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Chapter 10

Steph woke up the next morning, to the sound of furniture? Pieces of furniture being dragged from one place to the other, and then… back?

“What´s going on?” she yawned, looking at her phone´s watch, realizing it was not even 7:30 am. This was a Sunday, and on Sundays, Steph likes to sleep-in late.

Sometimes, the amazon woke up by midday. Normally, she woke up a little before 10:00 am. But never before she´s woken before 8:00 am.

If there was a reason worth it, she´ll be fine, but this is not one. Noah´s mother is coming. Which wouldn´t be such a deal; if, one, she was a nice woman, and two, if Noah wasn´t making such a problem of it.

Steph never really thought about it this way, but it seems Noah´s family is not quite… as nice as he is. He´s polite, attentive, kind. And his sister, who she just met, seemed to be making him kind of miserable.

But not as much as his own mother. Even his sister, who´s surprisingly a 6´4” woman, fears her mother. How bad can she be?

Short answer, there´s no way she´s bad enough to scare Steph. No one does. Ever. And Noah´s mother, she won´t stand a chance.

“Noah? What are you… doing?” she asked, stepping into the living room.

She was wearing these pajamas that, once, fit comfortably loose. Now, the 7´3” colossus is hardly fitting inside them. At least comfortably.

She´s wearing a shirt, one that´s not quite intended for bed. The shirt´s tight, very tight over her massive bosom. And around her waist, well, she´s been thickening enough to make it, if she ever raises her arms, to stick to her waist and the sides of her torso.

And bellow that, she´s wearing some VERY tight shorts. Made of breathable cotton, but maybe way too tight on her huge butt. The fabric´s tight on her round, fleshy ass. Hugging her extreme roundness. And short, now seeming even shorter, enough to display the thick pillars of flesh that give motion to her body. We´re talking about her legs.

Her shapely, thick and powerful legs. Her thighs bulging, her calves round, soft. The entirety of her long legs looks soft, smooth. Before, if she flexed, she could make her cuads pop out, now, they will only seem swollen. She´s kind of becoming a huge, sexy marshmallow.

Still a hot, perfect woman. Only… a bit thicker.

“Uhm…” replied Noah, who was dragging the couch, or at least trying to pull it to the other end of the living room. He managed to move the coffee table, but the heavy couch? Well…

“Why are you moving the furniture?” she asked, placing both hands on her wide hips, looking at him with an expression of light anger.

“I thought… we… needed a change on the… atmosphere?” he was an awful liar.

“Atmosphere? Tell me, since when have you cared about the atmosphere?” she rose her arms, and crossed them beneath her huge bosom. Adopting a pose, one a bit more… intimidating.

“I…” Noah turned up at her, he swallowed.

He knows what she thinks about stuff like this. Why is he struggling so much to please someone? Someone that doesn´t even care. So far, Steph is sure about one thing, his mother doesn´t deserve him bothering so much.

In fact, the other day she called, that was the very first time she´s seen Noah speaking with her. And it wasn´t nice.

“Listen, the room´s fine. The WHOLE house´s fine. Just,” she lowered one hand and placed it on his shoulder. “don´t let her get in your head. Don´t be afraid, Noah. You´ve got me, I´ll be here for you.” She smiled, a smile that says: “Everything will be fine…”

He smiled back, placed his hand into her big hand that was engulfing all of his shoulder, but there was still something he should say…

“Thank you, Steph. I… really appreciate it. But…” But? Her smile slowly faded as he spoke, “I… I know you´re a little… would you mind… if it´s the case…” he had no idea how to ask, so he just said it. “Could you, maybe… act a bit more… tolerant around my mother? I know how she is and… I know you won´t like it but… could you make a little extra effort and… try not to yell at her? F-for… for me?”

His hands started to sweat. His throat felt dry. He know his mother is… difficult. Not what one would call nice, kind, or even welcoming. And he knows Steph dislikes that kind of people. Plus, his mother can be… well, a bit… short-tempered. And if Steph´s short-tempered, then there´s a chance, of a hundredth-percent, that they will instantly crash. But if Steph can hold it, just a little, maybe this visit can work.

