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Chapter 25

“You know, you´re kind of lucky she´s divorced. I won´t be taking any inches from you for that.” Spoke Evangeline, looking at the elated man next to her.

She was totally towering over him; Larry was at her shoulder level. Although, he wasn´t paying much attention.

Larry couldn´t believe what had happened. Was that… luck? Well, he likes to think that no woman can resist his charms, no matter the size.

His “meeting” with Mrs. Davis was… perfect. She jerked off his member while he… sucked on her… milking breasts? He had no idea why she was lactating, but that´s something he can check on his list… if there was one.

Being breastfed by the boss while she jerks you off is not on his list. But that doesn´t make it any less hot. The masturbation part, not the sucking. Although, the milk was kind of tasty… but warm.

It was an odd feeling; he felt so much lust for those massive breasts, on the other hand, a grown man drinking milk from his older boss´s tits?

For sure, this will be a secret between him and his boss… and the angel that´s speaking with him right now.

“Yeah…” he replied. His legs still trembling a little, Mrs. Davis was strong, or… was he weaker?

“So… how´s your stomach? Feeling full… hmmm?” Was the angel teasing him?

“I´m fine.” He´s not so proud of sucking milk from a woman´s tits. And apparently Evangeline knows it.

“Don´t worry, breastmilk is easily digested.” This was an awkward conversation to have while the elevator went down.

“I… there´s no milk on my clothes… is it?” Now, he was self-conscious. Was she talking about the milk because of some particular reason?

“No, you´re fine, Lawrence.” She answered.

“Ok… so… why are you talking so much of the milk?” He had to ask, if she was an angel, that means her intentions are pure, right?

She´s the closest thing to perfection, and, her main goal is to teach him. So… bringing up the milk thing must be a hint for something…

“I know you liked it, don´t be shy about it.” She does, she can read his mind, and he´s come to hate it.

“And I´m glad, this way, you can make your boss happy in… a different way.” She winked. “Besides, I´d like to congratulate you for helping a woman with this fantasy she´s had. You know, your boss´s been wanting to do this for a while now.”

Larry swallowed.

Maybe he would like to do this again, but… the milk thing too? His heart started pounding inside his chest.

First of all, why would Mrs. Davis want to feed him milk again? He won´t have an answer, even if he asks Evangeline.

The truth is, he should mentalize the fact that he may have to get used to this. The main question is, will it be a weekly thing or… every now and then?

He´s got no idea what kind of kinks a woman her age has. Does breastfeeding a man turn her on? Or is it the feeling of a mouth sucking on her hard nipple the one that arouses her? Perhaps, this is more like… a way to dominate, to show him she´s the boss, the alpha, and he´s literally feeding from her.

It was unlikely, but not impossible.

Larry just stepped out of the elevator, a bit annoyed by Evangeline´s words, but glad he hasn´t lost any inches. He can´t afford to lose any more of his height, he´s starting to look way up to other people, and the worst is, his assistant, she´s a towering woman!

Larry walked into his office, well kind of, he was passing by Violet´s desk, she seemed busy, and he felt kind of… weird for what had just happened. He wanted to be more discrete, more than feeling embarrassed. But she stopped him.

“Hey! You´re back! How did the meeting go? Everything ok?” He never sneaks away like this, unless there´s something going on.

Violet knows he may be feeling a bit… sad. So, she stood up and decided to give him a big, protective hug.

“Come here…” Said the 6´2” amazon as she made her way to him. Her hips swaying, her boobs bouncing. Reminding him of Mrs. Davis massive breasts. Violet may be tall, but her boobs are not as big as his boss´s.

He found himself smothered by her breasts before he could say anything else. Now, something he forgot to check on had come to his mind. His pants are not covered with cum… right?

He burst, when Mrs. Davis stopped stroking his hard member, he just came all over, and he was so pleased that he forgot to check if there was no residue of ejaculation on his clothes. He was too concerned with the milk.

Suddenly, he heard some sniffing sounds, coming from above. It was Violet, she was… smelling him?

Like a hound-dog, looking for clues, for proof, tracing the smell that incriminates him. The smell of sex, lust.

The body must have a certain smell after sex, right? The sweat, his juices; what´s more, is Violet trying to smell Mrs. Davis scent all over him? He was sitting on her lap after all, too close to her, and for more than a while.

