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HELLO! How´s it going? I hope you´re all doing great today! 

Here´s the new updates :D And also, some news.

First, the poll, well... option A and option C are tied... and I can´t write both at the same time so... I´ll give it until next week, to see if more people vote there. Else... I´ll flip a coin, and let the odds decide.

Also, I haven´t forgotten about the new tier. And I gave it some more thought, I think, and hope, I can drop it here next month. It will be fun ;D

Now, here´s the story, enjoy!!!

Chapter 48

The next morning, after everyone woke up. Maddy walked out of the room, with Nick walking on her side. She would´ve carried him, but she´s still mad.

Now she knows it, she´s certain Rachel fed him straight from her tit BEFORE she did. She´s furious about it. And he hid it all this time? He was not a good boyfriend, so why should she be a good girlfriend? At least not today. Or tomorrow… maybe the day after tomorrow, time will tell.

Nick was a bit uneasy walking on her side, she was colossal, yes. But he was kind of used to it. However, he wasn´t used to hearing her while walking mad. Normally, she will give heavier steps, but at her size, those sounds more like stomps!

She´s a giantess, and to him, she weights a couple tons. Her bare feet stomping on the floor are making him feel bad. She sounds mad, and that´s because of him.

He was concerned about the decisions he made. Was he supposed to confess before? Most likely… of course! But he didn´t, he kept it all a secret, and now, the truth was revealed. And to think that Rachel made it sound as if she was going to take the secret to her grave. When someone gets mad, they just spill the beans, that´s for sure.

The way to the kitchen was long, to him, and very quiet. Maddy didn´t even say good morning in her usual, lovely way. She just said “mornin´” and that was pretty much it before she walked out of the room, and he followed her.

Now, at they both enter the kitchen, they can tell someone´s already there. And cooking?

“Oh, hey, good morning, sleepyheads. Did you have some nice sleep?” Asked Rachel as she turned at them while cooking, what was it? They didn´t knew.

Nick was too short to see, and Rachel´s wide form obstructed the view. Nonetheless, the air on the kitchen smelled a little like… bacon?

By now, Nick would be filled with Milk. But Maddy didn´t… fed him. She just walked straight to the kitchen. He was hoping she was hungry and not mad. But he knows how she really feels.

“Maybe a nice, normal breakfast will be fine.” He thought, his mouth watering a bit because of the bacon. When was it the last time he ate bacon?

Maddy sat on the table, and Nick, who was hoping she´ll help him with his chair, stood there… waiting.

While he climbed the chair on his own, Rachel came to the table, with a plate on each hand. He couldn´t really see what was on them, but he was sure it will be delicious!

Rachel placed a plate in front of Maddy, and he rushed to get on the booster seat, right on his “assigned” chair. Between them both. Both women on either end of the table.

When he was finally on his spot, he could see what the plate contained. Bacon, YES! Scrambled eggs, nice! And, three small pancakes? This was quite a breakfast! He couldn´t wait to put all these food on his mouth.

Although, Rachel´s other plate was not for him, she placed it right on her spot.

He thought it may be too much food for him. It made sense. He just stood there, watching both plates on the table, and Rachel noticed.

“Oh, sorry, sweetheart. This food is for your mommies. Let me get your plate, ok?” Rachel didn´t sound mad, she seemed as nice as always. Still, she wasn´t as “kind” as always.

She went back, picked a small bowl and came back. A bowl? Not a plate?

When she presented the food to him, his watering mouth just… he just… what was that?

“Here you go, oatmeal. Mmmm, yummy, right?” Oatmeal? Not bacon? Eggs? A pancake? Just… oatmeal!

“But… I thought… you made bacon…” he couldn´t really say “I want bacon.” Instead, he just sort of mumbled his complaint.

“Aww, sweetheart, this is big girls’ food, and you haven´t eaten solid food in a while. Besides, oatmeal is more nutritious than bacon. Trust me, you don´t need all those extra calories, but we do.” They did, they were both big, stacked and… a bit plump, but on the sexy and curvy way.

“Now,” Rachel continued, “eat up! You wouldn´t want it to get cold, would ya’?”

