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Chapter 5

“I…” this guy, Nelson, knew he had to say something clever. She´s clearly hinting on him, scared, vulnerable. He has to be a man, shelter her, protect her, solve this problem of hers. The thing is, he´s kind of… a loser.

He stood there, watching Patty´s big, bright eyes. And she was so hot! He stood at 5´9”, not quite tall, and his slim built was not impressive either. But her…

Patty was a muse. Pretty, tall, and stacked! This was like an extreme make-over, body edition. His co-worker, the average, even nerdy, looking 5´6” lady changed. Before him, this 6´1” beauty was making him nervous. To the point that he couldn´t think on what to do or say to get her to bed.

When women are vulnerable, they are an easy target, right? At least that´s what this clumsy man thinks.

“Uhh…” So far, after a couple minutes of admiring her pretty face, one that had this glow, an extra sparkling on her eyes. Even glossy hair. He hadn´t found the words, yet.

Patty was not precisely patient. She knew he was an idiot. But at least he should be able to see the signs. It seems she´ll have to play the role of the weak, needy lady for a bit longer than she thought.

She hates it. She wanted to get this done as soon as possible. There are some details on her plan that are… let´s just say utterly unpleasant for her. For starters, at some point, she´ll have to strip.

But that´s getting much too ahead of the plan. Right now, she has to create this confidence in him. Make him think he´s in control. That he´s the one who had the idea of getting to bed. Meanwhile, she´ll be all vulnerable and complying. But in the end, there will be no turning back.

Even if she can have her way at her current height, four inches taller than him, and a couple of sexy pounds heavier, it won´t be so easy.

“It´s ok, I know this is weird… I mean, look at me, I´m HUGE.” She sat straight, pushing her chest forwards. Making him ogle at her big, heavy rack. Her dress was quite revealing. In fact, if she stretches enough, those boobies may pop out of the tight top.

“I… ehem… I can tell…” Nelson replied while looking at her big breasts.

She was lucky he was a pervert. He didn´t even cared if this was contagious, ask her how she feels. Not even offer her something to drink. He´s leering at her amazonic body. In part, this will prevent him from calling anyone. She´s even making it hard for him to think straight.

Right now, he´s unsure if he should pretend he cares or just grab her huge breasts. Their soft-looking is teasing him so much!

It was time for her to be a bit more… pushy.

“You know… I didn´t even told Cal about this. I knew he wouldn´t understand it. And you know who was the first person that came to mind when I wondered who to call?” He had no idea, “you. I first thought of you, Nelson.

He swallowed. For real? Him? Even if he wouldn´t admit it, he´s sure she´s way smarter than him. And much more qualified.

“F-for real?” He couldn’t believe it.

“For real… I thought that my lab partner would be able to help me. Besides… I never dare to say this but… I think you´re kind of cute…” She just made up a crush on him. She´ll do anything to get things done. In the end, he won´t be able to tell a soul about this.

Nelson almost broke in sweat. A crush on him? Before, he would’ve expected it, even rejected her. But now, looking at her goddess-like shape, and the dimensions of her, he can´t. He swallowed hard and took the “first” step. He kissed her.

Slowly, he approached to her, puckering her lips, closing his eyes. She hated herself, but there was no other way. She just followed, closing her eyes and, with disgust and all, she kissed him back.

They made out on the couch, to her, it was barely a kiss, but to him, he felt fireworks inside. She was rocking his world.

Without a warning, he reached to her back, and his fingers searched for the zipper on her dress. She knew what he wanted. What a pig. But in order for the plan to work, she had to allow him. She should´ve thought on something better.

While he was lost on her lips, her unzipped dress began to come down, slowly, showing off her smooth skin.

His clumsy fingers reached for her bra, wanting to set it lose. To reveal the lusty nakedness on her chest. With breasts so big, he´s sure her nipples are perky.

She followed his “lead”, and removed the robe he had on. It was easy. And she also had to take care of removing her bra, there´s no way he could pull it off. Not even by looking at it.

In a couple minutes, both of their torso´s were naked. His scrawny body in display, a total contrast with her fleshier, healthy body. While his chest lacked muscle, hers was full of boob-flesh, with two huge orbs of passion filling his view.

