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Chapter 8

Was this really happening? This was… does he secretly want this to happen? If she´s doing it, that means he wants it, right? That´s how his power works. RIGHT?

He ignored how this really worked. Does this new reality he´s creating come from his deepest desires? Or is he trying to sabotage himself? Either way, there´s a 7´ amazon, with a cream in hand, and she´s asking him to remove his pants?

“Come on, Dean, don´t make me give you a written warning for not following a superior´s orders… this will be good for you, trust me.” Should he?

He gave slow steps forward. Was this safe? She wasn’t horny, right?

This didn´t feel so good. Maybe it was better when she was just bossy and mean, now, when she was kind and caring, things were much more uncomfortable.

“Just come here, honey. I won´t bite.” She giggled.

He stood in front of Mrs. Clark, her whole foot advantage over him was impressive, but what´s more impressive it´s her new size.

Her shoulders are much wider than his, carrying a massive bosom. And her hips, maybe she´s twice the width of his? Not to mention her thick, fleshy legs. Like columns of imposing sexiness.

“Ok, sweetheart, pull those pants down, the cream doesn’t work if it´s not rubbed over your skin, you know…” she was smiling while she said so.

Had he turned her into one of those lovely ladies? He wasn’t sure, but there´s one thing, she´s kindly assertive.

He had no other choice than do what she said. Even if it was kind of humiliating. Wasn´t there a nurse on the building? Why is she the one who had to do it?

He stood in front of her, pants gone, but not with his naked butt in display, he still had his boxers on.

“Honey, I think you didn´t hear what I said, you need to pull those off too…” she pointed and waved her finger a little.

Was he really going to do this? Besides, it hurt a lot to pull the pants off, he just ignored part of the pain because he was in awestruck for her.

“I… I can´t… my butt kind of… hurts.” He wasn’t lying, it will burn like hell to pull his boxers down.

“Ok then, let me help you.” She turned to place the cream tube on the desk and when she turned back at him, she just picked him up.

She was just too strong! She picked him up in the air as if he was a light feather, then, she sat on her desk, her weight making the whole thing creak a little. Her massive butt filling almost the entirety of the desk.

Before he could even protest, she placed him sideways over her lap. He could feel the strong, yet soft, enormity of her thighs on his stomach. He was looking down at the floor while she got busy up there.

“I´ll remove them for you…” she reached for the hem of his boxers with a hand while she kept him in place with the other.

“Wait!” he wanted to squirm, but any type of force he wanted to apply, it had an immediate effect on his butt, gluts are the biggest muscle on the human anatomy, therefore, kicking, or even trying to move ones’ arms may end up applying some force on them.

“Relax, I´ll remove them slowly, trust me, you won´t even feel my hands.” But he did.

He could feel her huge fingers reaching for his boxers.

Mrs. Clark was slowly pulling down the boxers. Pealing from his mangled ass. It hurt a little, it burned a little; but he must admit that, for someone her size, she was gentle enough.

Easy, careful. She was taking her time, just as she said. He could feel his butt in a bit of a pain, but she was so caring. He felt safe, even if he was on the lap of a woman as big as she currently was.

He was altering his reality in a way he never thought possible. He never even dreamt on something like this. Was this something he wanted? For his boss to… treat him well? She was very, VERY gentle.

“Almost there… we´re half-way there, don´t worry honey…” she whispered, now seeing what he meant.

His butt was red, and some parts were even a bit purple? She had no idea why; the marks were so… weird. It was not a single hit, to her, it seemed like… several?

“What has happened to his little butt?” she wondered as she carefully removed his boxers. The good thing was that they were of the lose fitting kind, and not those spandex ones. However, they still had the stretchy edge that kept them in place.

His boss took full control of the situation, with some surgical precision, pulling one side, then the other. Little by little, over a time lapse of about ten minutes, she removed his boxers. Not fully, his member was still covered, and maybe getting a bit hard.

But she chose not to pay much attention to it. She could feel his member a bit hard against her thigh, but she was not going to pay attention to it. Right now, her main concern was to help him heal this awfully spanked ass of his, and yes, by now, she realized he had been spanked.

“Well, it seems someone was naughty, right?” She asked, making him freak out a little.

“N-naughty? I… I don´t… what do you mean?” he wasn´t sure what she meant. This was no hint, right?

“Honey, I can clearly see a huge hand mark on your poor, red butt. I´m not sure why, or who´ll do something like this. Tell me, has someone taken advantage of you?” she could tell that the hand on his butt was the one of a woman, a woman way taller than her.

That palm was HUGE. Much bigger than hers, even too big for his butt. A single palm took over both of his cheeks. She could see some long, thick marks of fingers there. Whoever it was, she, because only women are that big, was furious.

“N… no…” He was looking at the floor while an amazon talked to him, oh, and his bare butt was at her full display. Answering questions was not his forte now.

“No… so, did you earn a spanking?” How can she immediately tell it was a spanking? Oh, right, she can see a huge hand on his butt…

“I…” should he tell her? She seems to know, plus, she doesn´t seem to be mad about it, just… kind of curious.