He wasn´t sure. He just turned down at this small bowl, which was still big to him, and watched the pale looking oatmeal on his plate. It didn´t even smell good. And there were no raisins there, just plain oatmeal. But this was still better than being breastfed, right?

“Here´s a spoon, honey.” Came Rachel´s cooing voice as she placed this tiny spoon next to the bowl.

He´s not going to lie, well he won´t say it, but he´s certain that the oatmeal in front of him is… awful!

It´s kind of grey? And full of bubbles, it doesn´t even smell like vanilla, or cinnamon, it´s just… some sort of boiled milk with oats. Rachel was good at cooking, right? Why had she done this?

The food of both women looked and smelled great, but his breakfast…

Both women dug in their hearty meals. Each nourishing their amazonic bodies with

Oatmeal tastes… awful. Not something you can get used to after a while, after every spoon, he just wanted to puke. Why was it like this? He was not a strange to regular food, right?

His body was not used to the taste of their milk, right?

“what’s the matter, Nick, you don´t like the oatmeal I made?” Asked Rachel with a fake concerned tone. She knew that thing was bad. She even put salt on it, and not a pinch to make the flavors stick out, she basically spoiled the whole thing. She felt bad for doing it, but there was not choice.

“I… no, it´s…” His face revealed the utter disgust he had. And with that, Maddy decided to step in, just to help Rachel a little.

“Let me check.” Maddy said as she took poked the meal with her finger, then, she guided her oatmeal covered finger to her mouth. It was disgusting, but… “It´s fine, just eat it.” Not even all of the bacon on her plate will wash away that weird taste of the oatmeal, was it really oatmeal?

He didn´t even went through half of it. Maddy and Rachel knew it was… eatable. So, they just let him eat as much as he could. Which wasn´t much.

In the end, he went to work feeling nauseous, not full, but not hungry either. This was part of a plan; they will make him beg them to feed him. This was his punishment for doing what he did. He wants to eat solid food? Fine, but he won´t have what he wants.

Maddy had made up her mind, he was not going to have it easy after betraying her that way. And Rachel, well, Maddy convinced her that this way, Nick will beg them to pamper him. And breastfeed him. It was not an excellent plan, but it seems to work fine. Rachel is Maddy´s accomplice now.

And Rachel was deeply into this. At work, yes, she was sweet, still pampering, but, she was going to make sure his food, which will be solid still, was not going to be good.

“Is this… what is this?” he asked, not sure if it was meat, chicken or… fish?

“Hey, don´t judge it before you eat it. You may be surprised.” She didn´t order the same thing. Rachel was having a personal pizza for lunch, and him… she wasn´t even sure what it was. Liver? She read liver somewhere.

Rachel didn´t want to be like this. But she already agreed to this so… She went and ordered take-out. Making sure his meal was… well, she wasn´t sure what it was. But such an odd meal will make him hate it.

Even the smell, the strong, penetrating smell was sour. It sent quivers down his spine. Was she trying to kill him?

“Hey, you haven´t try it yet. Now, I want you to grab your fork,” this was eaten with fork, right? “and try it. Who knows, maybe you´ll like it.” He followed her orders, but she was not right.

It was soggy, and… crunchy? In the center? This was unpleasant, to the nose, to his tongue, to see… were they mad at him?

At night, finally they gave him a break. Maddy came home with burgers. Two giant, double-cheese burgers for them. With extra large chilly fries and a pair of huge drinks. And for him, a tiny one. But it was enough.

“It looks so… good!” He can´t deny he was kind of starving.

He went through the whole day with practically nothing on his stomach. His previous meals were… a bit harder to digest than milk. He was able to keep going for a while, but after 4:00 pm, he was starving.

He didn´t ask Rachel to provide him with a milky meal, he just wanted things to go back to normal. Avoid breast feds in any possible way. But this was starting to become too hard. By now, he was already, not fully but, sort of used to the milk. He wouldn’t admit it but, it was better than any of the meals he´s had.

