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Chapter 3

Erin stood there, smiling mischievously down at him. She liked this, she felt empowered, in control. Meanwhile, Richard was feeling kind of… exposed there…

“W-where are my clothes?” He asked, trying his best to cover his groin. The room was not cold, in fact, it was hot, as always, however… why would he want a psycho like Erin to see his member?

“Your clothes? I don´t know, but who cares. They didn´t fit you anyway.” She stepped closer, with something in mind.

She stopped a step away from him, bent over and, as her face was inches away from his, she spoke: “Either way, I don´t think they´ll fit you, you know. It seems someone´s not cooperating, and this someone´s been shrunk down, and down. But don´t mind me, I don´t care if we end up shrinking you down to a doll´s size. This is only getting more fun!” She laughed.

A not so loud, but still menacing, giggle.

“Oh, and in case you´re wondering,” she said as she stood back up, ”I stripped you down.” If she did, then why can´t she tell him where the clothes are? Perhaps… that´s part of the torture? What does she have in mind now?

Richard felt so… vulnerable. He was naked in front of this woman who now looked amazonic! Before, she was a regular woman, sexy, yes. But her dimensions were normal. But now, now that he´s been shrunken down to who knows how short, which he ignores is 4´6”, she looks big!

Now, Erin seems to be wearing a crop top, sort of a gym one, and a pair of tight shorts. Both a matching set, of a black color. Probably spandex. And she´s also barefoot.

This outfit of hers allows him to see her body, the tight clothes wrapped around her body just like a second skin. If he wasn´t so concerned, he would be leering at her. Erin´s hot, yes, she´s crazy, but she´s sexy!

Her boobs seemed huge! Her hips so wide. And her legs, longer than ever. His perspective has changed, a lot! Now, he´s in front of what can only be described as an amazon.

She stood at 5´6”, which would already seem a little tall from his sitting position, however, now that she´s a whole foot taller, she looks so much more menacing!

“I´d like to play a game.” She said, with a wryly smile. He swallowed.

“G-game? What… what kind of game?” was it worst to ask or not to ask?

“I´m glad you asked. Well, I know my… co-workers have been… a bit different than I am. You know, one´s supper sweet, even tense because she doesn´t want us to hurt you, ha.” She was talking about Hope. “And, the other´s a tall and, for you, a really scary woman.” Ally. “Both act as if this was something serious, and I don´t really get them. In my opinion, this should be fun!”

Fun? What´s this woman´s definition of fun? And what type of fun requires him being naked?

“So,” she continued, “I thought of this little game we can play. And don´t worry, there´s a prize!”

She had his attention, well, she´s always have, but now, he wonders what this prize can be. Best case scenario, clothes, worst case… it´s something SHE likes.

“First, the prize. IF you win, I´ll let you go. I´ll open the door and set you free.” Was she for real? Freedom? His eyes shine, “BUT, if you don´t… well, that means you´ll have to stay here. In my opinion, you´ve already lost, and now you´re trapped here. I guess there´s no bigger punishment than that.” She wasn´t getting anything back?

Why would she want to gamble if she was not winning anything? Unless, having him trapped there was already her prize.

Erin knew what she was doing. In fact, she was just giving him some hope so that, when he lost, she could make fun of him. And her victory will be ten times sweeter!

“And… what´s the game?” He was afraid of asking.

She grinned down at him, she stood taller, with hands on her hips, and said: “Wrestle.”

Wrestle? Did he heard that correctly, she said wrestle?

Richard was trying to process this while she went behind him and started untying his arms.

“Wait!” He said, “Are you for real?” Was she?

“Huh?” she stopped doing what she was and turned at him, “Well, of course! What? You don´t wanna get out of here?” she returned to the knots.

This was the chance he´s been waiting for. A way to escape. But, wrestle?

“I don´t… I don´t think this is… fine?” Was he supposed to hit a woman?

“What? Oh, you mean, because you´re naked? Hmm… maybe I can lend you something…” Erin answered, finally setting his wrists lose.

He brought his arms in front of him, it felt good. His hands were numb, but he could still move his fingers properly, maybe a little sore, but he will survive.

“Listen, Erin… I don´t think we should… you know, you´re a woman and…”

“Excuse me? Are you underestimating ME because I´m a WOMAN?!” She felt insulted.