“It´s ok, don´t be shy. It´s more common than you think.” More… COMMON?!

Had he accidentally created a reality where huge women literally spanked men? Or, maybe, she was just trying to make him feel a bit less bad about it.

Was she being considerate? Or his thoughts had a bigger impact on reality than he thought. Maybe he was screwing up the reality in which he lives. He´s made who knows how much women total amazons, and he´s sure they don´t shrink back to their regular sizes. He NEEDS to know what he´s doing.

“Can we… not talk about this?” Maybe admitting this was uncomfortable was the best solution.

“Aww, sure sweetheart. We don´t have to if you don´t wanna.” At least she was kind enough, “Now, this might feel just a liiiiiittle like burning, ok?” she put some of the cream on her hands, a lot actually.

Rubbed both hands together and, with her cream-filled hands, she began to rub his butt.

“Ouch!!!” The cream was cold, however, the feeling was not as chill.

Her large hands, even if smoothly, made his butt hurt. The more she rubbed, the tenser his butt got. After a while, the feeling of utter pain was gone. He was either getting used to it or this cream was really working.

Of course, it was the cream.

“Feeling better?” Mrs. Clark asked after she could feel his body relaxing. His legs slowly loosing, letting go of the tight pain he felt.

“Yes…” he was feeling good, actually. He felt this sort of warm, but sort of cold relieve. It was a weird feeling; it can only be described as an analgesic gel working.

But as he relaxed his body, his member was getting… hard.

He couldn´t help it. The feeling of pain was progressively gone. And, well, she´s kind of massaging his butt while his member is kind of being rubbed against her soft thighs. He´s not trying to, but he can´t help getting hard.

“Poor Dean, even with a damaged bootie, he can´t keep his member settled. Oh well, he´s a man after all…” Mrs. Clark thought, still rubbing his butt. She still had another couple of minutes left.

“So big… so nice… so… bast…” He closed his eyes and let go for a moment. He was aware he was hard, but he couldn´t find a way to settle his member.

But between all this sort of unexpected pleasure, he found a pleasant feeling, with her thighs on his member. That was a type of softness, her thighs were so soft, he wondered, what if… they were softer? Bigger even?

It didn´t took long before his mind took action. He could clearly feel her thighs expanding beneath his member. Such a soft feeling was making him harder, causing his member to sink deeper and deeper in her ever softening thighs.

But her thighs were not the only thing expanding. She grew, fully. Her boobs grew larger, heavier, firmer even. Her arms, her legs, her whole body.

He could feel a pair of bigger hands rubbing. His body feeling like sinking on her lap. There was just so much new flesh. If she was big before, how much bigger is she now?

He opened his eyes, now looking at her growing feet. Larger, wider, taking up more space on the floor. The pleasure was not as much to keep his mind at bay for too long. When he noticed she was growing, he freaked out a little. And the thought just made him horny. She was bigger? She was already like 7´, how will she look now?

“Ok, I think we´re done here.” She spoke, a deeper voice coming from higher above. What has he done?

“S-sure… I… thanks.” He was nervous. He didn´t even want to see her, face to face, well, more like face to… boobs? Was he still boob-level?

“Very well…” she pulled up his boxers, gently, softly. It didn´t hurt that much now.

Then, she slowly, and easier, picked him up and placed him back at the floor. He was nervous. He just looked out for his pants, and found them right where he left them a couple minutes ago, he didn´t want to turn. Would it be so bad to put them on and just leave?

“T-thanks…” he said, pulling them up, as fast as he possible. The pain was still there, but a little relieved.

“You´re welcome. Now, I think you can have the rest of the day off. That’s what you wanted, right?” Yes! Mission accomplished… even if it took more than he wanted. “But, tomorrow, I´d like you to be here a little earlier. Half-an-hour will do.” It was fair, will she want him to work a little extra? “I´ll need to put more of this gel on you, your… behind´s a bit too… mangled.” What?

“What?” he asked, another rubbing session? Couldn´t she just give him the tube? Nonetheless, when he turned at her, which was something he was avoiding, he found himself… mute.

Before him, a much taller, thicker and hotter, Mrs. Clark was standing. No longer 7´ in heels, she was now more like… 7´10”? With heels, of course, but he was still looking straight at her boobs. A pair of big, round breasts. Dragging all of his attention to them.

“I said, I´m going to put more ointment. On you. Tomorrow. This thing works fine, but this will take more than just one session. Now, I´ll suggest you to go home, have some rest. You can even put some ice if the pain comes back. And we´ll meet tomorrow.” And that was it.

It would be hard not to follow her orders. She was his boss, plus, she´s a giantess! Her thighs are thicker than his chest. Probably each thigh is about 50” thick. She´s monumental. He made her monumental.



Great imagery. Love where you’re taking this :)


Thank you! Hopefully, the story will get better once the main character learns how to control this power of his :)