“O-only until she… leaves?” He was asking too much, he knows. But he was trying to be ahead of what was about to come.

Steph grunted, rose an eyebrow, the one that´s always disapproving. He knows there´s no way she will do it. But…

“Fine.” She agreed?! “I´ll “hold back” a little. But ONLY for you. I don´t know your mother, and she´s still to prove she deserves MY respect.” She doesn´t care if that woman´s coming here thinking the other way around. So she´ll make it clear from the beginning.

“F-for real!” Maybe this could work?

“For real.” The amazon bent, all the way down to give his 5´4” boyfriend a kiss. A loving one.

But the question prevails, will this work? There´s no accurate answer yet. The only thing for sure is, both are very assertive women. Women who dominate everywhere they are. Will they fight for the domain there? Even, a domain over Noah?

So far, one thing´s for sure. Steph will protect Noah at all costs, and his mother, well, she´s… not like that…

His mother said she´ll be there by 3:00 pm, and about five minutes before, the doorbell rand.

*ding* *dong*

She was there. The woman who Noah feared the most had arrived. Steph really didn´t cared. However, she was a bit mad when she heard his boyfriends, a bit scaredy, and hurried answer.

“COMING!!!” He yelled as she rushed to the door, where did he come from either way?

He ran from what only could´ve been the kitchen, and rushed his feet to the main door.

Steph was sitting at the living room´s couch, a place from where she could see the front door. She was checking her social media on her cell phone, just making time.

She didn´t care for his mother´s visit. She didn´t even got changed properly. Noah did, he was wearing a shirt, some fancy pants and the shoes he wears to his office job. But her, not quite. She showered, yes, but she was wearing just any shirt she found, and some denim shorts. Ones that made her thighs look massive! And flip-flops. With her long hairs loose.

Now, the woman turned at the door, and when Noah opened it, she couldn´t help but to rise her eyebrows in surprise. His mother, she was tall!

She had the idea that his sister Faith was the tallest in his family, but she was wrong. And that surprised her. She can´t deny she was slightly staggered by the fact that his mother was fairly taller than his sister. More than just an inch or two.

At the front door, Noah was craning his neck to look up to the amazon his mother way. Before him, the figure of a mature, but still shapely woman. Standing at a height of 6´10”, with wide hips and a narrow waist. Boobs bigger than the head of the guy standing before him. Her hair, long and of a dark brown. And the look on her face, a stern look that matched her words.

“Good evening, Noah. How are you?” The sound of her voice, one of authority, making him tremble inside.

But not Steph, she´s just looking at her apathetically. Besides, she´s not that tall.

“She´s wearing heels…” she thought to herself as she turned down at her feet.

The woman was wearing a fancy white blouse, with enough lose buttons to display more cleavage. And that shirt was tucked in on a pair of straight, gun-metal colored pants. At the end of those pants, a pair of heels. Three-inch heels. Which make her no more than 6´7” in height.

That height´s not enough to scare Steph, not even impress her.

Steph immediately noticed Noah was struggling a bit, naturally, she went straight to his rescue. She stood up, at her full 7´3” height. And, dominantly, made her way to the door.

“Welcome.” She said as she extended her hand towards his mother. Who now had a look of slight disappointment noticing Noah couldn´t even answer her casual question.

That´s just how he always is. Quiet whenever he gets a question asked.

Of course, Steph could tell this woman was surprised to see such a tall girl like her. Emerging from behind Noah´s smaller form. Her 6´10” in heels is not much compared to her natural 7´3”. Five whole inches taller.

Steph´s thinking that this woman doesn´t often meet someone taller than herself.

“My name´s Steph, nice to meet you.” She said, taking control of the situation.

The woman smiled, and shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, My name´s Sharon. Noah´s mother.”

Her face, the look on that woman´s face. Sharon was smiling in the typical way a hypocrite woman, who thinks she´s better than everyone, would smile.

