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Well, I promised a one-shot a while back... and now here it is!

Like I said, I´ll split this new one-shots on small parts. Because writting a single one often takes my whole week, and that´s because I end up making them way longer than planned.

But that´s fine, with this new dynamic I have it will be easier to write it, and it won´t mess up with my other stories´ schedule.

I believe I shared the main idea for the story before, but here´s a small sumary:

A girl, pretty, thin, and with a body everyone wishes to have. She´s living the dream.

Although, that´s soon to change. Why? Because she´s an arrogant woman who´s selfish, mean and, oh right, makes fun of fat chicks just because they are “bigger”.

Now, how about some role-reversal on her so perfect life?

And, here´s the first part, hopefully, I´ve made her as annoying and dislikeable as I intended. But don´t worry, she´ll change... hopefully.

Enjoy part one :D

Part 1

It´s a sunny afternoon, the weather´s nice, the day´s bright! A nice day to leave the car aside and just walk. Take some time to make this light exercise and keep active through the day.

Right now, this lady´s exactly doing that. Dressed in a nice outfit, one that can be used at college and, on her internship. She´s wearing a pair of culotte pants, of a deep burgundy color. On top, a tight, white top, with a high neck, sleeveless. And beneath all that, a pair of ballerina flats, same color as the pants.

This lady was happy. Young, pretty, about to finish college, working an internship at a company that was most likely to hire her. She had everything working just as she planned.

Her name´s Olive, just as the color of her eyes. She´s 22-years-old, standing at 5´9”. On top of that, she´s got this sexy silhouette every woman envy and all men desire. Or so she thinks. But she´s not far from the truth.

She´s got a slim complexion, but that´s because she works really hard at the gym. And what does she focus on? Her gluts. Olive´s got a slim waist, with some nice definition, she´s a bit toned on her abs, but that´s not her main goal.

She likes to stay fit, and why is that? Because an athletic figure is a healthy figure.

Olive´s a smart woman, active, beautiful. But she lacks a little something… modesty. She likes to post pictures of her on her social media. As most people, but she often brags about her body. “Blessed”, “Alpha Woman”, or things as arrogant as “Jealous?”, and she also adds tags like: #pretty, #sexy, #fatfree, #goddess

That´s not exactly nice. Overall, she´s not nice towards people she doesn´t consider “attractive”, she´s surrounded by friends as arrogant as her, but not as much as her. And she only talks with “normal” people whenever she needs to. But something she can´t stand is people out of her standards.

She takes very good care of her body. Only eating healthy smoothies in the mornings. Chicken, or fish with a lot of greens for lunch. And very low to no carbs for dinner. On top of that, she uses all of the creams available, plus, multiple visits to get her nails, hair and… other things done.

Now, any person who doesn´t take care of their image is… well, not very well perceived by her. Not to say she can´t stand seeing them. And who´s the people she hates the most? Well… fat people.

It´s not like they want to be fat. And if it was, there shouldn´t be anything wrong with that. However… she sees it as if they didn´t cared at all.

If they have acne, well, they may have bad skin. But she still dislikes them. If they dress badly, they only need advice. But fat? According to her, they can totally work out and have a fine, healthy shape.

“Seriously, just quit eating junk and start working out, it´s not that hard…” Her words. But she may ignore some things a, well… genetics, lack of time or money to eat healthy, lack of time to work out. Or the easy access to food higher in calories. Plus, the taste.

Sugar and food higher in fat are naturally desired by the brain. Sugar´s loaded with glucose that goes straight to the brain and produces dopamine. And dopamine gives us a feeling of happiness. And so does high-fat foods. Both activate the region of the brain responsible for motivation and reward.

It´s hard to get rid of them, but not impossible.

Now, life´s easy for her, why? Well, first of all, she doesn´t have a problem with her schedule because, number one, she´s good managing it, and she doesn´t have a job. Her parents pay for all of her expenses. Why? Because she´s their only daughter… no brothers or sisters. She´s their center of attention.

Now, she brags about being healthy, thin and sext because well… genetics. Even if she didn´t work that hard at the gym, she would still have a slim figure. Both her father and mother have good genes, and a fast metabolism.

Life´s really easy for her. Being pretty and attractive has… facilitated some things for her. Number one, she got the internship because the guy who interviewed her was basically ogling at her. Number two, love comes easy when eight out of ten men fall for your pretty eyes and pretty face. Plus, a killing butt!

It´s not wrong to think Olive feels like the center of the universe. And she´s not a nice, pretty lady. She´s the mean type. Obnoxious sometimes. If you´re not handsome or pretty, you´ve got nothing to do speaking to her.

Maybe a change of perspective could help her case, don´t you think?

As she´s walking to her job, she can´t help but to criticize the people around her.

“Ugh, those pants do NOT match those shoes, girl!”

“That guy´s hair looks soooo bad.”

“Oh no… no no no no. That woman´s… BELLY, it´s hanging loose! I´m sure she´s not even pregnant. Just look at that fat, doughy, and… are those stretchmarks? Dis-gus-ting!” She basically criticizes everyone around her, why? Because she feels she can.

If you ask her, she´s most likely to rate herself as a twenty out of ten.

“I´d be DAMNED if I ever look that way.” It´s about time to teach her a lesson.

Olive´s not always mean… if you´re either handsome, have money or can get her a nice job; but the last one applies only to her internship.

She´s selfish, profit-seeking, and likes to brag about how good life´s been with her. Kind of… a nasty person, but she disguises everything behind this perfect smile and a friendly tone. But deep down, she doesn´t really care about you, or your interests, or… anything.

She took this thing of succeeding way too far. Becoming the best version of one´s self, that´s kind of what she´s been doing since… always.