“NO! No I… I mean, you´re… and I… a… a gentleman shouldn´t hurt a lady… right? He smiled, hoping she got his point and was no longer misunderstanding his words.

“Hahaha!” she laughed as she, now in front of him, bent and started untying his knees. “Oh, so you´re a gentleman? How funny. This is a matter of principles then. Well I´m glad. You know, for a second I thought you were sexist. And that made me wanna punch you harder than I originally planned. But, if your… “ethics” are stepping in the way, well, let me tell you something, there´s no way you´ll get to touch me.” Erin was certain on one thing, she had a HUGE advantage over him.

She´s practiced several typed of martial arts, practiced gymnastics. Goes to the gym five days a week. She nourishes her body with nothing but a healthy diet. If one should be concerned inside the room, well, it is him. And her… well, only if she would be afraid of killing him.

“Trust me, you shouldn´t hold yourself back. I´ve taken down guys much bigger than you. And I mean you when you were a six-foot dude.” She untied both his feet. He has to be honest, having her so close to his bare dick was unsettling.

“Also…” she stood right in front of him, making Richard really nervous. The fight hasn´t started, right? *muack* a kiss?

Erin kissed him, right on his forehead. A sweet kiss, coming from a lunatic, but still, it was kind of soothing.

“Lady? Aww, you´re just so cute. But trust me, once the fight has started, I´ll be no less than your predator… roarrrrr…” she was crazy as hell.

She allowed him to get up. In the meantime, she stretched a little. Arms first, then, her neck. That thing cracked! He freaked out, it was so loud!

“Oh, before I forget…” Erin reached down to her tight shorts. And slowly removed them. She was toned, her muscles were tight, not extremely shredded, but he could see some definition here and there. She didn´t have huge biceps, or a wide back, but her thighs were thick, muscular, amazing.

“It´s clean… ish…” she said as she threw her shorts at him. Now, she was on her panties. Revealing the entirety of her shapely legs. So hot.

“Uhm…” those shorts had landed on his face. He could smell her scent on them, a bit of perfume, but mostly her smell. It wasn´t bad but… was he really going to wear spandex shorts?

He woke up, and put them on. It was better than standing up naked. However, once the shorts were fully on, and he was completely standing, he realized what should be his biggest concern. Erin was HUGE!

She giggled, finally, he had noticed what his true worries should be. She was a whole foot taller than him! How? This is a proof that the serum really works. Erin was now a giant!

A tall, crazy, athletic and sexy giant. He can´t deny he wanted to get laid with her before. But that´s also the reason why he´s trapped there. Oh well…

“I told you… don´t mind me… worry only about yourself, honey…” she winked.

Richard swallowed, was this really going to happen? Also, her shorts were a bit lose on him. Her hips were much wider, her thighs much thicker. His shrunken body didn´t fill up things the way it used to. He was rather… scrawny.

He was a scaled down version of himself. One and a half feet shorter. Which means, his torso, his head, and mostly his limbs are thinner. Shorter. To him, she´s an extra-extra-large woman.

Richard´s scared. Erin´s huge, she´s crazy and… he´s supposed to fight her?

He was amazed by his new perspective. The whole room was enormous. He can´t tell how long has it been since he was standing. It feels a bit weird; he can´t lie.

He´s half-naked in a room where he´s been trapped for who knows how long. And now, he´s supposed to fight this woman? He should be mad at her, she´s the one who drugged him and the reason why he´s stuck there in the first place. But he just… he can´t bear the idea of having to fight a woman. In fact, he´s never been on a fight before, what is he supposed to do?

“Rules are simple… in fact, let me make it EASIER for you. If you get to the door behind me in… let´s say, five minutes, you´re free. I´ll open it for you, and if anyone asks, I´ll put the blame on me.” How confident. “Else, well, you´re going to stay here, and we´ll have so much fun!” Ok, so, he doesn´t have to literally fight her just… dodge her?

Richard nodded, he regained some confidence, however, Erin now stretched her legs. She made a split! Right in front of him. Sideways. Then, she bent her torso, her face nearly touching her legs, one side, then the other. She was flexible, there´s no deny on that.

“You´re not stretching?” she asked. Was he supposed to warm up?