He took a closer look at them; they were the biggest boobs he´s ever seen. He lost no time and put his hands into action. He liked to touch, and she hated it.

Pride, anger, self-love, she had to lose all that in order to get him where she wanted.

Patty felt is fingers sinking on her boob-flesh. His sweaty palms all over her breasts. This was awkward, and very uncomfortable. But he was in heaven. She was gifted, at least now. He even pinched her nipples a bit, trying to tease her. But the only horny one there was him.

Patty could feel that, even if she hated this, he was stimulating her breasts. Little by little, pinch after pinch, more and more milk started to churn inside of her tits.

Filling their enormity with the creamy nectar that will help her get rid of this jerk. She could feel her tits growing, swelling. And he did too.

After a second, he began to realize that those tits were growing.

“P-Patty… w-what´s going on?” He was uneasy for a second. But she´ll explain.

“I… this is something else I´ve been wanting to tell you, my boobs are… growing.” A chance to lie, “I don´t know why but, sometimes they just start swelling and then… ohhhh, here it comes!” The milk.

With his hands still on her boobs, he could feel a warm liquid coming from her, directly from her nipples. She was dripping. And with his hands squeezing her tits, the milk was flowing with a bit more pressure than usual.

“Is this… milk?!” This was… unexpected.

“Yes. It´s milk… I´m lactating. I don´t know why… but…” time for the plan to get to the “pleasing” part, “do you mind… helping me with it?” she asked.

He blinked, “help you like…?”

“Can you… suck?” Was it too much asking? He seemed a bit alarmed.

“Y-you want me to,” he swallowed, “to suck? Suck on your… tits?”

“Please. It´s so uncomfortable, and now… it´s starting to hurt. Please, Nelson, please… suck on my boobs.” She was “begging”.

He had no idea what to do. This was not quite what he had in mind. Still, a chance to lick her tits? Suck on them? He had no idea what breast-milk tasted like, but this was a good chance to know.

“Well… why not?” he replied, eager to taste the creaminess of her nectar.

He wasn´t sure about this but, who cares. He´ll just smother his face against her tits. Her ballooning breasts, meanwhile, well, he´ll have to help her with the milk. But that´s a decent exchange.

He approached, getting closer and closer to her dripping breasts. He could even smell the milk, sweet. He was unsure, but maybe this could end up being a pleasing experience. For her.

He slowly encircled the hard nipple with his lips. Placed a free hand on the other tit and the other one on the very same one he will suck on. After giving it another thought, he just began to suck. Pressing on both boobs, to make it easier for the milk to come out of this one, and the other one, well, he just wanted to squeeze it. It felt right.

Within a few seconds, a stream of milk began to flow straight to his mouth. The taste wasn´t so bad. Within a moment, he found himself drinking mouthfuls of milk. She was really lactating. He had the idea that he´ll drain the breast after a few suckles.

He had no idea but, to him, it still felt that those tits were growing. The more he sucked, the bigger they seemed. But he wasn´t fully wrong.

Patty could feel it, he was shrinking. Finally!

Suck after suck, he was slowly diminishing. And he was just too much on a trance to notice. Besides, he was not the most observant person. This was perfect!

His clothes were already lose, so he didn´t notice. And he was too lost on the soft flesh of her tits to feel the couch growing beneath him.

But she did care. She simply placed her hand behind his head, then, she pushed him deeper, to make sure he won´t back up whenever he wanted. Now, she was the one in control.

Within a couple more minutes, her breast was empty, and he, well, he was shorter, way shorter.

Nelson was too lost in her bosom to realize. Right now, the once 5´9” man was no taller than 3´9”, and still shrinking.

All of the creamy, warm milk he was eagerly sucking from her was shrinking him. At the regular pace, yes, but he was now sucking more. Harder, trying to pull out up to the last drop of her milky tits.

Patty was happy with the results. He was diminishing, becoming nothing. Slowly shrinking, and in a while, he´ll shrink away of her view.

