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Here it is! The new chapter of the new short-term story!

I was eager to write this story... and also tempted to write the other option as well. But either one´s fine.

But dont worry, the other options will be archived for later. And, I´m happy to tell you that next month, there will be another poll! I have plenty more of ideas and I´m so excited about writting them!

But that will be next month, now, here´s the story:


A man wants his skinny girlfriend to have a better shape, he would be ok with anything, just to see some flesh on her bones, but one day, he wakes up and finds out she´s got a different body, and she´s... taller?

He was excited, it seemed surreal, but, as days go by, he realizes his “wishes” seem to come true. He lays in bed with one thing in mind for her, and when he wakes up, she´s turned into the woman he thought about. Although, taller than expected.

The only thing he didn´t quite planned was for her to get taller each passing day... why would that be?

Chapter 1

A turn to the left, driving the car for a couple more blocks. Looking through the window, seeing all the lovely houses of the neighborhood. They all look… kind of the same. Some have a different color, all doors are customized, the front yard.

Some have small trees, some have bushes. Others have flowers, and some have them all. It´s a fresh evening. A nice afternoon, freshly out of work. With nothing in mind but a relaxing night, watching TV.

At least that´s Ray´s idea. He´s driving his red sedan, wearing his sunglasses to fight the sunshine that´s straight on his eyes. At this time of the day, 5:30 pm, the sun´s basically at eye level.

Barely standing before the earth turns and night time comes.

Ray´s eager to get home with this special person who´s waiting there for him. Her name´s Milly, and she´s been his girlfriend for about three years now. Last year, they moved in together, to this lovely house he´s just parking on.

Letting his car inside the garage. Stepping out and finally, letting out this sigh of relieve. It was Saturday. But not any Saturday.

Today, it was officially his last day at work, now, time for some vacations…

Ray´s been working for this company for over a year, which means… a full week of vacations! No more waking up at 5:00 am, no more driving thirty minutes to work and back, and staying there for eight hours. No, no more… at least for a week.

Now, it´s time to be lazy. Do, pretty much… nothing, except enjoying the day and, of course, the company of his lovely girlfriend.

“Milly, my love, I´m home…” he sang as he entered his house and kicked his shoes off. He´ll probably leave them by the door until he needs them…

Ray´s so excited, he really needs these vacations to clear his mind.

Ray´s young, 25-years-old. Standing at 6´, brown hair, brown eyes. A slim complexion, not much time to work out… but he´s still toned.

He´s making his way to the living room as he takes his tie off. Something else he won´t be missing for this week.

“Ray! You´re back!” Came the voice of his sweet girlfriend. Milly.

She´s a bit younger than him, 24-years-old. With straight, raven hair, and an angels face, with big, blue eyes. She´s 5´6”, with a thin complexion and… good skin?

The thing is… Ray loves his girlfriend, he really does. She´s kind, she´s cute, she´s lovely. Everything a man would want on a girlfriend; the only problem is… she´s kind of… flat.

He really hates to have those kinds of thoughts, but the truth is… she´s too skinny.

“How was work? Everything ok before your… vacations?” She said, playfully. Giving him a tender look.

He smiled at her and bent over to kiss her on the cheek. A whole week with his lovely girlfriend.

He suggested some real vacations, stepping out of the house, visiting a different state? Maybe a different country? One in another continent? Perhaps… Europe?

He really had no idea what to do, a week seemed like a lot of time. However… Milly said some stay-cations would do fine. A chance to enjoy their… company.

She was naughty, she meant sex, a lot of sex. And some nice cuddling too. She´s the perfect girl, her only problem, according to his male standards, is her shape.

Right now, Milly´s standing barefoot, wearing some lose shorts and a tank top. Clothes that could be filled up better…

He hates it when he thinks on that. She´s too nice to deserve him scrutinizing her like that.

She´s not one of those buxom women on TV, or those models from magazines; Well, she does look like a model… but the skinny ones.

Ray´s got a tiny problem. He likes… fleshy girls. Anything´s fine. Busty, with big booties. Even thick women. He wants to see flesh. If they have a hourglass figure or a plump body, that´s kind of the same. Both include tits and butt on the package, right?