“Ok, five…” he was in trouble, this “fight” was about to begin. She was standing about seven-feet away from him, right in front of the door. What´s the plan?” “Four…” Run? “Three…” Sneak between her legs? “Two…” He´s so worried now, “One…” She started a chronometer on her phone, placed it on the floor; and then adopted a defensive position.

Erin lowered her head, rose her arms, her hands became fists, and her legs, bent on her knees, were planted on the floor. Should he adopt a position too? He´s never practiced any sport that doesn´t involve a ball; and no-contact rules. He´s doomed.

“Come on! Make a move, shortie…” she was teasing him. But she was right, time was running. He had like five minutes, less now.

He has to do something. He knows it. Besides, she can´t kill him, right? She looks skilled. Her posture, the way she´s seizing the room, the space to move, she´s a pro.

Richard just took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a second and then… he went for it.

He ran, as fast as he could. He looked to her left, to her right. He was looking for a weak spot. A break-through. Between her legs? He wanted to make a plan, but he had no more than a couple feet of space left.

Up? Down? Right? Left? What´s the best escape route?

Three feet away. He was three-feet away from her when she moved. So far, she was waiting, standing there, just breathing as she studied his body. Trying to guess his move.

Legs? Arms? Fists? What was she going to use? He didn´t cared, he just closed his eyes and went for it. Right, he´ll go to her right, her hand seems, well, higher up? He knows nothing about the position of her arms, but he´s certain that if he bends, she´ll take longer to catch him. However, it was not his best plan.

Next thing he knows, something hit him, hard on the stomach. Fast, a single blow. She kicked him. Sinking the heel of her bare foot right over his belly button. His eyes shot open. He fell backwards.

“That was not a clever move, you know. Down here… I can kick you.” She was a pro, she´s got medals and trophies to confirm it. Plus one another title on the underground martial arts. “Come on, get up, I made sure not to kick the air out of your lungs.” She was smart, in fights, there´s no denial on that.

In this “ring”, she´s the master. The alpha. As she said, the predator. He better think on something fast, he´s got about four minutes left only.


“Too slow” she said.


“Better, but still…


“That was… meh…”

She was just having fun with him. This wasn´t even a real fight. He was covered in sweat now, while she was just standing there. Jumping on her tip-toes, adopting a boxing position. Air-punching. She was fast, very fast.

“You gotta do WAY better than that, you got like… two minutes left. Now, get up, come on!” It didn´t made her proud to take advantage of her size, but how often can she, at 5´6”, be the tall one? Right now, she looks like a mountain when compared to him.

Richard was on the floor. Of course, he´s just a joke to her. He can feel some bruises on his stomach, on his sides, she´s probably holding back, but still, with all the training she must´ve had, even if she´s not trying, she´s dangerous.

He was wondering, should he keep trying or just give up?

He just turned to the front and, in all fours, went for it.

Rapidly, she landed her foot on his back, pinning him to the floor. She was strong, he could barely breath.

“You know there´s no way that´ll work. If you were a cat, with feline reflexes… but you´re just… SLOW. Now get up, and try again.” It seems she´s trying to train him, he thought she was just going to kick him until he could no longer stand. But maybe he got he wrong.

“Why don´t you try to dodge this time?”

She was mocking him, but she was right. All of her punches, her kicks, her slaps, they landed on him. He needs to think on something, a bear hug? Not likely. Jump? Well, she´s huge now so…

Richard just followed his instincts. He ran, and that was it.

“Gotcha´!” she said as she turned, she moved so quickly! She moved to a side, allowing him to have a full view of the door, but then, she reached for him, her hands reaching for the hem of his shorts, and without much struggle, she pulled him up.

This was like a wedgie. The fabric of this borrowed shorts was sinking in the crack of his butt, and also mangling his balls.

“UGHhhnnnGHH!” he couldn´t speak, he just tried to reach for his crotch, but what was he supposed to do?

“I told you, think smart…” she dropped him, before his left testicle exploded.

This was humiliating. A blow, a single blow and he was back on the floor. This wasn´t fair. It´s not just the fact that Erin´s trained. She´s taller, stronger, crazy! Well, right now she seems more like… focused. But that doesn´t change the fact that she´s a lunatic.

And, for her, this is starting to get boring…

“We have like… two minutes left, and I´m sure you won´t make it through the door… I think it´s time to change from defense to… offense!” and with that, she threw herself over him, quite literally.