But now, the burger in his hands, which was still huge, even if it was the smallest one, it looked sooooo good! So juicy, full of cheese. And the smell… the smell was not of a regular burger, but it´s been so long since he had one.

“Rachel turned at Maddy, was she really giving him a burger? Rachel´s look reveal her concern, haven´t they made a deal?

For a second, Rachel thought Maddy had betrayed her. Sure, make Rachel give him the awful meals and then come back home with burgers. Like a heroine. She was clever.

But then, Maddy just smiled, and winked at her. A slightly wicked smile, she was still on the game!

Nick´s mouth watered while Maddy marveled at him. She was sure of one thing, he was going to hate that burger.

Their burgers were normal. But his, it was not even from the same store. She just bought a third burger there, ate it all on the car, and then put that strange burger in the wrap-up of the other one.

And yes, Maddy already ate a burger, and yes, she was having another one, with fries and a drink. But there´s no problem, at 5´11”, she can eat this much. Being taller allows her to eat more calories, right? Plus, this was done with a purpose.

As soon as he took the first bite, as soon as he began chewing, he knew it, this was not as tasty as it should. In fact, this didn´t even taste like a burger. Was that the flavor of… lemon? It was sour? What was this?

He took another bite, and was so worried, the flavor was… Wrong! And… was that a pickle? He hates pickles! And Maddy knows it!

He turned at both of the gigantic women, they were enjoying their meals. Of course, those were actual burgers.

Maddy went to this alternative burger store. The guy who sold her the burger said, it´s not meat, but it tastes just like it. And she knew it, it wouldn´t. The bread was not even regular bread, it was like, healthy. Made up mostly with oat-flour. And the patty on the burger, as the guy explained, was made with a mix of mushrooms, eggplant, jackfruit? It was vegan.

Not that there´s anything wrong with vegan food, but… Nick´s REEEEEEALLy picky with food. Which means, anything outside of his comfort zone, he´ll basically hate it.

“What´s the matter, Nick? You don´t like your burger?” Asked Maddy, knowing very well he must hate it.

“Uhm…” Nick had some of it still on his mouth, not sure if he was going to swallow it, though.

“Hmmm, maybe we were wrong. Rachel and I wanted to give you some… freedom. We decided that, maybe, you´re right. We didn´t actually asked if you wanted to be fully fed with, well, milk. Now, we´ll give you a break. From now on, you´ll have solid food, just like us. Unless you don´t want to.” Her plan was nice.

They will give him only food he hates. After not so much, he should be crawling back to them, begging for their delicious nectar. Their milk had a good taste, thick, creamy. Compared to these alternative foods they´ve been giving him, it was heaven.

“Now, Nick, let me tell you a bit more about this, because it´s not entirely a win-win situation. Yes, we´ve decided to give you a break. However, you lied, to both. And, as a punishment, if you ever decide to go back to our milk, then, that will be forever.” He swallowed the whole chunk of food on his mouth.

“What?!” He asked, even Rachel was surprised about this part of the plan.

“You heard me. We´ll be soft on you,” mostly because that´s what Rachel wanted, “but, given the fact that, well let´s just say, you didn´t ask properly, then there must be consequences.”

He felt a little lightheaded. First, his only food was milk, then, they just decided to give him regular food. And now, if he ever decides to go back to milk, it´s forever?

He turned at Maddy, confused, worried. But she gave him that look, the one that said: “This is the end of it, whether you like it or not…” Apparently, the decision was already made. And without him, of course. As always, nowadays.

Later that day, after he was able to eat half of the burger they gave him. Rachel went to have a little chat with Maddy.

“I don´t think we agreed on this.” She said, a bit mad.

“On what? Burgers for dinner?” asked Maddy, very casually.

“No! You said he was going to beg us for milk, but how can he see it as his… salvation, when you clearly just turned it into a consequence! He probably thinks he´s doomed!” Rachel was a bit red on her cheeks. Irritated.

Maddy had a plan, yes, so far the milk was not quite a reward. But he doesn´t deserve being treated nicely.

Maddy loved him, with every cell in her body. But lying to her? Lying to the woman he was supposed to love? Yes, she´s the one who´s going to take care of him, pamper him, look after him, but that doesn´t mean she doesn´t want any love back.

