Ask for lunch? That was not something cool to do. Ask her if she wants to go out? He´ll feel as if they were on a date! Plus, she doesn´t quite hang out with him.

Yes, she´s supposed to be with him 24/7, but that doesn´t mean they are friends. He´s more like… an asset she looks after.

He waited a couple seconds, then knocked again and… nothing.

“Ok, the kitchen or the pool…”

The good thing is, he found Judith at the kitchen, but he didn´t met her face first. But her ass.

He was dumbfounded when he immediately spotted her big, round, hefty ass. She was bending over, looking for something inside the fridge. But what a view he had!

Her big butt was stretching the tight fabrics of her deep-purple yoga pants. Her long legs were too long for them, they only made it as far as the mid of her plump calves.

Her legs looked strong, large, and at the same time, so sensuous, so curvaceous. Her thunder thighs, her wide hips, and those hulking glutes.

Ethan swallowed, the view of the amazon going through the fridge, she hadn´t notice his presence. That was good! He had more time to leer at her. Yes, that was kind of creepy, or at least not very kind from him, but he couldn’t help it!

Before he could even react, she stood straight. Her large hands carrying ham, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, mustard, mayo… She was probably going to make herself a sandwich. Not a small one as he would.

When she was standing at her full height, which is twenty-one inches above him, on her bare feet, he could see her face. Well, not before giving a quick, discrete, peek at her boobs.

Her massive, round, mature breasts. They were so sensuous. Supported only by that huge, black, sports bra she was wearing.

She turned, with a pickle in her mouth. Looked at him and, after swallowing the whole thing, she asked: “May I help you, Ethan?” She didn´t like it when he didn´t introduce himself when he entered a room.

But everyone´s mute when they are around her. She´s imposing, intimidating even. And Ethan´s well… shy. At least that´s what she knows so far. Plus, he was probably ogling at her ass while she was bending.

She can´t be mad, her butt´s big, and she knows it. However, it´s not there for people to see it. Her response will depend on what he wants. If he´s just there to check her out, then he´s in trouble.

Ethan didn´t heard her question, he was in awestruck. Her body was shocking, large, sexy, a total bombshell! She got his heart pounding and his dick, well… he was a bit hard, but not noticeably.

However, when she turned, looking at him with her blue eyes, her pretty face. Her hair flying in the air in slow motion. He knew it, he´s got a crush on her!

His heart was not beating from arousal, but from love. The excitement of seeing that person that makes your legs tremble, your heart beat, and your mouth numb.

He was not scared, he also made sure of that. Else, his hands will be sweating. And they weren´t.

“Uhm… I… hi…” he hadn´t think of an excuse yet.

“Hi…” she replied, a bit skeptical, “Can I help you with anything?” She rose an eyebrow, if there´s no good answer, then his sentence will be twenty push-ups. For someone who can barely manage to do ten, that´s torture.

“I… I…” think fast! She´s getting mad! “I wanted… a…” he looked at the ingredients she just placed over the counter. “a sandwich! I came here for a… sandwich.” Saved.

Judith was not very convinced. But it was lunchtime so…

“Would you like me to make you a sandwich?” she asked, gently. She didn´t mind, she´s been cooking for him all week, what´s one more meal?

“Sure! Thanks!” She´s got that aura on her, one that says: “I caught you, but I´ll play your little game…” obviously, she noticed he was leering at her. But she didn´t said a word.

He sat at the kitchen´s bar, looking at the amazon gracefully preparing two sandwiches at the same time. Probably so that both could share a meal.

At the end, he had a simple, yet very well crafted sandwich before him. It was sliced in half, and so carefully prepared. Plus, it had ships on the side. A nice, light meal. But hers was not that light. In fact, she didn´t just had one sandwich.

Judith had two HUGE sandwiches on her plate. Three slices of bread on each sandwich, double the amount of ham on each one, a big load of lettuce, a full tomato on each one. And she had ALL of the chips left on the bag for her.