He fell in love with Milly because she was awesome. Amazing. She was the other half he´s been missing his whole life. The only thing he could call a… not so good thing was… her shape.

There´s nothing wrong with being skinny, he knows that, but he´d really love to have some more flesh on her to… touch. Caress, huge boobs to smother him, a massive butt sitting on him. That kind of stuff.

He knows it´s his lust speaking, but it wouldn´t be so bad is she could, somehow, grow bigger?

“I hope you like it. Since this is a special occasion, I´ve decided to make something tasty. A huge, home-made, meat-lovers PIZZA!” Milly was a great cook. And she knew most of the recipes by memory.

She just loves to pamper him with food.

“Thank you, this is amazing!” He loved pizza, and she knows.

As both dug into this thick-crust pizza, he couldn´t ignore the fact that she was so lovely. Taking some time of the day to cook for him. And calling this a “special occasion”? She´s so caring.

Still, he can´t help a thought, why hasn´t she gained weight? She weights about… 100 pounds. She´s gained cero-pounds since they started dating. And she doesn´t even work out, she does… yoga.

Like three or four hours per week, her metabolism must be a monster, because she loves food. She´s not close to eating as much as him, but he weights 176-pounds. He can eat more than her, he needs about 1000 calories more per day. Or so, he can´t be sure.

As he enjoys his meal, he tries to picture her, a little thicker. Just for fun. What if all that pizza went to, let´s say… her hips? Her thighs? Or… her butt?

“It´s got bacon, tiny meat-balls, ham, pepperoni, sausage… and extra cheese! Tell me, does my cute husband love his special dinner?” she cooed. She always makes this little, tender questions, making sure he´s enjoying what she´s cooked. Really, he doesn´t deserve her.

“I love it. But… not as much as I love you. Thank you, you´re amazing.”

“Awww, I´m glad you liked it. And,” her tone turned a bit more sensuous now, “I hope you like the SPECIAL dessert I have for you…”

He smiled. Spoilers, it´s no cake…

After dinner, they moved on to bed.

Ray was kissing Milly, deeply, tenderly. Both now laying in bed and her on top of him. She weighted practically nothing to him, it was fine if she let her full body rely on his.

Ray placed his hands on her hips and continued with the kissing.

But there´s some things he couldn´t help. Thinking, trying to imagine how would it be if she was thicker, what if those hips were fuller. What If her waist was softer.

Even if her body felt heavier over his. If he could feel her thick thighs resting on his lap. Her soft, sensuous body brushing against his. He pictured her deep, blue eyes, on a not so sharped face.

Her collar bones, which are VERY visible, maybe gone, or not gone, but covered with a layer of muscle. Fat? He doesn´t know what he wants. He just wants her to have some flesh over those bones of hers.

As they are both naked, him now on top of her. Thrusting his hips, pushing his member inside her. Moans feeling the air, pants. Their breathing heavier. His mind´s foggy, trying to picture her, trying to picture his skinny girlfriend as something else, something more.

Deep inside his mind, his only desire is to see her bigger. Thicker. More of her. He wants more.

“More, more… Bigger, bigger, BIGGER!!!” he climaxed.

Ray stumbled next to her, out of breath. He was tired. How come? Maybe it´s because of his hard work at the office? Probably.

One thing´s for sure, his eyes are shutting, slowly drifting away into sleep. The only thing he perceives is his breathing. And the only thing he feels, is the bed beneath him. And his only thought, is the desire of seeing Milly, bigger, thicker, with a fuller body.

“Boobs…” he´ll give anything to see her with a big, bouncy bosom…

The next morning, Ray woke up. At the usual time he would wake up on a Sunday. At 9:00 am, which was very late compared with his working schedule. But, even if he wasn’t on vacations, Sundays was his day off. Time to rest, time to enjoy and… time to spend with his lovely girlfriend.

He turned to his side, but Milly wasn´t there. He blinked, and then rubbed his eyes. Where was she? But the doubt didn´t last long, a smell came into the room, a sweet, vanilla-like smell. There´s no doubt…

“Pancakes…” he took a deep breath, bringing in the sweet, intoxicating smell of pancakes. His favorite breakfast. Plus, he could also listen to the frying bacon. His mouth turned watery.