She´s there to give, but he´s supposed to give back. Even if he´s not going to do all those romantic things he once did. He can no longer drive her to a romantic dinner, or prepare a big surprise for her. But he can pay her back with hugs and kisses. She does accept that as a payment method.

Nick has messed up, twice now. First, he ignores her, then, she makes her question herself if he still loves her the way he used to. With all this love of hers, the love that´s supposed to be pouring on him like a nice rain, their relationship was supposed to evolve. His love towards her was supposed to intensify, but now, she´s not even sure…

And after all that, he still had the audacity to hide things from her? How long had he thought he´ll be able to keep the secret that he´s been using Rachel as a second mommy. And now, she really became one? How has she allowed things to turn this way?

Now, there´s no turning back. She already agreed on doing this. However, it doesn´t mean she´ll comply as everyone should. Yes, she´ll tolerate this, but, she won´t be as lovely as she once was.

Not forever, but at least for a while. For starters, she won´t be the sweet, sugary person she always was. He´ll have a harsh version of her. When she used to be: “aww, poor thing”, she´ll be more like: “Mhmm…”, she´ll be a bit cold, in the scolding side of things.

Plus, don´t think that she´s going to work side by side with Rachel. Yes, she´s doing it, but not like the best co-mommy. Her plan worked in two ways, one, Nick´s punished, and the other, Rachel will be exasperated. Annoyed, as she currently is, about her sudden decision.

“So? Let him think whatever he wants…” Maddy replied. With a non-caring look on her face.

“What?! Let him… are you serious!?” Rachel was soft, VERY soft. She knows this will push him away from them, and she hates it!

“Relax, my gosh. Listen, this is the plan. Just, let him have all the food he doesn´t like, let him suffer for a little, and then, he´ll be coming to us. Begging us to pull out of massive, milking breasts. You´ll see.” Maddy was sure of that.

He´ll come to them, and even if he knows it, as Rachel said, walking into his doom, it will serve him as a lesson. Don´t poke the bear!

“Maddy, are you sure? I mean, what about… us?” Rachel was concerned because of two things, him and… them.

“Us? What do you mean?” Has she forgot about something?

“Listen, I thought we were going to, you know, let him have actual food like… one meal a day. Not literally cutting off our milk supply to him! Maddy… I´m full…” she was, so full, the pressure inside her breasts was… unbearable.

Rachel milked herself, first thing in the morning. But during work, she was filling up. And during dinner, the extra calories eaten were going straight to her boobs. Providing her milk with the fat needed to produce milk. Right now, Rachel was about to burst.

She actually went to speak with Maddy because she thought they will give him a break and she´ll be  capable of feeding him… while relieving her pressure.

“I… I guess…” She didn´t thought about it. At work, she milked herself, pinching her nipples, letting streams of milk out. And now, well, she didn´t finish at work, she was feeling a little full now. “Well… we can pump, right?”

“Ugh…” that´s exactly what Rachel didn´t wanted to hear.

This may be a punishment intended for him, but in the end, it will be a punishment for all.

“Awww, my poor Nick…” Thought Rachel, with eyes a little teary. And her big boobs starting to drip a little.

“Maybe I didn´t think this all the way though…” Maddy was wondering if there could be another way to punish him. But the decision was already made.

“Fine.” Rachel spoke, mad, but she couldn´t complaint, at least not anymore. “I´ll go to my room and use that cold, stupid pump.” Small stains were already forming on her blouse.

“Sure…” Said Maddy, now a bit more self-conscious, thinking properly. Focused on the growing pressure inside her breasts. A warm, milky pressure. “But… can I borrow it… after you´re finished?” She needs a pump for herself.

This was not good, for anyone. Nick was sentenced to eat food he basically hated. In the meantime, Rachel and Maddy will go through the day with swollen tits that only a pump can help. Rachel was upset, angry even. And Maddy, well, now she feels a bit stupid for her plan.

“I should´ve thought on something else…” Maddy´s plan seemed so perfect before, and now, she can see a BIG problem on it.


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