Once again, the appetite on this woman never fails to amaze him. This is just another way to realize she´s WAY bigger. It´s obvious, but this is another way to show it. Strength, Size, Age, And probably wisdom, she´s superior to him in all those aspects.

And he wonders, is that why he´s in love with her? Because she… compliments him?

He´s kind of… lonely. He´s been living there for more than a while, months, he´s been at that place for months and he hasn´t made a single friend. He spent his whole days alone, playing videogames, or on his phone. Social media, random videos, gameplays.

She´s taking his life away from a routine that will lead to… nowhere. He´s rich, well his family is, therefore, he doesn´t have the need to work. But that doesn’t mean his life´s fully arranged.

He´s a mess, an irresponsible, lazy, mess. And Judith was warned about it so… time to make him work. And it was so simple, basically, she was there to make him a more active person.

But he thinks she´s there to… seduce him? She´s not trying, but he´s not capable of being at the same room as her without feeling aroused.

Even while she eats, he´s having a hard time eating his own food.

Her clothes are tight, and tiny. She´s there, wearing no more than a sports bra on top. Her long, sexy limbs, her bare torso, she looks so… smooth. Her shoulders are toned, yes, that intimidates him a bit, maybe. But she´s there, showing off a lit of skin.

This is clearly not an invitation for him to scan her body and start imagining things. But he can´t help it.

That night, he couldn´t sleep. Does he really love her? Maybe… would it be that bad? She can clearly take care of him. She´s big, responsible, and knows how to cook. For someone like him, who´s not prepared to be a functional being on his own, she´s a gift!

He won´t be lost without her, but returning to the way he used to live… that was not exactly a good choice.

“She´s pretty… and she looks young for her age… probably.” He had no idea of her exact age, and he was afraid of asking. If she gets mad about it… he´ll be in trouble.

“You know what? Why not trying? I mean, what can I lose? I´m not even sure if she´ll quit…” she was most likely to convince him he´s not in love with her. But his heart knows best.

He´ll try it! Try to be friends with her, and then, make that friendship something bigger! Grow into a relationship. And then, seduce her and get laid with her huge buxom body. That´s not his only goal, but it´s a benefit.

Worst case scenario, things get a bit weird. And she quits, which will take her out of his life. And there´s no way he´ll ever see her again, which won´t remind him of his mistake every time she´s there… it´s not that bad.

His main question, something he really can´t get yet, why her? Being older than him is… not the worst. But the size difference? He´s tiny and she´s colossal!

He shouldn´t be so attracted towards a much taller woman. He´s not completely sure about it. Isn´t the man supposed to be taller? Stronger? Shouldn´t he look for someone more… his size?

He had these thoughts creeping his mind for a while, until he came to this particular thing: “Opposites attract…” which is just a myth.

Opposites are not necessarily attracted, however, complimenting people do get attracted. And Judith, she compliments him in every way thinkable.

Simple questions like: “Are you hungry?”, “Did you wash your hands?”, “Have you taken out the trash?”, “Cleaned your room?”, “Showered?” She´s basically making sure he´s not falling on the mess he was before she arrived.

And, some of the questions make him think she truly cares for him. And that´s way more than anyone has ever done for him.

He´s been surrounded by people who just work for him. Servants who cook for him, maids who clean, drivers, gardeners. He´s never really felt what´s it like to be with someone who pays attention to you, other than just checking on you as, well, as part of their job.

And that´s the same Judith´s doing. She´s just working, right? But the question is, why does it feel different? Why does all those questions have a different impact when they come from her?

Ethan feels as if she really cared. As if she was actually there with him, and not just there FOR him.

Could it be the fact that they live together and he perceives her more as a big roommate? Even… as a wife?

He´s not completely sure, but he knows one thing. His feelings for her… it´s love!

Ethan, who´s not sure how or when, but he will give it his best to make her fall in love with him. Of course, not in a forced way. But he´ll try!


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