Even when she´s clearly looking up to her, Steph knows this woman thinks she´s better than her. Maybe, she even considers his son, Noah, as an inferior being.

It wouldn´t be so hard to guess. Imagine, being a tall, dominant 6´7” woman who´s son is 5´4”, more than being disappointed, she must think of Noah as an embarrassment. As a failure.

“Steph? You´re Steph? Oh my, you´re so tall. No wonder why Noah NEVER said a word about you. It´s so nice to finally meet you.” She appears as a nice lady, at first. But, does she meant he´s ashamed of her? That her height´s wrong? Of course, she´s despicable.

Steph just stood there, and smiled as she pondered if she should strengthen her grip and mangle her hand. Just a little, not completely break it. But she promised Noah to be nice so… a fake smile it is.

Sharon will clearly maintain this fake polite attitude for a while. She just pretends not to hate the fact that his son´s been hiding things from her. In this case, the fact that he´s got such a huge amazon for a girlfriend.

Sharon´s stranged by it. Why would he choose a woman that big? She´s like… two feet taller than him.

“Oh well, this is not the first wrong decision he makes…” She thought. Keeping this to herself, until she shows her true colors. Which, as Noah´s already used to, will be at the dinner table.

Sharon equally shook the hand of his comparatively tiny son. A firm, cold, handshake. She didn´t even said she missed him, they haven´t met in more than a year and she´s not all over him, trying to imprint a huge kiss on his cheek. No, Sharon´s a cold woman.

Probably dry when it comes to love, or affection. Steph could notice how, as he invited her in, how Sharon walked graciously, making her way as a big, proud woman. Looking around, as if she was taking note on the house. Noah was right, it seems it matters.

On top, with the annoying woman scrutinizing the place, Noah felt nervous. He was rubbing his hands, expecting the worse. There´s no doubt, he fears her. But there´s no way Steph will allow that.

Later on, all three of them were chatting at the table. Well, it was sort of it. Sharon was asking his son a lot of questions, and they were not the type of questions Bonnie, Steph´s mother asks.

Not things like. “Are you eating well?”, “You´re sleeping well?”, even things as, “have you been working out lately? You know it´s important to keep healthy habits.” Those were caring questions. Slightly intrusive, but nice.

However, Sharon was more like…

“How long ago did you buy this house?” She asked.

“Uhm… I… we´re actually, renting it.” He replied, nervous.

“Oh… I guess I should´ve known. But if you´re renting it, why not picking a better place? Something bigger.” Steph really held back the words “none of your fucking business…”, she made promise she intends to keep. For now…

“I… well… uhm…” What to say? That he picked the place because she liked it? That will only make her say something like: “So, she makes the decisions for you? Wow, just… wow…” disappointment, he could already hear her disappointment echoing inside his mind.

The talk moved on. Then, his job came up.

“I know you´ve been working at this… small company for about a year now. Tell me, are you a manager already? Or maybe something… higher?” The look on her face, she was not going to like the answer.

“Uhm… well… I…” He stammered.

“Noah, I really don´t like it when everything that comes out of your mouth starts with “Oh, uhm…”, it´s a SIMPLE question, a simple yes or no it´s enough.” She scolded a bit, making his legs tremble.

“N-no… not yet…” He turned down at the table, defeated.

“But he´s an ASSISTANT manager.” Came Steph, trying to help, and avoid sending Sharon to a certain place where she could fit her words wherever they… that kind of things.

“Assistant? A year and you´re barely an assistant? You know, your sister Faith is already a Junior manager, and she´s been working there for less than three months. Would you like to explain to me why is it taking you SO long to reach a higher position?” Sharon was disappointed, and her words stung him like blades on fire.

His mother had high expectations for him. And for his sister as well. She expected both to have a high, if not the highest position at whatever company they preferred. To succeed, stand above everyone else. To be confident, determined, assertive. Take no shit from anyone, just like her.