He rose up from bed, and then he noticed… he´s still naked.

“Maybe I should put on something…” A quick change and then, to the kitchen. To meet his lovely, caring girlfriend.

“Mmmm…” He breathe in as he entered the kitchen. The aroma intensified the closer he got.

While he was standing at the door´s frame, he spot Milly, standing in front of the stove. Busy with the tasty breakfast she was making.

However, he couldn´t help but to think… is something different on her? He wasn´t sure. Was it her hair? Her clothes? There was something different. That´s her, for sure, her hair color, her slightly pale, smooth skin. Her legs…?

There was something different. Yes, those were the same shorts she wears. However… something was up. Her legs looked kind of… different. He couldn´t put a finger on it, but there was something about her.

“Well… good morning, sleepyhead…” Said Milly, while he was still trying to decipher what´s different about her.

He had this slight question, were her legs a bit… thicker? Not too much, of course, but those shorts look a liiiittle tighter. Still kind of loose, but maybe her legs were just a bit more curvaceous.

However, when she turned, his jaw almost hit the floor.

“Did you have a good night´s sleep?” Her boobs were HUGE!

He should´ve noticed that her shoulders were wider too, and they must! Milly had a huge pair of knockers! Massive breasts that strained her tank top.

As she turned, her boobs bounced, and her nipples, they were hard. He could see them clearly, hard, puffy nipples. Right in the middle of her massive tits.

Before, she was like… an A-cup. But now, she was carrying a huge pair of F-cups on her 5´6” frame...

“I… I…” He turned at her smiling face, then at her boobs, her face, then her boobs. What was going on? He couldn´t believe it! Milly was TOP HEAVY! And not lightly, a pair of massive, smothering breasts!

She smiled, but in a mocking way. “What´s the matter Ray, my eyes are up here, haha. One would think that, after dating for so long, you would already be used to my boobies.” She lifted them up and let them fall.

The jolting of her breasts, the movement of those fleshy, mounds of soft lust. He wanted to touch them. Grab them, put his face between them!

But… did she say used to them? Already? What´s that supposed to mean?

“Ok, you can play with them later, right now, take a seat and wait for me to finish with our breakfast.” She smiled. And he, as stupefied as he was, just followed what she said.

Ray was perplexed by what his eyes were seeing. Milly, she had huge breasts. The kind that stretch shirts, the kind of boobs that women struggle to get into bras. The kind that… he likes.

Seeing her was a total show. Her boobs bouncing with her every step. Their round form, ballooning out of her chest. For a woman with a complexion as thin as hers, those look kind of fake, but they are not!

How´s this even possible? He needs to check on that. How come she´s “always” been like this. This must be some sort of prank.

But it wasn´t.

Ray did the only thing he thought logical. Searched for proves. And he found them. He checked on his cell phone. Looked for their pictures together. And that showed him this was real.

All of their pictures, on his phone´s memory, on their social media, all were the same. Him with Milly, and her massive breasts.

There´s no way this is a trick, and that all of their pictures are edited. He even checked on their friends accounts to see if this was real, and it was.

The first thing he did was wondering how? How did this happen? Why does he have the idea that she´s always been flat until… today? He´s certain she didn´t had those jugs last night, that’s for sure.

But then, another thing came to his mind. So what? Does it really matter? What if this was a dream? This should be his chance to enjoy.

And he was enjoying. As he went through their pictures, he took the chance to leer at her body. Those over-developed breasts. Flashing him on wide open shirts, stretching her tops and, on beach pictures, they were magnificent!

Her huge boobs, about to spill out of any bikini she wore. Red, blue, yellow, there´s no way those won´t look PERFECT on either of them. His main question is, how would they look… naked?

“Mmmm… Ray… What… what´s gotten into you?” Milly asked as Ray was all over her, kissing her passionately outside the bathroom.

He couldn´t help it, he was horny. He needed to put his hands on those massive breasts. But first, some kissing, to make things more… casual.

“Well… I thought we could have some fun on this… vacations. You know, there´s nothing planned for today and… well… that top of yours is kind of… screaming for me to take it off…”

“Oh, my naughty lover… well, I guess you´re right.” She kissed him again, “where do you want to go? Living room or… bedroom?” Whatever room they´re closer to, it doesn´t really matter, all he wants is a chance to play with those breasts of hers.