However, can he be really that stupid? That careless? He certainly feels something´s different. But he ignores the urge to check. He´s just sucking, with his eyes closed. The only thing he´s focused on are her much bigger breasts.

His smaller hands sinking on her swollen flesh. He wants to see, but he´s just focused on the way it feels. The softness of her skin, the warmth of her flesh. Her luscious body teasing his mind over and over. Who would think that drinking milk from such a big woman felt this way?

Patty can´t deny she´s feeling something as well. Not passion for Nelson, he´s disgusting, and a jerk. She can feel slight changes, not as big as the ones he´s ignoring, but she can certainly tell something´s different. Her body, the clothes over her feel… tighter.

Not an unbearable tightness, more like the one you feel when you´ve gained a few pounds. Her dress was a size too small now. Her hips were widening, her thighs swelling, but not as much as her expansive breasts. Rounder, heftier, simply bigger.

Nelson, deep on the remaining parts of his brain that still think, and not just shut down to follow the passion his body pushed him to, he wondered. Are her boobs still growing? Is she the one growing? He wasn´t wrong, but it was not just it.

This spell she had him on, it didn´t last as long as she wanted. He emptied her tit, she had no idea it could even happen. Now, it was time to switch from one boob to the other. And she thought it would be really easy. But it turns out, it wasn´t.

She pulled him away, just to switch him to her still dripping tit. But when she separated him from her nipple, his eyes shot open. Instinctively of course, and so was the panic he felt when he look up to her.

She was enormous! Maybe she had grown no more than two or three inches, but to him, who stood at 3´1”, she was a colossus.

“W-what the fuck!?” He was confused. Had she really grown so much?

Nelson chose to believe that this is the reason why she came to him. To stop this growth. He wouldn´t mind, her tits were several times the size of his head. Who´s ever seen boobs that big? What´s more, who´s touched them? And less people had suck on such an immense pair of tits.

But there was another thing. He turned around. The amazon standing in front of him was impressive! But he didn´t just focus on her, he turned around, and things were not the same.

He thought she´ll break down the couch where they were both sitting, she grew taller, and thicker too, who knows how many pounds she´s put on. But the thing is, everything seems bigger.

“My… my house… why is everything so… big?” He couldn´t believe his eyes.

He turned at the walls, which seemed a bit more distanced than he remembered, then he turned at the ceiling, higher than before. Finally, he turned at himself. His clothes were huge. Not a comfortable lose fit, they were tent-size!

He couldn´t believe it, and since he was a sort of smart guy, he quickly dropped an answer.

“I´ve shrunk!” That was his first conclusion, and a right one, now, why had he shrunk?

Patty stood there, wondering what to do. Should she force her milk into his mouth? Pin his face to her tit? What if he bites her? He´ll be like a trapped animal, looking for a way to escape, at whatever cost.

“This… this is… you!” he turned at her, and with a hand, he pointed at Patty, rising an accusing finger to her massive chest. “You did this! You… you´re toxic! You´re… contaminated! I don´t know how but you… you did this! He was right.

She´s the anomaly there. A woman who once stood so small is now a sexy amazon? There´s no way this is natural. And he knows exactly why this happened. He was there, and in part, this was his fault.

Now, this woman has come back, and what is she looking for? Revenge.

“You´re devilish, Patty. I knew it, why would you come to me? We both know you´re jealous of me, I got to keep my job, and now… you want to ruin my life. Tell me, what have you done? Huh? Have you made a serum? A chemical cocktail you just… injected on you.” He was mad, more than scared, the tiny man wanted to pretend he was such a big shot.

“Cure me. Reverse all this bullshit. NOW! Or… I´m calling the cops.” He said as he turned and threatened to stand up and go pick the phone.

This wasn´t what she planned. She thought one tit was enough, but it seems, it´s not. Was she producing less milk? Does she need more stimulation? Something else? She had no idea, this was the second time, but there´s one thing that´s for sure, he can´t get a hold of his phone, or call anyone.

“Wait!” She said as she stood up.

Nelson was already on his feet, trying to get used to his new size. But before he could give more than one step, she rose, her enormous form looming over twice his size. She rapidly bent and grabbed him by the wrist.