He knows it, she´s going to bring that up. Will she speak up? Make any hard comments? Get mad?

Why would he be concerned if she gets mad? Maybe… he considers her as his office lover? And, could Mrs. Davis be some kind of… rival?

“You smell…” Like guilt? Sex? Embarrassment? “like milk?”

Well, his mouth´s closer to her face than his crotch, but, how can she smell it if he can´t?

“Hehe, sorry, it´s just that, it´s quite an… aromatic milk. So thick, and creamy. I thought you liked expressos? Tell me, did Mrs. Davis persuade you to try something different?” she took a step back and placed a hand on her wide hip.

“Uhm…” Lie, Larry, lie! “YES… she, uhm… we had some coffee.” Violet was VERY perceptive. Luckily, she was wrong.

The truth is, how will she know she was lactating? The boss keeps that secret as a HUGE secret. Only he knows. And there´s no reason why to explain that it was something private.

“You look nervous…” Said Violet, which was true, he thought she was about to discover all he did upstairs, he was a bit antsy to get into his office and clean himself up. Or at least put some cologne on to disguise the smell.

“Me? Nervous? Haha… ha.” Why can´t he just act normal? Is it because of her size?

“Was Mrs. Davis… hard on you?” More like, he was hard on her…

“What?” Does she think she treated him bad or something?

“She was not too stern, was she? Because she told me she had some news for you, but, for some reason, she didn´t want to tell me what it was about… was it something bad?” She was caring now.

“No, not at all… we just… chatted about some… things. Private things, you know… uhm…” He can only think on how he was sucking on her breasts and her hand on his member. He couldn´t think of a clever lie.

“It´s ok, don´t feel nervous. You don´t have to tell me, if it´s private, then I respect that.” She smiled, comprehensive, the sweet, kind Violet.

But she still had something in mind. She´s concerned about Larry. How´s he going through all this ALONE? He´s got no one at home to take care of him as she does at work.

There, Violet can help him with his every need, work, food, protection. Anything, but… how does he do when he´s at home? She knows he´s got his life, and that he may not want everyone to smother him with this suffocating attention to him, but… she has some doubts.

Maybe she can lead a helping hand on weekends? Drive him home?

The truth is she has no idea about Nellie´s existence. Who, basically, helps him out at home.

“Larry, before you go back to work, I… I have a question… more like a proposal.” He was about to turn his back and get lost in his office.

“A… proposal?” what is it? He hasn´t discarded the chance that she still wants to “play”. Two erotic encounters with women, at work, on the same day! That was luck.

“Yes, I… I was thinking, you don´t have to say, yes, you know. But, maybe… since we´re friends and all, do you mind if I stopped by at your place and… I don´t know, maybe we can share a meal? As friends, of course.” Was this a date?

Yes! Larry still had it. All this time he´s been feeling down for this punishment that´s fallen on him. But he´s still a stud. Shorter, but still attractive to women. This is really good for his self-esteem.

“Hey, don´t be so shy, I don´t mind.” His confident, easy-going, voice came back.

“For real?!” Violet was excited! Yes, she was mainly doing it to make sure he was fine, and not one of those men who are too proud to ask for help. She doesn´t mind, really.

Plus, if something happens there, when they are alone… well, it just happened…

“Sweet! I´ll be at your place, on Sunday. Let´s say… at 3:00?” Violet was excited.

“Sure…” Well, at least this leaves an open window for sex.

At the end of his shift, he just exited his office. As usual. Checking if Violet, by any chance, gave him a hint for sex. He had the hopes for it to happen today.

“Larry…” Said Violet, right before he left.

“Yes?” he wanted her to see him, that´s why he was walking a bit slower than usual. Plus, his legs are shorter so…

“Do you need a ride home? I´m not sure if I´ve asked you before.” She had her doubts, can he still drive?

“Oh, no… I have someone who… drives me home.” He replied, wondering if Nellie was already waiting for him downstairs.

“Really? Is it someone from work? Someone I know?” Why does Violet ask so many questions out of a sudden? And, who does she know?

He´s feeling a bit bad for not knowing who she hands out with. He, for some reason, has the idea that she´s one of those women who are too busy with work to have a social life. The truth is, she manages her time VERY well.

No, no one from work. It´s… a neighbor of mine. She lives next door, she actually moved in recently…” Her name´s Nellie, and she basically forced him to give up his car… yeah.