She´s the owner of a small company. That´s only because she didn´t want her time to be taken from her all day long. She started from the bottom and now she´s a woman of success.

Faith´s good at following her mother´s steps, but Noah… in Sharon´s eyes he´s… a low achiever. Which is something that disappoints her. And bothers her, a lot.

The chat, which so far have done nothing but to get Noah tense, continued.

Steph had to watch how Sharon basically disapproved everything he´s done. The “bad decisions” he´s made, the poor choices he´s made. How low he´s achieved so far. He´s done nothing outstanding since he got out of college.

Steph was furious, so, getting a job is not outstanding? Having this nice apartment, which is nothing close to small, is not outstanding? Is being happy not outstanding? She´s been holding back a lot, every sentence, every word, even every look from Sharon is nothing but a display of disapproval.

And Noah´s falling for it. He´s self-conscious, probably blaming it all on him. Thinking he´s not enough, not good enough, a failure.

But out of a sudden, Sharon turned at Steph, and after a scrutinizing look, the topic shifted to her.

Of course, what else could she disapprove? She already talked about his apartment, his job, and mentioned he was not the one with the highest score on college. What else could she complaint about? Well… what about his girlfriend?

“How long have you been dating?” Sharon asked, but not to Noah, who was trying not to make any eye contact with her, she asked Steph.

“Well, since the last year of college. But we officially became a couple in…” Sharon cut her off. Rudely.

“So, you´ve been dating for a few years now? And… have you proposed to her?” She turned back at Noah.

“I…” He had no idea what to say. And to Steph, that was an inappropriate question.

“Lets leave that aside, Steph, dear, do you have a job?”

“I´m currently looking for one.” Steph replied, trying to see where she was going to.

“No job? So… Noah pays for everything here?”

“Y-yes…” he answered.

“Well, it seems to me that you´re already a housewife. You do take care of the house, right? Or is he doing literally everything? I wouldn´t be surprised if he did. I mean, why else would you be interested in him?” Noah´s lip quivered, but Steph, she was furious.

Steph´s jaw dropped, she couldn´t believe the audacity of this woman. Was she insinuating she was some sort of parasite for him? It seems she´s saying that he´s some sort of slave of hers.

“I mean, let´s be realistic, what could she possibly see on you? Yes, she´s overweighted, but she´s still way out of your league. You´d have to pay for her every wish so that she doesn´t leave you.” This was enough. Steph´s had enough.

“Listen!” She started, but Noah stood up. Literally, stood from his seat.

“M-MOM! I think… I think that was,” he swallowed, was he really standing up to her? “Offensive…? Could you… be a little nicer?” he took a step forward, but there was still a long way to go.

“Excuse me?” Sharon said, while Steph just watched what was happening.

“I… you… I don´t think you need to say all those things about Steph. She… she loves me… and I love her. The fact that she doesn’t have a job… or that I´m the breadwinner, well… that´s… there´s nothing wrong with it…”

“But there IS.” Sharon spoke, standing up from her seat, and looking, intimidatingly, down at Noah from the other end of the table, “Let´s be realistic. You probably clenched yourself into the first person who showed you a hint of this “love”, trust me, no one would love you for who you are.” That hurt.

“You´re weak, you´re small. You have this… lack of ambition. People want things in life, and you, you´re not a man who can get those things for others. Not even for yourself. Look around you, you´re living in a place you don´t own. You´re working for a very little pay, but now I´m not sure if you could deserve more. Plus, you have a student loan to pay. Tell me, when would you get your life straight? Who´s going to help you?” Noah was devastated. She was right, deep down he knows, she´s right.

May all these be temporary? Can this little life he´s build fall into pieces? All he´s been working, apparently not hard enough, shatter?

But, on a different end of the table. A voice rose. A voice that´s been quiet for too long now…

“I AM.” Said Steph, enraged by the way she´s been talking to him, ALL day. “I´ll help him. Now, and ALWAYS.”

“Please, do you really think you´ll be able to help him? I know my son, he can´t even help himself.” Replied Sharon´s arrogant voice.