Feeling how they are softly pressed against him is making him crazy!

But there´s something he should notice. Those massive breasts are a bit higher than they should. Higher on him, of course.

He´s too distracted, with lust, to notice another change on hers. Her height. Her body seems a bit thicker, yes, but that´s because having such big boobs means she carries more weight, therefore, she needs more muscle on her structure to support them.

Milly´s no longer the 5´6”, 100-pound woman he´s been living with. Now, she´s 129-pounds, and standing at 5´9”, that´s right, three whole inches!

He had a wish, he wanted her to be bigger, and taller, is also bigger. He also wished for big breasts, and now, she´s got a huge pair of titties. On a taller frame, of course.

Ray´s already led Milly to their bedroom. And now, he´s stripping her, just like last night; the difference, her boobs are much bigger!

He´s already on top of her, both naked. He can barely hold his excitement, cannot hide his arousal. His member is as hard as it can be, all thanks to the massive pair of tits before him.

Milly´s laying in bed, looking at him with the same sensuous smile he´s giving her. But his eyes are glued to those heavy breasts of hers. Her nipples are hard, and her areolas are round and larger. She´s carrying a pair of tits of a size he´s never touched before… but that was before.

“Ohhh…” moaned Milly as he grabbed them, firmly, but gently. Massaging those enormous mounds. Her flesh feels so smooth, her skin so soft. They are firm, fleshy and sooooo tender.

He couldn´t hold it for too long, he needed to fuck her, right now!

And he did. Over and over. But not all at the same time.

Throughout the day, he had sex with Milly about five times. And each time, he tried something different.

Sometimes he was on top; other times, he enjoyed the view of her boobs bouncing while she sat on top of him.

The passion, the energy, he was on fire! Touching her breasts, kissing them, asking, almost begging her to smother him with their softness enormity.

He couldn´t help it.

They had sex on their bedroom, on the living room, on the shower. Even at the kitchen´s table!

His day was full of passion. And boobs! Ray´s not sure if this is some sort of dream, an epiphany. Or even a coma! But he´ll make sure to enjoy every minute of it.

Right now, they are back at the living room, Ray sinking his face between her breasts. Inhaling her scent, enjoying her body.

This was perfect. He was hoping this could last forever. Milly, who was kind of a housewife now… more like a house-girlfriend, now had a magnificent rack.

She cooks, she cleans, and now she´s got this perfect body. A slim waist, protruding breasts, her angel-like face. Her raven hair, her pretty eyes. She´s a dream come true.

But… there´s still something missing.

As he climaxed, he wonders… what about he butt? She´s got perfect breasts, but… what about a butt big enough to make her look a little more… even.

Her butt may look bigger, but the change is almost unnoticeable. Plus, her boobs catch all of his attention. She needs an ass to match.

And that´s what he chose to dream about. If he´s got a chance to choose. He wants her to have a huge bootie. Firm, round and rocking!

“Bigger, bigger… BIGGER!!!” he´s tired, again, why? No clue, but maybe it had something to see with the multiple sex sessions they had. He must´ve burned like 5000 calories only with sex.

Ray doesn´t know it, but his desires are coming true. The universe is granting him his desires of passion. His ideas that come from lust. Why? Maybe he won something? A celestial lottery? One that makes your deepest desires come true?

He doesn´t know it, but, starting from this very first day of vacations, everything he asks for, all changes he wants Milly to go through, they will come true.

The next day will be the same, but different. He´ll wake up to witness what his wishes have done to his lovely girlfriend. Today, it was her boobs, and tomorrow, will be her glutes.

But there´s a catch here, as there always is. Yes, he´s got what he wanted, but all of her body changed. Her boobs. But… will that change remain? Will her boobs still be as big as they are? Or… is her butt going to take over now?

Plus, a little change is… her height. He always wanted her to be thicker, but… being taller, that´s also kind of… a fantasy of his.

To touch the body of a bigger woman, no matter if she´s taller. He just wants to fuck and get lost in the enormous body of a goddess.

This first day was neat. Will the second one be the same?


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