“Oh, ok. I guess you´re both heading the same direction, hehe. Ok, I´ll finish some stuff here for tomorrow. Guess… see you tomorrow?”

“For sure!” No luck with her today, but he was fine.

Violet was totally unpredictable. Some days, she was just all over him, and others, she was caring, but not sexy. Oh well…

What was not well was Nellie, who, surprisingly, was already waiting for him downstairs, and… mad?

“What took you so long? It´s 5:10 already, aren´t you out by 5:00?” She was mad? Why?

“Sorry?” What was up with her? She was nagging him from the drive´s seat. Late? He was late? She took forever to get there the other day.

“Oh, you must be sorry. Listen, if you´re gonna be late, just give me a call before, you have my number, don´t you?” What was her problem?!

Nellie was standing on the driver´s seat, at the usual time, but mad? What had happened?

She was wearing a nice outfit, fancy, professional, and her face was just… the one of someone who just stepped on dog shit, why?

Larry could´ve done a lot of things. Ask her to shut it, he was TEN minutes late. That´s nothing! He could also get off the car and tell her he´s not going anywhere with her, if she´s going to have that attitude. Or he could bring up the fact that he can totally drive his own ass back home. That could also work.

But he didn´t. He´s being teach by this angel to become a better person. More attentive towards women. And right now, next to him, there´s this lady who, apparently, needs someone to… listen?

“Nellie… is everything ok?” He chose to put the other cheek, be kind and check what was going on with her. Hopefully, this won´t lead to something that will make him regret he asked.

“I… *sigh*, no… things are NOT ok.” Nellie took a deep breath and realized this was one of those times when she gets mad, or upset, and just starts been mean with everyone she talks to.

What happened was that Nellie had another job interview. And it was… unsuccessful. Basically, they told him they´ll call her back. And they never do.

She apologized, but she was frustrated. Since she dropped him at the office, she´s done nothing but going from one side to the other looking for a job. And no one seems to need her. She feels so… useless. Dumb, unprepared.

But how will she acquire knowledge if no one gives her a chance? She´s looking for a job related to what she studied, and not just any part-time job at some random place.

“Sorry, Larry, I guess I´m just… frustrated. It´s not your fault, I hope I didn´t… offend you.” She was sincere now, and he could see regret in her eyes.

“Hey, don´t worry. It happened to all of us, just… don´t take it too hard on yourself, ok?” He placed a hand on her shoulder. To show he understood, that he was there.

Nellie smiled at him.

He felt good, he was there for Nellie. She was feeling bad, and he cared. He led a shoulder where she could cry on… well, she was not crying, but at least she was not angry anymore.

It felt nice to do good things for a change. Good things for other people. Will this make Evangeline proud? Even if it doesn´t ant this is one of those things he´s supposed to do as a good person, he likes it.

The feeling of doing something good for someone, without expecting anything in exchange. It felt warm.

“Larry… I´m sorry to ask but… is there any vacant at your office for… me?” Was she really asking?

Larry felt bad, he has no idea. Besides, he´s not the one in charge of hiring people. He knows who´s in charge, but there´s no way he´ll ask Cathy about it. She´s the head of HR, but she´s also nasty, at least with him.

“I…” Should he check? Call Violet and see? Make her call Cathy? No, she´s will know it´s for him… what to do, what to do?

“Even if it´s something small… maybe I could be your assistant, you know…” Poor Nellie, she needed a job. Something with growth opportunities. A career.

“I already have an assistant, sorry…”

“It´s ok. You´re not forced to hire me, it´s fine. I was just checking.” Now, Nellie´s feeling sad. Not enraged like before, just… bad.

His small victory was gone. Blown away by this thing he´s done. He fail her. He could´ve said something like: “Let me check.”, “I´ll ask tomorrow.” Anything. Not just let her down.

“Larry, Larry, Larry…” called a voice from behind, but there was nothing behind. This was a sports car, for TWO people. No back seats. Maybe the voice was inside his head…

The truth is, it was Evangeline, and she seemed disappointed.

“You were doing so well, considerate, attentive. And now, you just let her down. I thought I was clear about doing this to other people. She was asking you for help, and you did nothing. If you doubt, and let someone down, that means you don´t really care for them. At least that´s how the other person feels…” and snap, a snap of her fingers and he was down.

Two inches down.