“So what? I´ll try harder, and harder. And if that´s not enough, I´ll try a thousand times harder! You wanna know why? Because he deserves it! I don´t know what type of woman would think so little of his won son. He´s capable of succeeding, just as he´s done so far. In my opinion, his only problem… it´s you.” Noah swallowed.

Sharon couldn’t believe her words. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me, LADY. Your lack of support is what makes him insecure. But don´t worry, I´ll make sure to take care of ALL the BULLSHIT you´ve put on his mind. Because, your stupid “speech” works for SHIT. Disapproving everything he´s achieved will not make him a better man. I´m not sure if you think it works, but the truth is… it doesn´t.” It felt so nice to stand up and shut this bitch’s mouth for once.

“How dare you talk to me like that?!” Sharon was offended, VERY offended.

“How dare I? How dare YOU! I´ve spent all evening witnessing how shitty of a mother you are. Look at Noah, he´s all shy and nervous, and that´s because of you? Ha, I don´t get it why he´s so concerned about giving you a good impression, in my opinion, you´ve done nothing for him, except setting him away. And now, I´ll set YOU away. I think it´s time for you to leave.” Steph would love to kick her ass out of there in a more… different way. But words will have to do.

Sharon couldn´t believe this woman. She turned at Noah.

“Are you hearing what she´s saying? You´ll allow this woman to kick your mom out of your house?” He was confused. What to do? Take his mother´s side or Steph´s?

“No, no. Don´t ask him. I´M kicking your ass out, whether you like it or not. Now, will you leave, or do you need me to show you the door?” It was enough. Sharon was nothing but a big bully to him.

Care? Love? Nothing like that came from this woman. If this was her way to care for him, to want him to be a better man, then she was wrong. And apparently a failure as a mother.

At the door, Sharon gave Noah one last speech.

“Noah, I´m VERY disappointed of you. On top of achieving too low, you allow this woman to take control, and now, she´s kicking YOUR mother out of the house? How can you allow her to do such a thing?” He couldn´t look up to her, he was looking elsewhere, at the floor, at the side.

“I think he´s had enough of your nonsense. If you´re willing to come, and be NICE to him, you´re welcome. But I made a promise one day, whoever mess up with him, I´M kicking their ass. In your case, your particular case, I´ve made an exception. I´m only forbidding you from coming visit him. Unless, you can be a good mom. Else, well… I guess that means you´re not welcomed to our, how did you call it? Small apartment?” Sharon had no words.

Steph, with a bit of sarcasm at the end, had kicked the other amazon out of the house. And on top of that, there was a condition?

Sharon frowned. She knew there´s no way Noah will stand up. And that this girlfriend of his, she´s as much as a bitch as she is. If only HE had her guts. Oh well.

“Fine. I´ll leave. I guess we won´t be seeing each other anytime soon, Noah.” He turned at her, scared, but he made eye contact.

He could see the air of disappointment, of betrayal, all over his mother. He wanted to say sorry, to apologize. Try and make amends. But he knows, he´s not the one who´s done wrong.

“Good day, Sharon. Bye.” And with that, Steph shut the door.

She had no idea; how can a man be so afraid of a woman like that? Yes, she´s big, and stern. And probably strict as hell, but he´s a grown man. Can´t he see he has some power too?

Most likely, Sharon had always been like this. Expecting him to achieve a lot, and if he doesn´t, then he´s punished with her disapproval. It must´ve been hard to live under the same roof as that woman, but now…

“Don´t worry, Noah. She´s gone.” Steph said as she wrapped her long arms around him. Then, she bent and placed his head over her soft bosom. “You´re safe here, with me…”

She could tell he was distressed. That this was exactly what he didn´t want. What he was trying to avoid. But she knows better. She always does, she´s always taken care of him. And today, it was no exception.



Holy wow! What a great post! It really delved into some deep places in the relationships between these three people, and you did an excellent job exploring them. And nice work with imagery, describing outfits appearances, etc. Keep up with it!