“Hey! What the…” she placed her huge hand, covering more than just his mouth, and shut him up.

“Quiet! Do you seriously think I´ll bother myself on creating a serum? And how could I? Thanks to you I will never be trusted to be on a lab anymore. That company just ruined my career.” She was mad. Who does he think he is? He can´t talk to her that way.

“Now listen, you little rat! Because of you, we ran behind. Because of all YOUR bullshit, we were not able to get to the trial phase on time. Because of you, I became the lab-rat they used for this experiment. Now, I´ve come to fix one problem… you!” she was serious.

Nelson was then pinned to the ground, her gigantic body pinning him to the floor, allowing him to barely breath beneath her cheering weight. He had to go, but how?

“Do you think I like this? I´ve become a mutant! My body… I just grew, somehow, and now I´m lactating. And you wanna know what the worst part is? My milk can cause whoever drinks it to shrink. But you already saw that, right?” His eyes were widely open, he was freaking out. He needed to escape, but he just had no chances.

She was bigger, stronger, and probably faster. As she kept telling him he was partially the cause of this, she came up with an idea. Her tit was dripping, one drop falling on him. One after the other.

Patty just took hold of his face, placed her strong fingers on either sides of his mouth, and with her new strength, she forced his jaw open. Now, he was looking up at her with a fully open mouth.

“I hope you liked it, because,” she placed her other hand on her tit, then squeezed her enormous tit, to make a stream of milk fall right on his mouth. “I still have one tit left… just for you…”

He couldn´t resist. She was pinning him to the floor with her hand, and at the same time, that hand had his mouth widely open. A lot of milk falling right inside of it. He had no choice but to swallow.

Slowly, he could feel her hand becoming bigger. She could sense his skull smaller and smaller.

This way, there´s no way he can bite her. Even if she had to make a mess on the floor, this was a decent plan b.

He was completely overpowered by her, he tried to push her away, but she was way too strong. She didn´t even feel his futile attempts to move her huge arm from his face. Patty had the lead, and she knew it. Time for him to pay.

She just watched how he swallowed. Slowly shrinking more and more. She was too heavy for him, but when he shrank past the two-foot mark, she had him pinned to the floor with just her hand.

He kept going, he was no longer a foot-tall when her tit was still about half-full. He deserved this. Why didn´t they tested it on him? This treatment they were working on could be used on men and women. But no, he was such a big shot.

He was just related to someone higher up. And this dumb privilege he had, one he didn´t even worked for, this caused so much trouble to her.

He was a lousy worker. Knowing they couldn´t fire him, even if he didn´t achieve what they wanted. They will blame it all on her, and they did. She was not mean, or a psycho. She was simply a victim.

She was doing this for justice. To prevent these people to do this to someone else. And getting some pay-back was, well, a plus. One by one, she´ll take care of this men. One by one, she´ll get rid of them. Send them where they can´t harm no person.

Twelve inches, eleven, ten, nine… one by one, he was losing his last few inches of size. He was not even the size of her palm, she didn´t even had to keep his mouth open, she just bent further and let the stream fell on his tiny face.

The milk, falling like rain over him, like a huge flow. As if a pipe, a huge pipe, containing endless gallons of milk, had cracked and was landing right on him. He had no choice but to drink.

It was an unvoluntary reflex. It was drinking, or dying. In the end, there was just one way for him.

When he reached an inch in size, the stream alone was enough to keep him in place. The milk falling from her endless tit, coming straight from this gigantic woman. To him, she was titanic! And her tit seemed bigger than the same moon that once bright on his nights.

Half an inch, a quarter, an eight, slowly, he became less and less. He was drowning on the small puddle of milk on the floor. To him, it was a full-sized lake.

In the end, the result was the same. Patty was on her knees, looking right at an empty stain of milk on the floor. With no men there. Now, it was just her and the mess she´s made.

“Well, time to clean, I guess…” her eyes were cold, but deep down, she felt sorry. Still, he deserved it.

Another one down. It is now time to clean, make it seem as if she´s never been there. Leave no trace. Just walk away in the darkness of the night, and move on to her next victim.