He couldn´t protest, he couldn´t even think. This all happened out of nowhere. And it was unfair!

He´s not obliged to help everyone at all times. Life´s not that way. Society´s not perfect. He can´t take the blame for that.

But he will. Now, Larry´s down by two more inches, making him 4´3”. This was bad, really bad.

Another two inches taken. The four-foot mark´s just THREE inches away. This can´t be happening.

He´s literally sucked milk, straight from his boss´s tit, a divorced woman, at her office. On business hours. And Lexie was for sure outside. And that didn´t made him lose inches? But not answering a question properly is?

Maybe this is all based on the fact that Nellie needed him and he, after showing he was there for him, seemed to make it look as if it was all a lie. This was a time when he should help her out, as her senior in the business world, and he failed.

And not just failed, even if he doesn´t know, Nellie´s having her doubts on him. She´s been taking time of her day to help him and he can´t even take a moment to check? It´s not his job to recruit new employees, but he must know something about it, unless he doesn´t want her working at the same place he does.

This sort of affected the way Nellie treated him over the next couple days… and not making amends by asking if there were any vacancies for her, he was not proving to be changing as much as some angel would´ve expected.

Of course, Nellie didn´t stop visiting or helping him out. As soon as she noticed he lost those other two inches, she started nagging him.

What on earth is having him so stressed? She asked. If his job´s that one thing, then, he should quit. Or at least take some days off.

Over the next few days, she became more bossy. A bit more dominant. Taking care of everything around HIS house. She even went grocery shopping for him. He said he could order food, but, apparently, she knows better.

Before Larry realized, Sunday had come. And Nellie insisted they should have an activity outside. He´s coming and going to work, having meals with her and her aunt. He´s not going out as he should. He needs some fresh air, and exercise.

They went for a run at the park. Lucky for him, it was not one of those 6:00 am joggings. He liked to sleep late on Sundays. At 10:00 am, they were at the park.

“Ok, just let me know if I´m going too fast. If you can´t keep my pace, I´ll slow down.” Said the even bigger-looking Nellie as she stretched.

Larry nodded, feeling self-conscious about everything. Everything was so big now. And all people seem so tall! This was unfair. When would Evangeline realize he´s learned his lesson?

However, maybe he hasn´t really learned. But at least Evangeline should give him the chance to grow back a few inches when he does good. Nellie´s not that tall and she´s already one-and-a-half foot taller. This is unfair.

“Ok, let´s go…” Nellie called as she started jogging, she knew he´ll be easily left behind, so she gave him a break by going slow. But even as slow as she was going, he couldn´t easily keep up.

Besides, all people at the park were making him kind of nervous. He wouldn´t admit it, but his heart´s not only beating faster because of the exercise. He´s getting sort of anxious.

“Relax, Larry, take it easy man… just… don´t think about everyone else. Try to… focus on something… on someone… on… Nellie…” And he did.

He was behind her, and from that view, he could glare at her firm, sexy ass. Her hips swaying as her legs moved fast. And her butt, bouncing sexily on those tight yoga pants.

Nellie had a curvaceous slim figure, but from his new point of view, she was enormous. And that butt, it was a menace! Big, fleshy, firm. He didn´t care about people anymore. All he wanted to do was touch her ass.

And so, he did for a couple laps around the park, until… he succeeded.

He didn´t even felt the exhaustion of running as much as he did. He´s never ran this much, not proportionally to his new size. The distance was fairly too long for him. However, Nellie stopped when she saw fit… but he didn´t…

“Ok, I think…” and slam! He crashed with her, from behind. With the light erection he´s had since a while.

His chest smacking him right on that juicy butt he´s been following since they started.

And so easily, he fell to the ground. The fact that she stood still while he landed on the floor, it only confirmed he was light as a feather. Before, she would´ve fallen, now… she didn´t even dodge.

He landed right on his butt, and after a little giggle, a helping hand appeared in front oh him, and when he grabbed Nellie´s hand, she added:

“Well, someone was a bit distracted… what happened there?” why would he be running right behind her? They were running on a straight path at the moment, was he looking at something?

Larry was so embarrassed that, if his face wouldn´t have been red by then, he would´ve crimsoned.

He just got up, trying to hide the erection he still had. But there´s another thing he has to take in mind, later today, Violet´s coming to his place. Will Nellie leave by then?


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