“Hey! Wha…” she landed on top of him, not crushing him, but he was pinned to the floor in the blink of an eye.

He should´ve seen this coming.

Erin´s huge, heavy body was all over him. And the worst part is… it felt nice. Her body had some muscles, definitely, but it was still soft. And her boobs, her boobs were right on his face.

She was moving on top of him, readjusting her position, taking a more control of his body. And he didn´t mind.

Both their bodies were barely clothed. He could feel her soft skin rubbing against his. Her hands, firmly gripping his wrists, that wasn´t so pleasant, but her legs. They were on both sides of his torso, her thick thighs, he could feel them tensing on him, it felt so… he quivered.

How long has it been since the last time he had sex? Hard to tell, but more than two weeks. Right now, he needed some action. And she was giving it to him.

Even if this wasn´t Erin´s goal, she was arousing him. Slowly, his breath shifted into a more aroused one. And his member, it was getting hard.

She had him right where she wanted. She could do with him as she pleased. She turned him to face the floor, she grabbed him by the neck, then grabbed his arms. Then she placed her thighs around his head, almost cracking it open. She was wild!

And this was… very close to foreplay. Yes, he´s being kind of… manhandled here.

He doesn´t like this, being abused doesn´t turn him on by any means. But she´s just… she´s rubbing herself against this, possibly, desperate man. And she´s so big now.

Her boobs are much bigger, her butt´s much thicker. She´s hot, a big, tall hottie.

“What… are you turned on?” she could feel it, he just poked her. “You are, aren´t you? Hehehe, someone´s getting hard…” He was.

He tried to force his way out, but she was stronger. He tried to think on how to escape, but she´s way more experienced. And now, he´s hard, and she already felt his member. What´s in store for him?

“Hmmm, what to do?” she asked herself, out-loud, as she had him pinned beneath her, face to face, well, face to boobs now. “Hmmm…” she said as she smothered him with her breasts, moving her chest from one side to the other over his face.

“Maybe I should punish you, you´re not focused on the real prize here… or, perhaps, I should teach you not to get hard on a fight… but it´s quite a compliment, if you ask me.” Erin was just so freaky.

She grabbed his arms, spread them wide open while he kind of squirmed his legs beneath her. She was heavy, he can barely manage to breath properly. She was smiling down at him, this was awkward.

“Well… maybe we can make this interesting…” she approached to him, face to face, mouth to mouth, she kissed him. Deeply, with her long, thicker tongue inside his mouth. She went all in, he could practically feel the tip on his throat. He had no other choice but to cooperate.

Richard just closed his eyes, his member throbbing by now, and enjoyed the kiss. A deep, passionate kiss.

He liked it. It doesn´t matter if he´ll pass out in the next thirty seconds because of the lack of oxygen. She was just s passionate. Hurting him, yes, but she was kissing him so hard.

She was on top, in charge, and in control. He… didn´t mind. Who knows if he´ll ever make it out of here, he may as well enjoy this. This kiss, this lust, this… erection of his.

*beep* *beep* *beeeeeeep*

Erin broke the kiss. Why?!

“Well, time´s up. And yes, you lost. Oh well…” she stood up, leaving him on the ground, a bit sore and with a desire for more kissing time.

“Hey! You… wait!”

“No can do, time´s up. You should get up and take your seat. I´ll tie you back.” Back?

A deal´s a deal. He lost, now, time to go back to the chair.

“NO! I won´t go back!” He stood up, quickly, and while Erin was looking for the rope, he sprinted. The door, he had to made it to the door. Freedom, freedom was right on the other side of that door.

He rushed, one bare foot in front of the other. He was quick, or so he thought. Before he could get near the door, Erin´s foot found his face.

She kicked him, right on the nose. It was hard, it was fast. She was so fast! He thought he had left her behind, but his falling body is the proof he didn´t.

Blood coming out of his nostrils, his sight, turning blurry. His mind, slowly fading.

“Time´s up, didn’t you head me?” Said Erin, but he didn´t listen, he was gone.

“He´s unconscious… oh well, gotta tie him back, and… let´s don’t forget about the serum.” Another shot. Erin asked no questions, she just wanted to have fun. Still, his bleeding nose it the proof she “tried” to get the codes.

Richard couldn´t make it. The only constant thing here its his lose of inches. How long will he be able to take it?


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