When she gets to work, she walks down the hall, with a warm smile on her face. And gives her very best, in order to prove she´s worth being hired. She´s not the kind of person that would sabotage a co-worker, but she does introduce, cleverly, to people who she knows, because she searched for it, all those people with a high position at the company. Executives, Managers, a CEO… if she ever finds one.

She´s very efficient at her internship. Not wasting any of her time at all, always taking notes and learning how to get things done. She´s studying economics, and what she´s really looking for is becoming the one on top. A leader, a role-model, an inspiration. But she´s most likely to become a tyrant.

But that´s her job life. In the other aspects of her life, she´s… kind of nice.

When she gets out of the office, she goes straight to the gym. She´s always dressed on this tight, matching outfits. Mostly sports bras and yoga pants. Pink colors, green colors, white, grey, black, she´s got a whole collection of outfits. With some nice, perfectly clean, shoes too.

Now, she´s not very busty, but her butt´s the one who drags all eyes. Tight, form fitting, nearly second-skin like yoga pants. Hugging her shapely legs nicely. Allowing everyone to have a clear view of her smooth, thick thighs, her firm butt. Her legs and butt for sure may be described as juicy.

Below her toned abs, which she could get ripped, if she wanted, you could see some fit, plump legs. Swollen because of all the healthy muscle she´d developed during the years. This is like… her fifth year at the gym?

And, as always, she gets the attention of men. Mostly muscular dudes, but not all of them get their attention.

If you´re a fairly handsome man or at least average looking, with big muscles, but for some reason she´s not interested. She´ll say something like: “Sorry, I´m not interested.” And just get back to her work out.

And, if you´re, let´s say, unattractive. And you´re not quite… fit, maybe too skinny. She may not say a thing and just get back to her work out. Even roll her eyes.

BUT, if you´re not good looking, and on top of being unathletic you´re kind of… plushy. Or fat, as she´d say, without any regrets. She, at best, would say something like: “Not in a million years. Thank you, bye.” And coldly turn her back at you.

She´s got some high standards, but that doesn´t quite give her the right to act that way. Plus, she´s got some obsession with fat people. Not this “I pretend to hate them because deep down I like them” it´s more like… hate, and that´s it.

Perhaps, Olive´s so focused on her definition of a healthy, perfect body that anything out of that just… disgusts her.

And at college, well, things are pretty much the same. Of course, not as much guys hint on her as in the gym. But she rejects them under the same conditions.

While she walks the halls of college, wanders through the campus, she feels like a queen. As if she was the living image of perfection. No one, without her permission, should approach her. Talk to her. Or even breathe close to her.

She´s got this really small circle of friends. The popular type. It´s her and three other girls who share their thoughts that they are better than the rest. In fact, each of them thinks she´s better than the others. Quite toxic.

Still, she´s got a heart, and her heart´s desires are into one guy, and one only. Mark. The quarterback of the college´s football team. A handsome, 6´3”, 200-pound, muscular guy. With big blue eyes and irresistibly perfect hair.

She´s never tried anything. She doesn´t want to look as one of those desperate ladies. Besides, by now, he should be all over her. Can´t she tell the other day, when they made eye contact; she smiled? Before she turned her head. Didn´t he got it? It was clear, she was saying “come…” but he didn´t.

She´s trying to be this unreachable, mysterious beauty. And he, obviously, doesn´t get the type of hints she sent him. But she knows one day he´ll fall for her.

Now that we know her, let´s talk about how she finishes her day.

She gets to her apartment from the gym, at around 9:00 pm. Takes a shower, brushes her teeth. Applies all of her creams before bed. Around five different creams, all on the face.

After that, she pre-arranges everything for her next day and then, dedicates some time to read her notes. From college, from work, and overall, small practices she can do to be a better version of herself. But that never includes caring for people around her.

Olive´s too arrogant. She´s living alone, at her own apartment, with her own car, but that´s because they all were “daddy´s presents”, this lady´s never had the need to work. But she feels as if she, somehow, made her own self in one night. As if she´s been the one who worked hard for everything she´s got.

She does, yes, but it´s a million times easier when they pay for your expenses, your studies, your car, clothes and anything else you want. She does as much as asking, and bam, she´s got it.

She needs a lesson on how to be humble, respectful and modest. But that may happen sooner than she thinks.

“I´d like to have a chocolate… but NO. I´ve already eaten all of my calories for today. Nah-ah.” She thinks as she´s sitting on her couch, at 10:25 pm. Just about five minutes before she gets to bed.

But suddenly, the lights are gone. A blackout. Her eyes struggle a little to readjust to the lack of light. She´s surprised. “What?” this has never happened.

Suddenly, a huge thunder´s sound fills the room. A cold air coming in from the window. She creeps out. The wind making all these weird sounds, as if it was… speaking?

She gets scared easily, and living alone makes her more concerned about the fact that the wind seems to whisper. “Olive…” her name? Was that the wind calling her name?

She stumbled off the couch, and adopted this position, looking at the floor and her hands covering the back of her head. She didn´t even had time to grab her phone and turn on its light.

But there´s no need. Light´s are back, and the wind suddenly stopped.

“What the fuck…?” she´s SURE that she heard her name.

She´s freaking out. But she knows this is… normal? Random at least. She just closed the windows, turned off the lights on the living room and headed to her room. Where she locked the door.

She´s a logical person, and the logical answer is that, during her scared spree, she misheard things and understood what she wanted to. Paranoid, it was just paranoid.

But it wasn’t…

It was about time for her to be taught a lesson. And the universe works in some mysterious ways.

She sat on her bed. From beneath the bed, you could see her feet, with her thin ankles, taking off her sleepers and then turning off the light. After that, she just laid in bed, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

But she ignored one thing, tomorrow, when she wakes up, things will be a little different. Hopefully, she´ll understand the lesson she´s about to get taught.


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